Refer Charter Amendment to voters at the May 18, 2004 Primary Election to provide that candidates who receive a majority of votes cast for an office at the Primary Election are elected. (Resolution)
WHEREAS, Portland City Charter, Chapter 3 establishes general procedures for nomination and election of City elected officials; and
WHEREAS, Charter Section 3-105 provides for the nomination of Mayor, Commissioner and Auditor candidates via a nonpartisan primary election process; and
WHEREAS, Charter Section 3-101 provides that candidates nominated through the primary process be elected via a general election; and
WHEREAS, in 31 out of 40 elections for City elected offices since 1980, one candidate received the majority of the votes cast at the primary election and appeared as the sole nominee on the general election ballot; and
WHEREAS, in the past 50 years of elections history there has only been one write-in campaign that garnered a substantial number of votes cast at the November election, and that vote barely exceeded 25 percent; and
WHEREAS, the general procedures for non-partisan election in the State of Oregon provide for the election of candidates at the nominating election when one candidate receives a majority vote and other jurisdictions have successfully applied this practice; and
WHEREAS, eliminating the need for election of candidates at the general election except in case of run-off would provide for a streamlined elections process, reduce election administration and voters' pamphlet printing costs and lessen voter confusion.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the City Council will submit a ballot measure to its voters at the May 18, 2004 Election. The measure will amend Charter Section 3-101, to provide that candidates who receive a majority of votes cast at the Primary Election for an office are elected without also having to appear on the General Election ballot, in accordance with Exhibit A.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the City Council directs the Auditor to publish the ballot title as shown in Exhibit B in accordance with City Code; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the City Auditor may submit an explanatory statement for publication in the voters pamphlet, if it is determined that such explanation may help voters better understand the Charter amendment; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the City Auditor is directed to forward to the County Elections Office all material necessary to place this measure on the May 18, 2004 Election Ballot; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT if the City's voters approve the measure at the May 18, 2004 Election, the City Auditor shall file an Ordinance for approval of the City Council amending the City Code as required to implement the Charter change.
Adopted by Council, February 04, 2004
City Auditor Gary Blackmer GARY BLACKMER
SFrancois Auditor of the City of Portland
January 15, 2004 By /S/ Susan Parsons
AGENDA NO. 97-2004
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