14:48:15 From Diana Nichols To Norma Trujillo(Privately): Captioning good to go. Thanks! 15:11:45 From Julia Delgado To Everyone: Congrats and thank you for all your work. all the best to you Molly. 15:24:13 From Felicia Tripp Folsom To Everyone: I do apologize I am late. My prior meeting ran over. 15:52:24 From Kurt Creager To Everyone: Thanks Dory for the download. Did BAE look at the potential of 'land in lieu' versus fee in lieu as a means to secure a pipeline of sites? 15:58:12 From Kurt Creager To Everyone: I am very pleased that the sound and fury of the profit motivated sector to diminish the effectiveness of inclusionary housing has been largely disproven by the facts, 15:59:24 From Julia Delgado To Everyone: i have a conflict at 4, i am sorry to depart early. Thanks for this Dory, very informative. 16:13:06 From Kurt Creager To Everyone: If PHAC did not exist it would need to be created. One significant milestone to demonstrate your full potential was the re-allocation of TIF for Housing. PHAC lead the policy change increasing the amount of money available for affordable housing by 50% in 2015. Important work that staff could not have done without leadership from outside of City Hall. 16:13:54 From Felicia Tripp Folsom To Everyone: I agree we need to exist but I want to make sure we are providing the feedback and leadership they desire from us. 16:15:04 From Felicia Tripp Folsom To Everyone: I am out of town 11/2-11/4 16:17:18 From Felicia Tripp Folsom To Everyone: We have accomplished many milestones in housing over the last few years that we should be proud of! 16:18:05 From Felicia Tripp Folsom To Everyone: Thank you Molly for your leadership and Washington County will be blessed by your leadership.