RESOLUTION No. 36240 As Amended
Expresses City Council support for the Police Bureau planned initiatives to enhance its community policing services (Resolution)
WHEREAS, over the past two years, the Police Bureau has been engaged in an in-depth assessment of its policies, practices and procedures to assess its effectiveness in delivering police services; and
WHEREAS, the Police Bureau has partnered with various community leaders, community organizations and nationally recognized policing professionals on a wide range of issues and received their input; and
WHEREAS, based on this input, the Police Bureau identified a number of high priority policies and issues that warrant immediate attention to ensure the quality of community policing services, including:
• Improving diversity within the organization.
• Improving officer training.
• Re-emphasizing non-discrimination policies.
• Improving the investigation and review of use of force incidents.
• Improving the employee discipline process.
• Reducing the incidence of deadly force.
• Encouraging greater labor-management collaboration.
WHEREAS, the Police Bureau identified the following strategies to address these high priority issues:
• Workforce Diversity. The Police Bureau will continue to work with the Bureau of Human Resources to implement its joint minority recruitment plan and several initiatives designed to improve diversity in recruitment, hiring, selection, mentoring and retention, as well as improve cultural competency within the organization.
• Officer Training. The Police Bureau will expand its Advanced Academy from 14 to 16 weeks, encourage the State of Oregon to expand its Basic Academy from 10 to 16 weeks, and report to Council on how Police Bureau training meets and/or exceeds current professional standards. The Police Bureau will also re-institute 40 hours of in-service training for 2004-05 with a focus on communication skills, crisis intervention, cultural competency and de-escalation training.
• Non-discrimination Policies. The Police Bureau will reaffirm its endorsement of the 1999 regional Law Enforcement Non-discrimination Resolution and its policy prohibiting the use of race as the sole basis for justifying stops or other police action. The Police Bureau will continue to monitor and enforce policies that prohibit discrimination and racial profiling.
• Use of Force. The Police Bureau will create a Use of Force Review Board as outlined in the Police Bureau’s May 11, 2004, report to Council. The new Use of Force Review Board and Performance Review Board will include citizen members representing the diversity of our community, as well as peer members, and will operate within a fair and consistent process. The Police Bureau will reaffirm that violations of the use of force policies will result in appropriate disciplinary action, up to and including termination. The Police Bureau will continue to collect data on all use of force, including the pointing of a firearm at a person, through new procedures that began Aug. 1, 2004.
• Discipline Process. The Police Bureau will revise its discipline policies as outlined in the Police Bureau’s May 11, 2004, report to Council. These policies will communicate performance expectations, closely monitor performance and provide specific factors that influence the level of discipline imposed.
• Deadly Force. The Police Bureau will revise its deadly force policies, as outlined in the Police Bureau’s May 11, 2004, report to Council. The deadly force policy creates a multi-disciplinary review of deadly force investigations, and ensures prompt and fair investigations. The Police Bureau will also continue to investigate, research with the community and adopt training practices and technology to reduce the incidence of deadly force.
• Labor-Management Collaboration. The Police Bureau will formalize its current labor-management problem solving by establishing a Labor-Management Committee to include the Portland Police Association, the Portland Police Commanding Officers Association, the District Council of Trade Unions, the City of Portland Professional Employees Association and nonrepresented employees.
WHEREAS, the Police Bureau will continue to collaborate with the community, city leadership, employee groups and other experts within the police profession to identify strategies to improve its service delivery.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council endorses and concurs with the Police Bureau assessment as to the high priority policy and operational issues warranting its immediate attention; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council supports the strategies that the Police Bureau has identified to address these issues; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council supports a budget for the Portland Police Bureau that allows for adequate staff and resources to implement these strategies; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Police Bureau will work with its police-community advisory groups to provide a report to Council by October 2004 on its plan to implement the initiatives outlined in this resolution. The implementation plan will include timelines for periodic reports to Council.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Police Bureau will utilize models employed by the Portland Fire Bureau and other organizations as appropriate to develop an implementation plan for a Police apprenticeship program to be presented to the City Council not later than October 31, 2004.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Police Bureau will create and formalize a Labor/Management Committee made up of members of the Portland Police Association, the Portland Police Commanding Officers Association, the District Council of Trade Unions, the City of Portland Professional Employees Association and nonrepresented employees. The Labor/Management Committee may utilize models employed by the Phoenix, Arizona Fire Department, the Bureau of Emergency Communications, and other Labor/Management models as appropriate to develop a Labor/Management implementation plan to be presented to the City Council not later than October 31, 2004.
Passed by Council: August 4, 2004
Mayor Vera Katz Gary Blackmer
July 29, 2004 Auditor of the City of Portland
By /S/ Susan Parsons
AGENDA NO. 926-2004
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