15:06:01 From Holly Stephens to Everyone: Hello everyone 🙂 15:06:31 From Dung Ho (she/her/hers) to Everyone: Good afternoon. The sun is out! 15:06:40 From Niki Luneclair to Everyone: Hi everyone! 15:06:42 From Fanny Adams to Everyone: Hi everyone! 15:07:11 From Holly Stephens to Everyone: I can’t hear anything just checking if it’s me or maybe no one is speaking 15:07:18 From Niki Luneclair to Everyone: No one is speaking :) 15:07:27 From Holly Stephens to Everyone: Phew! 15:07:42 From Niki Luneclair to Everyone: Hi All - if you just joined, we are giving a few minutes for folks to log on and meet quorum. 15:20:13 From Allan Lazo to Everyone: Here also is an AFFH Public Comment Guide from PolicyLnk: https://www.policylink.org/node/69636 15:21:12 From Allan Lazo to Everyone: Preliminary Overview of the AFFH Equity Plan from National Low-Income Housing Coalition: https://nlihc.org/sites/default/files/REV1_PRELIMINARY_OVERVIEW_OF_EQUITY_PLAN.pdf 15:22:29 From Chris Gustafson (he/him) PHB to Everyone: I can hear 15:23:09 From Allan Lazo to Everyone: And a recording of an AFFH Proposed Rule Listening Session from the National Housing Law Project (password to view the webinar= L74+QqAy): https://us06web.zoom.us/rec/share/v0jrnPrhtTwaxtsRN8wsmiuwCEiyvi8VG0F6LIMEETXMhLbqq1GFZ_ot3T5Srv8b.DgcS8b9jmSxqLF89 15:31:21 From Allan Lazo to Everyone: Do we have comparisons for these income bands with national statistics or for other similar cities? 16:50:03 From Holly Stephens to Everyone: Thank you everyone