15:05:17 .3 15:05:28 . >> Okay. 15:05:31 Welcome everybody. Thanks for being here this afternoon. 15:05:34 As I kind of mentioned from e-mails that I've gotten today 15:05:38 , notices from folks, we're going to be a pretty small 15:05:41 group. And 15:05:44 we're mostly just going to do a quick check-in 15:05:48 and some Bureau updates. To 15:05:51 kick things off, my name is 15:05:54 Jessica Conner. I am the staff 15:05:59 to Portland Housing Advisory Committee and build 15:06:02 back. We've got somebody else which is going to join 15:06:05 us. Great. Heather 15:06:08 . Perfect. Heather, Jill 15:06:12 , Anna, appreciate you very much. So 15:06:15 it is an -- I appreciate everyone tak 15:06:18 ing the time to review the letter 15:06:22 . Go over it. I know it is tricky 15:06:25 . An attempt to prioritize anything 15:06:45 . We're just continuing. At least for right now on the path 15:06:48 that we are. That might change in the future 15:07:24 . Lloyd has retired from the housing center. 15:07:27 And with that he's rolling off of PHAC. Definitely 15:07:31 some some sincere congratulations to her. I also 15:07:35 heard that 15:07:38 Kamici has moved some positions and is 15:07:41 doing some prioritizing. And so they will 15:07:44 not be joining us. Unfortunately 15:07:48 . And, yeah, we've got a couple people that are just 15:07:52 out either on vacation or out sick today. So that is why we're 15:07:55 a little bit of a small group. And when it comes to staff. 15:07:58 If it hasn't made its way around to you yet 15:08:02 , Matthew Shabol 15:08:05 t is actually leaving the house Bureau. He got 15:08:09 a position with the governor's office. He'll be a housing 15:08:13 policy advisor there. This will be his last week 15:08:21 . So he won't be able to join us unfortunately also 15:08:24 this afternoon. He's got four meetings scheduled at the same time. 15:08:27 So we definitely, it will be -- it is quite 15:08:30 a loss for 15:08:34 . But quite the boon 15:08:37 for the governor and for the state 15:08:40 . So we'll definitely miss him and will 15:08:43 wish him all the best 15:08:47 . Anything else before I do a quick check-in about the 15:08:50 letter? 15:08:57 Great. Knew that we were just going to be super efficient this afternoon 15:09:02 . So the letter, I did get one 15:09:05 , only one change 15:09:09 . Relatively small. I think since 15:09:12 sending out the one last week, 15:09:15 and that was from Kymberly 15:09:19 . And she was requesting that the -- 15:09:22 there is the section that is promoting resiliency 15:09:25 . And the bullet is "home repair for low 15:09:29 income 15:09:33 homeowners." Her request was we 15:09:36 ad add and 15:09:39 qualified seniors. That at her request. And I look 15:09:42 to Heather, and 15:09:45 others to see if there is support there or anyone that would 15:09:48 like to suggest something different. Aside from that, those are the 15:09:52 only notes that I got. Great, thanks Heather 15:09:54 . I see you in the chat. Sounds great. 15:09:57 And if there is anything else related to the leather or 15:10:00 letter or any 15:10:03 other back/PHAC 15:10:06 related business anybody would like to bring up. I'll just 15:10:09 open the floor 15:10:13 . >> I've been doing this long enough that I should not find it 15:10:16 challenging. But I find it hard to 15:10:19 advocate for a budget I haven't seen 15:10:23 and sign a letter of support asking people 15:10:26 to vote for something I don't know what we're asking for 15:10:29 . And I guess the last time, you know, 15:10:32 things that just changed really quickly. We just had a 15:10:36 brand new housing commissioner. You hadn't yet met 15:10:39 with her. Did we get any 15:10:42 guidance from her? Do we have any sense of 15:10:46 whether what she's going to advocate for? 15:10:50 Or where P 15:10:53 HB is sitting in this strange sit/ 15:10:56 county, kind of, showdown? It is hard 15:10:59 to know what position to take and hard to advocate 15:11:02 for what, when we haven't seen anything. >> Yes 15:11:08 . Yeah, so again, I can appreciate that. 15:11:12 And it being a no cut, 15:11:15 no add year is kind of, you know, 15:11:22 -- it is just kind of asking for you know 15:11:25 current service level budgets. So doing the things that 15:11:28 we've been doing all year 15:11:33 . And I can't speak to the 15:11:37 city/county situation. But I do know that, you 15:11:40 know, Molly has now had, you know, and the 15:11:43 executive level team, right, more introductions with the 15:11:46 commissioner's office and staff there 15:11:52 . But I don't anticipate at this point that 15:11:55 we have clear direction from 15:12:00 Commissioner Rubio on the budget part itself. And part of that 15:12:03 is because we are PHB, 15:12:06 is now in this 15:12:09 new cluster of bureaus 15:12:12 . And the Mayor has, you know, the Mayor 15:12:15 pulled all the bureaus back, clustered them 15:12:19 into groups 15:12:22 . And this is terrible that this is now being recorded, that 15:12:25 I'm failing to remember what the name of the Housing Bureau's 15:12:29 cluster is. 15:12:32 Community and economic -- 15:12:35 we were in there with prosper Portland, 15:12:38 development services, 15:12:41 plains sustainability and PHB. So I know 15:12:45 who we're in the pot with. And I know 15:12:48 that the budget -- the potential 15:12:51 to ask for 15:12:55 new money potentially coming in March, 15:12:59 everyone I'm hearing is caveating this pretty 15:13:02 seriously. Potentially getting us some new guidance in 15:13:05 March. And if it is, then it will be 15:13:08 the Commissioner will need to 15:13:12 put forth a package 15:13:15 or packages that are in coordination and 15:13:18 alignment with each of those four agencies 15:13:26 . So I know that's probably still a little vague because none 15:13:29 of us have had to really coordinate our budget 15:13:33 asks before. You know, but they are 15:13:36 really attempting to get, you know, our bureaus aligned 15:13:39 . So my hope is that we may 15:13:42 have some information to bring to PHAC 15:13:46 at the next 15:13:56 . -- community and economic development, thank you very much. 15:13:59 Person put that in the chat. So yes 15:14:02 , I'm hopeful that we will have some information to be able to 15:14:05 share in March. I don't know the timing of it 15:14:11 . But when and what we can, we will definitely 15:14:16 bring that, will be important for Molly to want 15:14:19 to bring that to this group as well 15:14:22 . >> But did PHB actually submit something? 15:14:25 Like, are we -- we're -- is that the 15:14:28 letter in support of PHB's 15:14:31 requested budget. >> Yeah, we will be submitting 15:14:35 a requested budget 15:14:38 . I'm going to put you on the spot for a minute 15:14:43 angel if you don't mind, as your finance and account 15:14:47 ing manager. Perhaps you can share maybe in a different 15:14:50 way or a better way what it is the Bureau is going to be submitting 15:14:53 as part of our request budget. 15:14:58 >> Hello everyone. I'm ankle 15:15:05 angel landro 15:15:10 n, for the record 15:15:13 . At this point what we're doing is balancing the 15:15:16 current service --. So we're 15:15:20 not inserting any decision packages 15:15:23 or additional funding for particular purposes. But we 15:15:26 have been working on 15:15:29 the sustainment 15:15:33 -- same expenditures that we have over time with 15:15:36 taking into consideration the inflation rates for the 15:15:39 next fiscal year 15:15:43 . There is another memo from the Mayor 15:15:46 's office that we are waiting for more 15:15:52 guidance into packages in the coming 15:15:55 , I don't know, maybe next month, where we 15:15:58 are going to get more insight about how can 15:16:01 we ask for additional funding to request 15:16:04 for particular needs 15:16:08 . Our central budget in all this I 15:16:11 think as well 15:16:15 . It can add more information than I have. 15:16:18 But what we are doing at this point is we need to 15:16:21 resubmit a budget on the 26th and it is based on the 15:16:24 current service level with our current revenue 15:16:27 and current expenditure 15:16:33 . Yung, do you want to add something? >> No. 15:16:36 That's basically it. I mean, yeah, when it comes 15:16:41 to Bureau's asking for additional general fund 15:16:45 money, we are working with the Mayor's office to 15:16:48 come up with guidance on that. And 15:16:52 like angel 15:16:55 said, that will be coming out in the next couple 15:16:58 months. But that is only concerned with additional general fund money 15:17:02 . It is not concerned with any 15:17:05 of the bureaus, any other revenues or 15:17:08 expenditures. So... >> So everything 15:17:11 else is staying the same from last year 15:17:15 ? 15:17:18 >> That is for Angel for the bureau to answer 15:17:23 . >> Yes, mainly yes. I think that only 15:17:26 you addition that we are working at this point 15:17:30 is the money that we are going to 15:17:34 receive. I don't know the 15:17:37 amount. Amount the bureau going to receive for five 15:17:40 years. I believe for fiscal year 15:17:44 '24 we are adding like 15:17:48 12 million 15:17:51 . Trying the figure out how much money we're going to 15:17:54 receive for that purpose. That is the 15:17:58 only thing that will be 15:18:01 different than the budget at this time. 15:18:10 >> So like, Jessie 15:18:13 , the anti-displacement program we are run 15:18:17 running in's Portland. So we're still spending like 2- 15:18:21 $3 million on that program? 15:18:24 Last year we saw packages that described things 15:18:28 . And they went through last year, they were -- I 15:18:31 thought they were one-year things. But that means we're just going to 15:18:34 continue doing it this year too? 15:18:38 >> Well in this budget, fiscal year 15:18:41 '23, we have 15:18:45 $3.5 million that are coming from fiscal year 15:18:50 '22 or land bank 15:18:54 ing acquisition. That is included in this budget. I don't know if that 15:18:58 's what you are making reference to. >> I don't think so 15:19:01 . I mean that is helpful. That's good to know 15:19:07 . >> My understanding of the funds dedicate 15:19:10 ed to east Portland 15:19:14 . >> 82nd avenue is the one I meant. >> Oh, 15:19:18 82nd avenue. >> I misspoke. >> No problem 15:19:21 . So the American rustic 15:19:24 land local relief funds for 15:19:27 82nd avenue, there was 15:19:31 a coordinated -- three coordinated 15:19:34 , yet separate, requests 15:19:37 from prosper Portland, the Housing Bureau 15:19:41 and bureau of transportation. All 15:19:45 around the 82nd Avenue cord 15:19:48 corridorrer 15:19:52 corridor. Those went to council. The decision around those 15:19:55 three packages was to repackage them as one 15:20:02 . And shrink the fund 15:20:05 ing. And then the three agencies were direct 15:20:10 ed to work together 15:20:13 to use those funds 15:20:17 in some sort of combination to address those 15:20:21 same needs. So we asked for 15:20:24 funds. We did get a yes. But we got a little bit 15:20:27 less, and it required us to sort of reorganize the 15:20:31 way we were looking at it. I am actually currently 15:20:36 the lead, at least on the PHB side 15:20:39 , for those funds. And for that program. 15:20:44 We took that money, 15:20:50 $1.8 million, approximately 15:20:54 $1.8 million. And a portion of that, about 15:21:01 $640,000 went to Prosper Portland for small business stabilization 15:21:04 program. And the remainder is being coordinated. 15:21:07 It is still at H happy 15:21:10 PHB. But we're work 15:21:13 ing closely with PBOT 15:21:16 and prosper. And we're going to do a pilot 15:21:20 program around stabilization and workforce training. >> That was one- 15:21:23 time money. So that is not being reneweds 15:21:26 in the budget? >> Correct. All of the money is one time. 15:21:33 >> Okay. And the three and a half million, the 15:21:36 land acquisition money that was in last year's budget 15:21:40 , I don't think that's been allocated it or has it been 15:21:43 ? 15:21:50 >> It has not been allocated. But it is not 15:21:53 general fund money. So it is in 15:21:57 our fund. So basically it is there. 15:22:00 So if we need to carry forward to the next 15:22:03 fiscal year 15:22:07 . >> So it will just roll forward. We won't get 15:22:12 another three and a half million. >> Well if you are -- if we are 15:22:15 not going to spend it, we are going 15:22:18 to add it. If and 15:22:21 And we're going to spend it 15:22:26 . What I'm starting to say is it is not 15:22:29 general fund. That means if we do not spend it 15:22:32 , we are not going lose it. So we have it. It is in our 15:22:36 -- it is one of our funds. So to be a specifically 15:22:40 is in the housing investment fund 15:22:43 . 15:22:48 >> Okay. >> Does 15:22:51 that make sense? So when we ask for general 15:22:54 fund requests, those 15:22:58 are, kind of, use it or lose it. And then 15:23:01 when we're talking about the funds 15:23:05 that Angel is talking about, talk tacts 15:23:08 Housing Investment Fund. It is okay that we just plop it 15:23:11 into that savings account or whatever and spend it when we need 15:23:14 it. >> In other words -- >> But it is not -- but I 15:23:17 see that point you are saying 15:23:21 . That it is the same base 15:23:25 level that I'm going to also look to Angel to 15:23:28 correct me if I get this wrong. The 15:23:32 same service level does not include the extra 15:23:35 money stuff that we asked for from last year 15:23:38 . We asked for 2 million for XYZ 15:23:41 program, our current service 15:23:44 level budget does not include 15:23:48 the -- getting the $2 million again 15:23:51 for the XYZ program. >> That is correct. 15:24:05 >> Okay. I don't have any 15:24:09 other questions. Thank you. >> Questions from any of the 15:24:12 other members? 15:24:27 Okay. The next for the 15:24:30 letter. So I will -- 15:24:33 at this point I only need to take the watermark off 15:24:37 . But finalize the letter. I will send it over to 15:24:40 our finance county team for their 15:24:43 inclusion in our submitted 15:24:46 request budget. >> And I would like to clarify 15:24:51 about the I insect pond 15:24:54 ing I was mentioning earlier before. Basically 15:24:57 this is a new ponding that it is not being completed 15:25:01 . The interagency agreement. So 15:25:04 basically we are working with some estimates. And because that is 15:25:07 coming from another bureau. That means that we need 15:25:11 to balance the revenue and expenditures with 15:25:14 that bureau. So we are getting those details to 15:25:17 make sure how much we are going to add in fiscal 15:25:21 year '24 budget. Our initial estimate 15:25:25 is approximately $12 million. But we need to make 15:25:28 sure that another bureau has the same numbers, because we need 15:25:32 to balance. 15:25:36 >> Thank you for that clarification, Angel. 15:25:44 Well, anything for the good of the order? 15:25:52 Comments, questions about anything related to the budget? 15:25:58 Or anything related to the bureau 15:26:01 ? 15:26:07 All right. Well, lots of gratitude to 15:26:10 all of you for taking the time this 15:26:13 afternoon, and the time you took with the letter 15:26:16 . I appreciate that. 15:26:20 We will be in touch 15:26:24 . When we get back 15:26:27 guidance. And I look forward to see 15:26:30 ing you all in March for our March 15:26:34 March 7th meeting. 15:26:37 >> Thank you.