Approve the City Engineer recommendation for the design of the Portland Aerial Tram and direct implementation of the project and associated neighborhood improvements (Resolution)



WHEREAS, on May 23, 2002, City Council passed Resolution #36071, which approved a process for consideration of a Suspended Cable Transportation System and directed the City Engineer in the Portland Office of Transportation (PDOT) to develop an alternatives analysis of connection alternatives between Marquam Hill and South Waterfront; and


WHEREAS, on July 10, 2002, City Council passed Resolution #36085 which accepted the City Engineer’s recommendation for the construction of an aerial tram on the Gibbs Street alignment linking South Waterfront to Marquam Hill and directed further work towards the implementation of this project; and


WHEREAS, on November 1, 2002, City Council approved Resolution #36112, which accepted a work plan for the design development phase of the Portland Aerial Tram project, including the implementation of an international design competition for the tram; and


WHEREAS, the work plan for the design development phase was consistent with the Suspended Cable Aerial Tram process previously adopted by City Council, and consistent with the City Engineer’s approach for the development of public projects through the incorporation of public advice, including the advice of the Portland Design Commission and Portland Historic Landmarks Commission; and


WHEREAS, City Council subsequently approved contracts with the project sponsor, Portland Aerial Transportation, Inc. (PATI), to manage the design competition and provide ongoing technical and project management support for the aerial tram project; and


WHEREAS, the design competition was successfully completed, attracting over 1500 local participants to public events held throughout the competition. The competition resulted in four outstanding design proposals for the aerial tram project and the selection of Angélil/Graham/Pfenninger/Scholl as the lead architect for the project; and


WHEREAS, City Council directed the Portland Office of Transportation (PDOT) and PATI to work closely with affected neighborhood residents and interested citizens on the design of the tram and the identification of related neighborhood improvements; and


WHEREAS, in early 2003, PATI and PDOT collaborated with neighborhood leaders in Southwest Portland to create a forum for meaningful citizen input, resulting in the creation of a thirteen member Citizens Advisory Committee for the Portland Aerial Tram project; and


WHEREAS, the Citizens Advisory Committee met eighteen times over the course of fourteen months to provide advice on the design of the tram, identify neighborhood improvements, and establish an implementation strategy for neighborhood improvements; and


WHEREAS, the Citizens Advisory Committee, in collaboration with PATI and PDOT, has produced and unanimously endorsed the Portland Aerial Tram Final Recommendations and Report, attached as Exhibit A, which outlines recommendations for the design of the tram and neighborhood priorities for implementation of projects in the South Portland area; and


WHEREAS, the recommendations contained within the Citizens Advisory Committee report relative to the design of the Portland Aerial Tram meet the stated goals of the City Council and PATI for design excellence, are consistent with the vision and goals for the project and are technically sound recommendations acceptable to the City Engineer; and


WHEREAS, the estimated project cost for the Portland Aerial Tram has increased to $28,500,000 due to increased structural and site requirements and the desire to maintain architectural excellence for the project; and


WHEREAS, the South Waterfront Central District Project Development Agreement, approved by the Portland Development Commission on August 13, 2003, and accepted by City Council Resolution #36163 on August 14, 2003, contains a funding and financing plan for the Portland Aerial Tram project and is being amended to reflect the updated project cost; and


WHEREAS, the Citizens Advisory Committee’s recommendations relative to neighborhood improvements include a number of projects that have been identified through previously adopted studies, including the South Portland Circulation Study (accepted by City Council Resolution #36014, August 1, 2001), the Marquam Hill Plan (adopted by City Council Ordinance #176742 on July 10, 2002), the South Waterfront Plan (adopted by City Council Ordinance #177082, November 13, 2002), and the Southwest Trails Plan (accepted by City Council Resolution #35907, July 26, 2000); and



WHEREAS, many of the projects identified in the Citizens Advisory Committee Report, including initial phases of the South Portland Circulation Study, pedestrian connections to South Waterfront and traffic management projects on Marquam Hill, are critical to the continued health of South Portland’s neighborhoods, especially Homestead, Corbett/Terwilliger/Lair Hill and South Waterfront; and


WHEREAS, the PATI Board has received the Portland Aerial Tram Final Recommendations and Report and wholeheartedly supports the recommendations on tram design and neighborhood improvements, with the sole exception being the recommendation for property owner compensation or buy-out programs; and


WHEREAS, PDOT and PATI have met with the Portland Design Commission and Portland Historic Landmarks Commission on multiple occasions during the Design Development process to receive advice on the design of the tram and related neighborhood improvements, and will continue to meet with these commissions as designs are refined and further developed to seek and incorporate additional advice.



NOW, THERFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council accepts the City Engineer’s design recommendation for the Portland Aerial Tram, identified in Portland Aerial Tram Final Recommendations and Report, attached as Exhibit A; and


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council directs the City Engineer to complete the final design for the tram consistent with the accepted recommendation by December 31, 2004, and to issue the design as a City Standard Improvement in the Public Right-of-way; and


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council sets and approves the project budget for the Aerial Tram at $28,500,000, which will be funded consistent with the South Waterfront Central District Project Development Agreement, as amended; and


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council directs the Portland Office of Transportation and Portland Aerial Transportation, Inc., to continue their work with the Design and Historic Landmarks Commissions to solicit their advice during the remaining stages of the design process; and


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council wishes to thank the members of the Citizens Advisory Committee and other interested citizens who actively participated in the tram design process and helped create a compelling vision for South Portland’s neighborhoods; and


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council accepts the Citizens Advisory Committee recommendations for neighborhood improvements identified in Portland Aerial Tram Final Recommendations and Report; and


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council directs the City Engineer to pursue implementation of the neighborhood improvement projects listed on the Tier I Study and Project Lists contained within Exhibit A; and


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council will continue to focus on neighborhood improvements within the Lair Hill area that improve the quality of life for neighborhood residents, and especially those along or under the tram alignment; and


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council directs the City Engineer to return with a status report on the progress of the funding and implementation of neighborhood improvements within one year of the passage of this Resolution; and


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council directs the City Engineer to pursue and bring back to Council for consideration, recommendation 5.7.7 S-71, a fair market value, one-time, limited term property buy-out program, based on an independent professional appraisal, for owner occupied, residentially zoned properties, along the Gibbs Street alignment.





Adopted by the Council, June 10, 2004





Matt Brown:slg               BY /S/ Colleen Phillips

June 1, 2004

Design Resolution 0610041.doc    DEPUTY



AGENDA NO. 673-2004















