Endorse the formation of a Bi-State Coordination Committee and its Charter to replace the Bi-State Transportation Committee and expand scope to include transportation, land use, economic development and environmental justice issues in the vicinity of the I-5 corridor in the Portland-Vancouver area (Resolution)


WHEREAS, in 1999, the Southwest Washington Regional Council (RTC) and Metro established a Bi-State Transportation Committee to develop recommendations to the Joint Policy Advisory Committee on Transportation (JPACT) and RTC on bi-state transportation issues; and,


WHEREAS, in June, 2002 the Portland/Vancouver I-5 Transportation and Trade Partnership Strategic Plan recommended that the Bi-State Transportation Committee “…expand its role to review and advise JPACT, RTC, other councils, commissions and boards on: 1. Management plans, interchange plans and agreements and transit station plans for the I-5 Corridor; and 2. Other transportation, land use and economic development issues of bi-state significance”; and


WHEREAS, the Portland/Vancouver I-5 Transportation and Trade Partnership Strategic Plan recommended that a community enhancement fund be established for use in the impacted areas in the I-5 Corridor in Oregon and Washington and that “The Bi-State Coordination Committee would recommend the specific details in conjunction with the Environmental Justice Work Group…”; and


WHEREAS, the recommendations of the Portland/Vancouver I-5 Transportation and Trade Partnership Strategic Plan were endorsed by the RTC, JPACT and the Metro Council; and


WHEREAS, on January 29, 2003 the Portland City Council endorsed the Portland/Vancouver I-5 Transportation and Trade Partnership Strategic Plan and the recommendations of the Portland/Vancouver I-5 Transportation and Trade Partnership Task Force; and


WHEREAS, as part of their endorsement of the Portland/Vancouver I-5 Transportation and Trade Partnership Strategic Plan, the Portland City Council supports the Bi-State Coordination Accord which includes the formation of a Bi-State Coordination Committee as provided for herein; and


WHEREAS, on October 23, 2003, the Bi-State Transportation Committee recommended approval of the draft Charter, attached as “Exhibit A”; and


WHEREAS, the Joint Policy Advisory Committee on Transportation and Metro Policy Advisory Committee reviewed and recommended approval of the draft Bi-State Charter, attached as “Exhibit A”; and


WHEREAS, on November 4, 2003, the Southwest Washington Regional Transportation Council recommended approval of the draft Charter for the formation of a Bi-State Coordination Committee; and


WHEREAS, on November 20, 2003 the Metro Council adopted a Resolution to endorse the creation of a Bi-State Coordination Committee and its draft Charter, attached as “Exhibit A”; and


WHEREAS, the City of Portland can be affected by land use, economic development and transportation decisions made by other jurisdictions in the bi-state area, as well as be affected by possible environmental justice impacts resulting from these decisions.


NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Council of the City of Portland endorses the formation of the Bi-State Coordination Committee to provide a forum to discuss and make recommendations concerning land use, economic development, transportation and environmental justice issues of bi-state significance; and


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Council of the City of Portland endorses the draft Charter of the Bi-State Coordination Committee, attached as “Exhibit A”; and


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Council of the City of Portland authorizes the Mayor to appoint a member of the Council to represent the City of Portland on the Bi-State Coordination Committee.



Adopted by the Council, January 08, 2004




Commissioner Jim Francesconi            Gary Blackmer

Prepared by: John Gillam              Auditor of the City of Portland

January 7, 2004                By /S/Susan Parsons

Bi-State Coordination Committee




AGENDA NO. 0021-2004


















