09:34:10 >> Dr. Holt: Take a look at your 09:34:13 screen, you will see some protocols of 09:34:17 how we do hybrid meetings. One of the trends 09:34:20 we come to learn is that the more we 09:34:23 depend on technology, the more we find out of gaps and holes 09:34:27 involved in technology. One of my favorite 09:34:30 sayings is technology is great 09:34:33 when it works. 09:34:36 Hopefully, we won't have too much interruptions doing what 09:34:40 we do. I am going to ask for your patience 09:34:43 and be respectful and check your microphone and speak clearly. I would 09:34:46 ask you to slow down in your speech, make sure you 09:34:49 are articulating so everyone can capture it and hear it. 09:34:52 Use your microphone when you are not speaking 09:34:56 -- mute your microphone when you are not 09:35:00 speaking. Keep your conversation to a minimum. 09:35:03 I may sound redundant 09:35:07 but introduce yourself before you begin to 09:35:10 speak. The attendees can use 09:35:14 the chat for tech questions and also level of 09:35:17 engagement. Now, the agenda is out and, 09:35:20 hopefully, you have seen it -- 09:35:24 here it is. Our conversation will be directed and limited 09:35:27 to the agenda, provided if you have 09:35:30 concerns, questions or items you would like to 09:35:34 address that's not on the agenda, I am going to ask the 09:35:38 Portland Housing Bureau staff to turn 09:35:41 on the camera on as we have gallery review for a 09:35:44 moment. Turn on your cameras so we can see who 09:35:48 Portland Housing Bureau staff is. 09:35:54 We are headed there one moment - technology, it is 09:35:57 wonderful. It takes a second. 09:36:00 Portland staff, if you can turn on your camera and wave 09:36:04 so people can identify who they need to reach out to 09:36:07 provided they have questions outside of the agenda. 09:36:17 You can wave. 09:36:20 Thank you very much. We'll go back 09:36:23 to our 09:36:27 agenda. This is a meeting that's opened to the 09:36:30 public. It is not a public meeting. You have the privilege listening in on 09:36:33 the work that's happening within the housing bureau 09:36:37 and the bond oversight 09:36:40 Committee. If you have concerns, questions, or comments, we would 09:36:43 like to make sure those remarks are connected to the 09:36:47 agenda and the Bond Oversight Committee. 09:36:50 If they are not, we encourage you to reach 09:36:53 out to Portland Housing 09:36:56 Bureau, we would love to have your voice and interaction. I am going 09:36:59 to do a roll call for all 09:37:02 of our bond Oversight Committee 09:37:06 and we'll jump into public testimony. If 09:37:09 you do have a testimony, we'll go to the names that 09:37:12 have signed up and here is your opportunity to 09:37:16 identify yourself. You will have two 09:37:19 minutes, and I will start it when after you 09:37:22 announce your name and when you hear the tone, 09:37:25 your two minutes will be up. So, thank you for 09:37:30 that. Roll 09:37:33 call. 09:37:38 >> 09:37:42 MS. Koehler: 09:37:46 Good morning, >> Alan 09:37:51 Lazo 09:37:55 : Good morning, this is Alan. Good to see 09:37:57 you. >> Dr. Holt: I 09:38:00 do not see Todd 09:38:07 Todd? Susan 09:38:11 Edith? Steven gray? I am not seeing 09:38:14 them. We'll postpone the 09:38:17 response to our voting 09:38:20 on the minute since 09:38:23 we don't have a 09:38:27 quorum. As others come in, we'll come back to 09:38:30 that. Public testimony, do we have anyone sign 09:38:33 up? >> One person signed up. 09:38:52 >> Dr. Holt: Curtis, 09:38:56 are you in the space? 09:39:01 Curtis may be 09:39:04 unmuting. That could be a challenge at times. 09:39:07 Is Curtis with 09:39:10 09:39:14 us? Okay, we'll circle 09:39:18 back for public testimony at the end of our meeting. Our 09:39:21 first agenda, the 09:39:24 bond updates 09:39:28 and we'll go to Jill Chen. 09:39:32 >> Jill Chen: Thank you, Dr. 09:39:35 Holt, I am Jill Chen. In 09:39:38 front of you is our quarterly update of 09:39:45 the one-pager. There is one 09:39:48 project which is the orange one in the 09:39:51 center. That's Hollywood hub of increase development. All of the 09:39:54 others are either in construction or 09:39:57 open. And, as always, I would love 09:40:01 to say this, we have exceeded every single 09:40:04 target with a total number of units exceeded by 09:40:08 43%. I want to thank everyone on the bond 09:40:11 Oversight Committee for keeping us on track and doing 09:40:14 that great work we are doing. 09:40:18 Did want to note there are three projects 09:40:23 that are in 09:40:26 construction. If 09:40:30 you look at the big project 09:40:33 dashboard, you will note that there are some things 09:40:39 ongoing that's of issue with our 09:40:42 projects. Nothing 09:40:46 overly concern yet. On the Hollywood hub 09:40:49 which is the orange one, that closing slipped from end 09:40:54 of the fiscal year 09:40:57 meeting June of 2024 setting out to September of 09:41:01 2024. That's noted in the dashboard and also in 09:41:04 the dashboard, we did not note this, 09:41:07 it is something that is of interest which is they're 09:41:11 asking for congressional direct spend 09:41:14 and as you all know congress is in a bit of 09:41:18 upheaval. We are not sure if any of the projects that are 09:41:22 seeking congressional direct spend 09:41:25 at this point 09:41:28 will get anywhere. For 09:41:32 Hollywood hub, I believe a $4 million 09:41:35 ask. We think they only need $2 09:41:38 million. So, it may come back 09:41:41 um - not so to 09:41:44 the bond oversight Committee 09:41:48 but the metro bonds. We have 09:41:51 tapped out completely on the Portland bonds. 09:41:55 This is ongoing issue where we are working to see where they may 09:41:58 have some gaps. You will see on 09:42:01 the dashboard that in last month, we had the ground 09:42:07 breaking of Francis 09:42:13 and Clarand Clare 09:42:16 . In terms of other projects, there are 09:42:19 slippage of getting completion. 09:42:25 Alleder nine has slipped. 09:42:29 There are ls some issues 09:42:32 that you will hear from 09:42:35 the C hub, they're coming later 09:42:38 today to speak about The Joyce. That one 09:42:42 continues to lay before they reach completion. There are some 09:42:45 issues with their lease. They are 09:42:48 facing a tax adownment adjustment on 09:42:52 their tax equity. We are also facing 09:42:55 continued difficulties at that corner where 09:42:58 there is continued drug use, camping and 09:43:01 etc. In terms of 09:43:04 the community, those 09:43:07 they have been working with the community to see 09:43:11 about improve d security 09:43:15 , it is a difficult 09:43:18 situation because the community 09:43:22 themselves have been upset. I want to let everybody know in 09:43:25 case you all hear about it. Also, I 09:43:29 heard today that 09:43:34 the Em 09:43:37 monds 09:43:44 project 09:43:48 is delayed. Even though they don't have a financial 09:43:51 impact because our money are already in. 09:43:55 Operations are difficult. 09:43:58 Next slide, please. As 09:44:01 mentioned, there is operational continued 09:44:05 difficulties. We just talked a little bit about 09:44:08 the cost increases, the market 09:44:11 conditions are still a little 09:44:14 tenuous for some of our development partners. 09:44:17 I want to make sure that you all were aware 09:44:21 that we PHB issued our last gap 09:44:25 of the 09:44:31 solicitation. That was at the end of September. This was to help 09:44:35 the pipeline of affordable housing 09:44:39 projects, maybe some of those market rate projects to 09:44:42 get to the end and for the market rate project 09:44:46 want us to potentially help them but 09:44:49 also gain additional unit on an expedited 09:44:53 bases. That solicitation is ongoing 09:44:57 right now. We'll have it renewed tomorrow 09:45:00 and next week. Hopefully, the whole affordable housing community will be 09:45:03 able to see more of these 09:45:06 projects quicker through the system. Operationally, 09:45:15 we are hearhearing 09:45:18 - 09:45:21 of continuous management. Operations is 09:45:24 heading north of $7,000 a unit. >> Dr. 09:45:27 Holt: Wow. >> 09:45:31 Jill Chen: A year an ago, 09:45:34 it was more than 09:45:37 $6,000 a unit. 09:45:40 That's a little 09:45:45 challenging. Our stakeholders, we want you to 09:45:48 know that OHCS is coming out of 09:45:52 their consolidated offerings and the 09:45:55 first quarter of 2024. We hope 09:45:58 they have over a billion dollars 09:46:01 to put out 09:46:07 . $600 million in terms 09:46:10 of Lyft and 09:46:17 a hundred million in PHB. What we are asking 09:46:22 is alignment, 09:46:25 focusing on our community of color on our 09:46:28 court of housing and our low 09:46:32 income, 30% units. Those are 09:46:35 being addressed. They are addressing 09:46:38 readiness to proceed as their top priority. I am 09:46:42 hoping you all as our stakeholders and 09:46:45 advocates will let your voices be known of 09:46:49 the need to align these resources. Last but 09:46:52 not least, today we'll have discussion on the 09:46:56 closing out of the 09:46:59 Portland Bond. These are going on ongoing 09:47:04 into construction and their lease 09:47:07 it up, in terms of the closing out of the 09:47:11 Portland bonds. Next slide, please. This is a quick 09:47:14 summary of our overview of some of the housing 09:47:18 bonds that's now opened and leased up. We are having 09:47:23 lots of households be placed in 09:47:26 those. Much to your credit, we are targeting for 09:47:29 over 4,000 folks to be in 09:47:32 these houses, and you will 09:47:35 see Crescent Court Israelised up. They 09:47:40 are converted to 09:47:43 permanent financing so it is 09:47:47 cathedral 09:47:50 building. Next 09:47:59 slide, please. 09:48:02 Anna Mann 09:48:06 is opened and it is moving forward. The 09:48:09 Aurora, today we'll have a grand opening of 09:48:13 Aurora. I am not sure -- I am 09:48:17 so glad 09:48:20 that you all had 09:48:25 involvement. Anna Mann is also opened and the 09:48:29 last I mentioned is The 09:48:33 Joyce. Looking forward, 3000 Powell is 09:48:36 looking to open in early 09:48:43 09:48:47 2024. Francis plus Clae 09:48:51 are. Hollywood hub is 09:48:54 still a development. That's going to close in September 09:48:58 of 2024. Without 09:49:02 further ado - oh, 09:49:05 next slide please. I will hand it over to my 09:49:08 colleague. >> Dr. Holt: 09:49:11 Jill, if you will do that and 09:49:14 give us a moment for our members to ask 09:49:18 any questions. I will begin with 09:49:21 you, Anna 09:49:33 iese 09:49:36 ese. >> Anneliese: 09:49:39 Particularly in the 09:49:43 2020s, is this kind of normal or are we 09:49:46 -- um, should we be a 09:49:49 little bit more worried? >> 09:49:53 Jill Chen: Great question, Anneliese. I 09:49:56 think the only concern I have are many 09:50:00 of our developers have been 09:50:03 able to manage the delays and the 09:50:07 increase in cost by seeking 09:50:11 additional funding. Our stronger and larger 09:50:14 developers are able to absorb some of 09:50:18 those costs. 09:50:22 They have eaten through their own developer phases in some 09:50:25 cases. The smaller ones are the 09:50:28 ones I am more worried 09:50:35 about. They are actually 09:50:38 - we are right now working with 09:50:42 them through a slight modification 09:50:45 of their loans and working with the senior lender to increase 09:50:48 the senior loans but because 09:50:52 it is 09:50:58 100% PHS is 09:51:02 offering good methodology and it is 09:51:06 serving vulnerable 09:51:09 population. You know you will that 09:51:13 increase costs. The building can't 09:51:16 have extra money to help with the 09:51:19 residents. It makes it harder. We are also working 09:51:22 with them in discussion with the joint office. 09:51:26 So, there are multiple conversations between 09:51:31 PHB, join office and home forward to 09:51:35 ensure that lease of buildings can 09:51:38 be smoother and more 09:51:44 higher priority than just first come and first serve. The 09:51:47 difficulties of these buildings 09:51:50 is if you don't meet the requirement, you could 09:51:53 have a downward adjustment in your tax credits. 09:51:57 I am sorry if that was a long way to -- >> 09:52:00 Anneliese: No, it is great to 09:52:03 understand, and I guess it is 09:52:06 not surprising that they are not 09:52:09 all equal. We may be concerned of a few as opposed to all. It is 09:52:12 helpful. Thank you, Jill. No further questions. 09:52:16 >> Dr. Holt: Thank you. Alabama 09:52:28 sdm? >> Alan: I don't have 09:52:32 any questions, 09:52:35 please proceed. >> 09:52:38 Good morning, I want to 09:52:41 clarify the numbers 09:52:45 , the interest rate should be August 31st 09:52:49 . That's the reason why we need to make those 09:52:53 updates to that slide. 09:53:07 The highlights are the 09:53:10 following. Expanded the 09:53:14 committee amounts have 09:53:19 have -- expenditures are on 09:53:22 -- [Indiscernible ] 09:53:34 the needed funding for 09:53:37 this period is 09:53:41 $60 million. 09:53:52 >> Dr. Holt: Any questions or comments 09:53:55 from the Oversight 09:53:58 Committee? Alan? >> Alan: No, pretty 09:54:01 straightforward at this point. Thanks. >> 09:54:05 Dr. Holt: Anneliese? >> 09:54:09 Anneliese: No, this is great to see. >> Dr. 09:54:12 Holt: Thank you very much. We have a project team presentation 09:54:17 and that's The Joyce. Are all the team 09:54:20 members here? If so, you will turn your 09:54:24 cameras on and we'll extend the 09:54:30 gallery view in a 09:54:33 09:54:38 moment. >> Jill Chen: We 09:54:42 are running early. >> Dr. Holt: No. 09:54:46 We are right on time. That's okay. A we can do is we can 09:54:49 flop it into a 09:54:58 reader ship and come back. If we are okay 09:55:01 with that. Bond members are 09:55:05 good with that and so thumbs 09:55:08 up. Let me welcome 09:55:12 Michael Buonocore and Leslie 09:55:18 Goodlow. >> 09:55:22 Michael: Good morning. I hear 09:55:26 you are losing your - >> 09:55:29 Alan: I don't know if losing is the 09:55:32 right word. >> Michael: I am the intern 09:55:36 director for the Portland 09:55:39 housing Bureau. For anyone on 09:55:42 the call who may not know me 09:55:46 well, I am previously the 09:55:49 executive director of Home 09:55:52 Forward. I 09:55:55 left to pursue a 09:55:59 screen writer career. 09:56:03 While they recruited for a 09:56:07 permanent director, and selected Rodgers. 09:56:10 So, here I am. There is a vacancy at the 09:56:14 Portland Housing Bureau. I am 09:56:17 currently filling both 09:56:22 roles. 09:56:25 So, by the end of this month, I will be 09:56:29 fully present at the Portland 09:56:32 Housing Bureau. The burrow is a bit 09:56:35 of a transition into this role. Really excited to be 09:56:38 here and really excited to be working in the 09:56:41 Portland community again and supporting this 09:56:46 amazing team. The recruitment for a 09:56:50 permanent director here 09:56:53 is underway. Another 09:56:56 step in the process happened 09:56:59 last week. I believe Dr. Holt was apart of that. 09:57:05 So, I 09:57:09 am onboard for as long as the bureau needs 09:57:12 me. The recruitment 09:57:15 process will sort of continue 09:57:19 and move forward and 09:57:22 I will just be available to the team as needed. 09:57:27 It is a pleasure to be here, really excited to 09:57:30 come back and see how the 09:57:33 leap ahead and the community is 09:57:36 taken with the housing bond and just everything 09:57:41 in general. So, 09:57:44 I think that is as much of an update 09:57:47 on the director process as we have 09:57:50 it at this point. There is not sort of a hard deadline in 09:57:54 terms of when a new person will start or when 09:57:59 a new role ends. 09:58:02 We'll keep the good work moving for 09:58:07 ward. 09:58:11 I will stop talking and let Leslie. 09:58:14 >> Leslie Goodlow 09:58:17 : Good 09:58:20 morning, everyone. My camera didn't work all day yesterday and today 09:58:23 it is back working. Who knows? To give you 09:58:27 additional updates, as Michael mentioned, we have been 09:58:31 in the process of recruiting 09:58:34 a new director. The recruitment opens in 09:58:38 June. To date, 09:58:43 we interviewed - we did a first round 09:58:47 interview process of internal staff and two batches. We 09:58:50 had six candidates and then we had 09:58:53 a second round of community members 09:58:56 interviewing three candidates that was last Friday as 09:59:00 Michael mentioned. So, the next step if any of 09:59:03 those candidates are 09:59:07 to move forward will be interviewed with 09:59:10 our Commissioner Rubio and potentially some 09:59:14 kind of meet and greet. Those steps are 09:59:18 yet to be determined. If none of those three 09:59:22 candidates move 09:59:25 forward, we have decided to 09:59:29 contract with a head 09:59:32 Hunter firm, 09:59:35 recruiting to assist us with filling the director's 09:59:38 position. Additionally once we have a 09:59:42 new director hire, we'll 09:59:46 be recruiting for a new deputy 09:59:49 and Matt's old position of policy 09:59:53 and planning manager. A couple of 09:59:57 last things, the city is going 10:00:00 through charter transition. There is 10:00:03 been a lot of movement recently on how 10:00:06 the city is going to be 10:00:10 structured. Issues around city hall and making sure 10:00:13 that we have space 10:00:16 for 12 commissioners. As part of that, 10:00:19 we are making some changes to 10:00:22 the city's budget 10:00:27 process. 10:00:30 We'll be submit 10:00:35 ting a budget with the other 10:00:40 bureaus in our service areas this year. As 10:00:43 we are beginning our budget 10:00:46 process with our leadership team and we expect 10:00:49 to have the mayor's guidance next month. Hopefully, 10:00:53 it will be on time. And in 10:00:58 preparation of a budget that'll cross two different 10:01:01 city councils. 10:01:04 It will behalf with the current structure and half 10:01:07 with the new structure. I don't know if you can 10:01:11 hear my grandson who's singing in the background. 10:01:14 He decided to come in here 10:01:17 and start singing. So, those are some 10:01:20 of the things that are 10:01:23 going on. We have a lot positions that we are 10:01:27 hiring right now. 10:01:30 Some limited terms 10:01:34 positionposition 10:01:38 for PCEF. If you know folks interested in 10:01:41 working at the house bureau, let us know. I think we have 10:01:46 13 positions totaled that we are filling over the next couple of 10:01:49 months. So, unless there is any questions, thank you so much for the time this morning. 10:01:55 >> Dr. Holt: Thank you both for the updates 10:01:57 and the information. Leslie, we didn't know 10:02:00 if you were holding on dishes at your house this morning. [Laughter] 10:02:06 Questions or comments? I will begin with you, 10:02:09 Anneliese? >> Anneliese: I don't have any questions. Thank you 10:02:12 for the update, Michael, it is good to see you 10:02:16 virtually again and thank you for stepping up. I want 10:02:19 to acknowledge that's a lot of transition 10:02:23 whether it is a city of government as a 10:02:26 whole or within your own agency. That's really challenging. 10:02:29 I want to send my appreciation for the number of 10:02:32 you that I imagine are doing more than one job in this 10:02:36 moment and kind of catching the things 10:02:39 that may have otherwise fallen into the 10:02:42 cracks. Thank you. >> Dr. Holt: 10:02:45 Alan? >> Alan: 10:02:48 Thanks Dr. 10:02:54 Holt, I appreciate the leadership that's here and I echo what 10:02:58 Anneliese said. It is a big commitment around our community. We keep 10:03:01 shuffling players around but it reflects how we are 10:03:04 all in this together and it takes 10:03:07 coordinated efforts across all these places that are 10:03:10 moving right now to reach the goals that we have. We 10:03:14 need our community. Thanks y'all for your 10:03:17 efforts. I was almost 10:03:20 there in-person but didn't quite make it. I didn't see the 10:03:23 new place yet. Some 10:03:26 day. >> Dr. Holt: That's a personal issue, 10:03:30 Alan, you and I? I 10:03:33 miss, man! I miss you. Appreciate you. 10:03:40 I see 10:03:44 Jillian has arrived. Welcome into the meeting. We appreciate 10:03:47 you being here. We'll get an update from The Joyce from you. 10:03:54 >> Jillian Felton: Thank you all for 10:03:57 your participation. I had this on my calendar for 10:04:00 Friday. Thank you for waiting for me. I 10:04:03 appreciate that. I am really happy to 10:04:06 present The Joyce. Construction was 10:04:10 completed in 10:04:22 June. 10:04:25 This project in 2019. We 10:04:28 closed at the end of 2021. We can 10:04:32 go to the next slide. So, 10:04:35 our construction team is 10:04:43 CPAH. And Bremik 10:04:46 10:04:50 construction and carlton Hart 10:04:53 Architecture. 10:05:00 We really want to honor 10:05:04 that history with the service and population that we'll 10:05:09 continue to serve. The 10:05:12 on-site team includes 10:05:16 Cascadia health 10:05:21 and Nora. We hope 10:05:24 to be 100% occupied by the end of this month. Fingers 10:05:28 crossed. I want to talk about a long lease up time. One of the 10:05:31 things I want to share with the committee is 10:05:34 - well, housing 10:05:38 vouchers are really one of the more remarkable 10:05:42 tools that we have 10:05:49 to property. The process to get through the paper work is 10:05:53 not low barrier, especially when folks are living outside, it 10:05:58 takes time. So, I am going to recap, briefly share 10:06:01 what that process looks like for the individuals who now 10:06:04 resides at The Joyce. So, 10:06:07 first, they have to connect with a caseworker. That 10:06:10 caseworker is going to help them get on the 10:06:15 coordinated access list. Off of that, they'll get 10:06:21 a score for how their acuity to get to the 10:06:24 top of the list and they are notified of the 10:06:28 unit. The first step then, the step that they 10:06:31 are on then is to get through the tax credit paper 10:06:35 work including ID and income verification. 10:06:38 After that, they do very similar paper work 10:06:42 to get through HUD. Some of these requirements 10:06:45 sound easy but it could be really challenging. The one I would 10:06:49 like to present is that HUD requires somebody 10:06:53 see a physical copy of 10:06:56 a 10:07:09 Security. If you live out of state that has to be mailed 10:07:12 to you but you live outside and don't have a mailing 10:07:15 address. The service 10:07:18 provider, 10:07:23 Cascadia health and 10:07:26 NARA and cascade are working to make 10:07:29 sure, we are trying to house those who are most in 10:07:32 need of housing. Let's go to the next 10:07:36 slide. It is 66 single room 10:07:40 occupancy units. There are shared bathrooms every 10:07:44 floor. 22 units of 10:07:47 floor. The units between 125 10:07:51 and 150 square feet. They do have a kitchen. There is 10:07:54 a sink and an induction burner and a microwave 10:07:59 and full size refrigerator and freezer. 10:08:02 Plenty of built-in cabinetry. We 10:08:05 stocked the room and there is a bed, a 10:08:08 chair, and every resident gets a welcome 10:08:12 basket which has the essential. Sheets, 10:08:16 blankets and towels and laundry 10:08:19 soap and shampoo and whatever folks 10:08:23 may not have when they come into housing. We are 10:08:27 providing. We have employed the methods of 10:08:30 trauma-informed design throughout. 10:08:34 Trauma in-formed 10:08:38 design uses the way the human brain is already 10:08:43 wired to create calm. If you are 10:08:46 living in homelessness, you are in a state of 10:08:49 fight or flight. They only get about 10:08:53 two-thirds of half of only written 10:08:58 or spoken language. 10:09:03 So, each floor has a different color so when the doors open, you 10:09:06 don't have to read the number. You would see oh, that's a 10:09:09 yellow. That's not my floor. So, 10:09:13 that's easier to navigate throughout the 10:09:16 building. Other thing that generates 10:09:20 a feeling of calm that humans 10:09:23 are hard wired to 10:09:26 like is - a great example is 10:09:30 confetti. If you think of confetti being 10:09:33 thrown in the area, it looks 10:09:36 happy. If 10:09:39 you think one 10:09:43 lone c 10:09:46 onfecto 10:09:50 , that looks really sad. 10:09:55 The entire first floor is available to 10:09:58 residents. Half of it is just 10:10:02 service providers. All the partners and have at 10:10:05 least one usually more full-time staff person 10:10:08 on-site at The Joyce. So, people who are 10:10:12 in crisis can access to 10:10:15 physical health or physical healthcare they need right 10:10:18 on-site. We have 24 hours staffing including 10:10:21 and that's split between our 10:10:25 resident services and pure support from 10:10:28 Cascadia and we do have security and all residents are 10:10:32 exiting homelessness. Let's go 10:10:37 to the next slide. All the 10:10:41 referrals are coming through coordinated access. Knowing that and 10:10:44 knowing that we want to reach by pop community was another 10:10:48 reason that we partner with 10:10:53 NARA. Many of 10:10:57 our 10:11:00 - we have got about 10:11:03 40% of our current lease up list 10:11:07 are people of color, of whom about a quarter or 10:11:10 native American or 12% or black. We would expect once we 10:11:13 are fully leased, that 10:11:16 clientele will be about 40% to 50% people 10:11:20 of color. That lease 10:11:24 strategy really began everyone before we apply when we put 10:11:27 these partnerships together. We knew we would not have the control 10:11:31 that we would have with marketing, that we would 10:11:34 normally use to do outreach of 10:11:37 community of color because everyone was coming through 10:11:40 the coordinator access 10:11:44 system. We started having meetings with our joint 10:11:47 office and our property manager months in advance. Those meetings 10:11:50 started to set everything up and make sure everyone had the same 10:11:53 goals. Those meetings started in February even 10:11:57 though the building was not finished until June. 10:12:01 So, I feel like we have been pretty 10:12:04 successful. I am really proud that we have been able to reach those we 10:12:08 intended to reach. Next 10:12:15 slide. A few 10:12:18 challenges. When we first 10:12:22 applied, prosper Portland 10:12:25 was taking a large portion of the ground floor. 10:12:29 A year into the 10:12:32 project, covid had hit. We 10:12:35 were in late 2020 at prosper determining they 10:12:39 could not make this space pencilled for them. 10:12:42 We had to reconfigure the 10:12:45 whole budget. PHB really stepped in and made sure that we 10:12:48 had what we needed. I think it resulted in a 10:12:51 better space for the 10:12:55 residents, even though there is not commercial space and not 10:12:58 active ground floor as we may want with the 10:13:02 potential retail space as, you know, walking down the street 10:13:05 for the residents to be able to access all their care 10:13:08 on-site and have the service provider offices, 10:13:11 to have the big community space that has a full kitchen that 10:13:16 residents can access 24 hours a 10:13:19 day is really great. We had originally planned a 10:13:22 roof deck and some landscaping on the 10:13:26 roof. Due to code changes, we had to take it out. 10:13:29 That costs us the contractor that 10:13:32 we have been using for 10:13:36 r 10:13:39 hat landscaping - us falling 10:13:42 below our 10:13:45 aspirational goals. They 10:13:49 close in December, in January, project received 10:13:52 a $1 million change order. 10:13:56 I just like cringe at - 10:13:59 trauma from that day. We were able to get 10:14:02 some funds from the state. It costs 10:14:06 a large delay and completion as well 10:14:09 as really having to scramble to figure out how to get the money for 10:14:12 that. That was a combination 10:14:15 of lumber and commodity increases and last minute 10:14:18 changes to the structural 10:14:22 design that had been 10:14:25 coming through 10:14:28 permitting. We 10:14:32 are currently still working to solve those challenges. One of the things 10:14:35 we are doing is working with our lender 10:14:38 and investor to increase the 10:14:41 loan. So, we can meet the 50% test by the 10:14:47 end of the year and still be able to 10:14:50 convert to permanent loan next 10:14:54 June. Next 10:15:00 slide? 10:15:04 Our goal for hard cost was 10:15:08 30%. Our professional and soft costs are about half of 10:15:11 what we had anticipated and set a goal for 10:15:14 ourselves. Originally, 10:15:17 we had 10:15:22 a PHB 10:15:25 structural engineer. The other project was new construction and it was 10:15:28 a larger project, they told us they didn't have the 10:15:32 capacity to do both, which I am glad they told us that up 10:15:35 front. That means we 10:15:38 lost a lot of structural designs and that 10:15:41 means we lost that MWBSB 10:15:44 contractor. The 10:15:48 "S" means small. With a project 10:15:51 complicated as a full 10:15:57 size upgrade, there was one 10:16:02 structural engineer that had the capacity to do that 10:16:06 work. We were not able to replace fit. 10:16:09 That was covid 10:16:13 certified. Unfortunate happens. There are 10:16:15 not enough certified 10:16:19 firms and not enough certified 10:16:23 firms can do this 10:16:26 specific work. 10:16:32 10:16:36 The tech halfway through the process said, my firm does not 10:16:39 have the capacity to do this and I will hand all 10:16:44 my work to a different firm. It is challenging to meet some of these goals. I am 10:16:48 disappointed that we were not able to 10:16:51 achieve them. The project is complete and this is where we 10:16:55 are at. There is no change in that now. 10:17:02 We did make 10:17:06 as much of an effort as we could make. It is disappointing not 10:17:09 the hit the goals though. 10:17:12 Next slide, please. We were able to 10:17:16 achieve the 10:17:19 apprentice hour for - and the 10:17:23 journey level hours. All of 10:17:27 those except for women's journey level hours. 10:17:32 We exceeded the 10:17:36 apprentice for both people 10:17:39 of 10:17:43 color as journey level. 10:17:47 That's definitely a great achievement 10:17:51 for the contractor. They work really 10:17:54 hard and to attract people of color and women to 10:17:57 the project are 10:18:00 project engineers and 10:18:05 project manager from Remik 10:18:10 were both women. That's not included in this reporting but it is significant 10:18:13 and unusual to have in an all 10:18:16 10:18:20 female team. Next 10:18:23 slide, please. Really a lot of words on this page. The 10:18:26 highlight is that CPAH's engagement begins at 10:18:29 the beginning. Our community engagement started before 10:18:33 our design, before our 10:18:36 application. We went to 10:18:39 PSH 10:18:42 building. Both from the providers that 10:18:46 are working with us and 10:18:50 other groups to tour their building and see what was 10:18:53 working, see what didn't work. Talk to 10:18:58 staff and residents about what would you, 10:19:01 if you could redesign this, what would you like and 10:19:04 all the staff said more space with an existing building or 10:19:07 with the amount of space we have, we'll do 10:19:10 our best. There were little things like 10:19:14 making sure that we have a sight line into each 10:19:18 other's offices. For safety, residents 10:19:21 really like having a community space where they could, 10:19:24 you know, have a party 10:19:28 and watch TV or hang out late at night 10:19:31 - whatever. All of that became part of 10:19:34 our design and part of 10:19:37 the project. The community engagement continues. 10:19:40 It does not stop. There is no end date 10:19:44 for engagement on 10:19:47 any projects. It looks like taking questions 10:19:51 and giving answers. Right now it looks like we have 10:19:54 paper work parties to 10:19:57 get everyone through this 10:20:02 process. Wednesday, people come and future residents come to try 10:20:05 to get the paper work filled out. They know 10:20:09 they can get a certain time of day to come to get help and 10:20:12 get into housing. We continue to speak with 10:20:15 concerned neighbors and work with the City of 10:20:19 Portland to decrease the graffiti and 10:20:22 increase the safety around the building and making sure we are good 10:20:26 neighbors, you know, good stewards of this 10:20:29 historic building. Next slide. 10:20:35 This is the fun part of the presentation that I have been talking so 10:20:39 fast to get to. This is the part that I am so 10:20:42 proud of and that's the before and after. This is the 10:20:45 outside of the building before we 10:20:48 started and then now, it just 10:20:51 -- it maintains a 10:20:54 historic character with kind of a modern 10:20:58 twist on the ground floor. I am proud of how this 10:21:01 building turned out. We 10:21:05 did get rid of the fire escape as you can see 10:21:08 in the building. That also 10:21:11 decreases -- increases 10:21:14 safety for residents because it is different 10:21:17 t to access the building from the street if 10:21:21 you are not coming through the front door. There are a couple 10:21:24 of before and after that I would love to share with you. This is the 10:21:28 before and after in the unit. These are not 10:21:30 necessarily the identical units. This is what we 10:21:34 were dealing with when 10:21:37 we came in. 10:21:40 On the right is where residents live 10:21:43 now. You can see the elements of trauma and form 10:21:47 design and the bright space and natural light 10:21:50 and wood 10:21:54 tones and even the color 10:21:59 palette and eand eart 10:22:02 hy green, 10:22:06 creating a census being close to nature. The before 10:22:09 and after, there is that light that we have 10:22:12 preseree 10:22:15 d 10:22:19 eserved. We reclaimed some of the Woods that was coming out of the 10:22:22 building and building benches, just a different 10:22:25 format. There is a giant bar and other wood that had to come 10:22:29 out. So, that all I have for everyone 10:22:32 today. I would love to take your questions and thank you so much 10:22:36 for the opportunity and again, thank you so much 10:22:40 for your patience, for me not having this on my calendar at the 10:22:44 right time. >> Dr. Holt: Thank you, Jillian. What 10:22:46 a presentation? I did have the opportunity to be at 10:22:49 the open house and walked 10:22:54 through. A beautiful space of what it looks like. Can 10:22:57 we go back to 10:23:00 gallery view. Anneliese, 10:23:04 comments, questions? >> Anneliese: Jillian, 10:23:07 thank you so much for being here today and for what it was, 10:23:10 I could not tell you were coming in very 10:23:14 last minute thinking this was done tomorrow. Kudos! 10:23:17 I want to say kudos on the project as a whole. 10:23:20 It is quite a transformation. I have not had a chance to be 10:23:24 inside of it yet but 10:23:27 certainly walked past it many times. It has 10:23:31 been amazing to see it transformed and 10:23:35 I am excited to see the inside as 10:23:38 well. >> Jillian: Happy to give 10:23:41 you a tour. >> Dr. 10:23:44 Holt: 10:23:47 Alan? >> Alan: Thank you. 10:23:50 This is so unique. I have some questions and some 10:23:53 about the project and particularly of the 10:23:57 single room occupancy 10:24:00 pieces, again, 10:24:03 it started with folks who are 10:24:06 living outside on the 10:24:10 street, but does it tend to be the permanent housing 10:24:13 for folks that are experiencing 10:24:17 house lessness or is this an opportunity to 10:24:19 get somebody into different types of housing. What's your experience with that? 10:24:28 It is permanent 10:24:32 housing. If you are living outside, you may 10:24:35 be dealing with addiction or mental illness, 10:24:39 you need some help. The first step of that is 10:24:42 not living outside. There is no way to get clean if you are living 10:24:45 outside. It is just an unrealistic 10:24:49 expectation. Some people will need this level of 10:24:52 support forever. They're going to move in here and we 10:24:55 expect they are going to stay their whole lives. They're going 10:25:00 to need that on-site 10:25:05 mental health. Some people may move in and 10:25:08 get stabilized and find a job and move out 10:25:12 to a different amount. It 10:25:16 involves a lot of rules and inspections and things like that. When 10:25:20 people have the opportunity and the means to 10:25:23 move on, they often do. We expect that some people are going to move 10:25:26 on. I want my own space, I want more 10:25:29 privacy. I don't need this level of service 10:25:32 anymore. There is no really predicting what that 10:25:35 percentage is going to be because it is super individual. What 10:25:40 we do know is that there are people that need 10:25:44 this level of intense support or they're not going to be 10:25:47 successful in housing. Being successful in housing especially when 10:25:50 you have a voucher is really important 10:25:54 to kind of your whole future of being successful and 10:25:57 housing. So, that's why we have not only 10:26:00 service providers, but we have a full-time 10:26:03 resident services 10:26:07 coordinator that's there. They're 10:26:12 going to work with people and getting them connected and get their 10:26:15 rent recalculated with home forward to make sure people 10:26:19 can maintaining their housing and stability. 10:26:27 >> Alan: Yeah, thank 10:26:30 you. I do have a question about the 10:26:33 million dollar change order. The reference you made 10:26:36 to the structural 10:26:40 issues. I am curious if - you 10:26:43 said it was through permitting. I am 10:26:46 curious if it is something that's required from permitting process 10:26:51 in the city in particular. Something caught you off 10:26:54 guard in the process. My point there, I know we were 10:26:58 trying to streamline and for affordable housing 10:27:02 provider, right? For us to see an impact on this on a 10:27:05 project of this nature is 10:27:09 unfortunate. >> Jillian: Yes. I agree 10:27:12 unfortunate. I may have had some other choice words at the time. >> 10:27:15 Alan: Well, it is a public 10:27:18 meeting so. [Laughter] >> 10:27:22 Jillian: We went five rounds 10:27:25 of comment of structural with the permitting office. That's 10:27:29 unusual to go through that many 10:27:32 rounds. Your third round 10:27:35 is really like dotting I's and 10:27:39 crossing T's. It was 10:27:42 complicated. I am obviously not a 10:27:46 structural engineer. 10:27:49 Structural engineer at the city didn't 10:27:52 like the way that 10:27:56 our structural engineer had 10:27:59 design the basement. There was a lot of 10:28:03 back and forth. I think a lot of the debate 10:28:06 of the math and it got to the point where it was 10:28:11 like - the 10:28:14 code enforcement 10:28:17 is not going to improve our 10:28:20 design. Their suggested design basically meant instead 10:28:24 of 10:28:28 replacing. General, our original designs, we are 10:28:31 going to excavate around the footing of 10:28:34 the basement. We basically repour 10:28:39 the 10:28:42 slab. It is a lot more 10:28:46 concrete and rebar and a lot more of the support. So, the whole 10:28:50 building when you are repouring the foundation while there is 10:28:53 a standing building, you also have to basically build 10:28:56 a whole support structure and hold it up while you do that. 10:28:59 That's lumber and 10:29:02 10:29:07 time. The cost of material and 10:29:10 the amount of work that's specifically in the basement around the 10:29:14 footings was what drove that change 10:29:18 order. 10:29:22 We anticipated there was going to be an 10:29:26 increase, $250,000 of the 10:29:29 structural changes alone 10:29:32 was about 650. 10:29:41 Lumber prices increase like - I don't remember 10:29:44 what the number was but I want to say about 30% in 10:29:50 those few 10:29:53 months. We caught it at the wrong time when it came out of the 10:29:57 pandemic. >> 10:30:01 Alan: I am not suggesting that 10:30:04 affordable housing should be held at different quality or 10:30:07 standards. It is a process question, right? How can welessen 10:30:10 the impact on the surprises on projects and we 10:30:13 know that's going to happen. I know folks out there are working on 10:30:16 it. It is an example of what can we do to all be 10:30:20 pushing in the same direction, essentially. 10:30:33 I think you are right. We see a lot of work being 10:30:36 done in the trades around bringing in communities of color and I 10:30:39 think you may need to pay 10:30:43 attention to make sure the pool for 10:30:46 soft cost providers is broadening for -- 10:30:49 I know folks out there are working on it. When you look at the industry 10:30:52 as a whole and how much is going on right now 10:30:56 and how much opportunity there is, there is a 10:30:59 shortage in soft cost also. >> 10:31:03 Jillian: Yes, there is a lot of work to 10:31:07 do. Andrew C., I 10:31:10 heard him say that 10:31:14 "if you 10:31:19 don't build it, you can't see 10:31:23 it." If there are not leaders doing that work, reaching 10:31:26 out to pull people up, it is hard 10:31:29 to be the only women or 10:31:33 the only person of color at the 10:31:36 entire organization. So, 10:31:41 there is work to be done. It starts with recruiting young people 10:31:44 to architecture. That's 10:31:47 the long view. [Laughter] >> Alan: 10:31:51 Exactly right. Just like what you said, where 10:31:54 we need to spend some energy in these fields. Thank 10:31:57 you, though. >> Jillian: Thank you, 10:32:00 Alan. >> Dr. Holt: Thank you for 10:32:03 your commentary and Jillian for 10:32:06 your report. You and I had this 10:32:09 conversation on a variety of spaces. When it comes to covid 10:32:13 and certifications and all things associated with that and 10:32:16 the effort to bring people 10:32:22 with color and bringing them into the 10:32:26 space, we'll 10:32:29 honor more of those in the 10:32:32 industry. Create pathways. 10:32:36 Great report, thank you very much! Do we have 10:32:39 our public testimony? They have not joined? 10:32:42 Okay. We have gone through the 10:32:45 meeting. We 10:32:49 not going to review or approve the last minute or the 10:32:53 minutes from the prior meetings 10:32:56 because we don't have a quorum. I think we have covered all the 10:32:59 things we needed to 10:33:03 cover. 10:33:08 Excellent. Thanks everyone for being in 10:33:11 our gathered space today. 10:33:14 We are just a couple minutes over. Short 10:33:18 meeting. Great 10:33:21 content and Megan? >> 10:33:25 Megan: We'll have a 10:33:28 discussion with Gina Scott. >> Dr. 10:33:31 Holt: Thank you for those in the public meeting today, we appreciate 10:33:34 your time. Have an excellent Thursday, take care of