17:49:59 From Conference Room to Hosts and panelists:
Hi Robert can you hear us you have CC rights.
17:50:25 From Captioner Rob to Hosts and panelists:
got it thanks
18:35:19 From Vivien Lyon to Hosts and panelists:
I can't hear this person at all.
18:35:41 From Vivien Lyon to Hosts and panelists:
that's a bit better, thank you
18:35:49 From Amber Cook to Hosts and panelists:
Same here unfortunately
18:36:43 From Kristina Goodman to Hosts and panelists:
still really hard to hear
18:36:52 From Laura Golino de Lovato she/her to Hosts and panelists:
I can't hear her
18:37:00 From Vivien Lyon to Hosts and panelists:
Can't hear her very well - please tell them to get closer to the microphone
18:37:11 From Amber Cook to Hosts and panelists:
I am unable to hear what is being said
18:37:15 From Laura Golino de Lovato she/her to Hosts and panelists:
yes - get closer to the mic pls
18:38:04 From Amber Cook to Hosts and panelists:
Live captioning is unable to help either
18:40:19 From Daniel Hayes to Hosts and panelists:
I was not able to join in person, but am here on zoom and hope to provide my public testimonty
18:43:50 From Regina Amodeo to Hosts and panelists:
apologies for camera being off, my audio is working better with it off.
18:52:44 From Amber Cook to Hosts and panelists:
Is there any chance they can’t be heard?
18:52:58 From Amber Cook to Hosts and panelists:
Tech issue
18:56:00 From Amber Cook to Hosts and panelists:
Can someone reach out to some of these people by email and see if there
18:56:36 From Amber Cook to Hosts and panelists:
’S a technical challenge to them showing up?
18:57:14 From Vivien Lyon to Hosts and panelists:
I'm concerned that we've moved past 6-9 folks who signed up, hoping we can re-call them
18:58:39 From Miranda York to Hosts and panelists:
I would like to speak, if possible- Miranda York
18:59:01 From Laura Golino de Lovato she/her to Hosts and panelists:
Yes - let's make sure to call on them again
18:59:24 From PHB Zoom Support to Everyone:
Thank you Miranda, I will add you
18:59:29 From Miranda York to Hosts and panelists:
Thank you!
18:59:49 From Tiana Thrower to Hosts and panelists:
I would like to be added to the list, Tiana Thrower. Thank you
18:59:51 From Miranda York to Hosts and panelists:
Is it possible to just use my first name, please? Or actually, a different name and not show my picture?
18:59:56 From Michael Havlik to Hosts and panelists:
Great to see everyone from the RSC!
19:00:14 From Laura Golino de Lovato she/her to Hosts and panelists:
Hi Michael!
19:00:39 From Michael Havlik to Hosts and panelists:
19:00:45 From Daniela Moore to Hosts and panelists:
Just making sure I'm on the list - Daniela Moore
19:00:59 From Daniela Moore to Hosts and panelists:
I called in but I'm also on the zoom
19:01:05 From Molly McGrew to Hosts and panelists:
Hey, you are in a public meeting
19:01:44 From PHB Zoom Support to Miranda York and all panelists:
Hi Miranda, you can do voice only. Your name will appear when you speak. There may be a way to adjust that. Would you like just your first name?
19:02:03 From Miranda York to Hosts and panelists:
Can you use my middle name, Blythe?
19:02:09 From Miranda York to Hosts and panelists:
And how can I do voice only?
19:03:07 From david wiese to Hosts and panelists:
David Wiese would like to talk.
19:03:26 From Remember Watts to Hosts and panelists:
Hi there! My name is Remy Watts, I'd love to sign up to present public testimony, Thank you!
19:03:28 From PHB Zoom Support to Miranda York and all panelists:
Leave your video off and only turn on your mic. I will update your name for you
19:04:56 From Blythe to Hosts and panelists:
I can’t see how to do that when I’m already in
19:05:50 From Kristina Goodman to Hosts and panelists:
On the bottom left of your screen you should be able to stop your video
19:08:29 From PHB Zoom Support to Blythe and all panelists:
Blythe, we will lead you through it when you are called up. Thank you.
19:08:41 From Blythe to Hosts and panelists:
Thank you
19:08:54 From Amber Cook to Hosts and panelists:
Thank you for speaking again, it was good to hear what you said this time!
19:10:43 From Daniela Moore to Hosts and panelists:
I called in via 503.250.0270 so just making sure i'll be able to speak
19:13:37 From PHB Zoom Support to Hosts and panelists:
Thank you Daniela, I added your phone as well
19:14:40 From Amber Cook to Hosts and panelists:
Well said, Tiana
19:22:37 From Marsh Santoro to Hosts and panelists:
this is Marsh Santoro down stairs, I leftvmy sweater on the chair in the confer room can someone come let me in
19:23:40 From Vivien Lyon to Hosts and panelists:
Remy, I would love to get your contact info
19:23:52 From Vivien Lyon to Hosts and panelists:
not sure if participants can still see this
19:23:58 From Amber Cook to Hosts and panelists:
Thank you, Remy
19:24:02 From Vivien Lyon to Hosts and panelists:
we already heard from Daniela moore
19:24:49 From Coya Crespin to Hosts and panelists:
Hi there. When will the written testimony period close?
19:26:55 From Remy Watts, SE Portland to Hosts and panelists:
Hi there! Thanks for hearing my testimony. I can be reached at Remy.Watts@ode.oregon.gov. I'm sorry that I was unable to get through the family suggestions for potential housing strategies; please see the report that I recently published with my team (May 24), and specifically scroll down to "Goal 2" to see all of the interesting suggestions from families to support housing. Thanks for your time! Report: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ddJPAH24TlF46dSECG7aPI6MOBKS9Oke/view?usp=drive_link
19:27:23 From Vivien Lyon to Hosts and panelists:
Thank you, Remy!
19:27:37 From Amber Cook to Hosts and panelists:
Lauren, thank you for giving comment
19:30:30 From Amber Cook to Hosts and panelists:
Thank you for your work!
19:30:39 From Forrest Perkins to Hosts and panelists:
19:30:40 From Shaun Irelan to Hosts and panelists:
Forrest Perkins, can you add my contact info to your volunteer assets: Shaun Irelan 503-490-5539 irelanshaun@gmail.com. I am interested in evictionsupport
19:32:26 From Amber Cook to Hosts and panelists:
Perhaps repeat what raise hand is on a phone?
19:32:57 From Vivien Lyon to Hosts and panelists:
I wonder if we're not giving enough time for folks to find the "raise hand" option
19:34:35 From ASL Interpretation to Everyone:
Raised hand Option on iPhone is *9
19:37:07 From PHB Zoom Support to Hosts and panelists:
We are searching through the list as well in case they are having any troubles
19:38:10 From ReginaAmodeo to Hosts and panelists:
Is everyone in attendance showing up as an attendee?
19:38:55 From PHB Zoom Support to Hosts and panelists:
@Regina - yes, we promote them to panelist for them to speak
19:47:54 From Marci Kiersey to Hosts and panelists:
I do not have anything to add.
19:52:56 From Forrest Perkins to Hosts and panelists:
lol that dude owns 120 properties in Salem and Portland? 😂
19:55:08 From Administration to Everyone:
Greetings everyone if you are present and would like to speak please raise your hand we only have a few minutes more. Thank you.
19:57:41 From Amber Sirajeddine to Hosts and panelists:
thank you
19:58:04 From Remy Watts, SE Portland to Hosts and panelists:
Yall aren't on mute!! FYI!