TO:    Mayor Katz

   Commissioner Francesconi

   Commissioner Leonard

Commissioner Saltzman

   Commissioner Sten

   City Auditor Blackmer

   Tim Grewe, Chief Administrative Officer


FROM:    Yvonne L. Deckard, Human Resources Director


DATE:    January 16, 2004


SUBJECT:  Change the Title and Salary Range for the Nonrepresented Classification of Parking Control Supervisor


The attached Ordinance changes the title and salary range for the Nonrepresented classification of Parking Control Supervisor. The Bureau of Human Resources bases the title and compensation adjustment on input from the Bureau of Transportation Systems Management (BTSM) and further compensation analysis. This compensation action is necessary in order to properly compensate a position responsible for developing and managing the implementation of parking permit programs and services.



A BTSM employee in the Parking Control Supervisor classification filed a Request for Reconsideration. BHR reviewed the request and determined the classification specification needed to be revised to more accurately reflect the type and level of duties assigned to the position. Based on the changes to the classification specification, BHR also reviewed the compensation level of the classification. As a result of this review, BHR is requesting the salary range of this class be changed from salary range 6 to 7 effective July 1, 2002. The change to the salary range is effective July 1, 2002, because this recommendation was made based on information included in a Request for Reconsideration of classification allocation made as a result of the changes to the non-represented classification structure implemented by Council in August 2002. The changes were implemented retroactively to July 1, 2002, and this correction to the compensation should apply retroactively to that date.


Furthermore BTSM on September 24, 2003 also provided information about further changes to the level of complexity and program management responsibilities assigned to this position since July 1, 2002. Based on this additional information, BHR is also recommending that the title of this classification be changed to Parking Control Manager and the salary range be further changed from range 7 to 8 effective September 24, 2003.


There is no increased cost in salary and benefits for this compensation action. The position already exists in the current budget and the salary of the employee will not change as a result of this action.



I recommend that the Mayor and City Council approve the above change in title and salary range for this classification.

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