January 22, 2004




TO:  Mayor Vera Katz

 Commissioner Jim Francesconi

 Commissioner Randy Leonard

 Commissioner Erik Sten

 Auditor Gary Blackmer


From:  Dan Saltzman    



RE:  Independent Review Panel Consultant Selections


I am submitting the following ordinance packet on behalf of the Mt. Tabor Open Drinking Water Reservoir Independent Review Panel (IRP).


The packet contains the following:


•  An ordinance authorizing a contract with McGuire and Associates of Santa Monica, California to serve as the Independent Technical Advisor for the IRP,


•  A memo to Council from the Independent Technical Advisor Selection Committee conferring its recommendation of McGuire and Consultants, and


•  A memo to Council from the Facilitator/ Process Management Selection Committee conferring its recommendation of EnviroIssues of Seattle, Washington to serve as the Facilitator for the IRP.


IRP Chair Ogden Beeman will be at Council next Wednesday to present the consultant recommendations on behalf of the selection committees.


The City Purchasing Agent will authorize the Facilitator/Process Manager contract because it is under $100,000. The contract scope and amount will be conveyed to Council next week once the contract is completed.