Mt. Tabor Independent Review Panel

Scope of Work--Independent Technical Advisor

McGuire Environmental Consultants, Inc.



Task 1. Project Management


The project manager for this work, Dr. Michael J. McGuire, will stay in close contact with the IRP Chair and City Project Manager to ensure that the scope and tasks are accomplished according to the contract. Dr. McGuire will take his direction for this project from the IRP Chair, Mr. Ogden Beeman. Communication shall be by email, telephone, conference calls and meetings. Under this task, Dr. McGuire will work with Mr. Beeman and the project facilitator, EnviroIssues to plan and design the IRP process. This project must be accomplished in a short time period and frequent, effective communication will be critical to the success of the effort.


Task 2. Support IRP Decision Process


The ITA team under McGuire Environmental Consultants, Inc. (MEC) will perform a peer review of the relevant existing documentation that has been created to support the efforts to date to reach a solution at the Mt. Tabor Reservoir site. A PowerPoint report summarizing the peer review will be prepared. Documentation provided by other interested parties will also be peer reviewed and summarized.


Dr. McGuire will work with the IRP Chair to define and implement a framework of proposed alternatives of the Mt. Tabor options.


The IRP has been tasked under its charter to review five options for the Mt. Tabor Reservoir project. MEC will evaluate all of the issues associated with the options and will:

1.  summarize and explain them to the IRP;

2.  help the IRP establish the evaluation framework (e.g. a matrix, including issues and criteria) for considering the options; and

3.  assist them in assigning scores or otherwise evaluating the options for the evaluation criteria identified.


If a sixth proposal is created or a subset of one of the five proposals is defined, MEC will evaluate that option as well within the limitations of the budget for this task.


Task 3. IRP Meeting Support


Dr. McGuire will attend all IRP meetings and workshops. He will pull in members of the MEC team for presentations and support during the meeting periods. In addition, Dr. McGuire will meet with the IRP Chair and facilitator before each meeting to plan the presentations and conduct of the meeting. Dr. McGuire will also attend a meeting with the IRP Chair and the facilitator after the IRP Committee meeting to assess the progress of the effort and plan the conduct of the next meeting. It is anticipated that there will be 6 formal IRP committee meetings beginning February 17 and continuing until April 27, inclusive. Two public workshops are tentatively scheduled for March 20 and April 17.


Examples of the type of presentations to be made to the IRP committee by MEC include:

•  Briefing on the Portland water system and the role played by reservoirs in is operation

•  Analyses, evaluations and technical considerations of the alternatives under review

•  A summary of LT2 requirements for uncovered finished water reservoirs

•  Definitions of the five options and a critical evaluation of the criteria to be used to score the importance of each option

•  Summary of the peer review of Mt Tabor documents


MEC will work with the IRP members to review, discuss and draw conclusions from this information.



Task 4. Prepare Conceptual Risk Mitigation Plan


Under the proposed LT2 regulation, an important option to covering the reservoir or treating the water from it is the approval by the Primacy Agency of a Risk Mitigation Plan (RMP). Adoption of an RMP is also one of the five options to be considered by the IRP under the Charter from City Council. Neither the USEPA nor the Oregon Department of Health Services has developed specific guidelines to create an RMP. Te draft LT2 regulation currently states the following general topics should be addressed for an RMP:


•  Physical access and site security

•  Surface water runoff

•  Animal and bird waste

•  Ongoing water quality assessment

•  Schedule for plan implementation


MEC will work with regulatory agencies and experts on the ITA team to create a conceptual RMP that could be acceptable to the Oregon Department of Health Services. No process currently exists to approve an RMP but MEC will use its professional judgment to create the concept of such a plan. As part of the charter to the IRP from the City Council, security issues will be included in the RMP.


Task 5. Prepare IRP Report to City Council


The IRP is tasked to create and present a report to the Portland City Council. MEC will work with EnviroIssues, the IRP Chair and members of the IRP to create a draft report and circulate it for comment. Upon receipt of the comments, MEC and EnviroIssues will make any needed changes and finalize the report. EnviroIssues will take the lead on creating graphics for the report and for production of the final document and copies.


Task 6. Prepare Technical Memos on Issues to be Defined


There are a number of tasks for this project that cannot yet be defined. This task is reserved to address those efforts and will be authorized by separate task order at the direction of the IRP Chair.