Declare the purpose and intent of the City to initiate a speed bump project on SE 35th Place between SE Hawthorne Boulevard and SE Division Street. (Resolution)
WHEREAS, on July 30, 1997, the City Council adopted the Hawthorne Boulevard Transportation Plan; and
WHEREAS, the Hawthorne Boulevard Transportation Plan includes recommendations to provide safer and more comfortable pedestrian crossings on SE Hawthorne Boulevard; and
WHEREAS, between November 2000 and June 2001, the Portland Office of Transportation (PDOT) worked with a Citizens Advisory Committee (CAC) to refine the Hawthorne Boulevard Transportation Plan and make recommendations for project implementation and construction; and
WHEREAS, the Hawthorne Boulevard Transportation Plan recommends installing a new traffic signal at the intersection of SE 35th Place and SE Hawthorne Boulevard and construction of the signal is scheduled for 2005; and
WHEREAS, SE 35th Place residents approached PDOT and the CAC with their concerns about speeding traffic and the potential impacts of the new traffic signal on neighborhood livability; and
WHEREAS, SE 35th Place is classified as a Local Service Street between SE Division Street and SE Hawthorne Boulevard; and
WHEREAS, the Streamlined Speed Bump Project criteria require a minimum 85th percentile traffic speed of 30 miles per hour (MPH) for local streets to qualify for speed bump projects; and
WHEREAS, the average 85th percentile traffic speed recorded on SE 35th Place was 27 MPH; and
WHEREAS, PDOT evaluated traffic and safety conditions on SE 35th Place and determined that speed bumps will be an improvement to calm traffic and mitigate the effects of the new traffic signal; and
WHEREAS, the CAC recommended that PDOT budget local project funds to install speed bumps on SE 35th Place in order to calm traffic and to support its function as a Local Service Street, pending the approval of the street’s residents; and
WHEREAS, PDOT notified SE 35th Place residents about the proposed speed bump project and held a project open house on June 17, 2004; and
WHEREAS, PDOT recommends following the procedures for Streamlined Speed Bump Projects to gather adjacent residents’ endorsement and to install speed bumps on SE 35th Place.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of Portland directs PDOT to initiate a speed bump project on SE 35th Place between SE Hawthorne Boulevard and SE Division Street; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Streamlined Speed Bump Project neighborhood petition process allows adjacent residents to approve or reject the construction of speed bumps on SE 35th Place; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the estimated cost of the improvements is $15,000 which will be funded with local project funds budgeted in fiscal year 2004/2005; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that if petitions are returned to PDOT with two-thirds (67%) of adjacent residents in support of the project, the City of Portland directs PDOT to construct the proposed speed bumps in the locations shown or in close proximity to the locations shown on the attached Exhibit A – “Proposed Speed Bump Project.”
Adopted by the Council, June 30, 2004
Commissioner Jim Francesconi AUDITOR OF THE CITY OF PORTLAND
Jean Senechal-Biggs:slg BY /S/ Susan Parsons
June 23, 2004
35th Place-Resolution.doc DEPUTY
AGENDA NO. 774-2004
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