Adopt the Conceptual Design Report-Final Supplement for the Portland Mall Revitalization Project (Resolution)
WHEREAS, the 1972 Downtown Plan established an overall framework for revitalizing downtown Portland, including reinforcing the north-south high density employment corridor with convenient high capacity transit; and
WHEREAS, in 1978, TriMet opened the Portland Mall (from W. Burnside Street to SW. Madison Street) that created an attractive and effective transit spine to provide regional access to the downtown core and stimulate economic development along 5th and 6th Avenues; and
WHEREAS, the Portland Mall has been nationally recognized for urban design excellence and was awarded the American Institute of Architects, Architectural Design Award; and
WHEREAS, in 1979, the Council adopted the Banfield Light Rail Project’s “Cross-Mall” downtown alignment and stipulated that future light rail investment should include the Transit Mall to serve as the backbone of the transit system; and
WHEREAS, in 1982, the Downtown Plan was amended incorporating the City Council’s directive for future modifications to the Portland Mall for light rail services; and
WHEREAS, in 1986, TriMet completed the Banfield LRT Project including the Cross-Mall light rail alignment on SW Morrison Street, SW Yamhill Street, and SW First Avenue; and
WHEREAS, the Banfield Light Rail Project has been recognized for design excellence, including the Federal Design Achievement Award and the AIA Citation for Excellence in Urban Design; and
WHEREAS, in 1988, the Council adopted the Central City Plan and reinforced the role of 5th and 6th Avenues as the downtown transit spine from Union Station to Portland State University, and called for the Central City to be the region’s hub for the light rail system; and
WHEREAS, in 1994, the extension of the Portland Mall to Union Station was completed; and
WHEREAS, in 1994, the Portland Office of Transportation completed a block-by-block evaluation of the Portland Mall to develop a comprehensive restoration program needed due to heavy wear and tear; and
WHEREAS, in 1995, the Council adopted amendments to the Central City Plan to include a University District and a River District, and called for light rail access to the University District; and
WHEREAS, in February, 1998, the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) and Metro published the South/North Corridor Project Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) that evaluated transportation alternatives in the South/North Corridor including the Portland Mall; and
WHEREAS, on June 18, 1998, the Council adopted Resolution No. 35704, approving the South/North Project’s Locally Preferred Strategy (LPS) and Land Use Final Order, recognizing the transportation needs in the South Corridor to Southeast Portland and Clackamas County; North Corridor to North Portland and Clark County, and downtown Portland; and
WHEREAS, on June 16, 1999, the Council adopted Resolution No. 35800, adopting amendments to the S/N LPS designating the N. Interstate Avenue MAX alignment from the Steel Bridge to the Expo Center as the preferred alignment for the North Corridor in North Portland; and
WHEREAS, on December 20, 2002 the Federal Transit Administration (FTA), the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and Metro published the South Corridor SDEIS evaluating transit alternatives in the South Corridor; and
WHEREAS, on March 19, 2003; the Council adopted Resolution 36130 amending the South/North Locally Preferred Strategy to include a two-phased approach to the South Corridor with the I-205 and downtown mall segments as the first phase and the Milwaukie segment as the second phase; and
WHEREAS, The FTA required the downtown segment of the LPA be defined as “preliminary” until the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) evaluation and analysis was updated for the Portland Mall Alignment; and
WHEREAS, the Portland Mall is over 25 years old and has endured heavy wear and tear due to high-capacity transit service and the downtown economy has changed impacting the overall business vitality along the Portland Mall; and
WHEREAS, the downtown light rail segment of the South Corridor Project will also be part of an overall revitalization strategy to improve transit service, enliven and restore the Mall, and support further investments in downtown retail, office and residential uses; and
WHEREAS, the Portland Mall Revitalization Project, jointly managed by the Portland Office of Transportation and TriMet, and working in partnership with the Bureau of Planning, the Portland Development Commission, and Metro has completed technical studies to evaluate urban design issues, station options, development issues, and multi-modal transportation needs; and
WHEREAS, on June 30, 2003 the Public Discussion Draft: Conceptual Design Report (CDR) for the Portland Mall Revitalization was released with three station options (left, right, and island) for public review; and
WHEREAS, in October 2003, FTA, FHWA and Metro published the Downtown Portland Amendment to the South Corridor Project SDEIS, and
WHEREAS, on December 4, 2003, the Council adopted Resolution No. 36188 amending the South Corridor LPA to include light rail on the Portland Mall; and
WHEREAS, additional technical studies and urban design studies were completed responding to public comments on the June 30, 2003 Public Discussion Draft CDR; and
WHEREAS, the Great Pedestrian and Transit Streets Study (by Zimmer Gunsel Frasca, March 2004) identified four key street qualities: 1)accommodate all activities with balance, 2) encourage all activities to behave properly, 3) inspire stewardship, and 4) establish and maintain a street quality that inspires all who use it; and
WHEREAS, the Transit Mall: Urban Design Analysis & Vision Report by the Bureau of Planning, March 2004, completed a comprehensive urban design analysis and characterized the Portland Mall as a series of “urban rooms” defined by a different set of opportunities and constraints and developed the concept of “station as place” to design stations that reflect the character of their rooms and are successfully integrated into their immediate surroundings; and
WHEREAS, on March 1, 2004 the Public Discussion Draft: Conceptual Design Report for Portland Mall Revitalization Project was released for public review and comments and included a revised right-side station and left-side station option, and
WHEREAS, several different forums were held to solicit public opinion on the two station alternatives, including open houses on March 9, 2004, an Urban Design Forum on March 15, 2004,and a public hearing before the Portland City Planning Commission on March 30, 2004.
WHEREAS, the Citizens Advisory Committee for the Portland Mall Revitalization Project has dedicated its time and effort over the past 13 months to advise the Mayor’s Steering Committee and unanimously supported their recommendations, contained in Exhibit A, and was the basis for the Conceptual Design Report-Final Supplement; and
WHEREAS, the right-side station option created the best opportunity for “station as place” with stations identified was supported by the Landmarks Commission and the Portland Planning Commission; and
WHEREAS, on April 23, 2004, The Portland Mall Revitalization Project Steering Committee adopted the Final Recommendation for the Portland Mall Revitalization Project, as contained in Exhibit A.
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Council of the City of Portland adopts the recommendations for the Conceptual Design for the Portland Mall Revitalization Project as contained in the Conceptual Design Report-Final Supplement dated May 12, 2004, Exhibit A.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Council directs the PDOT to work with the Office of Management and Finance (OMF) to prepare a South Corridor Finance Plan for the City of Portland’s contribution to the South Corridor’s Financial Plan for Council’s consideration prior to TriMet’s deadline for the Federal Transit Administration required submission for federal funding.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Council directs the PDOT to continue working with TriMet, other city bureaus, the Design Commission, and the Landmarks Commission to develop a Preliminary Engineering Report on the status of project issues identified in the Conceptual Design Report-Final Supplement.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Council directs the PDOT to prepare a status report upon completion of the Preliminary Engineering Phase on the Mall Management Strategy to increase public and private stewardship of the Portland Mall to improve maintenance, crime prevention, and public space programming; and coordinate this effort with TriMet, PDC, other city bureaus, and the community.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Council directs the PDOT to prepare a status report upon completion of the Preliminary Engineering Phase of Revitalization Strategy, including redevelopment strategies and transit operation and transportation strategy; and coordinate this report with TriMet, PDC, other city bureaus, and the community.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Council request that TriMet explore new bus technologies that produce less noise and odor to improve ambient conditions on the Portland Mall.
Adopted by the Council, May 19, 2004
Prepared by: Stephen Iwata/db Auditor of the City of Portland
May 12, 2004 By /S/ Susan Parsons
South Corridor-Downtown Mall. Deputy
AGENDA NO. 555-2004
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