From: BDS Hearings Clerk
Sent: Tue Feb 21 14:14:52 2023
To: BDS Hearings Clerk
Subject: LU 22.213205 HR Duniway School
Importance: Normal
Microsoft Exchange Server;converted from html;
From: J R Merrick <>
Sent: Friday, February 17, 2023 2:41 PM
To: Adam, Hillary <>
Cc: Steve Kilduff <>; Dinah Adkins <>; ENA President <>
Subject: LU 22.213205 HR Duniway School
To the Historic Landmarks Commission,
As Livability and Land Use Co-chair and on behalf of the Eastmoreland Neighborhood Association, we are writing to commend PPS for their efforts to maintain the character and historic integrity of the Duniway School building as part of the main roof replacement including employing skilled preservation specialists as design consultants.
We ask that the Landmarks Commission approve the application.
Thank You
Rod Merrick, AIA NCARB
Merrick Architecture Planning
Portland, OR 503.771.7762