Statement of the Work


Payment Schedule


Scope of Work for Pre-Construction and Engineering Services


I.  General


A.  Consult with, advise, assist and make recommendations to PATI, the City and Design Team on all aspects of the design and planning for construction. The Contractor will participate in design workshops with the Design Team during Schematic Design, Design Development and Construction Document phases.


B.  Provide a detailed project schedule related to tram equipment supply and installation and update as necessary.


C.  Provide input as to current tram industry practices and participate in decisions regarding delivery schedules, construction costs, construction methods, materials and systems.


D.  Review in-process building design documents and provide input and advice with respect to constructability, alternative materials and methods, availability of materials and labor, and time requirements of procurement and construction.


E.  Provide a detailed listing of long-lead items that must be procured.


F.  Develop a detailed plan for provision of temporary assembly facilities and an equipment installation plan.


G.  Review completed design documents at 50% and 100% Schematic Design and 50% and 100% Design Development and suggest modifications to improve completeness or clarity.


H.  Recommend division of the work to facilitate bidding and award of subcontracts.


I.  Continuously monitor the project schedule and advance procurement of long lead items to ensure delivery by required dates.


J.  Participate in project management team meetings and other meetings of the PATI Board, the Citizens Advisory Committee, the City and others as requested. It is anticipated that four visits to Portland will be required.


K.  Assist and advise the Design Team in applicability of various regulatory codes and specifications.


L.  Provide design loads and requirements for the intermediate tower and terminal stations to the Design Team.


M.  Provide all tram equipment engineering services including passenger cabin, hanger and carriage mechanical and structural design.


N.  Review the conceptual operations plan and recommend changes. Provide input and advice on methods to maintain a high level of operational reliability including spare parts inventory and system redundancy.


O.  Prepare and submit a sub-suppliers selection plan or program describing the means of obtaining the most advantageous price and qualified sub-suppliers.



II.  Pre-Construction Cost Management Services


A.  Contractor will prepare tramway equipment supply and installation cost estimates Contractor for the project as follows:



1.  Schematic Design-100% Completion. As the Schematic Design documents are developed the Contractor shall continue to review and refine the cost estimate provided in accordance with Addendum No. 4 to the RFP and advise PATI, the City and the Project Team as to the status of the tramway supply and installation budget. The Contractor shall assist and advise in exploring alternative approaches in an attempt to minimize total project costs. This shall include advising on the details of design of appropriate project components.

2.  50% Design Development. The Contractor shall update the cost estimate. If the estimated cost exceeds the project budget, the Contractor shall make recommendations of appropriate changes that would reduce the estimated cost.


3.  Design Development – 100% Completion. Upon completion of Design Development Documents the Contractor shall update the cost estimate. The Contractor shall meet with the Project Team and fully explain the details in the cost estimate and the assumptions regarding the estimate. At this point it is expected that all tram equipment engineering will be substantially completed.


III.  Specific Task List


In addition to the general scope of work above, the Contractor shall complete the following specific tasks:


4.  50% Schematic Design


a)  Provide loads information to the Design Team for the upper terminal, lower terminal, and intermediate tower based on the Basic System proposed in response to the RFP.

b)  Provide justification for installation without track rope breaks.

c)  Provide justification for installation using fixed tensioning of the track ropes.

d)  List options available for redundant drives, standby drives, evacuation drives and controllers and provide cost estimates for each option.

e)  Meet with cabin manufacturer and verify that the cabin design as proposed by the Design Team is constructable.

f)  Meet with the Design Team in Portland, OR to clarify outstanding issues, structural loads, space and clearance requirements and all other necessary technical information.


5.  100% Schematic Design


a)  Define with owner and the Design Team requirements of the Utilization and Safety Plan (USP) as required by the Contractor’s Quality Management Plan.

b)  Discuss and define with the owner and Design Team the exact station and elevation of the upper and lower terminals.

c)  Assist the Design Team with development of a feasible and economical anchoring system for all loads acting on the upper terminal.

d)  Discuss and define with the owner and design Team the intermediate tower head design scheme.

e)  Update all drawings, rope line calculations, terminal loads and intermediate tower loads based on the approval USP.

f)  Review tram design and the design of the terminals and intermediate tower for code compliance. Suggest revisions as required.

g)  Submit preliminary list of M/W/ESB subcontracting opportunities.


6.  50% Design Development


a)  Submit rendering of final cabin design.

b)  Finalize cabin design following owner approval of the rendering. Provide final weight and geometrics for the cabin.

c)  Update rope line calculations using final design parameters and update load information for the terminals and intermediate tower.

d)  Submit final tower head design with full connection details.

e)  Submit initial construction schedule


7.  100% Design Development


a)  Update the USP for owner approval.

b)  Develop and submit final drawings and documents for the terminals, tower head and cabins.

c)  Discuss with the owner and prepare a construction plan including final schedule, construction impact mitigation, erection conditions and requirements, safety plan and specialized procedures.

d)  Submit preliminary operation and maintenance manual.

e)  Prepare final project cost estimate for inclusion in the General Contractor’s bid package as an assigned subcontractor.

f)  List final M/W/ESB utilization opportunities for inclusion in the General Contractors bid package.

g)  Prepare a proposed subcontract with the General Contractor for inclusion in the bid package.

IV.  Products


Any and all plans, specifications, survey notes, or other original documents as required by the City Engineer that were prepared for or produced during design shall become property of the City of Portland and be provided to PDOT. Upon the completion of 100% design development, electronic design drawings in Microstation shall be provided to PDOT. V.  Schedule



   The completion dates for submittal of the above Specific Tasks are:


         50% Schematic Design    December 19, 2003

         100% Schematic Design  January 23, 2004

         50% Design Development  March 5, 2004

         100% Design Development  April 30, 2004



VI.  Payment


The owner will make progress payments within thirty calendar days of the satisfactory completion of each of the task lists outlined in Section III above. Each progress payment will be 25% of the total compensation due under this contract.


VII.  Notification


Notices to the Contractor shall be sent to:


 Randy Woolwine


 14452 W. 44th Avenue

 Golden, CO 80403


Notices to the City shall be sent to:


 Matthew E. Brown

 Portland Office of Transportation

 1120 SW 5th Avenue, Suite 800

 Portland, OR 97204


 Copy to:


 Vic Rhodes

 Portland Aerial Transportation, Inc.

 1325 NW Flanders Street

 Portland, OR 97209