General |
An Eligible List is a record of the names of those candidates successfully passing the recruitment and examination process. Eligible lists are developed from recruitment processes (see the Administrative Rule on Recruitment & Selection) that are based on the assessment of specific knowledge, skills, abilities, licenses and other job related qualifications for a position or a group of positions in the same specialty or classification. Names of candidates are placed on an Eligible List after successful participation in the process designed for a specific recruitment. There are three types of lists:
Ranked List All candidates successfully passing the recruitment process are placed on the eligible list in order of their final score.
Equally Ranked List All candidates successfully passing the recruitment process are given the rank of one (1) and placed on the equally ranked eligibility list in alphabetical order. The hiring managers work with the Bureau of Human Resources staff to develop position specific criteria to select candidates for the interviewing process.
Unranked List All candidates who successfully participated in a non-competitive recruitment process will be placed on an eligible list in alphabetical order or by other methods determined by the Director of Human Resources.
To fill a vacancy from an eligible list, the Bureau of Human Resources shall certify to the appointing authority the names of candidates standing highest on the eligible list for the position(s) tested for in accordance with the process described below. See certification of eligible lists below. (See also the Administrative Rule on Expanded Transfer, Reinstatement, Voluntary Demotion, Redeployment, Training Plans, or other applicable rule to fill a vacancy by means other than an eligible list.)
Eligible Lists shall be authenticated by the signature of the Director or designee and shall be in effect until expired by the Director or designee.
Creating an Eligible List |
1. Once a recruitment process had been completed, the analyst conducting the process will send the scores for all participating candidates to the human resources administrative staff.
2. The administrative staff person will enter these scores into SIGMA.
3. Scores are converted and veteran’s preference points added to get candidates’ final score.
4. Ranks will then be assigned based on the final scores and names will be placed on the eligible list based on these ranks.
Life Span of Eligible Lists |
An Eligible List will remain active until expired by the Director or upon the request of a bureau hiring authority and approval of the Director of Human Resources, or designee.
Every 6 months, a member of the Bureau of Human Resources administrative staff provides each human resource professional with an inventory of all existing eligible lists. This inventory of eligible lists will include:
▪ Exam Number ▪ Exam Title ▪ Specialty (if applicable) ▪ Initials of person that conducted the recruitment ▪ Date list was created ▪ List Review Date
The administrative staff member providing the inventory will also include a date that the review should be completed.
The human resources professional receiving this inventory should review it with the bureau(s) that requested creation of each eligible list and any bureaus that might reasonably be expected to utilize those lists, in order to determine which list(s) should be expired.
Within ten days of receipt of the edited eligible list inventory from the bureaus(s), the human resources administrative staff will expire, with the Director of Human Resources approval, the appropriate list(s).
Resurrecting an Expired Eligible List
Once expired, an eligible list that is more than three years old from the date it was created may not be resurrected except in extraordinary circumstances, as determined by the Director. An expired eligible list may not be resurrected if there is a current eligible list for the classification. |
Surveying the Eligible List |
Surveying the eligible list is a process to determine if members of the applicant pool are still available for hire or to determine if they have a skill set required for a vacancy that was not addressed during the recruitment. See Selective Certification below.
To survey an Eligible List:
1. At the designated Human Resources staff member’s request, members of the administrative support staff will mail the survey letter to all candidates on the list who have not been hired. This letter will include a skill set request and/or the candidate’s availability. Candidates are given a deadline by which to return the survey.
2. Responses received by the deadline are entered into SIGMA by the Bureau
3. of Human Resources staff. If the survey requested availability, candidates who did not respond or who indicated that they were unavailable are removed from the eligible list and are marked inactive in SIGMA.
A candidate may notify the Bureau of Human Resources at any time after the deadline has passed, that they are still available and interested, and will be added back to the eligible list and SIGMA will be appropriately amended.
4. If the survey requested the candidates to demonstrate possession of an additional skill set, those responses received are given to the Bureau of Human Resources professional making the request for evaluation. A note is made in the SIGMA file for those candidates successfully demonstrating their qualifications for the new skill set.
Certification from Eligible List |
1. When a hiring authority decides to fill a vacancy in the classified service from an eligible list, they must submit a Notice of Vacancy (NOV) to the Bureau of Human Resources administrative staff. (See Recruitment and Selection Procedural Manual for details.)
2. For ranked lists, names shall be certified by criteria as determined by the hiring authority.
3. For equally ranked lists, all applicants will be certified to the bureau.
4. In the absence of a current list, the Director may certify an alternate list where applicants tested for substantially similar skills.
Selective Certification |
When a hiring authority needs to hire a person who has specific, special skills outside the basic requirements, the Director may selectively certify the names of eligible candidates on the basis of the specific knowledge, skills, abilities or other characteristics required by a particular position.
The NOV must include the criteria on which the selective certification will be based. The human resources certification will contain the candidates who fit the selective criteria. . See Recruitment and Selection Procedural Manual for details.
Certification through Training Plans
Certification from Alternate Eligible List Through Exam Comparability |
See Administrative Rule on Training Plans for the promotion of employees in the classified service through satisfactory completion of training, education and career-development assignments.
A hiring authority may request to fill a vacant position using an alternate eligible list when no current eligible list exists for the classification of the vacant position, if the Human Resources Director or designee determines that the recruitment for the alternate list contained the knowledge, skills and abilities required for the classification of the vacant position.
Withholding Certification |
The Director may remove or withhold from certification the names of any person on an eligible list who the Director determines:
1. lacks the minimum qualifications specified on the announcement; or
2. has made false statements of any material fact or has practiced or attempted to practice deception or fraud in the application, examination or in seeking eligibility for appointment; or
3. is physically unable, with reasonable accommodation as prescribed by federal and state law, to perform the duties of the class; or
4. has been convicted of a felony or other crime involving moral turpitude and such felony or other crime is directly related to the job applied for; or
5. has been dismissed from the City service for cause; or
6. has used or attempted to use political pressure or bribery to secure an advantage in examination or appointment; or
7. has resigned in lieu of discipline or termination or during a disciplinary investigation.
Prior to taking action under (5) or (7) above the Director will determine whether there are any special circumstances or accommodations that should be considered.
Administrative Rule History |
Adopted by Council March 6, 2002, Ordinance No. 176302 Effective April 5, 2002 Revised October 15, 2002 Revised July 28, 2003 |