[Captioner] 09:37:20

and encouraged to reach out directly to the Portland Housing Bureau


[Captioner] 09:37:24

and interact with PHB


[Captioner] 09:37:27


Normally PHB staff ask us to


[Captioner] 09:37:30

turn on our cameras and wave so that people can


[Captioner] 09:37:33

identify who you are, so I'll give you a moment just to do


[Captioner] 09:37:37

that, all PHB staff


[Captioner] 09:37:43

identify yourselves.


[Captioner] 09:37:48


Thank you very much.

You can reach out to them directly if


[Captioner] 09:37:51

you have questions for the Portland Housing Bureau.



[Captioner] 09:37:55

will do roll call, and then


[Captioner] 09:37:58

we'll go into our, the approval of our minutes.



[Captioner] 09:38:03

I will begin with the


[Captioner] 09:38:08

Bond Oversight Committee Member who is in person,


[Captioner] 09:38:13


>> Oversight committee


[Captioner] 09:38:16


>> Good morning.


[Captioner] 09:38:19


Allan Lazo.

>> Good morning, Allan


[Captioner] 09:38:23

Lazo, he/him pronouns, committee member and


[Captioner] 09:38:26

excuse myself, I have


[Captioner] 09:38:29

to leave after about after 10:00 after the business portion of the


[Captioner] 09:38:32




[Captioner] 09:38:37

Thank you very much.

And Todd Strule?

>> Good morning, he/him


[Captioner] 09:38:40

pronouns and Bond Oversight Committee.


[Captioner] 09:38:44



>> Thank you.



[Captioner] 09:38:47

Hopefully the bond oversight committee had an opportunity to look


[Captioner] 09:38:50

at minutes from the last meeting


[Captioner] 09:38:57

and provide an opportunity to comment or question and if not, if


[Captioner] 09:39:01

someone could make a motion to approve them as recorded.



[Captioner] 09:39:03

I'll so move.

>> Excellent.

So moved.



[Captioner] 09:39:07

Can we get a second in

>> Second.



[Captioner] 09:39:12

>> Perfect.

Moved and seconded.

All in favor, we will say aye and


[Captioner] 09:39:16

I will call you by name, beginning with Todd.

>> Aye.


[Captioner] 09:39:18


>> Allan?

>> Aye.



[Captioner] 09:39:21

>> Analise?


[Captioner] 09:39:24


>> Aye.

>> Excellent, minutes moved,


[Captioner] 09:39:28

approved for the last


[Captioner] 09:39:31

Bond Oversight Committee meeting.

Now is the opportunity


[Captioner] 09:39:34

for public testimony.

The request is that you keep the


[Captioner] 09:39:38

comments directed to the responsibility of the


[Captioner] 09:39:41

Bond Oversight Committee.

If there are things that


[Captioner] 09:39:44

are outside the specific responsibility of the BOC,


[Captioner] 09:39:47

that you would then direct those to the


[Captioner] 09:39:52

appropriate people in Portland Housing Bureau.


[Captioner] 09:39:56


Do we have any public testimony


[Captioner] 09:40:00

this morning?

Go to my assistant.



[Captioner] 09:40:13

Hearing none, we will then move forward in


[Captioner] 09:40:17

our agenda for some general project


[Captioner] 09:40:20

updates and some project


[Captioner] 09:40:23


I believe it's


[Captioner] 09:40:26

Jill and then


[Captioner] 09:40:30



>> Thank you, Dr. Holt,


[Captioner] 09:40:34

for the record, I'm Jill, housing


[Captioner] 09:40:37

manager, I use she/her


[Captioner] 09:40:43

pronouns and as you saw on


[Captioner] 09:40:46

the update


[Captioner] 09:40:49

charts, we are very close to getting all of our projects in


[Captioner] 09:40:53


There's only one project


[Captioner] 09:40:58

left, which is Hollywood Hub that we discussed with


[Captioner] 09:41:01

at the last


[Captioner] 09:41:05


[ Indiscernible ] it is


[Captioner] 09:41:08

targeted to improve --

>> I hate to interrupt you, pardon me,


[Captioner] 09:41:11

I'm so sorry.

Two problems, from my end, and I don't know if


[Captioner] 09:41:15

it's for everyone else, the


[Captioner] 09:41:19

audio is a little garbled and I need you to project


[Captioner] 09:41:22

a little more, like with the


[Captioner] 09:41:25

outside voice.



[Captioner] 09:41:30

Is this better?

>> Oh, much.

>> Is this better?


[Captioner] 09:41:33


Sounds so loud for me.

Sorry about


[Captioner] 09:41:38



So the good part


[Captioner] 09:41:42

is that we only have Hollywood Hub left.

That was


[Captioner] 09:41:45

the project that was swapped out that we discussed at


[Captioner] 09:41:52

the last quarter with the apartments and it is closing in mid


[Captioner] 09:41:55


I also wanted to show


[Captioner] 09:42:02

you the dashboard.

In the dashboard there are a few


[Captioner] 09:42:06

reds, which means the changes, and I did want to say that we


[Captioner] 09:42:10

are very pleased that Francis and


[Captioner] 09:42:13

Clare just closed about end of last week, end of


[Captioner] 09:42:17

June, so that was just closed.


[Captioner] 09:42:22


That's 100% with


[Captioner] 09:42:26

Catholic charities and [ indiscernible ].



[Captioner] 09:42:29

you'll see in the big dashboard a number of


[Captioner] 09:42:32

items that's changed, those are


[Captioner] 09:42:36

highlighted in red.


[Captioner] 09:42:39


Some of the things we noted


[Captioner] 09:42:43

last time as well is that Hollywood Hub has a number


[Captioner] 09:42:47

of other


[Captioner] 09:42:50

financing, this includes funds for


[Captioner] 09:42:54

$10 million as well as metro bonds.

Hollywood Hub will be


[Captioner] 09:42:57

the only project that


[Captioner] 09:43:00

has both metro bond funds as well as


[Captioner] 09:43:04

Portland Housing funds so it will close out all of


[Captioner] 09:43:07

our bonds.

Going down the list, you'll see


[Captioner] 09:43:11

there's also some red


[Captioner] 09:43:15

along The Starlight, because many


[Captioner] 09:43:18

of the construction


[Captioner] 09:43:22

and inspection in order to reach certificate of occupancy has been delayed.



[Captioner] 09:43:25

Some of this is related to inspection, some of this


[Captioner] 09:43:29

is related to


[Captioner] 09:43:33

elevators, so it's a number of issues that we've


[Captioner] 09:43:37

seen in our construction.

But the good news is a


[Captioner] 09:43:40

number of them are also open,


[Captioner] 09:43:43

so we go


[Captioner] 09:43:48

to the next slide.

As mentioned, we are still seeing


[Captioner] 09:43:51

some predevelopment risk.

There's some construction risk and


[Captioner] 09:43:55


There's also some operational issues


[Captioner] 09:43:59

that we're seeing related to property


[Captioner] 09:44:02

management from supportive housing and


[Captioner] 09:44:06

inflationary costs.

So those are all


[Captioner] 09:44:09

project-related issues that I


[Captioner] 09:44:12

wanted to raise and make sure that Bond Oversight Committee


[Captioner] 09:44:15

is aware of.

Other things


[Captioner] 09:44:20

for us as an organization to think about is also the passage of the


[Captioner] 09:44:27

housing budget and the need for state and local resources.


[Captioner] 09:44:31


The state legislature passed its '23 to


[Captioner] 09:44:34

'25 budget and I wanted to make sure that as


[Captioner] 09:44:37

the Bureau is


[Captioner] 09:44:40

moving forward without you call it [ indiscernible ] in


[Captioner] 09:44:43

our developments where we are call it


[Captioner] 09:44:47

aligned with the state, this is State House


[Captioner] 09:44:51

$604 million in affordable housing development funds,


[Captioner] 09:44:55

especially for LIFT and PSH, another


[Captioner] 09:44:58

$is amillion


[Captioner] 09:45:03

in preservation.


[Captioner] 09:45:08


They have 72 in other services and truncated transitional


[Captioner] 09:45:11

housing, so these are some areas we're going to be working with the


[Captioner] 09:45:15

state to see how we align better


[Captioner] 09:45:23

some of our programs and investments and the final housing cost is how


[Captioner] 09:45:27

we're going to be closing out state


[Captioner] 09:45:30



[Captioner] 09:45:34

bonds and moving forward discussions with you all in terms of


[Captioner] 09:45:41

construction and also in terms of the demographics of those buildings.



[Captioner] 09:45:47

slide, please.

This is just a recap of


[Captioner] 09:45:53

the 2022 portland Housing Bond openings,


[Captioner] 09:45:56

that was five projects, a number of new houses and a


[Captioner] 09:46:01

number of you went to a few of these


[Captioner] 09:46:05


So they are very, very pleased to have so


[Captioner] 09:46:08

many of them open.



[Captioner] 09:46:12

slide, please.

Since then, we have had a


[Captioner] 09:46:17

number of other projects opening


[Captioner] 09:46:20

up, and this place one building


[Captioner] 09:46:23

has opened.

Aurora is in the process


[Captioner] 09:46:26

of leasing


[Captioner] 09:46:30


Anna Mann is three buildings and one of them is also in the


[Captioner] 09:46:33

process of lease-up, and The Joyce


[Captioner] 09:46:37

just opened also end of June, and that's


[Captioner] 09:46:40

another 100% PSH building.


[Captioner] 09:46:43


We will hear from


[Captioner] 09:46:47

the sponsors


[Captioner] 09:46:51

later this morning.



[Captioner] 09:46:54

slide, please.

Looking forward, the remaining projects


[Captioner] 09:46:58

for '24 to


[Captioner] 09:47:01

'26, 3000 Powell, that is


[Captioner] 09:47:04

targeted to open the second


[Captioner] 09:47:09

quarter of 2024.

Francis and


[Captioner] 09:47:13

Clare is targeted to open in third


[Captioner] 09:47:18

quarter of 2024 and Alder


[Captioner] 09:47:22

9 fourth quarter and Hollywood Hub a slight delay, 2026.



[Captioner] 09:47:25

is one of the largest projects PHB has ever done


[Captioner] 09:47:28

and it's a complicated site, right


[Captioner] 09:47:31

off of the Hollywood


[Captioner] 09:47:35


I think that is it for our project


[Captioner] 09:47:38



[Captioner] 09:47:42



>> Before Angel gives us his update,


[Captioner] 09:47:45

Jill, if we could give a moment for any question and/or


[Captioner] 09:47:48

comment from the Oversight Committee?


[Captioner] 09:47:53


I'll call by name.

Analise any comment or


[Captioner] 09:47:56


>> None from me, thank you.

>> Absolutely, thank you.



[Captioner] 09:47:59

Todd, comment, question?

>> None from me, thank you.


[Captioner] 09:48:02


>> Absolutely.

Allan, comment, question?



[Captioner] 09:48:05

>> Thanks, Dr. Holt.

Yeah, I got a


[Captioner] 09:48:08

couple questions, Jill.

One is, on your slide


[Captioner] 09:48:12

kind of about considerations there, I'm


[Captioner] 09:48:15

assuming that the top one there around continued


[Captioner] 09:48:18

predevelopment risk, that only applies at this point to


[Captioner] 09:48:21

Hollywood Hub, correct?

And as you said, it's an


[Captioner] 09:48:25

incredibly complicated project, given the site


[Captioner] 09:48:28

and scale.

>> That is correct, Allan.


[Captioner] 09:48:32


It is only related to Hollywood Hub, and what we're seeing,


[Captioner] 09:48:35

for example, on


[Captioner] 09:48:38

Hollywood Hub is that


[Captioner] 09:48:42

costs continue to rise and interest during construction


[Captioner] 09:48:45

is affecting Hollywood Hub, but also the


[Captioner] 09:48:48

existing projects that are in


[Captioner] 09:48:52

construction, because interest rates


[Captioner] 09:48:56

for construction levels are floating and we all know interest rates have been rising, so one of


[Captioner] 09:48:59

the issues have been with


[Captioner] 09:49:03

the rise in interest during construction, some of our


[Captioner] 09:49:06

developers are constrained because they have no


[Captioner] 09:49:10

additional funding [ indiscernible ].

>> Interesting, okay.

That might


[Captioner] 09:49:14

play into the other one on here, where you talked about for the alignment


[Captioner] 09:49:18

of resources.

So is the call for


[Captioner] 09:49:21

alignment there, is that also only related to Hollywood Hub


[Captioner] 09:49:25

and the need for that particular project to kind of


[Captioner] 09:49:29

complete their stack?

Because the other ones all have


[Captioner] 09:49:32

their funding stacks completed, right, or are there


[Captioner] 09:49:35

risks that they might not have funding


[Captioner] 09:49:38

because the state may not be aligned with some of these


[Captioner] 09:49:43


>> The alignment of resources for


[Captioner] 09:49:46

the bond project is only related to Hollywood Hub.



[Captioner] 09:49:49


>> And we are working with


[Captioner] 09:49:52

the state to also get Hollywood Hub


[Captioner] 09:49:56

its private activity bonds, so that


[Captioner] 09:49:59

they can get the local housing


[Captioner] 09:50:03

tax credits, and not related to


[Captioner] 09:50:07

your work, but with the


[Captioner] 09:50:10

other projects that are in [ indiscernible ] as well as the other projects


[Captioner] 09:50:13

that we know about from our partners, our


[Captioner] 09:50:17

development partners, many of them are hoping


[Captioner] 09:50:20

to have


[Captioner] 09:50:24

a greater share of


[Captioner] 09:50:27

the state's funds.

>> And Hollywood Hub


[Captioner] 09:50:30

doesn't, I was just checking, looking at it, doesn't have


[Captioner] 09:50:34

any PSH units so the regional PSH wouldn't


[Captioner] 09:50:39

play into this?

That is correct.

It is not


[Captioner] 09:50:42

a PSH building.

>> Thank you.

>> Thank you.



[Captioner] 09:50:46

>> Thank you.

We will then move forward


[Captioner] 09:50:50

to Angel.

>> Thank you Dr.


[Captioner] 09:50:53


Good morning everyone.

I'm Angel


[Captioner] 09:50:56

Gonzalez, finance and accounting manager for the


[Captioner] 09:51:00

Portland Housing Bureau.

My pronouns are he/him and I'm


[Captioner] 09:51:03


The expenditure report highlights as of


[Captioner] 09:51:06

June 30th of this year are the


[Captioner] 09:51:09

following: The expended versus committed


[Captioner] 09:51:12

amounts have continued increasing on ongoing


[Captioner] 09:51:16

construction, compared with the previous


[Captioner] 09:51:19

quarter's report.

As of June, the


[Captioner] 09:51:23

expenditures are $197.3


[Captioner] 09:51:26

million, where the project spending has


[Captioner] 09:51:30

increased by $12.8 million or equivalent to


[Captioner] 09:51:34


The committed funding for


[Captioner] 09:51:39

this period is $64.3 million, decreasing by


[Captioner] 09:51:44

$12.7 million or minus


[Captioner] 09:51:47

16.6%, compared to last quarter.



[Captioner] 09:51:50



[Captioner] 09:51:55

$686,128 will either be used to replace


[Captioner] 09:51:59

metro bonds dollars currently used in


[Captioner] 09:52:02

the Hollywood Hub project or to be


[Captioner] 09:52:05

allocated to fill funding


[Captioner] 09:52:09

gaps, if any.

Any questions?



[Captioner] 09:52:14

>> Thanks, Angel.

We'll go right through our normal


[Captioner] 09:52:17


I will just ask by


[Captioner] 09:52:21



>> No, pretty straightforward


[Captioner] 09:52:24

at this point, thanks, Angel.

Appreciate it.

>> Thank you.


[Captioner] 09:52:27



>> Same, no questions, thank


[Captioner] 09:52:32


>> Thank you,


[Captioner] 09:52:38


>> No questions, thank you.

>> Awesome.



[Captioner] 09:52:41

Thank you, Angel, for the report.



[Captioner] 09:52:44

My pleasure.

>> We're moving right through the


[Captioner] 09:52:48

agenda very smoothly.

I guess


[Captioner] 09:52:51

that's what happens when the preparation and the execution is


[Captioner] 09:52:55

well-done and the work has been pretty consistent so that's great news.

We have


[Captioner] 09:52:58

two presenters today, and that


[Captioner] 09:53:04

will be from The Aurora and Anna Mann House.

You will


[Captioner] 09:53:07

have 15 minutes to present.

I'm going to set a timer for 13


[Captioner] 09:53:10

minutes and when you hear the beeping, you will know


[Captioner] 09:53:13

it's time to start wrapping


[Captioner] 09:53:16

your thoughts.

So without further


[Captioner] 09:53:19

adieu, let me deliver


[Captioner] 09:53:23

it to the representation


[Captioner] 09:53:28

of The Aurora.


[Captioner] 09:53:32


>> Excuse me, good morning, everyone.

Thank you


[Captioner] 09:53:35

for the opportunity to share our project.

My name


[Captioner] 09:53:38

is Bryan


[Captioner] 09:53:42

Shelton-Kelley, Senior Manager with


[Captioner] 09:53:48

Our Just Future formerly HumanSolutions


[Captioner] 09:53:52

and we are the developer for


[Captioner] 09:53:57

The Aurora Project.

The Aurora is


[Captioner] 09:54:00

a really wonderful


[Captioner] 09:54:03

and key project for East Portland.


[Captioner] 09:54:07


It's located on 160th and Stark on the


[Captioner] 09:54:12

edge of the city boundary with Gresham.

We've worked on this project over a


[Captioner] 09:54:15

number of years.

As you


[Captioner] 09:54:18

all may know, the site that it's on had some long


[Captioner] 09:54:21

history of multiple uses, including a family


[Captioner] 09:54:25

shelter, and after that building, you know, we


[Captioner] 09:54:28

determined was unable to be rehabbed


[Captioner] 09:54:31

and salvaged, we worked with a variety of partners


[Captioner] 09:54:35

to turn it into this


[Captioner] 09:54:39


So we've, in this


[Captioner] 09:54:43

project, worked with Edlen and Company


[Captioner] 09:54:48

as consultant, Holst provided the


[Captioner] 09:54:52

architecture and Colas Construction


[Captioner] 09:54:55

contractor and Lifeworks as a service provider.



[Captioner] 09:54:58

came from Oregon Housing and Community Services through


[Captioner] 09:55:01

the LIFT Program and allocation of


[Captioner] 09:55:04

4% tax credits and then


[Captioner] 09:55:08

Portland Housing Bureau as


[Captioner] 09:55:11


Next slide.

Just to go over some of the key


[Captioner] 09:55:15

project milestones that we've reached, we did receive


[Captioner] 09:55:18

our temporary certificate of occupancy at the


[Captioner] 09:55:21

end of May.

We had about a four-month


[Captioner] 09:55:25

delay in construction primarily driven by supply chain issues and


[Captioner] 09:55:29

getting electric transformer equipment to the site


[Captioner] 09:55:34

to be able to switch over from our construction power


[Captioner] 09:55:37

to permanent power, so that did


[Captioner] 09:55:41

impact our schedule greatly, but we


[Captioner] 09:55:45

worked through those issues with our contractor and


[Captioner] 09:55:49

got everything through.



[Captioner] 09:55:52

project does have 16 units that have


[Captioner] 09:55:55

project-based vouchers through


[Captioner] 09:55:58




[Captioner] 09:56:01

units passed their inspection on June 5th and we went right


[Captioner] 09:56:04

up into lease-up, and the first


[Captioner] 09:56:07

move-ins occurred in June.


[Captioner] 09:56:12


We had eight people -- eight households moved in in


[Captioner] 09:56:16

June and some more have happened this week,


[Captioner] 09:56:19

and we're projecting a four-month period to lease


[Captioner] 09:56:22

up the entire building.



[Captioner] 09:56:25

not surprising to anyone on this call, but I did want to point


[Captioner] 09:56:28

it out, just because I think it's


[Captioner] 09:56:32

illustrative of the demand and need for affordable


[Captioner] 09:56:35

housing, the strongest interest and actually the first units


[Captioner] 09:56:38

to lease up in this project were


[Captioner] 09:56:41

our units that we set at the 30% of


[Captioner] 09:56:44

area median income


[Captioner] 09:56:48

rent that are not subsidized, do not have


[Captioner] 09:56:51

the project-based vouchers


[Captioner] 09:56:55

that really does speak to the need of more deeply


[Captioner] 09:56:57

targeted affordable housing in the community.

Those were


[Captioner] 09:57:01

the units we were getting the most calls on, and


[Captioner] 09:57:04

again, were the ones that leased up


[Captioner] 09:57:07

right away.

We have a strong partnership


[Captioner] 09:57:11

with the joint office at


[Captioner] 09:57:14

HomeForward and developed a low bhar ier


[Captioner] 09:57:19

barrier for the project-based voucher units


[Captioner] 09:57:25

and getting referrals from dated access and


[Captioner] 09:57:29

those are for those who experienced homelessness and have


[Captioner] 09:57:32

a referral through the Joint Office.



[Captioner] 09:57:37

came in at about 38 million total development


[Captioner] 09:57:40

cost or about just under


[Captioner] 09:57:43

410,000 per unit.

We were able to receive some extra


[Captioner] 09:57:49

incentives from Energy Trust of Oregon and the Oregon


[Captioner] 09:57:53

Multifamily Energy Program in some increased and


[Captioner] 09:57:57

over baseline energy efficiency measures that we were able to meet in this


[Captioner] 09:58:00

project, and we're providing AC


[Captioner] 09:58:03

units in each unit for


[Captioner] 09:58:06

all residents as a source of


[Captioner] 09:58:09

in-unit cooling.

We'll be doing a grand opening in the


[Captioner] 09:58:14

fall of this


[Captioner] 09:58:17

year, once we're more leased up and the project's more in


[Captioner] 09:58:22


Next slide.

So just to review the unit mix and


[Captioner] 09:58:25

the priority communities,


[Captioner] 09:58:28

again, we have the project's 100% affordable,


[Captioner] 09:58:32

93 units, majority family-sized


[Captioner] 09:58:36

units, and then some 30%


[Captioner] 09:58:40

AMI units,


[Captioner] 09:58:44

again, the permanent supportive housing units have a preference


[Captioner] 09:58:47

from referrals from Coordinated Access and this in one the


[Captioner] 09:58:51

PSH are family site units, two and three


[Captioner] 09:58:54

bedrooms, eight two-bedrooms and eight three-bedrooms so we're working with


[Captioner] 09:58:58

the Coordinated Access Family System and working


[Captioner] 09:59:01

with families that are


[Captioner] 09:59:04

homeless or have been housing insecure.



[Captioner] 09:59:12

Service Partners is a braided approach here, so we have


[Captioner] 09:59:18

Our Just Future is providing our resident services like we provide


[Captioner] 09:59:21

at all of our properties, and those are open


[Captioner] 09:59:24

to any residents, all residents.


[Captioner] 09:59:28


We're also working with Metro and


[Captioner] 09:59:31

have a contract with them to


[Captioner] 09:59:34

provide a dedicated staff position for the 16


[Captioner] 09:59:38

families that will be coming through Coordinated


[Captioner] 09:59:41

Access to help them with housing stability and retention, and


[Captioner] 09:59:44

then we have a partnership with Lifeworks Northwest


[Captioner] 09:59:49

to provide services to anyone in the building with a


[Captioner] 09:59:53

priority of preference for the permanent supportive housing participants.



[Captioner] 09:59:59

Next slide.



[Captioner] 10:00:06

Sorry, next slide.



[Captioner] 10:00:09

to market and reach out


[Captioner] 10:00:12

on the project, we and our


[Captioner] 10:00:16

property management company worked


[Captioner] 10:00:19

on a number of methods and strategies.

We set up a


[Captioner] 10:00:23

temporary leasing office in the


[Captioner] 10:00:26

immediate neighborhood across the


[Captioner] 10:00:29

street from the project, so people could come to the


[Captioner] 10:00:32

neighborhood, see the sites, see the construction going on, but not have to be


[Captioner] 10:00:35

in an


[Captioner] 10:00:39

active construction site.

That location was at


[Captioner] 10:00:42

a local church, and next to the


[Captioner] 10:00:45

Su Casa


[Captioner] 10:00:49


We have an affirmative fair housing


[Captioner] 10:00:53

marketing plan that we use to identify the


[Captioner] 10:00:56

populations least likely to apply for housing and


[Captioner] 10:00:59

what marketing efforts would be needed to reach out to those


[Captioner] 10:01:02


We've also been


[Captioner] 10:01:06

doing outreach to local community anchors, food pantries, the


[Captioner] 10:01:09

Rosewood Initiative, Boys and Girls Club and also


[Captioner] 10:01:13

getting referrals and reaching out to our


[Captioner] 10:01:17

other properties in East Portland.



[Captioner] 10:01:20

recently we've been doing a


[Captioner] 10:01:23

connection an outreach to the McKinney


[Captioner] 10:01:27

Vento program with the school districts to see if there's an opportunity


[Captioner] 10:01:30

to get people that they're working


[Captioner] 10:01:33

with on the list for this


[Captioner] 10:01:36


We don't quite yet have our


[Captioner] 10:01:39

initial tenant them graphics.

The first move-ins, again,


[Captioner] 10:01:42

just occurred in June, but over the next couple of


[Captioner] 10:01:45

months, we'll be compiling


[Captioner] 10:01:50


Next slide.

Wanted to share some


[Captioner] 10:01:53

pictures of the units, so


[Captioner] 10:01:56

these are completed unit photos


[Captioner] 10:01:59

with virtual furniture staging.


[Captioner] 10:02:03


When I saw these perhaps it's showing my age a little bit but I was pretty


[Captioner] 10:02:07

amazed at what modern technology can do.

Here is an example of


[Captioner] 10:02:10

our one-bedroom unit.

We have a


[Captioner] 10:02:13

variety of different unit types and sizes in the


[Captioner] 10:02:16

building, one, two and three-bedrooms but this is an


[Captioner] 10:02:19

example of our one-bedroom


[Captioner] 10:02:24


Next slide.

This is an example of our


[Captioner] 10:02:30

two-bedroom unit, and then the next slide will be


[Captioner] 10:02:33

our three-bedroom unit.



[Captioner] 10:02:36

the design and development of


[Captioner] 10:02:40

this project, some key things were important for us in the


[Captioner] 10:02:43

design team, trying to use a


[Captioner] 10:02:46

trauma-informed design lens, a universal design


[Captioner] 10:02:49

lens, incorporate


[Captioner] 10:02:53

natural light and natural


[Captioner] 10:02:58

colors and materials to, you know, really create a


[Captioner] 10:03:04

non-institutional-looking building and project.

And I think we've


[Captioner] 10:03:08

achieved that very well.



[Captioner] 10:03:11


For our equitable contracting outcomes,


[Captioner] 10:03:15

we're really


[Captioner] 10:03:18

pleased to say that we


[Captioner] 10:03:22

met the goal on hard


[Captioner] 10:03:25

costs, well exceeded the goal on professional services and soft


[Captioner] 10:03:30

costs, and we had really


[Captioner] 10:03:33

good, and I think this is a reflection of


[Captioner] 10:03:37

Colas' work and efforts, really strong


[Captioner] 10:03:40

workforce diversity participation


[Captioner] 10:03:43

from communities of color and women, so


[Captioner] 10:03:48

we're really, really pleased with how that worked out on this project.



[Captioner] 10:03:52

construction is all but complete.

There are some remaining punch list


[Captioner] 10:03:56

items that are going, but it's pretty


[Captioner] 10:04:00

much complete now.



[Captioner] 10:04:04

right, next slide.

Again, some of our community


[Captioner] 10:04:08

engagement activities obviously the neighborhood contact


[Captioner] 10:04:16

process through permitting.

There is a Resident Advisory Committee


[Captioner] 10:04:22

made up of current Our Just Future


[Captioner] 10:04:25

residents from different properties and the group meets regularly and is kind


[Captioner] 10:04:28

of our way of bringing issues or


[Captioner] 10:04:32

items that we want feedback to a


[Captioner] 10:04:35

group that represents the people we serve and the people we


[Captioner] 10:04:38

house, and we had a lot of


[Captioner] 10:04:41

good input and feedback on this project


[Captioner] 10:04:45

and the design and development of this project.


[Captioner] 10:04:48


We're also working on reaching out and


[Captioner] 10:04:51

strengthening our connections with culturally


[Captioner] 10:04:54

specific and community-serving organizations, and actually


[Captioner] 10:04:58

our next development project we're doing in partnership


[Captioner] 10:05:01

with APANO, and we're very excited to grow


[Captioner] 10:05:05

on those efforts.

The participant demographics of our community


[Captioner] 10:05:09

engagement activities included people of color,


[Captioner] 10:05:12

lower income people, older adults and our existing


[Captioner] 10:05:16


Some of the main outcomes of this we learned and were


[Captioner] 10:05:19

able to incorporate into


[Captioner] 10:05:23

The Aurora Project were especially from our


[Captioner] 10:05:27

residents, a lot of concerns about safety and


[Captioner] 10:05:30

security, and so wanting to incorporate enhanced safety


[Captioner] 10:05:35

features into the property fob systems, a gate on the parking


[Captioner] 10:05:38

lot, the idea of


[Captioner] 10:05:42

incorporating natural and durable materials


[Captioner] 10:05:46

and interiors, a mix of community gathering


[Captioner] 10:05:49

spaces, and more private spaces to accommodate a


[Captioner] 10:05:52

range of activities and uses, and then from our


[Captioner] 10:05:55

Resident Advisory Committee we heard one thing that's really important


[Captioner] 10:05:59

is to have bike parking or


[Captioner] 10:06:02

bike storage rooms on each floor for flexibility, so people don't have to go to either


[Captioner] 10:06:05

a central place or they're more easy to


[Captioner] 10:06:08

access from


[Captioner] 10:06:12

their unit.


[Captioner] 10:06:16


That wraps up the The Aurora presentation.



[Captioner] 10:06:18

Happy to answer any questions, and again, thank you for the opportunity to present our project.



[Captioner] 10:06:29

>> I think you did that in under 13 minutes,


[Captioner] 10:06:33

extremely impressive.

>> Thank you.


[Captioner] 10:06:36


>> And what phenomenal pictures.



[Captioner] 10:06:39

my gosh, just beautiful spaces,


[Captioner] 10:06:42

beautiful rooms.

Questions or comments?

Todd, I'll


[Captioner] 10:06:45

go to you first.

>> No questions.


[Captioner] 10:06:48


Just the same comments.

I think it


[Captioner] 10:06:52

echoed the other presentations that we've


[Captioner] 10:06:55

been able to hear, and just yeah, it's


[Captioner] 10:06:58

amazing work, and it's always gratifying to


[Captioner] 10:07:01

see these projects sort of come to life and recognize that


[Captioner] 10:07:05

families are moving into these


[Captioner] 10:07:07


So thank you.

>> Thank you, Todd.



[Captioner] 10:07:13


>> Similar to


[Captioner] 10:07:17

Todd, no questions from me.

Thank you, Brian, for the presentation.



[Captioner] 10:07:20

It's exciting to see all of


[Captioner] 10:07:23

the hard work come to fruition in so many ways.



[Captioner] 10:07:27

surprised but excited to hear the number of family-sized units, the


[Captioner] 10:07:31

number of 30%.

I know both of those were large


[Captioner] 10:07:34

emphasis when we were building out the bond, and so


[Captioner] 10:07:37

happy and excited to see those and happy and excited to see


[Captioner] 10:07:40

there are


[Captioner] 10:07:45

likely oversubscribed [ indiscernible


[Captioner] 10:07:48


So thank you so much for the


[Captioner] 10:07:52


>> Thank you.

>> Thanks, Brian.



[Captioner] 10:07:55


Good work.

Excited about what's going


[Captioner] 10:07:56


>> Thank you.

>> The communities are in front now,


[Captioner] 10:07:59

thank you.



[Captioner] 10:08:05

And our next presenter,


[Captioner] 10:08:08

Anna Mann House, and the same applies


[Captioner] 10:08:11

in that 13 minutes to present and


[Captioner] 10:08:14


We are just rolling along in today's


[Captioner] 10:08:18

agenda, incredible job,


[Captioner] 10:08:21


At the end of 13


[Captioner] 10:08:24

minutes, you will hear a tone, bell, and


[Captioner] 10:08:27

that way you will know you've got a few minutes


[Captioner] 10:08:34

to wrap up.



[Captioner] 10:08:38

Well, thank you very much, everyone, for the invitation to


[Captioner] 10:08:41

join this morning.



[Captioner] 10:08:46

My name is Julie Garver,


[Captioner] 10:08:50

Senior Housing Developer for


[Captioner] 10:08:54

Innovative Housing and in partnership with you for the


[Captioner] 10:09:00

development of the Anna Mann Project.

Next slide, please.

This gives


[Captioner] 10:09:03

you an idea of the unit


[Captioner] 10:09:06

mix for


[Captioner] 10:09:10

Anna Mann, and we have a total of


[Captioner] 10:09:14

129 units.

The first building is open


[Captioner] 10:09:17

right now, which is 50 units, and


[Captioner] 10:09:20

that first building has a mix of


[Captioner] 10:09:24

one-bedroom and two-bedroom


[Captioner] 10:09:28



[Captioner] 10:09:32

at the 0 to


[Captioner] 10:09:35

30 and 31 to 60%


[Captioner] 10:09:39

income range.

It includes 12PSH units.


[Captioner] 10:09:42


We have started


[Captioner] 10:09:46

lease-up for the East Building and I think we have about


[Captioner] 10:09:49

20 people moved in at this point, so leasing is going well for that first


[Captioner] 10:09:58




[Captioner] 10:10:01

slide, please.

We are still under


[Captioner] 10:10:05



[Captioner] 10:10:08

for the project.

Our COBID contracting,


[Captioner] 10:10:12

subcontracting has been going really well.

We are


[Captioner] 10:10:16

toggling between the 32%


[Captioner] 10:10:19

and 36% range.

We are not done with the project


[Captioner] 10:10:23

yet, and we do have some


[Captioner] 10:10:26

substantive change orders to work


[Captioner] 10:10:30

in, and so but we're in that range.

We will exceed


[Captioner] 10:10:34

30% and we're very excited about that.

One of the things


[Captioner] 10:10:37

that I wanted to talk


[Captioner] 10:10:40

with you all about this morning is


[Captioner] 10:10:43

a program that we launched at Anna Mann that


[Captioner] 10:10:46

we're very excited about.

We worked with


[Captioner] 10:10:50

NAMC and the Oregon


[Captioner] 10:10:52

Tradeswomen association to create An Anti-hazing


[Captioner] 10:10:56

Program and zero tolerance


[Captioner] 10:10:59


So Oregon Tradeswomen presented the


[Captioner] 10:11:03

trainings for


[Captioner] 10:11:06


We had two two-hour construction manager trainings and so


[Captioner] 10:11:10

all the foremen and the project


[Captioner] 10:11:14

leaders were, from the construction companies were,


[Captioner] 10:11:17

participated in that, as well the


[Captioner] 10:11:21

subcontractor foremen and eight


[Captioner] 10:11:24

20-minute toolbox talks, for all workers working on


[Captioner] 10:11:27

site, and we really got some positive


[Captioner] 10:11:30


There was a little, you know, trepidation


[Captioner] 10:11:33

I would say in the beginning, people really didn't know


[Captioner] 10:11:36

what this was going to be like, but the trainings really


[Captioner] 10:11:40

focus -- because Oregon Tradeswomen did the


[Captioner] 10:11:43

trainings, and they are in the trades, and have that


[Captioner] 10:11:46

experience, they were really able to


[Captioner] 10:11:50

tailor the examples of what hazing means, and what discrimination


[Captioner] 10:11:53

means, and what equity means to


[Captioner] 10:11:57

the construction atmosphere, and so after


[Captioner] 10:12:00

the program was done, we had a


[Captioner] 10:12:03

lot of people, workers come up and say hey, thank you for doing


[Captioner] 10:12:06


We've never really experienced something like this on a job before,


[Captioner] 10:12:10

and we really appreciate it.

And people did


[Captioner] 10:12:13

notice some changes.


[Captioner] 10:12:16


There were actually two fairly serious disciplinary actions that


[Captioner] 10:12:20

came out of this, two workers were


[Captioner] 10:12:24

released from employment because they could not follow the


[Captioner] 10:12:27

policies, and that's, there has to be consequences


[Captioner] 10:12:30

for the program to really work right, and workers, the


[Captioner] 10:12:33

feedback from workers was, hey, you're really serious about


[Captioner] 10:12:37

this, and we appreciate that.

So we're


[Captioner] 10:12:40

excited about the program.

We're going to be doing it at all of


[Captioner] 10:12:43

innovative housing jobs now, and we thank


[Captioner] 10:12:47

you guys for giving us the inspiration


[Captioner] 10:12:50

to really do


[Captioner] 10:12:53


Next slide.


[Captioner] 10:12:57


So this is our current projected participation.


[Captioner] 10:13:00


We had two contractors on this job,


[Captioner] 10:13:03

Silco Commercial Construction and Todd


[Captioner] 10:13:06


Todd was the contractor for the East


[Captioner] 10:13:09


They're pretty much done so their


[Captioner] 10:13:13

32% is about set.

Silco isn't done


[Captioner] 10:13:16

yet, and so we're


[Captioner] 10:13:19

in that 36% to 32% range for them at this


[Captioner] 10:13:23


Our workforce training efforts are


[Captioner] 10:13:27

coming along well, especially in the female


[Captioner] 10:13:30


I don't have the current hard numbers for you,


[Captioner] 10:13:33

but we're going to well exceed the female


[Captioner] 10:13:38

apprentice hours, and we'll be running about


[Captioner] 10:13:41

right in line with minority hours.



[Captioner] 10:13:49

slide, please.

So here's our current funding sources update.


[Captioner] 10:13:52


You'll see that the project did change quite a bit over


[Captioner] 10:13:55

time, and that was due to, you


[Captioner] 10:13:59

know, our current cost escalation atmosphere, and


[Captioner] 10:14:02

we did add work to the project


[Captioner] 10:14:05

creating more units, but the big news


[Captioner] 10:14:09

for this slide is the PCEF


[Captioner] 10:14:12

funding, what the project did apply for a PCEF grant,


[Captioner] 10:14:15

and the timing was a little interesting, because we


[Captioner] 10:14:19

applied in fall of '21 and then we weren't


[Captioner] 10:14:22

awarded until late in '22, and so that was a little


[Captioner] 10:14:25

bit of a challenge, just trying to get all


[Captioner] 10:14:28

the work into the project and the plans


[Captioner] 10:14:31

amended, but we have added $2 million


[Captioner] 10:14:35

to the project.

Every unit has a


[Captioner] 10:14:38

mini split for heating and cooling.

We have


[Captioner] 10:14:42


We have EV charging.

We're adding large shade


[Captioner] 10:14:45

trees to the site, because we did have to remove some trees, and so


[Captioner] 10:14:48

it's very exciting that we can


[Captioner] 10:14:52

include that PCEF and green work to the project.

Next slide.


[Captioner] 10:14:57


So here is a


[Captioner] 10:15:02

review of the cost


[Captioner] 10:15:05


So we have had other impacts, as Jill alluded


[Captioner] 10:15:09

to in the beginning of the presentation.



[Captioner] 10:15:12

have had construction loan


[Captioner] 10:15:15

increases, cost increases and cost escalation.



[Captioner] 10:15:18

we are covering that includes the


[Captioner] 10:15:21

PCEF grant.

We are able to capture a


[Captioner] 10:15:25

low-income housing tax credit upward adjuster, because we have added


[Captioner] 10:15:28

so much work to the project through the


[Captioner] 10:15:31

PCEF grant, and other things, and so we are able to capture


[Captioner] 10:15:34

a little bit of the upside on that.



[Captioner] 10:15:37

agreement was


[Captioner] 10:15:44

structured that way with our investors so that was


[Captioner] 10:15:47

fortunate and foresighted.

We did have a special


[Captioner] 10:15:51

contingency from PHB which we have been judiciously


[Captioner] 10:15:54

utilizing for the cost escalation items.



[Captioner] 10:15:59

this photo is just shows you what goes into


[Captioner] 10:16:03

everything that goes into a


[Captioner] 10:16:07

new construction building.

The corridors are especially busy and have a lot of


[Captioner] 10:16:10

things running through them.

Next slide, please.



[Captioner] 10:16:16

So here is the development process.



[Captioner] 10:16:19

I did this slide a few days ago, and so we've had a few


[Captioner] 10:16:22

more families move in since


[Captioner] 10:16:25


The East Building is complete, and then we


[Captioner] 10:16:28

expect the South Building to be complete by the end of this


[Captioner] 10:16:32


That will add 40 more


[Captioner] 10:16:35


There are three bedrooms and even one four-bedroom


[Captioner] 10:16:38

unit in that building, and so that's exciting.

And then the


[Captioner] 10:16:41

existing building, we are expecting to be complete in


[Captioner] 10:16:44


You can imagine a National


[Captioner] 10:16:48

Register, a


[Captioner] 10:16:51

100-year-old building, it has its amount ofle


[Captioner] 10:16:55

challenges, we knew there would be some but this photo shows an excavation


[Captioner] 10:16:58

for the lower level


[Captioner] 10:17:01


We have a lower level that is about


[Captioner] 10:17:09

six feet below the ground and the windows up on


[Captioner] 10:17:12

top, and it leaked, so we are excavating and doing


[Captioner] 10:17:15

a lot of waterproofing as we speak.

Next slide,


[Captioner] 10:17:18


So that just goes over the changes


[Captioner] 10:17:22

that have


[Captioner] 10:17:26


Next slide.

And these are some


[Captioner] 10:17:29

photos of the East Building complete.



[Captioner] 10:17:32

the far left lower photo, you'll see as you're


[Captioner] 10:17:35

looking straight ahead, the building, you're looking at


[Captioner] 10:17:38

the end, the front end of the East Building and then


[Captioner] 10:17:41

on the left is the National


[Captioner] 10:17:45

Register Anna Mann Building and you can see a


[Captioner] 10:17:48

closer version of it on the top center photo and we're really


[Captioner] 10:17:51

pleased with how the


[Captioner] 10:17:57

new buildings look and architecture did a great job creating a new twist and


[Captioner] 10:18:00

new design for the new buildings that really echo the feeling and


[Captioner] 10:18:03

the quality of the old existing building.

We've had


[Captioner] 10:18:06

a lot of people both new residents


[Captioner] 10:18:10

and neighbors from the


[Captioner] 10:18:14

Laurel Hurst and Kerns Neighborhood Associations that have


[Captioner] 10:18:18

really had positive reactions over the look of the buildings.

The photo on


[Captioner] 10:18:21

the left is the other side of the East Building.



[Captioner] 10:18:25

a ramp that comes over and connects it with


[Captioner] 10:18:29

the National Register Building which


[Captioner] 10:18:32

will have our community space in it and the lower center photo


[Captioner] 10:18:35

shows you some of our finishes for the kitchens


[Captioner] 10:18:39

and the apartments, echoing the trend of really getting the wood and the


[Captioner] 10:18:42

natural materials in there.

We find that


[Captioner] 10:18:45

that really provides a quality and positive


[Captioner] 10:18:49

feeling for residents, and then on the right, lower right


[Captioner] 10:18:52

corner, that's a photo of the mini splits that are


[Captioner] 10:18:55

up on the roof of the east building, and so


[Captioner] 10:18:58

getting all of those in was a nice


[Captioner] 10:19:02

puzzle for the designers and the subs, and we


[Captioner] 10:19:05

got them all in.



[Captioner] 10:19:09

photo, please.



[Captioner] 10:19:12

here's the South Building.

You'll see it has similar


[Captioner] 10:19:15

design cues as the East Building


[Captioner] 10:19:19


On the top left photo, you can see the huge tree


[Captioner] 10:19:22

that we have preserved.

It's purported to be the


[Captioner] 10:19:27

oldest tulip tree in Oregon so we did a lot of extra


[Captioner] 10:19:30

things to save some very large, old trees on the site, and it isn't


[Captioner] 10:19:33

as easy as you think it would be.

You'd think the trees are


[Captioner] 10:19:36

there, you can work around them.

There's a lot of things that goes into


[Captioner] 10:19:40

that, so we all received a bit of an education on


[Captioner] 10:19:43

that, but we have saved a bunch


[Captioner] 10:19:46

of trees and it's just really nice.

And then the


[Captioner] 10:19:49

lower right-hand photo is a photo of the top floor.


[Captioner] 10:19:52


You can see some of those interesting roof


[Captioner] 10:19:55


This project is nice because even


[Captioner] 10:19:58

the new buildings have some of that


[Captioner] 10:20:02

charming character that goes into why people


[Captioner] 10:20:05

like historic buildings, and so even the new buildings have


[Captioner] 10:20:08

been able to incorporate some of that,


[Captioner] 10:20:11

and so we have folks that are just chomping at the bit


[Captioner] 10:20:15

to get into this building, and so we are excited to be able to finish it


[Captioner] 10:20:18

at the end of the month, because we've taken a bunch of


[Captioner] 10:20:21

applications for it already.

Next slide.



[Captioner] 10:20:25

And then this gives you a taste of


[Captioner] 10:20:29

the existing National Register Building and some of the work


[Captioner] 10:20:33

that's going on here.

The top left photo, this is


[Captioner] 10:20:36

scaffolding that was up.

We were doing chimney


[Captioner] 10:20:39

restoration on this 100-year-old building, and then the lower


[Captioner] 10:20:43

left photo is some site


[Captioner] 10:20:46

work that was going on.

The lower center photo, this


[Captioner] 10:20:50

kind of shows you everything it takes to get modern


[Captioner] 10:20:54

utilities, electrical, plumbing,


[Captioner] 10:20:57

the mini splits into the units, and then the lower right photo


[Captioner] 10:21:01

is an example of a unit that is just ready


[Captioner] 10:21:05

for drywall.

Since that photo was taken, we have


[Captioner] 10:21:08

drywall almost completed now.

Next slide.



[Captioner] 10:21:13

So we'll take


[Captioner] 10:21:16


I am hoping that my colleague, Leah


[Captioner] 10:21:19

Cooper, has joined us.

She is Director of Housing operations company


[Captioner] 10:21:23

for Innovating Housing.

Leah, are


[Captioner] 10:21:26

you on the call yet?

>> I am here, yep.

>> Great.


[Captioner] 10:21:29


Well, Leah is going to talk a little bit


[Captioner] 10:21:32

about lease-up and outreach and community


[Captioner] 10:21:35


>> Hi, everyone.

As Julie said, I'm


[Captioner] 10:21:38

looia Cooper, Director of Housing


[Captioner] 10:21:41

Operations at IHI, and currently doing


[Captioner] 10:21:44

a lot of work on the lease-up for Anna Mann.


[Captioner] 10:21:50


We have 15 units moved in.

We have a lot more that are working


[Captioner] 10:21:54

their way through compliance.



[Captioner] 10:21:58

And in addition to


[Captioner] 10:22:01

that, the project has 12 PSH


[Captioner] 10:22:05

units, six in the East Building


[Captioner] 10:22:10

and six in the South Building.

All of the East Building


[Captioner] 10:22:14

units are identified.

Folks are moved to the


[Captioner] 10:22:17

HomeForward phase of the application process and the six units in


[Captioner] 10:22:21

the South Building or already identified and working their way through the


[Captioner] 10:22:24


We feel really good about the lease-up of the


[Captioner] 10:22:27

permanent supportive housing units.


[Captioner] 10:22:31


We've done a bunch of different things


[Captioner] 10:22:34

to get folks into Anna Mann.

We started


[Captioner] 10:22:37

with an interest list that started oh, probably about a year and a half


[Captioner] 10:22:40

ago, so we let everybody know on the interest list when the building was


[Captioner] 10:22:43

starting to take applications.

We also


[Captioner] 10:22:48

did a lot of providing information to any service partner


[Captioner] 10:22:51

that IHI has ever worked with, frankly.



[Captioner] 10:22:54

been sending out emails.


[Captioner] 10:22:57


We did provide sort of a lag time between when


[Captioner] 10:23:00

we led our service partners and interest list


[Captioner] 10:23:03

to know and when we started a sort of general


[Captioner] 10:23:07

-- and of course, the


[Captioner] 10:23:10

AFHMP contacts as well.

After we notified all of


[Captioner] 10:23:13

them, we sort of created a little bit of a lag time


[Captioner] 10:23:16

before we started general marketing to


[Captioner] 10:23:19

the community, just to make


[Captioner] 10:23:23

sure that we had, frankly, a diverse


[Captioner] 10:23:27

pool of applicants, but we have started sort of the general


[Captioner] 10:23:33

marketing for the building, which means


[Captioner] 10:23:36

we're spending, you know,


[Captioner] 10:23:39

money on apartments.com, Craigslist, and


[Captioner] 10:23:41

sort of more mainstream ways of letting the community know that we have openings.



[Captioner] 10:23:48

I wanted to mention that we are doing a lot of work


[Captioner] 10:23:51

with our, with neighbors


[Captioner] 10:23:55

in the Laurel Hurst community.

I met with a group of neighbors this


[Captioner] 10:23:59

week and they sort of that their own campaign.

They have all of our marketing


[Captioner] 10:24:02

materials and pre-application so they have spreading that


[Captioner] 10:24:06

out throughout the community to see if anyone that's


[Captioner] 10:24:09

living in Laurel Hurst and Kerns is interested in


[Captioner] 10:24:12

living there.

We've done some marketing with the Laurel Hurst School


[Captioner] 10:24:16

to make sure that there are


[Captioner] 10:24:19

families that are interested in affordable housing,


[Captioner] 10:24:23

would have access.

Yes, so that's kind


[Captioner] 10:24:26

of where we are right now the lease-up process.


[Captioner] 10:24:29


I'm not sure if there's any other information in particular that would


[Captioner] 10:24:32

be helpful for folks to know.

>> Well, I


[Captioner] 10:24:35

appreciate it.

We are at our time, actually, for


[Captioner] 10:24:38

the presentation, so that's fantastic.



[Captioner] 10:24:42

timing around it.

I will


[Captioner] 10:24:46

go to questions from the bond Oversight


[Captioner] 10:24:49

Committee and begin with Analise, comments or questions?


[Captioner] 10:24:52


>> Thanks, Dr. Holt.

I don't have any


[Captioner] 10:24:55

questions for either of you.

Thank you so much for this presentation.


[Captioner] 10:24:58


It's really exciting


[Captioner] 10:25:01

to see -- I was particularly interested in this project


[Captioner] 10:25:05

knowing its location and getting affordable


[Captioner] 10:25:08

housing into the neighborhood and also, you know, knowing that you are


[Captioner] 10:25:12

renovating an historical, old


[Captioner] 10:25:15

building was going in and imagining it was going to be


[Captioner] 10:25:18

particularly tough and that you were going to encounter some surprises, so really


[Captioner] 10:25:23

excited to see that, you know, you figured


[Captioner] 10:25:26

out how to overcome them


[Captioner] 10:25:29

and September hopefully that last piece will be up


[Captioner] 10:25:32

and open for folks to move into.



[Captioner] 10:25:37

wonderful job.

Thanks for the last couple of years.

>> Thank you, Analise.



[Captioner] 10:25:43


>> Yes, thank you.

Apologies if you can hear a dog


[Captioner] 10:25:46

barking in the background, but no questions.



[Captioner] 10:25:49


I guess I did want to call


[Captioner] 10:25:52

a special appreciation for saving the trees.


[Captioner] 10:25:56


We've actually done in East


[Captioner] 10:26:00

Portland the value of urban forestry and


[Captioner] 10:26:03

green landscapes and old trees are really hard


[Captioner] 10:26:06

to replace.

And so yeah, I imagine it was a lot of


[Captioner] 10:26:09

work to work around them, but once those things


[Captioner] 10:26:12



[Captioner] 10:26:15

done, -- down, they take decades


[Captioner] 10:26:18

to come back.

I appreciate it, thank you.

>> Thank you,


[Captioner] 10:26:22


Thanks for the


[Captioner] 10:26:23


Great work.

Significant things happening.



[Captioner] 10:26:31

We appreciate you for being here today.

Next on our


[Captioner] 10:26:35

agenda is the interim Director's


[Captioner] 10:26:39



>> Molly had a scheduled meeting until


[Captioner] 10:26:43


I'll run and see if she's available to join us right now.


[Captioner] 10:26:46


>> Okay, we'll take just a moment, give


[Captioner] 10:26:49

everybody an opportunity, five minutes to


[Captioner] 10:26:53

get a drink or whatever else you may need to do.

We'll be back in five.



[Captioner] 10:32:26

And we are back.



[Captioner] 10:32:29

Good to see you, Molly.

Good morning to you.



[Captioner] 10:32:34

>> Good morning to you, Dr. Holt.

And to the rest of the committee.



[Captioner] 10:32:39

>> Yes, this is what happens when you


[Captioner] 10:32:42

have an efficient team, and they're going through


[Captioner] 10:32:45

their items expeditiously.



[Captioner] 10:32:49

We sometimes get a little ahead of the schedule.



[Captioner] 10:32:53

>> Not a problem.

I'm thrilled to


[Captioner] 10:32:57



[Captioner] 10:33:00

joined you this morning


[Captioner] 10:33:05

and share a few


[Captioner] 10:33:09

updates at the Bureau.

My name is Molly


[Captioner] 10:33:12

Rogers, Interim Director of Portland Housing Bureau and I go by she/her


[Captioner] 10:33:15


Nice to see a few members of our committee with us


[Captioner] 10:33:18


I wanted to let folks know we have an active


[Captioner] 10:33:22

recruitment happening right now for the Director


[Captioner] 10:33:29

of the Housing Bureau.

It is going to be -- it's being conducted out of Commissioner


[Captioner] 10:33:32

Rubio's office and it's going to be considered


[Captioner] 10:33:35

open until filled so if you know of


[Captioner] 10:33:38

anyone, let folks know as soon as possible to get


[Captioner] 10:33:41

their names in there, find the right leader to take us


[Captioner] 10:33:45

to the next level and address our various housing


[Captioner] 10:33:49

challenges happening in the city.

We're very excited for this process


[Captioner] 10:33:53

to unfold.

We hope to have


[Captioner] 10:33:56

a series of panels set up in


[Captioner] 10:34:00

the next month or two, and obviously everyone's


[Captioner] 10:34:03

anxious to get


[Captioner] 10:34:06

the next director on board as soon as possible.

In the


[Captioner] 10:34:09

meantime, we continue to not just


[Captioner] 10:34:12

close the highest number of projects


[Captioner] 10:34:16

that we've ever closed in PHB's history in a short amount of time, and continue to


[Captioner] 10:34:19

have a couple more closings, but we're also gearing up for


[Captioner] 10:34:22

a couple more solicitations


[Captioner] 10:34:25

this calendar


[Captioner] 10:34:28


We just sent out a press release


[Captioner] 10:34:32

that expressed some of the thinking around


[Captioner] 10:34:36

the solicitations first and foremost,


[Captioner] 10:34:39

looking at a last gap NOFA, it's a


[Captioner] 10:34:42

term that we're using that is sort of in


[Captioner] 10:34:45

contrast to the first ones in a project, we're hoping


[Captioner] 10:34:48

to be the last ones in a prong that is permit


[Captioner] 10:34:51

ready, and has been struggling with some


[Captioner] 10:34:56

last-minute financial leads,


[Captioner] 10:35:00

ject that is permit ready, and has been struggling with some last-minute financial leads, but it


[Captioner] 10:35:03

personaled and ready to go.

We have gotten other


[Captioner] 10:35:06

commitments for affordability lined


[Captioner] 10:35:09

up, but are just sitting there to be closed, waiting for someone


[Captioner] 10:35:13

to come in and get them to that


[Captioner] 10:35:16



[Captioner] 10:35:19

finish line.

We're hoping to do a solicitation on


[Captioner] 10:35:22


We have $5 million in ARPA


[Captioner] 10:35:26

funds, that's


[Captioner] 10:35:30

Federal American Rescue Act funds to preserve projects


[Captioner] 10:35:34

that may be expiring affordable


[Captioner] 10:35:37

restrictions or have life safety concerns.

Last but not least we hope to


[Captioner] 10:35:41

get a team on board,


[Captioner] 10:35:44

former Broadway Corridor phase one, about to go


[Captioner] 10:35:47

into council next week to solidify


[Captioner] 10:35:50

an intergovernmental agreement with Crossroad Portland to


[Captioner] 10:35:53

build out affordable housing


[Captioner] 10:35:56

at the


[Captioner] 10:36:01

United States Postal Service site, a


[Captioner] 10:36:04

huge site north of Downtown,


[Captioner] 10:36:08

just west of the Pearl District.



[Captioner] 10:36:11

excited to be able to think about being an


[Captioner] 10:36:14

early partner and catalytic partner in getting


[Captioner] 10:36:17

affordable housing built early on to kick-start the rest


[Captioner] 10:36:20

of that development.

Just wanted to also


[Captioner] 10:36:23

let you know, we have been working


[Captioner] 10:36:27

to recalibrate our landmark inclusionary


[Captioner] 10:36:31

Housing Policy.



[Captioner] 10:36:35

convened a panel of experts over the last eight months, and


[Captioner] 10:36:38

that work just concluded on Monday.



[Captioner] 10:36:42

a fantastic article from OPB today


[Captioner] 10:36:47

that highlights the findings of the consultant


[Captioner] 10:36:50

that we hired, and the potential recommendations


[Captioner] 10:36:53

coming out of that panel, and we


[Captioner] 10:36:56

are looking forward to


[Captioner] 10:36:59

working with council on reforms to make sure that this program continues


[Captioner] 10:37:03

to be effective, make sure that it


[Captioner] 10:37:06

is fully Kohl grated and current


[Captioner] 10:37:11

housing market conditions, and can continue to build out


[Captioner] 10:37:15

affordable housing throughout the whole city with the


[Captioner] 10:37:19

focus on the 60% [ indiscernible


[Captioner] 10:37:22


So overall, I would


[Captioner] 10:37:25

say that IH has created over 1,000 affordable


[Captioner] 10:37:28

housing units that would not have otherwise


[Captioner] 10:37:32

existed, if not for the policy


[Captioner] 10:37:36

embedded within market rate, and


[Captioner] 10:37:40

that is just something that is a


[Captioner] 10:37:43

phenomenal milestone, just for us to acknowledge in


[Captioner] 10:37:47

itself, because that policy passed six years ago


[Captioner] 10:37:52

but those of us who have been hauling it, a lot of projects went


[Captioner] 10:37:55

before the policy got in and got invested under


[Captioner] 10:37:58

pre-inclusionary housing so we've been able to show that


[Captioner] 10:38:01

this has been effectively implemented in the


[Captioner] 10:38:04

housing units.

That work is going to


[Captioner] 10:38:10

be highlighted alongside


[Captioner] 10:38:13

other housing needs analyses to


[Captioner] 10:38:16

kick-start a larger production strategy


[Captioner] 10:38:19

in front of City Council on July 25th.


[Captioner] 10:38:22


I encourage you all


[Captioner] 10:38:26

to go and listen to that work session.



[Captioner] 10:38:29

doing that with our service area bureau


[Captioner] 10:38:32

partners, the Bureau of Planning and Sustainability the


[Captioner] 10:38:35

Bureau of Development Services and Prosper


[Captioner] 10:38:39

Portland, showing how all the bureaus have a stake in


[Captioner] 10:38:43

housing production, and all play a critical role in


[Captioner] 10:38:46

trying to reduce obstacles, reduce costs, make it


[Captioner] 10:38:50

easier for the developing community to keep working on building more


[Captioner] 10:38:53

and more housing with


[Captioner] 10:38:56

ARPA affordable housing.



[Captioner] 10:39:00

with that, I am -- oh, just one last


[Captioner] 10:39:03

final update.

Everyone is trying to figure out whether we are


[Captioner] 10:39:06

going to have a bond measure


[Captioner] 10:39:11


As we


[Captioner] 10:39:14

send out the Portland housing bonds, we're


[Captioner] 10:39:18

close to spending down our community metro bond


[Captioner] 10:39:21

goals and just wanted to just acknowledge


[Captioner] 10:39:25

there's conversations that are being


[Captioner] 10:39:30


People are -- it's going to be ultimately conversations between our


[Captioner] 10:39:33

elected officials and the Metro


[Captioner] 10:39:36

Council and what makes the most sense in this current


[Captioner] 10:39:41

political landscape, you


[Captioner] 10:39:44

know, given how much appetite we think the


[Captioner] 10:39:47

voters would have in other bond measures.

No set


[Captioner] 10:39:52

plan, but conversations will be had.



[Captioner] 10:39:55

Just with that, I'll open it up to any questions.



[Captioner] 10:39:59

>> Thank you very much.



[Captioner] 10:40:02


A lot happening!

Much is going on.



[Captioner] 10:40:08

Analise, any comments or questions?

>> None for me, thank you,


[Captioner] 10:40:08

Dr. Holt.

>> Absolutely.

Todd, any comments or questions?



[Captioner] 10:40:14

>> None from me, thank you.

>> Well, thank you.



[Captioner] 10:40:20

Thanks, Molly, for the update, and all of the presenters and


[Captioner] 10:40:23

all of the work that's been on it.

That brings us


[Captioner] 10:40:27

to the end of another Bond Oversight Committee.


[Captioner] 10:40:30


Again, we are almost halfway through July, if you can believe


[Captioner] 10:40:33


It's amazing how quickly things are moving.



[Captioner] 10:40:37

Our next meeting will happen, it's our next


[Captioner] 10:40:40

scheduled meeting is planned for the 5


[Captioner] 10:40:43

th of October, and we look


[Captioner] 10:40:47

forward to being together.

That is a morning


[Captioner] 10:40:51

meeting, and if there are any other items


[Captioner] 10:40:54

that come up between now and then, we will make sure to get that word out.



[Captioner] 10:40:59

So as I wrap up my


[Captioner] 10:41:03

thought for today, at the end of this great meeting, we have a


[Captioner] 10:41:07

few, well, weeks left of summer.



[Captioner] 10:41:10

encourage us to get out and enjoy this incredible weather that


[Captioner] 10:41:15

we've been having here in the northwest


[Captioner] 10:41:18

and as you do, continue to take care of yourself and one another.

We'll see each other soon.



[Captioner] 10:41:23

Bye-bye, everybody.