Declare intent to initiate local improvement district formation proceedings to construct aerial tram improvements in the Portland Aerial Tram Local Improvement District (Resolution: C-10009)


WHEREAS, the Portland Development Commission (PDC) approved the South Waterfront Central District Project Development Agreement on August 13, 2003; and


WHEREAS, the City Council approved Resolution #36163 accepting the South Waterfront Central District Project Development Agreement on August 14, 2003; and


WHEREAS, the South Waterfront Central District Project Development Agreement calls for the design and construction of an aerial tram connecting South Waterfront to the Marquam Hill Campus of Oregon Health and Science University (OHSU); and


WHEREAS, South Waterfront Central District Project Development Agreement contains a funding and financing strategy for the Portland Aerial Tram, which includes the provision of funds from PDC, OHSU, and local improvement districts (LIDs); and


WHEREAS, the Portland Office of Transportation is the Responsible Bureau for the Portland Aerial Tram project and recommends initiation of local improvement district formation proceedings; and


WHEREAS, valid petitions from owners of properties within the proposed Portland Aerial Tram Local Improvement District were filed with the Local Improvement District Administrator as contained in Exhibit A (attached to the original only), and


WHEREAS, the petitions contain signatures of owners or contract purchasers of property representing a majority of the assessable square footage which will be specially benefited by the proposed improvement as evaluated in Exhibit B.


NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council declares the intent of the City to initiate local improvement district formation proceedings to construct the Portland Aerial Tram with its eastern terminus on SW Gibbs Street between SW Bond Avenue and SW Moody Avenue, and with its



western terminus at Oregon Health Sciences University’s patient care facility on Marquam Hill; and


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the local improvement district shall be known as the Portland Aerial Tram Local Improvement District and for purposes of notification of the LID Formation Hearing as set forth in Section 17.08.070 of City Code, the noncontiguous boundaries shall be as shown in the map in Exhibit C; and


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that if constructed, the general character and scope of the improvement is to acquire and install aerial tram equipment, and to design and construct a bicable aerial tram system, unless this project scope is modified by City Council at the LID Formation Hearing; and


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the preliminary estimate of the cost of improvements is $28,500,000, not including LID costs for Auditor’s charges including financing estimated at $431,126; and


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the assessment methodology of the local improvement shall be on square footage basis, with assignment of benefit in the South Waterfront area divided into three (3) zones according to distance from the eastern tram landing, with Zone A being assessed $3,500,000 plus an allocated portion of LID costs for Auditor’s charges including financing, currently estimated at $79,418; with Zone B being assessed $2,500,000 plus an allocated portion of LID costs for Auditor’s charges including financing, currently estimated at $56,727; with Zone C being assessed $1,000,000 plus an allocated portion of LID costs for Auditor’s charges, including financing, currently estimated at $22,691; and with assignment of benefit in the Marquam Hill area comprised in a single zone, with Zone D being assessed $12,000,000 plus an allocated portion of LID costs for Auditor’s charges including financing, currently estimated at $272,290; unless this assessment methodology is modified by City Council at the LID Formation Hearing; and


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that property owners will provide funding in the fixed amount of $19,000,000 plus LID costs for Auditor’s charges including financing currently estimated at $431,126 for a total of $19,431,126, plus the costs of any extra work on private property, and the remainder shall be funded per the terms of the South Waterfront Central District Project Development Agreement; and


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the $7,000,000 amount of the LID assessment associated with Zones A, B, and C is a fixed cost and will not be increased should the total project cost excluding LID costs for Auditor’s charges including financing exceed $28,500,000; and


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the project will be constructed by a Construction Manager/General Contractor selected through a Request For Proposals process which emphasizes the experience and qualifications of the contractor and provides for a negotiated Guaranteed Maximum Price; and


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council intends to construct the improvement upon formation of the local improvement district; and


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council directs the Local Improvement District Administrator to initiate local improvement district formation proceedings as set forth in Section 17.08.070 of City Code and to schedule a Local Improvement District Formation Hearing on July 29, 2004, at 2:00 PM, or on the earliest practicable date thereafter.





















Adopted by the Council, June 10, 2004





Andrew Aebi:slg               BY /S/ Colleen Phillips

May 28, 2004

Tram LID Resolution of Intent rev2.doc  DEPUTY



AGENDA NO. 674-2004















