*Authorize an agreement with McGuire Environmental Consultants, Inc. not to exceed $243,590 to provide services as an Independent Technical Advisor for the Mount Tabor Open Drinking Water Independent Review Panel and provide for payment. (Ordinance)


The City of Portland ordains:


Section 1. The Council finds:


1.  The City Council by Resolution No. 36196 has created and authorized an Independent Review Panel (IRP) to conduct an independent review of the technical feasibility, cost effectiveness, and neighborhood impacts of five alternative approaches to comply with the pending requirements of the open finished drinking water reservoir provisions of EPA’s Long Term 2 Enhanced Surface Water Treatment Rule and to address water system security and aging infrastructure issues for the City’s open finished drinking water reservoirs in Mt. Tabor Park.


2.  An RFQ was solicited to select an Independent Technical Advisor to work with the Independent Review Panel (IRP) and provide a number of professional services including helping to design and support the IRP process, providing peer review for existing plans, reports and technical memoranda, developing and presenting written material and presentations regarding alternatives, and development of a specific conceptual level Risk Mitigation Plan for evaluation as directed by the IRP.


3.  A selection committee composed of the IRP Chair and three members of the IRP reviewed qualifications and conducted an interview and made a selection of the Independent Technical Advisor in accordance with Chapter 5.68 of the City Code.


4.  The firm of McGuire Environmental Consultants, Inc. was selected to provide these services.


5.  The cost of these services is not to exceed $243,590.


NOW, THEREFORE, The Council directs:


a.  That the Commissioner of Public Affairs and Auditor are authorized to enter into an agreement for services on behalf of the Independent Review Panel for services with McGuire Environmental Consultants, Inc. as outlined in attached Exhibit 1, attached to original ordinance only.


b.  The work shall be charged to the FY 2003-04 Water Fund, Bureau of Water Works, Center Code 18089949, Project No. 1000, Account 521000.


c.  The Purchasing Agent is instructed to issue a Purchase Order not to exceed $243,590 to be charged against the Water Fund for the services as referred to in item (b.) above.


d.  The Mayor and Auditor are hereby authorized to draw and deliver checks payable to McGuire Environmental Consultants, Inc. for services rendered in accordance with the agreement referred herein when demand is presented and approved by proper authorities.


e.  The Purchasing Agent is hereby authorized to execute change orders to increase the cost of the contract up to 10 percent of the original amount.


Section 2. The Council declares that an emergency exists because a delay in proceeding with this project will cause additional cost and schedule delays; therefore, this Ordinance shall be in force and effect from and after its passage by Council.


Passed by the Council, January 28, 2004  GARY BLACKMER

 Auditor of the City of Portland

Commissioner Saltzman  By /S/ Susan Parsons


Edward Campbell

January 22, 2004



AGENDA NO. 65-2004


















