Exhibit A
Statement of Work
Customer Information System
1.1 The City is an Oregon municipality and operates water, sanitary sewer and storm water management utilities, supported by an automated customer information system that serves approximately 200,000 active customer accounts in the Portland metropolitan area. The City has evaluated the status of its existing customer information system and has decided to replace it with a more flexible, cost-effective and comprehensive solution.
1.2 A successful customer information system project will fulfill the following criteria:
a) Correctly process account, property and asset maintenance activities;
b) Accurately calculate bills for all Customer classes, services and cycles;
c) Correctly allocate accounts receivable and payments among City funds;
d) Requires a level of customer services and technical support staff acceptable to City;
e) Allow the City’s staff to enhance their efforts in offering the highest caliber of customer services;
f) Completed on time in accordance with the Implementation Work Plan; and
g) Completed at the agreed upon price.
1.3. This Statement of Work describes the underlying work and System requirements, the work products to be delivered by the parties and how the parties will resource and manage the overall effort for the City to acquire and implement a new System.
1.4. Except as otherwise provided in this Statement of Work, Cayenta shall provide all labor, software, material and equipment to install and maintain a new System. The System will be installed at the Portland Building, 1120 SW Fifth Avenue, Portland, Oregon.
2.1. A suitable project technical environment will be available for Cayenta staff to install Cayenta Utilities Version 7.3 at the time of project initiation.
2.2. Cayenta will provide the following software applications (the “Cayenta Software”):
a. Cayenta Utilities Version 7.3 for initial configuration
b. Cayenta Utilities Version 8.0 prior to integrated testing and training activities and for System production purposes.
c. Actuate Reporting Bundle Software version 7
d. Uniface Runtime Version 8.3
e. Cayenta Analytics (10 named users) Version 6
f. Quickquery (10 named users) Actuate Version 7
2.3. Both of Cayenta Utilities, Versions 7.3 and 8.0, will be integrated and successfully operate together with Uniface Runtime Version 8.3.
2.4. The City is responsible for providing the infrastructure, server hardware and operational software, communication network, desktop environments, and communications for this project.
2.5. City will be responsible for the acquisition, installation and acceptance of the System related hardware, operating system and database software described in Table 1 below. The City will install all items listed in Table 1 before Cayenta is required to install Cayenta Software.
2.6. The City will acquire and install Oracle Corporation Oracle 9i Enterprise Edition database software products to use in conjunction with the Cayenta Software. Cayenta will provide installation assistance to make the Oracle database operate successfully with the Cayenta Software to achieve this Statement of Work’s requirements.
2.7. The City will allow reasonable access for Cayenta project team members to the project technical environment as described in Section 6.2 Phase 1: Initiation. Upon Cayenta’s written request, the City will grant Cayenta access authority to the system at a security permissions level sufficient to complete the required implementation tasks.
2.8. The City will provide workspace for up to five (5) Cayenta project team members, including an appropriate project room(s) for Cayenta personnel to work in while on-site.
2.9. City will implement and maintain a remote connection between designated Cayenta offices and the City’s server environment as requested by Cayenta. Third party connection costs will be the City’s responsibility.
2.10. The City will be responsible for the acquisition, installation, acceptance and ongoing operation of the System data communications and local/wide area network infrastructure.
2.11. City will connect the server hardware configuration to the existing network utilizing an Ethernet adapter and the TCP/IP protocol.
2.12. Network contention, i.e. users competing for network resources measured as ethernet or IP packet collisions, is assumed to be at such a level as to not be a contributing factor to the Cayenta System performance. Therefore, it is the City's responsibility to supply and maintain a high performing and scalable network infrastructure between the servers in the data center, as well as the City’s customer service representatives access to the datacenter. It will also be the City's responsibility to monitor it's network traffic, collisions, errors, latency, and load, and provide network statistics to verify that the network performs within the following tolerance and is not the cause of poor System performance, impacting the guarantee stated herein.
Maximum network contention (server to server packet collision rate) = 15% over a 1 hour period
Maximum network contention (client to server packet collision rate) = 25% over a 1 hour period
Average network latency (server to server) < 15ms over a 1 hour period
Average network latency (client to server) < 60ms over a 1 hour period
2.13. Cayenta represents that the server configuration described in this Section 2.0 will accommodate service levels of 200,000 active customer accounts, for System production operation based upon the following factors:
a. Support system overhead including: RDBMS, system files, application files, sort and workspace
b. RAID-5 storage technology
c. Journaling to enable restart/recovery
d. Full-sized environments, for uses that include: development, test, acceptance test, training, conversion and production.
e. Cayenta has sized the secondary backup storage system to accommodate unattended high-speed backup and recovery of the total DASD.
f. The Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) to support the application server hardware and the third party reporting server hardware will be capable of running on battery backup power for a period of up to one (1) hour.
2.14. Cayenta represents that if the equipment listed in Table 1 is obtained by the City, the System will perform as follows:
a. The System will support the City’s existing 200,000 water, sewer, and storm water Customers. In addition, it will accommodate an annual projected growth of 15,000 Customers per year for a period of 5 years with no degradation of System Performance as specified elsewhere in this section. .
b. The System will support the existing 120 customer service representatives and permit expansion of up to 200 customer service representatives with no degradation in System performance, as elsewhere specified in this section. .
c. The System will be able to prepare bills to the City’s customers on a quarterly, bi-monthly and monthly and can accurately create an average of 3500 bills per night, Monday through Friday of each week.
d. All System data, to include data converted from the current customer information system, will be stored on the System and be accessible online for a minimum of three (3) years. The System provides for optional archiving of historical data based on the age of the data.
e. The System will complete normal daily batch processing, i.e. a suite of programs that are run to perform prescribed tasks such as bill calculation, in less than eight (8) hours.
f. The System will respond to single account user queries in two seconds or less and multiple account user queries in six seconds or less.
g. The System will support the data conversion requirements as specified in Section 6, Data Conversion.
h. The System will support the creation of a separate, isolated copy of the production database to support fiscal year end audit activities.
2.15. Cayenta guarantees that their System will meet the performance requirements listed in Section 2.14 if the City acquires the following listed hardware, or hardware of similar or greater capabilities. In the event that the performance requirements are not achieved during Acceptance and the Warranty Period, Cayenta will, at its own expense, provide the necessary hardware or Software Enhancements required to achieve the stated performance requirements.
Component | IBM (AIX 5L) |
UNIX Batch Server (w/ OS licenses) | pSeries 650 model 6M2 8-proc @1.45GHz Power4+, 8GB RAM 2x146GB internal disk, PCI 4-channel Ultra-3 SCSI RAID adapter 14 hot-plug PCI slots |
Database Cluster (w/ DB software licenses) | UNIX failover cluster Oracle 9 H/A license | Oracle RAC Oracle 9 (8) Oracle 9I RAC H/A license |
Storage Area Network/Network Attached Storage |
500GB SAN5 |
Test/Audit Server (w/ storage devices required to host an entire data set separate from production environment) | pSeries 630 36GB Internal disk 1000baseT NIC PCI 4-channel Ultra-3 SCSI RAID adapter 200GB external data storage |
Component | System Platform requirements |
Actuate Reports Server | Win NT/2K Server 2-proc @1.4GHz Pentium IV, 1GB RAM 2x18GB Mirror OS + 36GB Mirror data dual Gbit NIC, DVD/CD-ROM |
Application File Server | Win NT/2K Server 1-proc @1.4GHz Pentium IV, 1GB RAM 2x18GB Mirror OS + 2x36GB Mirror data dual Gbit NIC, DVD/CD-ROM |
Application Web Farm (Cayenta Version 8.x replacement for Application File Server) | 2 x Win 2K JBOSS Servers Dual-CPU @ 2.x GHz processors, 4GB RAM Gigabit NIC Options for load balancing: 3. Use J2EE application servers in lieu of JBOSS with load balancing and transaction failover capabilities (e.g. Websphere Advanced Edition, Oracle 9iAS) certified to meet the J2EE 1.3 standard. |
User Desktop PCs | Windows NT/2000/XP 1.3 GHz to 3.0 GHz Pentium IV, 256MB to 512MB RAM 100MB free disk space (Oracle net client) |
3.1. Cayenta Software generates standard reports that are listed in Section 3.2. Cayenta will modify these standard reports to accommodate City business requirements, as required by Section 3.7. Where Cayenta standard reports do not exist to meet the needs of the City, Cayenta will develop custom reports. A preliminary listing of reporting requirements is outlined in Attachment 4, Report Requirements. Cayenta will make adjustments to the reporting requirements during the joint Reports Workshops.
3.2. Standard Cayenta System reports include the following:
a. AR Trial Balance by Aging
b. Cash Balancing Report
c. Cashier Batch Summary
d. Unclosed AR Groups
e. AR Daily Tax
f. Credit Rating
g. Agency Collection Extract
h. Late Charge Billing
i. Pay Arrangement Analysis
j. Pay Arrangement Letter
k. Phone Notification
l. GL Extract File Listing
m. GL Posted transactions
n. Payment Processing Drawer Audit
o. Payment Processing Deposit
p. Payment Processing Receipt of Payment
q. Payment Processing Receipt Item
r. Payment Processing Receipt Item by Operator
s. Payment Processing Receipt Payments
t. Payment Processing Receipt Payments by Operator
u. Returned Check
v. Refund Check Register
w. Completed Service Orders
x. Billing Exceptions
y. Financial Aging report
z. Revenue Analysis
aa. Write-Off Report
bb. Unbilled Consumption Report
cc. Pending Service Orders
dd. Service Order
ee. Test Report
ff. Process Log
gg. Changes Log - Account Table
hh. Changes Log - Customer Table
ii. Changes Log - Location Table
jj. Final Deposit Refunds
kk. Changed Out Meters
ll. Hilo Changes
mm. Meter bypass
nn. Meter Group
oo. Meter Reading Exceptions
pp. Meter Upload
qq. RCT Changes
rr. Route Sequences List
ss. Account Write Offs
tt. Draft Extract
uu. Bill Register
vv. Budget Account Numbers
ww. Cycle Revenue Report
xx. Daily Posted Billing Code
yy. Unbilled Accounts by Cycle
zz. Top 10 largest Customers Report
aaa. Cash Reconciliation Report
bbb. General Ledger Summary Report
ccc. General Ledger Transaction Report
ddd. AR Summary
eee. AR Transaction
fff. GL / AR Reconciliation Report
ggg. Monthly Unbilled Active Accounts
hhh. Adjustments Report
3.3. Cayenta’s reporting tools will permit the City to select and sort various data in multiple ways without modifying programming.
3.4. Cayenta’s standard and utility specific reports can be scheduled to print daily and nightly using standard System functionality.
3.5. Cayenta standard reports may be generated and viewed on-screen before printing.
3.6. Cayenta’s Software will provide the ability to create and define user defined reports utilizing report writing tools which includes Actuate, DataBeacon, Quick Query, Executive Dashboard, and Analytic Model.
3.7. Cayenta report responsibilities include the following:
a. A Cayenta Report Specialist will lead a reports requirements workshop with City personnel to identify and document the City’s existing reports, the core System reports and any additional reporting requirements.
b. Cayenta will prepare a Report Development plan based on the reports workshop. This document will prioritize the reports identified in the workshop and outline a plan for report development. The Report Development plan will be provided to the City for comments and approval.
c. Based upon a schedule mutually developed by the City and Cayenta during the reports workshop, Cayenta will provide on-site support relating to Actuate report development for sixteen (16) non-consecutive Business Days. The schedule also will reflect that Cayenta will provide an additional eighty (80) non-consecutive hours of telephone support relating to Actuate report development.
d. A Cayenta Report Specialist will lead a dashboard workshop to review the Actuate Executive Dashboard functionality and identify additional key performance indicators (KPIs). The KPIs will be defined during the Dashboard Key Performance Indicators - Definition and Mapping Session. Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are quantifiable measurements, such as “Daily # of Bills Generated”, that reflect the critical success factors of an organization. KPIs will be quantifiable, reflect the organization's goals, provide identification of trends and alarms, provide immediate feedback to operations and management staff, provide information for preventative and corrective actions, and allow for ongoing process improvement.
e. Cayenta will prepare a KPI Requirements Document based on the dashboard workshop. This document will prioritize the KPIs identified in the workshop and outline a plan for the KPI development. The KPI Requirements Document will be provided to the City for comment and approval within seven (7) business days of completion of the Employee Dashboard workshop.
f. Cayenta will design, develop and test the KPIs as defined in the KPI Requirements Document. The exact number of KPIs to be developed will bedefined in the KPI Requirements Document.
g. Cayenta will provide twenty-five (25) non-consecutive Business Days of analysis, design, development and testing effort to define and develop Cayenta Software analytic models.
Analytics models are On-line Analytical Processing (OLAP), which is a form of computer processing that allows users to extract and view data from different points of view. These multi-dimensional databases, or cubes, are pre-defined or custom-built for use with the Cayenta Analytics tool. These cubes contain an organization’s data. With the Cayenta Analytics tool, users can query available data sets from different perspectives (considering each data attribute) and mine hidden information about data relationships, allowing users and management to gain a better understanding about their organization and identify trends and opportunities for process improvement.
h. Cayenta will provide thirty (30) non- consecutive Business Days of analysis, design, development and testing effort to define and develop Information Objects, or pre-determined groupings of data, for use by the City in report development. The exact number of Information Objects that will be developed will depend upon the complexity of the objects specified by the City.
Information Objects pull and integrate data from data sources, and, with the use of an ad-hoc reporting tool like Quick Query, Information Objects can be manipulated to provide critical organizational information to non-technical business users.
Information Objects can be manipulated by end-users to create personalized and customized queries and reports, all without having to understand the complexities of the data models.
i. Cayenta will provide fifty (50) non-consecutive Business Days of analysis, design, development and testing effort to define and develop custom Actuate reports. The exact number of reports that will be developed will be identified in the Reports Development plan.
3.8. The City’s report responsibilities include the following tasks and deliverables:
a. The City will provide one business expert from each appropriate department for participation in the reports requirements workshop.
b. The City will review and approve the Reports Requirements document.
c. The City will provide one business expert from each appropriate department for participation in the dashboard requirements workshop.
d. The City will review and approve the KPI Requirements document.
e. The City will review and approve the Analytics and Information Objects Requirements document.
f. The City will provide access to appropriate business experts throughout the analysis, design, and development and testing of the KPIs, analytic and information models, and custom Actuate reports.
g. The City will ensure that all City staff assigned to the Actuate, report development and data model training sessions has a good working knowledge of SQL.
4.1. Cayenta is required to provide service orders and billing documents in a format determined by the City. A list of required bills and service orders is included in Attachment 7, Document Requirements.
4.2. The parties will adhere to the following process when developing bills and service orders:
a. Cayenta will develop billing and service order documents based on City provided specifications and provide those to the City;
b. The bills will be generated in an Actuate format.
c. Based on the bill specifications, OMR (optical mark recognition) marks will be included on the bill.
5.1.This section describes Cayenta-provided training programs. All Cayenta training will conform to industry standards with respect to format and results. All training will be provided at City facilities, unless otherwise specified herein. A formal training plan, including detailed course descriptions, training documentation/manuals, finalized class agendas and list of participants, and training schedules, will be provided to the City by Cayenta fourteen (14) business days prior to the commencement of each session and will be subject to City approval.
5.2. Cayenta training responsibilities include the following:
a. Provide three (3) Business Days of initial product training prior to the commencement of configuration
b. Provide eight (8) non-consecutive Business Days of system training.
c. Provide four (4) Business Days of system administration training.
d. Provide four (4) Business Days of environment technical training.
e. Provide eight (8) non-consecutive Business Days of operations training.
f. Provide an end-user training plan for comment and approval by the City.
g. Provide thirty (30) non-consecutive Business Days training primary and secondary end users and providing teaching assistance and troubleshooting availability to the City trainers during end user training.
h. Provide five (5) Business Days of reporting tool training.
i. Provide four (4) Business Days of database navigation training.
j. Provide eight (8) non- consecutive Business Days of advanced report writing training.
k. Provide four (4) days of Cayenta multi-dimensional data analysis training; and.
l. Provide base materials for end user training. Cayenta will modify base training materials in conjunction with the City to reflect business processes and City specific System requirements.
5.3. The City will do the following in regard to training:
a. All City implementation team members will participate in the initial three (3) day product training session.
b. All City implementation team members will participate in the eight (8) days of system training.
c. The City system administrator will participate in the four (4) days of system administration training.
d. Key City implementation team members and operations staff will participate in the eight (8) days of operations training.
e. Key City technical staff will participate in the four (4) days of environment training.
f. Two (2) dedicated City trainers will participate in the end user training and at least one (1) of these trainers will be a City implementation team member.
g. The City will review and sign-off the end-user training plans.
h. Cayenta will deliver end user training to primary and secondary users with support from City trainers
i. The City will ensure all operations staff receive the appropriate training as stated in the agreed upon end-user training plan.
j. All City employees involved in with taking Cayenta training must pass a standard Cayenta pre-exam in the subject area to determine whether sufficient pre-requisite training has been done or participate in remedial training at additional City expense.
k. Appropriate report writing and/or business analysis City staff will participate in five (5) days of reporting tool training.
l. Appropriate report writing and/or business analysis City staff will participate in four (4) days of database navigation training.
m. Appropriate Report Writing and/or Business Analysis City staff will participate in eight (8) non-consecutive Business Days of advanced report writing training.
n. Appropriate Report Writing and/or Business Analysis City staff will participate in five (5) days of Cayenta Analytics (multi-dimensional data analysis) Training.
o. Three (3) training facilities capable of accommodating up to 10 users in one room and up to 15 users in the two others. Facilities for training, including workstations, will be provided and configured in advance by City.
p. The City will modify base training materials in conjunction with Cayenta to reflect business processes and City specific System requirements.
5.4 To ensure that a minimum level of comprehension is achieved, the City personnel being trained will be required to pass a test jointly developed by Cayenta and City project personnel that will certify their comprehension for each module of training delivered.
6.1 Cayenta shall use its implementation methodology to deliver the System. The methodology encompasses nine (9) phases, including data conversion activities, as follows:
a. Phase 1 – Initiation
b. Phase 2 – Fit Analysis and Configuration
c. Phase 3 - Deployment
d. Phase 4 – Functional Testing
e. Phase 5 - Integrated System Testing
f. Phase 6 - City Acceptance Testing
g. Phase 7 - Production Readiness & Cut Over
h. Phase 8 - Post Implementation Support
i. Phase 9 - Data Conversion
6.2. Phase 1: Initiation
The Initiation phase is the initial period when the project organization is set up and information gathered to allow for the joint preparation of a project plan and project charter that details further the implementation objectives and time line. During the initial project plan preparation, the City and Cayenta teams will be formed and all identified resources will be finalized to ensure that there are no resource issues.
The implementation schedule in Attachment 2, Implementation Work Plan, describes the major work tasks and major milestones for this project and will be the basis for the development of the detailed project plan during the project’s Initiation Phase. Based upon the major work tasks and milestones described in Attachment 2, Implementation Work Plan, the City shall be responsible for developing the City’s work plan and Cayenta shall develop Cayenta’s work plan. The City, to arrive at the schedule it will work from, shall combine the two plans into a Master Project Work Plan.
Initial documentation and questionnaires will be prepared and delivered by Cayenta to the City to begin the information gathering process and an official project “kick-off” session is conducted on-site at the City offices.
In addition, during this phase the necessary software and hardware required to implement Cayenta Software will be installed. That hardware and software is identified in Table 1 of Section 2.
The City may elect to implement hardware in two stages. Stage One is designed to support initial Configuration and Functional Testing Phase activities. Stage Two is the implementation of final hardware and software environments required to support City production environments. Initial technical training will be conducted by Cayenta for City project team staff assigned to support the hardware and software environments during the project.
The City has retained the services of an outside project manager to assist the City’s project manager in the direction of City activities required to support the implementation process. The City project managers will review with Cayenta the Project Management Office procedures that will be used to manage daily project activities.
The objectives of this phase are to:
a. Organize the team & define roles and responsibilities;
b. Review project set-up (scope, sponsorship, staff, funding, etc.);
c. Review overall project scope;
d. Install initial hardware and software environment;
e. Train City project and technical team;
f. Review approaches for project management, change management, risk and quality management and skills training and responsibility handoff; and
g. Inform the steering committee, project team users, and end-users about progress to date.
The chart below outlines the major activities and related deliverables in Phase 1:
Major Activities | Deliverables | Responsibility |
Complete Project Planning and Staffing | Project Work Plans | City |
Define Project Governance | Project Charter | City |
Develop Communication Plan | Communication Plan | City |
Identify Critical Implementation Issues | Critical Implementation Issues | City |
Develop Quality and Risk Management Plan | Quality and Risk Management Plan | Quality Assurance Consultant |
Develop Business Process Change Plan | Business Process Change Approach | City |
Establish Change Control Procedure | Project Change Management Procedure | City |
Establish Custom Development Standards | Functional and Detail Design Specification Standards | Cayenta |
Establish Readiness Criteria for Cutover | Go / No Go Criteria | City |
Procure Hardware & Software | HW/SW Selection | City |
Install Technical Infrastructure and train City Technical Team | Technical Infrastructure Installation and Team Training | Cayenta |
Train City Core Team, Complete High Level Requirements Questionnaire | Core Team Training, Questionnaire | Cayenta |
6.3 Phase 2: Fit Analysis and Configuration
The purpose of this phase is to gather specific information needed to complete the initial configuration of Cayenta Software in order to make it ready so that functional testing on non-converted data can be performed.
A Cayenta team will lead Configuration Discovery Sessions involving the City’s Functional Lead and appropriate City business experts to create Discovery Stage Reports and to complete any necessary matrices and setup forms for Cayenta Software. These sessions and resulting documentation will be used to provide an initial configuration of Cayenta Software.
The Configuration Discovery Sessions are a combination of on-site and off-site information-gathering activities with homework assigned to the appropriate City resources. Cayenta will provide draft copies of the Discovery Stage Report and other documentation on an agreed upon timeframe for review by the City to ensure accuracy of the information gathered.
Between the time of on-site Configuration Discovery Sessions, Cayenta will configure the System from the Cayenta offices, where they have access to key developers and functional specialists. During this period, the Cayenta and City project team members will share all necessary information by e-mail, telephone and in person.
Multiple Configuration Discovery sessions will be conducted during this phase. Cayenta and City project team members will continue to expand the functionality contained in the System Configuration during each session. The current work plan contains three Configuration Discovery sessions.
Requirements for this phase are as follows:
a) Cayenta will provide a System whose functionality meets the requirements of Attachment 1, Functional Requirements.
b) The start of the “Fit Analysis and Configuration Phase” is dependent on installation by City of the hardware, operation and database software listed in Table 1 as well as, installation by Cayenta staff of the “base” Cayenta Software. “Base” Cayenta Software is that software without the Software Customization that Cayenta has agreed to provide to the City. The start of the Fit Analysis and Configuration Phase is also dependent on the completion of project and technical team training described in Section 5.0.
c) Functionally knowledgeable City business analysts and management authorized to resolve business issues and make decisions will be available as needed throughout Fit Analysis and Configuration Phases.
d) Three (3) Fit Analysis and Configuration Phase sessions will be conducted to expand the initial configuration to address City requirements, as defined in Attachment 1.
e) Cayenta will provide documentation of all configuration changes throughout the implementation at the end of the Fit Analysis and Configuration Phase.
f) Following implementation of the System configuration, it will be the joint responsibility of Cayenta and City staff to maintain and update configuration tables as the result of ongoing implementation activities.
g) The City is committed to minimizing changes to the software package, where that can be reasonably accomplished, by modifying its business processes to meet the requirements of the Cayenta software, except for Software Customizations defined in Attachment 3, Software Customization Requirements, which are required to be provided by Cayenta. City will be responsible for implementing all re-engineered internal business processes agreed upon in the Configuration Phase in a timely fashion.
The objectives of this phase are to:
a. Confirm and configure high-level application design;
b. Review City business process to prepare for the change management process and identify any additional gaps between system functionality and City requirements;
c. Identify process gaps and determine whether additional Software Enhancements will be required;
d. Confirm and configure functional specifications for City requirements;
e. Define high level training strategy: audiences, approach, roles, resources required; and
f. Involve key stakeholders in validation of solution design
The chart below outlines the major activities and related deliverables in Phase 2:
Major Activities | Deliverables | Responsibility |
Create Initial Application Environments | Initial Application Environments | Cayenta |
Confirm High Level Application Design by Functional area | Configuration/Discovery Session Report | City |
Plan End-User Training | Training Plan and Approach | Cayenta |
Identify Initial Business Process Change | List of Business Process Area changes | City |
Confirm Custom Development and Interface Strategy & Design | Functional Design Specifications | Cayenta |
Complete Configuration of Cayenta Software | CIS Configuration | Cayenta |
Configuration Database | Database containing configuration changes, and final configuration. | Cayenta |
6.4 Phase 3: Deployment
The purpose of this phase is to expand upon the initial definition of System Enhancements and interfaces that were identified in the previous phases of the project. During this phase Cayenta and City team members will review functional specification documents that describe the nature and scope of each enhancement and interface. These specifications will first be written using non-technical terminology to accommodate review and approval by City business personnel. Upon approval of the functional specifications, Cayenta and City technical staff will convert these documents to detailed technical specifications designed to guide the development of computer based programs and routines. Functional Specifications that describe System Enhancements and interfaces are used to expand development of new business process designs and end-user training materials.
Interfaces associated with this System, and described in Attachment 6, Interface Requirements, will be:
a General Ledger Interface to GEAC
b Refunds/Accounts Payable Interface to GEAC
c Hand Held Meter Reading Interface to Schlumberger Advanced Handheld, 9800 Handheld and EZ Route Software
d Daily Remittance Processing Interface to UNISYS DP500, Remittance Processor (WIN-NT 4.0 platform using Visual Remittance
Initial Report Workshops and associated Functional and Detailed Design activities are also conducted during this phase. Report development activities may continue beyond completion of system enhancement and interface development tasks. Completed reports are incorporated into testing phase activities as each report is completed.
Cayenta and City technical team members will test the completed programs and routines to ensure they work in accordance with design specifications. These tests must be conducted prior to release of the System to complete this phase of the project.
Requirements of this phase are as follows:
a) Cayenta Functional and Detail Design Specifications will be used to describe Software Enhancements; Software configurations and interfaces to the Cayenta Software; and as further defined in the fit analysis and configuration document delivered at the end of the Fit Analysis and Configuration Phase. These Specification Templates are described in Attachment 5.
b) Preparation of functional and detail design specifications for changes to City interfacing applications will be the responsibility of the City, who will rely on Cayenta functional and detail design specifications in Attachment 5.
c) Functionally knowledgeable business analysts from the City and any management authorized to resolve issues and make decisions in accordance with the change management process (as defined in Section 7.5) will be available as needed through the design activities.
d) The City will be responsible for providing data formats and layouts for interfaces between G.E.A.C. and the Cayenta Software. Cayenta will be responsible for the data formats and layouts for all other interfaces to the Cayenta Software.
e) Cayenta will provide sufficient documentation and assistance in order to enable the City to understand the appropriate API (application program interface) structures that support System interface activities.
f) Cayenta will conduct unit and regression tests to ensure Software Enhancements and interfaces are working in conformance with specifications before the parties can proceed to the Functional and Integrated Testing Phase. Upon completion of these tests, Cayenta will provide the City with a report that certifies the Software Enhancements and interfaces are working in conformance with the specifications.
The objectives of this phase are:
a. Development of Functional and Detail Design specifications that describe all System Enhancements and interfaces to be developed to support City requirements;
b. Develop necessary computer programs and routines to support System Enhancements and interfaces;
c. Expand design of new business processes;
d. Expand end-user training materials that will include all modifications and interfaces specific to the City’s implementation;
e. Review and expand functional test plans;
f. Test individual programs and routines to confirm conformance with approved specifications prior to release to Testing Phase activities.
The chart below outlines the major activities and related deliverables in Phase 3:
Major Activities | Deliverables | Responsibility |
Develop Functional Specifications | Approved Functional Specifications | Cayenta |
Develop Detailed Design Specifications | Detailed Design Specifications | Cayenta |
Develop Computer Programs and Routines | Computer Programs and Routines | Cayenta |
Conduct Program Unit and String Tests | Tested Programs | Cayenta |
Expand Business Process design | Expanded Business Process Design | City |
Enhance System Documentation | System Enhancement and Interface Documentation | Cayenta |
6.5. Phase 4: Functional Testing
The purpose of this phase is to ensure that Cayenta Software expanded System functionality will meet the business requirements of the City and that all the appropriate components of the System are properly integrated and tested before moving the System into the Integrated Testing phase. This Functional Testing Phase also includes converting from Cayenta Utilities – Version 7.3 to Version 8.0, testing the batch and new business processes.
Cayenta and City shall design and construct billing cycle simulation test scripts and corresponding test databases to test the functionality of the System. Cayenta will assist City training personnel in the development of a training approach for the System. The training team shall develop training material for the Cayenta Software that will ultimately be delivered to end users. Cayenta shall use test scripts that reflect current City business practices within the Cayenta Software to increase the City’s project team’s experience with the System during implementation.
Functional Testing is repeated until results defined in the test plan and functional test scenarios are achieved. During the testing activity, Cayenta and City staff shall refine testing scenarios and data to address System problems and issues. Testing results are recorded in formal testing documentation and a final Functional Test Phase report is produced that contains Cayenta and City project team recommendations to proceed to the Integrated System Test phase.
Cayenta’s Software is required to meet the City’s functional requirements listed in Attachment 1, Functional Requirements and Software Customization requirements in Attachment 3, Software Customization Requirements.
Cayenta will have primary responsibility with City’s assistance to verify the accuracy and adequacy of the Software Configurations and Enhancements identified during the fit analysis sessions to meet City functional requirements.
The objectives of this phase are to:
a. Finalize the configuration of the Cayenta Software to meet City needs as specified in this Exhibit A, Statement of Work;
b. Develop training plan, collateral and prepare City trainers to assist in training rollout activities;
c. Execute test scenarios in which unit tests and cross-functional (string) tests are jointly performed by Cayenta and City resources to verify setup and business processes;
d. Identify impacted job roles and develop plan for transitioning workers to the new environment; and
e. Confirm system customizations are developed in accordance with specifications and deliver expected results.
The chart below outlines the major activities and related deliverables in Phase 4:
Major Activities | Deliverables | Responsibility |
Migration from Cayenta Utilities software Version 7.3 to Version 8.0. | Conversion to Cayenta Utilities Version 8.0. | Cayenta |
Create Test Environment | Test Environment | Cayenta |
Finalize Test Schedules and Scenarios | Test Schedules & Scenarios | Cayenta |
Finalize Business Process Test Scenarios | Test Scenarios | City |
Develop testing database | Test Database | Cayenta |
Identify Integration test approach | Integration Test plan | Cayenta |
Execute Test Plan | Test Plan Execution | Cayenta |
Plan End User Training | End User Training Plan | Cayenta |
Document Results of Test Efforts | Test Results Document | City |
Expand End User Training Materials | Training Materials | Cayenta |
Expand new Business Process Designs | Business Process Designs | City |
6.6 Phase 5: Integrated System Testing
During the Integrated System Testing Phase, Cayenta and City team members will develop and execute test scenarios that simulate City billing cycles and collection processes to test System functionality and automated interfaces. The teams will test interfacing applications as well as all other System functionality.
The Cayenta Software Configuration, Modifications and Enhancements developed during earlier phases of the project will be completed and tested. Both sides of automated System interfaces will be developed and unit tested first by Cayenta and then by the City. The end-to-end tests of System functionality, including the operation of all automated interfaces, will include a detailed review of all City work processes that support System activities and refine them, where necessary. Training staff will modify standard training materials to include additional functions and features tested during this phase.
Later stages of this testing phase will test selected subsets of converted data and data from production interfacing systems. These tests include a series of mock data conversion runs that provide a full set of production data to the test environment.
At the conclusion of this phase Cayenta and City project management will determine if the System and supporting business processes are sufficiently developed to support City production requirements and a decision will be made to proceed with final City acceptance testing activities.
Requirements for this phase are as follows:
a) The City will provide data from interfacing applications in a format required for testing.
b) Cayenta will define, for the City, the data format required for testing.
c) The City will provide qualified testers who have been trained during project team training and are familiar with the City business requirements to perform the City’s acceptance testing.
d) The City will, with assistance from Cayenta, develop test plans and schedules, develop test scripts, and coordinate and monitor System testing activities.
e) City and Cayenta are jointly responsible for creating test data in Cayenta Software, executing test scripts, and with City approving the results of System testing.
f) After reviewing the test results and System readiness, the City may enter into cycle simulation testing to assure System readiness prior to Acceptance. Such additional testing, if elected, is included in the Exhibit B, Pricing Schedule pricing.
g) In the event the City elects to conduct such testing, the following will apply:
(1) City will identify of the specific scope and nature of cycle simulation testing activities.
(2) City will utilize the qualified testers who have been trained during project team training and production area personnel familiar with City business requirements.
(3) City will create a full copy version test database taken from the live database in the City’s current customer information system, execute test scripts, and approve the results of System testing.
(4) The parties will jointly develop test plans and schedules, develop test scripts, and coordinate and monitor testing activities.
(5) Testing will include multiple days of meter reading, billing and remittance activities.
The objectives of this phase are to:
a. Develop an execute end-to-end testing;
b. Expand test data and scripts to address entire System functions and features;
c. Test System with full converted database;
d. Refine business work process designs;
e. Edit training materials to include changes made during this phase; and
f. Design City Acceptance test plans.
The chart below outlines the major activities and related deliverables in Phase 5:
Major Activities | Deliverables | Responsibility |
Create Test Environment | Integrated Test Environment | Cayenta |
Finalize Test Data and Scenarios | Integrated Test Data & Scenarios | Cayenta |
Develop Business Process Test Scenarios | Business Process Test Scenarios | City |
Execute Test | Integrated Test Execution | Cayenta |
Conduct Mock Conversion Run | Fully Converted Testing Database | Cayenta |
Execute Test Using Fully Converted Data | Integrated Test Execution Using Converted Data | Cayenta |
Expand Business Process Designs | New Business Process Documentation | City |
Expand Training Materials | End User Training Materials and Plans | Cayenta |
Workforce Assessment | Workforce Assessment | City |
6.7 Phase 6: City Acceptance Testing
In the Acceptance Testing Phase, City project team and production area personnel will conduct a series of tests to determine if the Cayenta System is ready to allow the City to cut-over from its current customer information system. The City project team, with assistance from Cayenta staff, will develop test scenarios to address all critical aspects of City customer information system operations. These tests will utilize converted production data and live data from interfacing systems to simulate actual City operations.
The results of these Acceptance tests will be compiled by the City into a formal report for review and approval by City management. City quality assessment personnel and contractors providing an independent assessment of the status of the System performance and operation and will also review the test activities and results.
After reviewing the Acceptance tests results, the City in consultation with Cayenta, will determine whether the Cayenta System is ready to permit a cut-over from the current customer information system. .
Objectives of this phase are:
a. Create test environment the simulates City production environment;
b. Design test scenarios that simulate City operations;
c. Execute test until expected results are achieved;
d. Document results in formal Acceptance report with Go-live recommendations for City management; and
e. Perform independent assessment of status of System with Go-Live recommendation.
The chart below outlines the major activities and related deliverables in Phase 6:
Major Activities | Deliverables | Responsibility |
Create Production Test Environment | Acceptance Test Environment | City |
Finalize Test Scenarios | Acceptance Test Scenarios | City |
Conduct Mock Conversion Run | Fully Converted Testing Database | Cayenta |
Create Interfacing System Data | Interfacing System Testing Database | City |
Execute Test Using Fully Converted Data | Acceptance Test Execution Using Converted Data | City |
Document Test Results | Test reports | City |
Independent Assessment of CIS System | Report on whether System is ready for acceptance | Quality Assurance Consultant |
Determine that system has meet Acceptance criteria | Written acceptance/non-acceptance of system | City |
6.8 Phase 7: Production Readiness & Live Operation
Notwithstanding Acceptance by City, Cayenta and the City desire to deploy the System in an organized, well-communicated manner. To that end, City management may require additional testing to acquire additional knowledge of System performance and interaction in a simulated production environment prior to deployment. The decision to perform this additional test and the length and scope of the test is made by senior levels of City administration, and such testing is included in Exhibit B, Pricing Schedule as an optional service.
This City’s decision to cut-over to the Cayenta System from the current customer information system will be based upon a review of City Acceptance Testing results and reports, discussions with City project team management, and review of reports created by the City’s independent quality assessment personnel. At the conclusion of this test phase, a production System capable of meeting the business requirements will be available for use by City resources. Transition documents and technical documentation will be developed by Cayenta shall be finished and provided to the City at this time.
Final training of end-users and the technical team will be conducted by Cayenta during this phase. Cayenta trainers, assisted by City training personnel, will conduct a series of formal classroom and on-the job training sessions to prepare City personnel to use the System and supporting work processes. Training materials and scenarios developed during earlier project phases will be used to support training activities.
Cayenta management will produce for the City an assessment of readiness of City staff to run production operations using the System and supporting work processes.
All of the documentation and the results from this phase will be provided as input to City management to assist in the decision to move the System into production status.
Requirements of this phase are as follows:
a) Cayenta and the City will jointly create their strategy and a detailed checklist for changing the City from its current customer information system, to the new one provided by Cayenta during acceptance testing.
b) Cayenta and the City will update the checklist of implementation criteria that was developed by both parties during the project initiation phase.
c) Cayenta will provide the following documentation within five (5) Business Days after cutover has occurred:
1. Functional Design Specifications (hard and soft copy).
2. Baseline System Test Scripts updated with City modifications (hard and soft copy).
3. Baseline training materials updated to reflect City requested modifications to the Cayenta software (hard and soft copy).
d) In addition to the above Documentation, Cayenta will provide the City with the following System Documentation:
1. User Guides
2. Online Help
3. Reference/System Administration Guides
4. Feature Release Documents
5. Release Bulletins
The objectives of this phase are to:
a. Confirm that the System will deliver the expected business requirements as defined in Attachment 1, Functional Requirements.
b. Complete additional end-to-end business cycle walk-through executed by City staff;
c. Conduct end-user training;
d. Conduct technical team training;
e. Develop Go/No Go reports and recommendations to senior City management; and
f. Cutover to fully tested production system loaded with the conversion data.
The chart below outlines the major activities and related deliverables in Phase 7:
Major Activities | Deliverables | Responsibility |
Create Cycle Simulation Environment | Test Environment | City |
Finalize Simulation Schedules and Scenarios | Cycle Simulation Schedules & Scenarios | City |
Execute Test | Simulation Test Execution | City |
Make Decision to Go Live | Production Cutover Plan | City |
Train End Users | End User Training | Cayenta |
Prepare Production Environment | Production Environment | City |
Cutover Operations | Live Operation | City |
6.9 Phase 8: Support
During this phase, training on the Cayenta system and transition of operations on the current customer information system to the Cayenta System and all other project-related responsibilities shall be completed. Cayenta will provide approximately forty-two (42) weeks of post-production support. The number of onsite Cayenta personnel and resources will fluctuate, however Cayenta will provide a minimum of one onsite resource and as many as four onsite resources for the forty-two (42) week period as defined in the Project Plan. Cayenta management will produce an independent assessment of ongoing City operations using the System. This report also will include a plan to transition from dedicated support to normal Cayenta support services.
The objectives of this phase are to:
a. Capture knowledge acquired through the project and update City knowledge base;
b. Assign system production responsibilities to the City;
c. Close out project and plan for post implementation activities;
d. Produce plan to transition to ongoing Cayenta support services; and
e. Produce Post Implementation Report.
The chart below outlines the major activities and related deliverables in Phase 8:
Major Activities | Deliverables | Responsibility |
Support Production Operations | End User Production Support | Cayenta |
Reconcile Initial Production Periods Close | Period Close Reconciliation | City |
Document Lessons Learned | Transition Report and Plan | City |
Close Out Project | Project Office Closure | City |
6.10 Phase 9 - Data Conversion
6.10.1. Data Conversion Mapping
Cayenta will conduct data mapping and information gathering sessions that will result in a Data Mapping Analysis, a document that defines the mapping between the City’s current customer information system database and the Cayenta Software interface files. The Data Mapping Analysis document will also contain the definitions of the business rules used to identify the current data to be extracted.
Cayenta will deliver the Data Mapping Analysis to the City in accordance with the approved Conversion Plan for review and acceptance before Data Conversion begins. The City will have five (5) Business Days to review and approve the Data Mapping Analysis or provide comments and corrections to it if it is unacceptable. Cayenta will have five (5) Business Days to return a finalized version of the document to the City.
6.10.2 Data Conversion Charter
Cayenta is responsible for producing a Data Conversion Charter. The Data Conversion Charter is a document that defines the details of the conversion process, the responsibilities of each party related to data conversion, the effects of configuration on the conversion, the specific business rules identified during implementation and decisions that affect the conversion. The Data Conversion Charter will be delivered to the City in accordance with the approved Project Plan for review and acceptance before the Data Conversion development begins. The City will have five (5) Business Days to review and approve the Data Conversion Charter or provide comments to Cayenta if the Data Conversion Charter is unacceptable. Cayenta will make the necessary changes and return a finalized version of the document to the City within five (5) Business Days.
6.10.3 Source Data
The City is responsible for the Source Data conversion on this project. The City is responsible for the correction of data that is corrupted or in need of correction from its current customer information system.
After conversion, Cayenta will conduct a Source Audit to evaluate the quality of the current customer information system data and the success of the source data conversion. The Source Audit evaluates the results of audit queries, which are tests run against the source data that has been converted from the current customer information system. This audit will grade the data based upon the acceptance criteria defined in the Source Audit Plan. The current data must pass the source audit before the remaining data conversion begins. Cayenta, following the receipt of each agreed source delivery, will provide a Source Audit Report.
The City will have five (5) Business Days to review and approve the Source Audit Plan or provide comments to Cayenta if the Source Audit Plan is unacceptable. If the acceptance criteria are not met because of incorrect or corrupted data in the current customer information system, then the City will correct the source data and re-perform the associated areas of the source data extract that were found unacceptable so that the conversion can continue. If the acceptance criteria are not met because of source data conversion issues, City will correct the problem so that the conversion can continue
6.10.4 Target Data
Cayenta will prepare a document called a Target Audit Plan. The Target Audit Plan will define the audit process and the reports to be run against each set of target data delivered by Cayenta. This document will define the acceptance criteria for the Target Data. The Target Audit Plan will be delivered to the City in accordance with the approved Project Plan for review and acceptance before Data Conversion begins.
Cayenta will conduct a Target Audit. The Target Audit will evaluate the results of the audit queries run against the target data following a conversion by Cayenta. This audit will score the data against the acceptance criteria defined in the Target Audit Plan.
If the acceptance criteria are not met, then Cayenta will re-perform the associated areas of the target data conversion that were found unacceptable so that the conversion can continue. Cayenta, following the delivery of each agreed conversion, will provide a Target Audit Report. The City will have five ( 5) Business Days to review and approve the Target Audit Plan or provide comments to Cayenta if the Target Audit Plan is unacceptable.
6.10.5 Data Conversion Scope
The detailed conversion-planning document will contain the final data conversion strategy. The following data elements will be included in the automated data conversion effort. If other data elements are determined to be required after completing the Data Conversion Workshop and deemed necessary to operate Cayenta software in accordance with the functional and business requirements in Attachment 1, Functional Requirements then they will be included in the scope of the conversion-planning document.
a. Customer Data:
1. Primary address and phone numbers for each customer
2. A credit rating for each customer
3. Any additional mailing addresses
4. All active (current) “Legal Entities” (LE’s) associated with an account and their relationship to the account. A LE is assumed to equate to a person entity in the Cayenta Software. Information on LE’s to be converted includes SSN, driver’s license, date of birth, name preference, language preference, type of service code and comments
5. Convert active (current) owner-agent agreement associations, where owner-agent agreement associations are assumed to equate to landlord-tenant relationships in the Cayenta Software.
6. Convert active (current) LE “special conditions”(low income discount, dialysis, disabled, elderly, etc.), where these can be converted as alerts, memos or extended attributes, as defined during the data mapping.
b. Account Data:
1.Active Accounts
2. Final Accounts with an outstanding balance on at least one fund
3. Write off accounts with a non-zero write off balance
4. Final accounts assigned to a collection agency (with or without an outstanding balance)
5. Bankrupt accounts with a non-zero balance
6. Active deposits.
7. Budget billing account data.
8. Active pay arrangements
9. Active installment plans
10. Account attributes as defined in the configuration and agreed during the data mapping workshops
11. Convert all owner accounts associated to an active (current) owner-agent agreement, regardless of account status or balance.
c. Location Data:
1. Convert all service addresses with active service provisions.
2. Mandatory location information, including “wheeled account” designations, impervious area and number of units
3. Location extended attribute information as defined in the configurations and agreed during the data mapping workshops. These may include property tax id, geographical area, property use and type of structure.
4. Convert the owner record associated with each location, regardless of the owner’s account status or balance, where an owner is a person associated with a location.
5. Special conditions (hospital, fire line, and bypass.), where these can be converted as alerts or extended attributes, as defined during the data mapping.
6. Installed equipment such as water meters, sewer meters, backflow devices, touchpads and other similar devices.
d. Installed Services Data:
1. All active services (service provisions)
2. Tariff or Rate assigned to active services
3. Services that are not yet set up to bill, e.g. new construction
e. Meters
1. Mandatory meter information required for Cayenta Software to operate correctly
2. Mandatory register information required for Cayenta Software to operate correctly
3. Installed meter bill codes
4. Eighteen (18) months of meter read history with readings, read date, days between reads, read type, source and consumption. This assumes that set, pull, cut on and cutoff reads exist in the current customer information system.
5. Eighteen (18) months of meter location history to support meter read history only. This assumes that the current customer information system contains meter location history such that a meter is installed at only one location at any date and time and that at any date and time, there is only one meter installed at a location.
6. Meter information as defined in the configuration and agreed during the data mapping workshops, such as serial number, manufacturer, meter size, date acquired, reading instructions, meter reading sequences within routes.
f. Financial Data:
1. Outstanding account balances by fund and type of charge (summary code) at the time of conversion (both debit and credit)
2. Account item groups and account summaries based on the outstanding balances.
3. Bill header and detail information for thirteen (13) months for each account. This information is to support Budget Billing only.
4. Active bank drafts (ACH)
g. Collections Data:
1. Collection events will be created based on the last bill date and the appropriate Cayenta Software collection stream for each account.
2. A single credit event will be created for each customer to support the credit rating applied at the time of conversion. This event will expire twelve (12) months from the date of conversion.
3. Current collection agency assignments
4. Suspend collection data
h. Miscellaneous Data:
1. Property, account and customer notes (memos)
2. Special conditions for properties and customers and accounts (alerts)
3. Special attention codes for accounts
4. Winter Average Value – current and previous year’s value.
6.10.6 Data Conversion Considerations
Source data tables will be extracted from the current customer information system and supplied in an agreed format (normally ASCII delimited) by the City. If a direct connection to the current customer information system database can be established during the project then this may replace the provision of extract files.
No data outside of that defined in the source data files from the current customer information system or the secondary pay plan system (PBear) will be converted.
No historic data, except for eighteen (18) months of data from meter readings and meter location data will be converted.
”Free form” text found in the current customer information system will be converted only as free form text.
6.10.7 City Data Conversion Responsibilities
The City will perform the following data conversion activities to support Cayenta’s efforts:
a. Provide source data extracts in the format defined by Cayenta. The schedule for delivery of these extracts will be defined in the Conversion Plan and the main project schedule.
b. Deliver each set of source extract files that meets the quality targets agreed to in the source audit plan.
c. Provide sufficient resources to produce the source data extracts on the agreed upon dates as defined in the Data Conversion Charter and the main project schedule.
d. Ensure that experts knowledgeable about the contents, type and context of the data in the current customer information system as well as the business rules that affect the current customer information system data assist Cayenta with the definition of the programming logic for the source data extraction. These experts will be available throughout the project to assist in resolving issues relating to the source extract components.
e. Supply one to one mapping from all current customer information control codes to Cayenta Software control codes prior to the first source extract delivery.
f. Correct all source data issues within the current customer information system.
g. Provide reconciliation reports for use in source auditing.
h. Provide suitable resources to allow the conversion to be run on-site from an agreed point in the conversion plan.
i. Provide to the extent that it exists a Physical Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) for the current customer information system, a Data Dictionary for the current customer information system and a list of known source data issues, at least one (1) month before the data mapping workshop is scheduled to start.
j. Develop the source extract components used to populate the conversion staging tables, with the assistance of the City’s current customer information system experts.
6.10.8 Cayenta Data Conversion Responsibilities
Cayenta will perform the following data conversion activities:
a. Provide the Data Mapping Workshop, the analysis of the Data Mapping results and prepare the Data Mapping Analysis Document.
b. Create the Conversion Charter and the review the Conversion Charter in preparation for the deployment phase.
c. Create the Source Audit Plan and the review of the Source Audit Plan in preparation for the deployment phase.
d. Create the Target Audit Plan and the review of the Target Audit Plan in preparation for the deployment phase.
e. Provide the format of the source extract files and documentation on their required contents.
f. Audit the source data extracts supplied by the City and creating a Source Audit Report for each set of files received.
g. Run the conversion process on the source data extract when the source data has passed its agreed acceptance criteria in accordance with the Source Audit Plan.
h. Convert the conversion data set as defined in the Conversion Plan when the City is ready to cut over to the Cayenta Software. .
i. Cayenta will perform manual conversion tasks that may be required for unique situations in which the data from the current customer information system cannot be converted electronically, provided, however, that the data has been cleansed by the City in accordance with the acceptance criteria of the Source Audit Plan.
j. The City and Cayenta will perform multiple trial production conversions until the conversion meets the acceptance criteria for Live Operation conversion. Trial production conversions consist of a transfer of the full City production database to the new Cayenta database.
Major Activities | Deliverables | Responsibility |
Data Conversion Workshop | Data Conversion Plan | Cayenta |
Data Conversion Workshop | Data Mapping Analysis | Cayenta |
Data Conversion Workshop | Data Conversion Charter | Cayenta |
Data Conversion Workshop | Source and Target Audit Plans | Cayenta |
Source Data Conversion | Source Data | City |
Target Data Conversion | Target Data | City |
Source and Target Audit | Source Audit and Target Audit Reports | Cayenta |
Data Conversion | Conversion Data Set | Cayenta |
7.1 Cayenta Project Manager
The Cayenta and City Project Managers shall be responsible for the planning and execution of the project. The Project Managers will jointly be responsible for project management and knowledge management activities throughout the project, and the delivery of change management and project communications. As detailed in the approach below, the Project Managers overall management objective will be to quickly establish an effective project office leveraging established Cayenta methods, templates and tools while providing an effective and efficient management structure.
7.2 Project Management Approach
Cayenta shall work with City Project Managers in executing the deliverables listed in this Statement of Work (the “Agreement”). Cayenta and City Project Managers shall use the Cayenta methodology from the start of this phase, and apply project management best practices throughout the course of Project.
Cayenta shall deliver all project documents and information at the project conclusion, or earlier if requested by City, in supported electronic formats (i.e. Microsoft product suite, Visio, data model tool, etc.).
7.3 Acceptance of Project Deliverables Process
Cayenta and the City will use the following process steps when Cayenta delivers and City accepts deliverables under this Agreement.
a. Cayenta completes necessary deliverable(s) that meet or exceed milestone criteria for acceptance within the time required by the Agreement
b. Cayenta simultaneously delivers written request for approval of the deliverable.
c. City reviews deliverables, verifies quality and completeness, and either accepts milestone as having been met or provides in writing a detailed list of deficiencies and marks the milestone as rejected.
d. If a deliverable is accepted, City provides written approval of deliverable to Cayenta.
e. If a deliverable is not accepted, Cayenta shall resubmit that deliverable with all the deficiencies corrected within ten (10) business days or an alternate timeframe that is mutually acceptable to both Cayenta and the City. The corrected deliverable will be provided at no cost and will not adversely effect the Work Plan.
7.4 Project Management Deliverables and Outcome
The City and Cayenta Project Managers will be responsible for the following activities and associated deliverables:
Major Activities | Deliverable(s) | Responsibility |
Plan overall project execution, define and communicate project scope | Project charter and scope definition document List of project critical success factors | City |
Develop scope management plan | Scope management plan | City |
Develop and communicate Master Project Plan | Master Project Plan, (to coordinate detailed individual team plans) including: Initial Task Plan Resource Assignments Schedule and Key Milestones | City |
Identify resources, roles and responsibilities define project reporting structure | Team organization chart Team roles and responsibilities document Resources available on-site per Master Project Plan | City/Cayenta City/Cayenta City/Cayenta |
Develop project issue management plan | Project issue management plan (specific activities embedded into Master Project Plan) Project issue management tool | City |
Develop project risk management plan | Risk management action plan (specific activities embedded into Master Project Plan) | City |
Develop project quality management plan | Quality management plan (specific activities embedded into Master Project Plan) | Quality Control Consultant |
Develop project application release management plan | Project application release management plan (specific activities embedded into Master Project Plan) | Cayenta |
Define project metrics | List of key project metrics (and how they will be generated) | City |
Direct individual project teams (authorize and release work to team) | Weekly team meeting schedule (for each implementation team) Team meeting agenda (for each implementation team) Team meeting minutes (for each team meeting held) | City/Cayenta
City/Cayenta |
Manage individual team performance (Control project work) | Team status report template Team status reporting requirements defined and communicated Issues gathered and recorded in issue tracking tool | City City
City |
Report project performance and obtain guidance on significant issues | Steering Committee meeting schedule Steering Committee meeting agenda Steering Committee status reports for discussion at scheduled meetings (including plan progress, significant issues, and any project metrics) Steering Committee meeting minutes, including documentation of decisions made and key issue resolution paths Updates to Master Project Plan | City City City
City |
Develop / facilitate and Deliver Master Training Plan | Master Training Plan (coordinated across all teams)
| Cayenta |
7.5 Project Management Estimates in Workdays
Subject to the requirements described in Exhibit A, Statement of Work, the total City and Cayenta Project Manager time commitments are included in the resource breakdown table below.
Resource Role | Commitment | Individual |
City Project Sponsor | Part-time (Less than 5%) | Tim Grewe |
City Project Manager | Full-time (100%) | Julie Shervey |
City PM Consultant | Full Time (100%) | MSUG |
Cayenta Project Director | Part-time (10%) | Brian McRae |
Cayenta Project Manager | Full-time (100%) | John Yau / Cayenta Support |
7.6 Change Management
7.6.1 Section 7.6 describes how changes to the Statement of Work (SOW) will be made during the project. Such changes could involve additions, deletions or revisions to the SOW and the associated impact of those changes on the project’s cost, schedule and deliverables.
7.6.2 If, during the project, either Cayenta or the City believes that the SOW should be changed, the party recommending the change shall prepare a Change Proposal that includes the following information:
a. Description of the proposed change
b. Identification of the relative importance of the proposed change by placing it into one of the following four categories:
1. Critical:
The proposed change appears unavoidable, even with prompt attention.
2. High:
The proposed change appears to be necessary to support the City’s important business requirements;
3. Medium:
The proposed change appears to offer the City a significant business or technical advantage, but the change can be deferred until a later time without adversely affecting the project’s schedule;
4. Low:
The proposed change appears to offer the City some business or technical advantage, but the advantage is not significant and the change can be deferred to a later time without adversely affecting the project’s schedule.
c. Description of why the change is desirable or required;
d. Description of how the change, if accepted, would affect the project’s schedule, costs, deliverables or quality.
e. Description of how the change, if accepted, would affect the allocation of project resources, including personnel.
f. The optimum time when the change should be implemented.
7.6.3 The Change Proposal shall be submitted to a Change Board (“Board”) for consideration. The Board is a committee that includes Cayenta and City project personnel whose composition will be established by mutual agreement of the parties.
a. The Board will identify significant persons or parties that might be affected by the change and seek their input. Those persons or parties shall provide information to the Board within any required timeline established by the Board on the anticipated impacts the change, if accepted, would produce.
b. After considering the input, the Board will determine whether to recommend that the parties accept all or part of the change, reject the change, or defer a decision on the change to a later date.
c. If the Board decides to recommend a change, in whole or in part, it shall forward that recommendation to the Executive Committee for final determination regarding the change. After the Executive Committee decides whether to accept the recommendation from the Board, the Board shall notify all necessary persons about the Committee’s decision.
d. If a change proposal is accepted, in whole or in part, a contemporaneous record of how the change affects the SOW, cost, schedule and deliverables shall be created. If the change affects the project’s cost or the scheduled date of Live Operation, Cayenta and the City shall execute a Change Order that amends the Contract between the parties to reflect the new cost and/or date. Changes to the SOW or deliverables that do not affect cost or the scheduled date of Live Operation do not need to be established by a formal Change Order. Nonetheless, the parties to this contract agree to be bound by those changes.
7.6.4 The Board shall meet as often as necessary and at a minimum, every other week in conjunction with Management Advisory Committee meetings during the Initiation and Fit Analysis and Configuration Phases of the project (Phases 1 and 2). At the conclusion of Phase 2, the City’s Project Manager will assess the need for weekly meetings of the Board. The parties agree to meet as frequently as may be determined by the Project Manager.
7.6.5 The parties will keep Minutes of the Board’s activities for future reference. The City’s project manager will provide administrative assistance to the Board by collecting Change proposals, setting the Board’s agenda and other, similar tasks.
7.6.6 Process Diagram
Change Proposal Identified –
A Change Proposal is identified by a project team member or an end user.
Change Board Periodic Review –
Every other week the Change Board will meet to review outstanding Change Proposals.
Change Proposal –
This is the form used to document potential changes for Change Board review.
Project Plan and Status Reports –
The project plan provides cost and schedule information to the Change Board.
Project Deliverables –
Approved project deliverables provide a reference point for Change Board members.
Initiation of Plan Maintenance Process –
If a Change Proposal is accepted by the Change Board, the Plan Maintenance process will be invoked to update of the Project Plan and other impacted deliverables.
Change Board Activity Log –
The documentation associated with Change Proposals will be consolidated to provide a record of the project’s decisions regarding Change Management. This log will be accessible to project team members in the project Repository.
Change Proposal Identification -
Project Manager or assigned resource completes initial Change Proposal.
PMO adds Change Proposal to Change Board Activity Log and Tracking Database.
Change Board Meeting -
PMO publishes Change Board Activity Log to Change Board Members
Change Board meets (physical meeting or conference call) to review Change Proposals in priority order.
Each Change Proposal is assigned a status:
Reject –
The Change Proposal will not be implemented. Reasons are documented.
Defer –
The Change Board will review the item at a later date.
Analysis Required –
The Change Board needs more information to make a decision. The Project Manager or assigned resource will add more details to the Change Proposal.
Accept pending approval --
The Change Board recommends that the Change Proposal be implemented. Final approval from the Management Advisory Committee and/or the Executive Committee is required.
Accept –
The Change Board authorizes the Project Manager to initiate the Plan Maintenance Process to implement the proposed change.
Complete –
After the Change Proposal has been implemented, the PMO will update the status of the Change Proposal.
Change Board presents recommended Changes to the Management Advisory Committee and/or Executive Committee at regularly scheduled meetings.
PMO updates Change Board Activity Log
7.7 Quality Management
The City will engage a third party to provide quality management and project oversight services. This third-party quality management and project oversight efforts will not relieve Cayenta of its quality management responsibilities under this Exhibit A, Statement of Work, or its attachments.
Cayenta and City Project team members will participate in the monthly quality management reviews conducted by this third party. The results of this monthly review will be presented to City management for review, consideration and appropriate action.
8.1. The project’s Implementation Work Plan is described in Attachment 2, Implementation Work Plan. The Implementation Work Plan will be the basis for detailed project planning of events and deliverables in this Agreement. It is subject to change only through mutual written agreement of the parties. The implementation schedule in Attachment 2,”Implementation Work Plan,” describes the major work tasks and major milestones for this project and will be the basis for the development of the detailed project plan during the project’s Initiation Phase. Based upon the major work tasks and milestones described in Attachment 2, Work Plan, the City shall be responsible for developing the City’s work plan and Cayenta shall develop Cayenta’s work plan. The City, to arrive at the schedule it will work from, shall combine the two plans into a Master Project Work Plan during Project Initiation phase activities.
8.2. Certain deliverables and dates within the Implementation Schedule are deemed critical milestones to the overall project. These deliverables and milestone dates are described below:
Milestone Description | Est. Completion Date |
Software Review Checklist Signed Off | 2/5/04 |
Delivery of Discovery Document | 4/16/04 |
Conversion Plan Finalized | 6/24/04 |
Configuration Signed Off | 7/13/04 |
Reports Review Analysis & Sign Off | 8/18/04 |
End User Training Plan Delivered | 9/7/04 |
System Administration Training Delivered | 11/26/04 |
Integrated Test Plan Signed Off | 1/10/05 |
Operations Training Delivered | 3/21/05 |
Batch Process Integration Testing Completed | 6/13/05 |
Initial Mock Production Milestone Completed | 7/5/05 |
Integrated Testing - Functional Business Area Signed Off | 8/1/05 |
City Acceptance/Non-Acceptance of System - Pre go-live | 10/13/05 |
Data Conversion - Mock Production Audit #4 Delivered | 11/10/05 |
Live Operation | 12/15/05 |
Cutover to Standard Support | 1/26/06 |
On-site Transition Support Second Level (90 days) | 3/30/06 |
On-Site Transition Support - Close Off (180 days) | 6/2/06 |
The chart below identifies the number of estimated workdays by phase and task for the System. These levels of effort estimates are reliant on the assumptions and are requirements described in this Exhibit A, Statement of Work.
9.1 Cayenta will provide firm fixed pricing for each major milestone defined in the project plan. For scope management purposes, the City has the right to move up to forty (40) hours between project activities during the implementation phases
The chart below is the overall project organization structure to be implemented upon project initiation.
Both parties will provide qualified resources to meet the mutually agreed upon project schedule and milestones for implementation of the System. Potential project delays or missed milestones will be reviewed by the Project Managers and appropriate scope changes or adjustments considered.
Staffing issues will be resolved between the City and Cayenta Project Managers. Both parties will make every reasonable effort to maintain a stable project staff for the life of the project and to minimize disruption to the project teams.
The City will provide a dedicated project team for the duration of the project. The make-up of the team, as outlined in Section 12.0 City Project Responsibilities, will be reviewed with Cayenta during the project Initiation phase of the implementation. These resources will be required for varying periods during the project.
The City may substitute persons who are not city employees for any of the following five (5) full-time [or any combination of people that make up the equivalent of five (5) full-time positions] technical resources: the Unix Administrator, the Database Administrator, the two (2) Report Writer Analysts, and the Data Conversion Technical Analyst.
These five (5) people will be available no later than the beginning of detail design in the project initiation, however, the number of City personnel required and the dates on which each of those persons starts work may be adjusted by mutual consent of the parties as a result of the development of the project Work Plan.
Cayenta has identified two (2) key Implementation Team resources that will remain constant throughout the implementation in an effort to maintain consistencies during the project and minimize any disruption to the project. The resources will remain assigned to the project unless there are unforeseen circumstances outside the control of Cayenta that would remove them from the project such as: illness, termination from Cayenta, the resource resigning from Cayenta, etc. The two resources will be the Project Manager, John Yau, and the Application Consultant Lead, Chris Fearon.
12.1. City’s Executive Steering Committee
The City’s Executive Steering Committee will remain in-place throughout the System. Committee members will ensure that key business and contractual decisions are made in a timely fashion.
12.2. City’s Project Sponsor
The City Project Sponsor’s will monitor project progress provide the project with strategic direction and decisions and to assist in leveraging City organizational resources to ensure the success of the project.
12.3. City’s Project Management Office
The City’s Project Management Office will consist of City resources as well as outside consultant resources from MSUG. The City’s Project Management Office will monitor and manage the project work plan and progress, and initiate appropriate changes to the scope of work in regard to software requirements, design, and configurations. The City’s Project Management Office will initiate appropriate changes in business personnel assigned to the project as required and changes to business processes. The City’s Project Management Office will work with the Cayenta Project Manager in the development of a detailed project schedule. The City’s Project Management Office will coordinate activities of City resources and manage for delivery of software and services pursuant to this Agreement and any change orders to it; which includes ensuring that all such commitments are included in the project Work Plan.
The City’s Project Management Office will work closely with the Cayenta Project Manager to ensure that the project will complete on time and on budget. Additionally, the City Project Managers will:
a. Participate in management meetings/conference calls for review, status, issue management, and coordination;
b. Provide day-to-day direction to City staff and its contractors;
c. Provide for the administration and management of project costs;
d. Administer project change control in accordance with change control procedures and adhere to Cayenta’s Management processes;
e. Review change requests with Cayenta Project Manager to determine the impact of the request and if approved, make changes to project work plans required to address the change in project scope’
f. Provide written project status reports, which will include work plan updates as agreed to between Cayenta and the City; and
g. Conduct formal project status meetings and briefing for City managers and administrators as required.
12.4 City’s Training Coordinator
The City’s Training Coordinator will participate and guide the planning, development, and delivery of the overall training program, as referenced in Section 5.0 Training Requirements. This initially includes the training approach, training course development, and training scheduling. They will also participate in and oversee training delivery and help ensure workforce readiness. The City’s Training Coordinator will work closely with the City’s Change Management Lead and the Cayenta training counterpart.
12.5. City’s Functional Team Lead
The City’s Functional Team Lead will provide on-going review and assistance to Cayenta configuration architects. In addition, the City’s Functional Lead will also provide review and assistance in other aspects of the System including: report development; functional project planning; and participation in the creation of functional specifications for each modification and interface. Upon completion of Functional Specifications, the City’s Functional Team Leads will provide functional and technical post-implementation coordinate City support, as well as, assist in Software Enhancement needs during the development of modifications and interfaces. The Functional Team Lead will assist in finalizing a list of required production reports through participation in Report Workshops conducted by Cayenta. The Functional Team Lead will be responsible for signing off or delegating the signoff of Design Functional Specifications for the coding of each modification and interface. The Functional Team Lead will participate in interface design workshops, working closely with the various business and technical analysts in charge of the current customer information system interfaces.
12.6. Testing Team Lead
The City’s Testing Team Lead will be responsible for the planning and management of the overall System testing effort, including Functional, Integration, City Acceptance and Cycle Simulation Testing Phases. The City’s Testing Team Lead will work with Cayenta staff to design and build testing databases that are used during the testing phases. The City’s Testing Team Lead will also work closely with the City’s Data Conversion Lead and Cayenta Data Conversion consultants to ensure an effective use of converted data during appropriate testing phases. The City’s Testing Team Lead will also perform post implementation reviews for Final City acceptance of the new system.
12.7. City’s Data Conversion Lead & Conversion Business Analyst
The City’s Data Conversion Lead will be responsible for directing the activities of the City Conversion Team, assisting in identifying issues that need business decisions, and for resolving issues that affect the conversion process. The City’s Data Conversion Lead and Conversion Business Analyst will be familiar with City’s current customer information system and the business processes it supports. The City’s Data Conversion Lead will work closely with Cayenta conversion staff to ensure activities of both team are well coordinated.
Tasks required of these roles include:
a. Assist in analyzing conversion related technical issues and strategies with relation to the City’s current customer information system;
b. Participate in Data Conversion discovery and mapping sessions;
c. Assists in process development of manual data conversion processes;
d. Communicate and coordinate with the activities of City third party vendors;
e. Assist in the development of programs required to extract data from the City’s current customer information system; and
f. Attend Cayenta configuration and design workshops to understand the System’s functionality.
12.8. City’s Business Analysts
City Business Analysts are city employees with sufficient experience and authority to fully participate in the design of business rules, the configuration of the System, all aspects of testing the System and it’s interfaces, and to assist in training documentation and support as available. City Business Analysts will represent the following City’s principal business areas (one individual may provide support in more than one functional area):
a. Billing;
b. Credit & Collections;
c. Customer Care/Account Maintenance;
d. Field Operations (Meter Reading, Service Orders, etc.); and
e. Accounts Receivable/Financial Controls.
12.9. City’s Report Writer Analysts (Application Analysts)
With support from the Cayenta Reports Analyst/Developer, the City’s Report Writers/Analysts will be responsible for working with the City’s Business Analysts to develop report specifications and write additional custom reports that do not form part of Cayenta’s report writing responsibilities in this Exhibit A, Statement of Work.
12.10. City’s System Administrator
The City’s System Administrator will provide infrastructure support for different aspects of the project. Depending on the skill sets available, this support may be provided by one or several people. The City’s System Administrator will provide the following assistance to the project:
a. Install System hardware;
b. Install System operating system;
c. Provide environmental setup and support (e.g. network connectivity, workstation problems);
d. Identify hardware issues and perform resolution support (e.g. printer problems);
e. Assist in the installation of the System related software;
f. Communicate and coordinate with the Cayenta’s conversion personnel concerning technical issues and strategies and their impact to the conversion; and
g. Perform all directory management of Cayenta’s Software.
12.11. City’s Database Administrator
The City’s Database Administrator who is familiar with the City’s current customer information system database and will assist in the Data Conversion effort. The City’s Database Administrator will work with the Cayenta during the installation of the System related software and will assist with table configuration in the Oracle Database. This individual will provide assistance on the following tasks:
a. Install Oracle Database;
b. Provide knowledge of the City’s current customer information system and data architecture;
c. Perform routine database updates; and
d. Assist in analyzing all conversion and data related technical issues and strategies with relation to the City’s current customer information system.
12.12. City’s Change Management Lead
The City’s Change Management Lead is responsible for the identification and implementation of business process changes required to support implementation of the System. The business process design activity will involve the participation City and Cayenta analysts in the identification of process changes during Configuration and Testing Phases of the project. The City’s Change Management Lead will participate in development training materials and conducting of end-user training sessions. The City’s Change Management Lead will participate in the following tasks:
a. Identify areas for process change;
b. Document detailed business process designs;
c. Gain approval of process changes from the City’s project management team;
d. Participate in the development of training materials to include new processes; and
e. Participate in the conduct of end-user training sessions.
12.13. City’s Program Management Office Analyst
The City’s Project Management Office Analyst is responsible for performing numerous tasks including City team member time and expense reporting, purchase ordering, tracking project budget and expenditures. The City’s Project Management Office Analyst will also ensure the initial population of the Project Work Plan and ensure its data integrity throughout the project. The City’s Project Management Office Analyst will gather status from project team members and produce weekly management reports, including monthly City’s Steering Committee status reports.
13.1. Cayenta Project Manager
The Cayenta Project Manager will be responsible for managing the implementation of Cayenta Software including connectivity to various interfacing systems. In addition, the Cayenta Project Manager will work with the Cayenta Project Team and City’s Project Management Office in the development of a detailed project schedule. The Cayenta Project Manager will coordinate activities of Cayenta’s subcontractors and manage delivery of contracted software and services.; which includes ensuring that all such commitments are included in the Project Work plan. The Cayenta Project Manager will work closely with the City’s Project Management Office to:
a. Participate in management meetings/conference calls for review, status, issue management, and coordination.
b. Provide day-to-day direction to all members of the Cayenta project team and subcontractors;
c. Provide for the administration and management of project-related costs;
d. Administer project change control in accordance with change control procedures and adhere to Cayenta’s project management processes;
e. Review change requests with the City’s Project Management Office to determine the impact of the request and if approved, allocate the resources required to meet the request;
f. Provide written project status reports, which will include work plan updates; and
g. Create a comprehensive project work program incorporating project activities and resources, with formal weekly and monthly reporting of progress.
13.2. Cayenta Application Consultant Lead
The Cayenta Application Consultant Lead will provide on-going review and assistance with aspects of the System including report development, functional project planning, configuration and unit testing. The Cayenta Functional Lead is responsible for the creation of the functional specifications for each Software modification and/or interface. Upon completion of the functional specifications, the Cayenta Functional Lead will provide functional and technical post-implementation support, as well as, assists in Software Enhancement needs. The Cayenta Functional Lead will assist in preparing a list of required production reports through the delivery of the Reports Workshop.
The Cayenta Functional Lead will also produce Design Specifications for the coding of each Software Modification and interface. When the construction of the modification and interface is complete, the Cayenta Functional Lead will manage and assist in the unit tests of the completed modifications and interfaces.
The Cayenta Functional Lead will run the interface design workshops, working closely with the various business and technical analysts in charge of the current customer information system interfaces. The Cayenta Functional Lead will also take a lead role in planning the overall System testing effort, including string testing, integration testing, and user acceptance testing. The Cayenta Functional Lead will also assist with post-implementation reviews for the City Acceptance of the System.
13.3. Cayenta Application Consultant
The Cayenta Application Consultant will facilitate the configuration workshops, configure the System, support acceptance testing and assist in report development and design. The Cayenta Application Consultant will assist with post-implementation reviews for the City Acceptance of the System.
13.4. Cayenta Training Manager
The Cayenta Training Manager will oversee the planning, development, and delivery of the overall training program. These responsibilities include the facilitation of to-be process modeling, training curriculum development, training course development, and training scheduling. The Cayenta Training Manager will also oversee training delivery and help maintain workforce readiness. The Cayenta Training Manager will also assist with System configuration activities and integration testing. The Cayenta Training Manager will work closely with the City Training Coordinator.
13.5. Cayenta Data Conversion Manager
The Cayenta Data Conversion Manager will be responsible for running the initial data conversion workshops and preparing the data conversion plan. The Cayenta Data Conversion Manager will provide the following support throughout the length of the data conversion portion of the implementation:
a. Analyze all conversion related technical issues and strategies;
b. Develop all SQL Scripts for loading of data;
c. Manage the conversion-specific project milestones;
d. Initiate conversion-related project meetings;
e. Analyze, design, development, unit test and integration test conversion applications and modules;
f. Perform audits on converted data at various project milestones; and.
g. Assign conversion technical issues to City’s Data Conversion Analyst and/or the City’s Project Management Office and track resolution(s).
13.6. Cayenta Application Consultants & Developers
As specific interfaces or Software Modifications are required, Cayenta Application Consultants and Developers from different Cayenta Software modules and products will be used to design and implement the changes to the System.
Cayenta Application Consultants & Developers will work together with City Business Analysts to translate business requirements into Design Specifications and the ultimate configuration of the System. Cayenta System Analysts & Developers will represent the following principal business areas (one individual may provide support in more than one functional area):
a. Billing
b. Credit & Collections
c. Service Orders
c. Finance
d. Reporting
e. Training Development
13.7. Cayenta Technical Consultant
The Cayenta Technical Consultant will be responsible for installing the Cayenta Software, and setting up and defining Cayenta’s software application and security. The Cayenta Technical Consultant will also provide UNIX administration assistance and perform regular System maintenance during the installation process.