Endorse the Memorandum of Understanding with Oregon Health and Science University for future development on Marquam Hill and in the Central City (Resolution)

WHEREAS, the City Council recognizes that the vitality of neighborhoods close to and within the Central City, such as Marquam Hill, South Waterfront, and southwest Portland, is important for meeting the regional vision of reducing urban sprawl and creating a livable city core with attractive housing options close to employment opportunities; and

WHEREAS, the Council recognizes that the vitality of the natural environment is important for both neighborhood livability and a strong economy and is supported by policies including natural resource protection, stormwater management, provision of public open space, and promotion of sustainable development practices in new and redevelopment projects; and

WHEREAS, the Council recognizes the importance to the city of Oregon Health & Science University (OHSU) and wishes to support OHSU’s strategic business goal to become one of the top 20 nationally ranked research and academic medical centers and support the potential creation of 4,700 to 6,700 new jobs by the year 2030; and

WHEREAS, the Council adopted the Marquam Hill Plan and the South Waterfront Plan in part to accommodate this growth in a managed and balance manner and to facilitate the growth of a Science and Technology Quarter for the bioscience industry with the Central City for the benefit of the citizens of Portland and the State of Oregon; and

WHEREAS, the Council and OHSU seek to establish a flourishing center for life sciences and the bioscience industry and other related employment and technological development within the City of Portland, supported by local education and job preparation efforts and local participation by public and private organizations dedicated to this outcome; and

WHEREAS, the Council and OHSU support the stewardship of natural resources and areas, sustainable stormwater practices, sustainable building and site design, and the protection, enhancement, and additions to the City network of public parks and open space areas; and

WHEREAS, the Council and OHSU seek to enhance local and regional multi-modal transportation systems, improve pedestrian and bicycle circulation in Southwest Portland, and reduce adverse impacts related to institutional traffic on local neighborhoods; and

WHEREAS, the Council and OHSU seek the addition of neighborhood amenities such as public gathering places, neighborhood-serving commercial uses with mixed use development, plazas, parks, and an accessible greenway both in South Waterfront and on Marquam Hill; and

WHEREAS, the Council and OHSU seek to see the Marquam Hill and the South Waterfront Plans implemented in a timely manner and in a way that policies and objectives of these plans address the neighborhood livability, natural resource protection, transportation enhancements and traffic calming, and job and economic growth through creation of a Science and Technology Quarter supported locally by business and education entities; and

WHEREAS, the Council and OHSU have established a strong partnership through the creation of these plans, seek to continue and expand upon this collaborative partnership in the decades ahead, and acknowledge that their future is intrinsically linked and that the success of the City of Portland and OHSU is based in part on their mutual cooperative efforts;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Portland, a municipal corporation of the State of Oregon, that the City Council accepts and agrees to the provisions of the Memorandum of Understanding Between the City of Portland, Oregon, and Oregon Health & Science University (MOU), Exhibit A; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Bureau of Development Services, Bureau of Environmental Services, Bureau of Planning, Portland Development Commission, Office of Sustainable Development, Office of Transportation, and Portland Parks and Recreation, are directed to fulfill their individual as well as the City of Portland’s commitments and obligations as outlined by the MOU; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Bureau of Planning, with the assistance of other City bureaus party to the MOU, will coordinate the periodic assessment provisions contained within the MOU; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Director of the Bureau of Planning will annually provide a periodic assessment report regarding the status of ongoing coordination efforts, as outlined in the MOU, for the review of Council.









Adopted by the Council, July 14, 2004

Mayor Vera Katz


July 1, 2004



Auditor of the City of Portland

By /S/ Susan Parsons




AGENDA NO. 838-2004





















