09:34:34 out to the Portland Housing Bureau staff. Staff members 09:34:37 can you 09:34:41 just kind of -- >> Recording in progress. >> Turning 09:34:44 your camera on, waving those of you 09:34:48 who are with 09:34:53 PHB. Thank you very much. 09:34:59 Excellent. I believe we have some minutes to 09:35:02 respond to. Are there any questions or 09:35:05 comments about the minutes from our 09:35:09 meeting in February? Yes, Susan? >> I thought 09:35:13 the minutes were excellent and very thorough and if 09:35:16 we need to approve them, I move to approve them. >> It's 09:35:19 been moved for approval of the minutes. Any comments 09:35:22 or questions from the oversight 09:35:25 committee members? All in favor you can 09:35:29 say aye. >> 09:35:33 Aye. >> 100% approval. 09:35:37 Minutes have been approved for the last meeting. 09:35:40 Now as I was talking, we mentioned that 09:35:43 there is room for public testimony. Each person 09:35:46 who has an intent or desire 09:35:49 to interact, you have two minutes to do so. 09:35:52 And you can indicate such by 09:35:56 raising your hand or going into the 09:35:59 queue. Is there anyone that we have for 09:36:07 public testimony at this time? 09:36:12 >> Dr. Holt, I don't see anyone who has 09:36:15 signed up through the chat so far. But we can give them 09:36:18 a few more moments 09:36:23 to do so if they 09:36:35 choose. >> Seeing none, I'm okay with 09:36:39 moving on if you are, Tanya. >> 09:36:43 Yeah, I think I'm okay with that too. It doesn't 09:36:46 look like anyone is signed up. >> Okay, 09:36:49 wonderful. We will move to our first topic then of the 09:36:52 day and that is our project milestones 09:36:58 with Jill 09:37:06 Chen. >> Can we advance the slides? Keep 09:37:09 going. Keep going. Keep 09:37:12 going. There. Thank you. 09:37:16 Everyone for the report, my name is Jill Chen. I'm the housing 09:37:20 investments and portfolio preservation manager and I use 09:37:23 she/her pronouns. I just wanted to first of 09:37:26 all thank all of the committee members 09:37:29 who presented the project in front of 09:37:32 city council yesterday. I really appreciated it. And you'll see some 09:37:35 of the slides are similar to the ones you've already presented 09:37:38 so I'm not going to say the same things 09:37:42 you said because that would be a bit 09:37:45 redundant. On the first slide you'll note that we have a 09:37:49 dashboard report about where we are. And one of the things 09:37:52 that's changed in this 09:37:56 slide versus last quarterly meeting is that you'll see that 09:37:59 in predevelopment, there are new 09:38:02 you can call it units and new projects. 09:38:05 And this is related to three projects that you'll see 09:38:08 in the sort of larger 09:38:12 dashboard presentation, that 09:38:18 big one. 09:38:25 Francis and Claire and our catholic charities and 09:38:29 Barbara apartments with 09:38:32 Innovative Housing 09:38:40 Inc. This slide highlights the two 09:38:46 projects Arlington and 105 Burnside which is already you can call it 09:38:49 operational. Ten projects 09:38:52 from the 2019. And the three new projects I 09:38:56 just mentioned in development and the predevelopment and those are 09:38:59 already in the process of moving forward. Just 09:39:04 a couple of 09:39:08 items. Next slide. There we go. 09:39:11 And you also saw this as to where the location of the 09:39:16 projects are. The three new projects are the 09:39:19 diamonds in 09:39:24 orange. As mentioned we 09:39:28 now have a southwest project. So that means 09:39:32 some of the framework guidance that we were trying to 09:39:35 adhere to. I did want to talk a little bit about some 09:39:38 of the issues we are 09:39:41 seeing on the ground so that as oversight committee 09:39:44 members, you are familiar and aware of what 09:39:50 we are looking at. The first is to do with 09:39:53 rising cost and supply chain issues. 09:39:56 In the city council meeting yesterday I believe 09:40:00 it was Commissioner 09:40:03 Maps talked about this. What's happening 09:40:07 with the cost of construction. What we're seeing on the ground is cost of construction 09:40:10 and cost of total project has 09:40:14 increased. Interest rates have gone 09:40:17 up. It has exceeded all of the expectations and all of the 09:40:20 project projections. So 09:40:23 we've already exceeded it, we're expecting it to 09:40:27 exceed even more. Construction high cost 09:40:30 is going at about 1% increase every six weeks or 09:40:36 so. And that does have an impact on the 09:40:41 cost for us and for our development 09:40:45 partners. What we're also seeing is 09:40:48 issues related to affordable housing in 09:40:51 general and all of the city and that is 09:40:55 related to the private 09:40:58 activity bonds and urban housing 09:41:01 and community services paused back in October 09:41:07 where they no longer 09:41:11 accepted 4% tax preapplications. It's a long way of saying 09:41:15 what does it mean to us which is our projects may be 09:41:18 delayed. None of our projects in construction will be 09:41:21 delayed, but the three projects that we just talked 09:41:24 about Aledoer 9, Francis 09:41:27 Clare and 09:41:30 Barbur Apartments could be delayed 09:41:33 more because private activity bonds are related to low income housing 09:41:36 tax credits. And when there are no tax credits, 09:41:41 it could potentially mean an 09:41:46 increase in cost. So next slide, please. But 09:41:49 not all is bad and dreary. 09:41:52 I just want to look 09:41:55 forward. The 2022 openings, 09:41:59 we've already talked about the two projects 09:42:02 that are actually 09:42:05 coming after the staff presentation which is 09:42:08 Crescent Court and Hayu 09:42:13 Tilixam. Crescent Court is going to have 108 09:42:18 units. It's going to be opening in April. The grand opening is 09:42:24 May 10th at the site 09:42:27 2:30-3:30 if anyone is interested. I probably shouldn't invite 09:42:34 you, but I'm inviting all of the 09:42:37 bond committee members. And Hayu 09:42:41 Tilixam is 09:42:44 opening in later July. Later on we'll have the 09:42:48 Cathedral Village, Emmons Place, 09:42:52 Las Adelitas and The 09:42:55 Starlight. I just 09:42:58 want to emphasize we will have 09:43:03 200 units opening up. And we're hoping it's a start on 09:43:07 impacting the homeless and the situation on the streets. As a 09:43:11 total it will be 587 units throughout 09:43:14 the city and from the affordable housing 09:43:19 bonds. And for PHB that's 841 09:43:22 units. 09:43:26 Next slide, please. You heard also in 09:43:29 2023 we will have four projects 09:43:33 opening up. Around 09:43:36 January 2023, we will have Aurora in east 09:43:40 Portland with human solutions that's 93 09:43:44 units. And north building at Emmons 09:43:47 Place for 93 units. And towards 09:43:51 midyear next year Anna 09:43:55 Mann will open. And 09:43:59 Joyce which is 100% 09:44:02 PHS units. And 09:44:06 then towards the end of 09:44:10 2023 and possibly 09:44:14 2024, we will have 206 09:44:17 units at 3000 Powell being developed by Home Forward. That is 09:44:20 across the street from the 09:44:23 Target. Without further ado, unless there's any questions 09:44:26 I will pass it 09:44:30 over to my colleague. Chris, 09:44:33 is that you doing it today? Thank you all. >> Chris, 09:44:36 right before you jump in, let me give a moment to any 09:44:40 of the bond committee for any questions that 09:44:42 they may have. >> This is 09:44:47 Anneliese. I did have a question and this may or may not be 09:44:50 the right time to ask it. I was looking at our progress 09:44:53 dashboard and there were some notes kind of 09:44:57 updated changes from last quarter and I saw that 09:45:00 for a couple of the projects, it looks like we're subbing 09:45:03 in some other sources of funding instead of bond 09:45:06 funding, can you maybe speak to that and speak to what 09:45:09 that means for our remaining funds which maybe we're 09:45:12 going to talk about right now looking at this very beautiful pie chart 09:45:16 in front of me. >> Sure, 09:45:21 Anneliese, and that's a great question. There were a couple of changes towards 09:45:24 the end of last year as we were closing two 09:45:27 projects. The first one is the Anna 09:45:30 Mann. PHB had some 09:45:34 CDBG, community development block grants, that needed to be used. And 09:45:39 Anna Mann was the best project in 09:45:42 PHB's pipeline because CDBG is 09:45:45 best used for redevelopment and Anna 09:45:48 Mann was that one. So we did 09:45:51 use 8 million in CDBG instead 09:45:54 of Portland bonds. The other 09:45:58 one was the Joyce in which we had some you can 09:46:02 call it extra south park blocks 09:46:08 URA increment tax financing. So we moved it into the Joyce and 09:46:12 reduced the amount of bond funds. The impact for us is that 09:46:15 we had more bond funds that we could deploy 09:46:18 in the three new projects. And that meant we could actually with the two of 09:46:21 those projects, it meant we could do one 09:46:24 more. Instead of one more project, we did 09:46:28 three more projects. Did that answer your 09:46:31 question? >> I think so. So I'm understanding this 09:46:35 correctly, so essentially those funds we have already been 09:46:38 able to save, we are already redeployed into an additional 09:46:41 project? >> That's correct. >> Okay, thank you. 09:46:44 >> Excellent question. Allan, your hand. >> 09:46:47 Thanks, Dr. Holt. Thanks, Jill. My question is sort of 09:46:50 similar to 09:46:54 Annelieses. And it's still what you captured, that was going to be my question 09:46:57 really this impact of the changing 09:47:01 landscape on projects. I don't know what my suggestion 09:47:04 is, 09:47:07 but I'm curious about 09:47:11 changes that might have been made to either the PHB funding 09:47:14 awards or the total project cost for the projects listed here 09:47:17 because when we get in the dashboard or the progress report, 09:47:20 I guess it's the progress dashboard is what it is, is a 09:47:24 snapshot of kind of what it is now rather than seeing 09:47:27 the changes. And you all obviously have a very 09:47:30 good grasp on that. I want to know if there's 09:47:33 a way outside of you having to communicate that to us for 09:47:38 us to see it here. There's a lot of rows and 09:47:41 columns here already, so I'm not sure that that would be the 09:47:45 answer. But I would be curious 09:47:48 for us to be able to watch the impacts. And 09:47:51 I don't know again if there's a good way for us to convey that 09:47:54 outside of being able to hear the conversation here. It's kind of similar to what 09:47:58 Anneliese was saying. I don't know if that would be easier 09:48:01 than having to just share it with us every time. >> 09:48:05 Allan, that's sort of dangerous. It's sort of looking at the 09:48:09 sausage being made. What we normally have on the 09:48:12 dashboard is the most up to date 09:48:15 sort of snapshot like you said. 09:48:18 We do see once 09:48:23 the project is closed or in construction, the total 09:48:27 amounts of PHB funding both in terms of the type 09:48:30 of source be it bonds or tax increment or 09:48:33 other federal funds, those do not 09:48:37 change. But what will change and developers 09:48:40 work very hard to do it and keep 09:48:44 to the schedule. So you'll note 09:48:48 for example on the dashboard Hayu 09:48:53 Tilixam was planning to open up in 09:48:57 May/June, they had slipped a month. So you will see those 09:49:00 changes in the dashboard. I did not highlight 09:49:03 them. If it's something you would like us to do, we're happy to do 09:49:06 that. 09:49:10 We do not change, once the project is in construction also the unit 09:49:13 counts and the unit mix does not 09:49:17 change. I had recently been 09:49:20 told of another requested change, but that was in, 09:49:23 not in unit count but whether one unit was designated 09:49:27 for example a PSH as a family unit versus 09:49:30 like a two bedroom versus a three bedroom, that kind of stuff. 09:49:33 Usually will not see it in the dashboard because it 09:49:37 gets a little too detailed. But if you'd like us to highlight 09:49:40 it, we're happy to highlight it and just go through the 09:49:43 changes next time. >> It's 09:49:46 easy to denote those in there somewhere, 09:49:50 I get that. You're right, that's what I get for not being an actual 09:49:53 developer of housing. So I have sort of 09:49:56 no idea how those all get mixed up. But really appreciate that context 09:49:59 and to know what to look for and appreciate the updates 09:50:02 as we get them. Just didn't know if there was an easier 09:50:05 way than having to put you on the spot. >> No problem. 09:50:08 And one of the things I should say is total project costs 09:50:13 do not change because in the, or they should not 09:50:16 change. That's a big difference, they do not versus should 09:50:19 not. Because the developers also usually have in their 09:50:22 project costs and PHB requires it, 09:50:26 contingencies to ensure 09:50:29 that if something like wood, which it has, skyrocketed and 09:50:32 doubled in pricing, there is some cushion in there to 09:50:39 absorb that cost. So sorry, that's a long one. >> No, that was 09:50:42 perfect. So yeah, my assumption is that you would tell 09:50:45 us, you would highlight some of those items if 09:50:48 something like that changed which 09:50:51 would be again, I'm sure it occurs, but 09:50:54 it's an unusual thing for us to change. I wasn't 09:50:57 sure if those numbers without opening up all of the other 09:51:00 spreadsheets whether they shifted all the time. 09:51:04 So it's perfect context to know that's how it works. 09:51:08 For everybody involved in these, there's a lot of stuff going 09:51:11 on. >> Thanks, Allan. Todd, you looked 09:51:14 like you were about to say something. 09:51:17 No? Any other questions? 09:51:20 Chris, it is on you, sir, for the expenditure 09:51:24 report. >> Thank you, Dr. Holt. And thank you committee 09:51:27 members. I am Chris 09:51:30 Gustafson. I am a financial analyst with the housing 09:51:33 bureau, I use he/him pronouns. I would like to quickly 09:51:37 go over the highlights that we see here on the 09:51:41 expenditure report. So as has been 09:51:45 the pattern over the previous 09:51:49 quarterly meetings, 09:51:52 expenditures and committed are up. The 09:51:56 expended amount in fact about by 11 million over 09:52:00 the quarter. That is that 09:52:04 $11 million roughly has been distributed 09:52:07 over the amount that had been distributed as of 09:52:11 December 21st. The other key highlight here to 09:52:14 note is the 09:52:18 remaining amount which is now 0, 09:52:22 reflecting the fact that we have 09:52:25 effectively rewarded all of the 09:52:29 remaining bond funds to the three 09:52:33 new projects. And the net result being that the 09:52:36 remaining funds for future 09:52:39 projects are the small amount of 09:52:43 reserve $167,000 plus the debt managed 09:52:46 cash which is approximately 09:52:50 1.83 million at this point. So that is the 09:52:53 highlights. If there are any questions, I'd be happy to take them. 09:52:56 Thank you everyone. >> Thank you. 09:53:01 Committee members, any questions 09:53:06 and/or 09:53:09 comments? I see none. 09:53:12 Chris, thank you very much. Appreciate it. 09:53:16 We will move on to 09:53:19 project team presentations. 09:53:22 Tanya. >> Good morning again everyone. 09:53:25 Tanya Wolfersperger. She/her 09:53:28 pronouns. I'm program coordinator here at the bureau. 09:53:31 I want to just remind you all that at our last quarterly 09:53:35 meeting, we presented a new template for our project teams 09:53:38 to come and present information to you all on the progress of 09:53:41 their projects. So 09:53:44 this is the first round of projects that we've invited to come 09:53:48 back to you all and give some 09:53:51 updates on the progress of their projects that have been under 09:53:55 construction and are near completion. So I'm 09:53:58 really excited to welcome our project 09:54:01 teams from the Crescent Court and 09:54:04 Hayu Tilixam 09:54:08 projects. We're going to kick it off with the team from 09:54:11 Crescent Court. I'll let them introduce themselves and walk 09:54:15 you through the 09:54:19 progress of their project. >> Thanks, Tanya. I'm Ryan 09:54:22 Hood with Related 09:54:26 Northwest. He/him pronouns. I think our 09:54:30 partner is on as well. Right? >> Yeah, 09:54:33 good morning everyone. I'm 09:54:36 Mary-Rain O'Meara at Central 09:54:39 City Concern. I use she/her 09:54:43 pronouns. >> Great. Again, thanks for 09:54:46 letting us come back and give an update on our project. At this point I think 09:54:49 it's been a few years since we presented this one to the 09:54:53 bond oversight committee. It's the most exciting part of the project where we start 09:54:56 to wrap up. Sometimes you work on these for four years plus just 09:54:59 to get to grand opening. 09:55:02 So in general I think we're going to be speaking about Crescent 09:55:06 Court here. This is just a 09:55:09 general aerial picture that we took 09:55:11 recently. I think this is probably a month or so ago. 09:55:15 So there's been a lot of work since this 09:55:20 picture. But this is what our building currently looks 09:55:23 like. So next slide, please. Just a 09:55:26 reminder on Crescent Court, this is a partnership between 09:55:29 Related Northwest and Central City Concern, it's 09:55:33 a joint development. The property manager on side is going to be 09:55:37 Quantum Residential. And the additional service 09:55:40 providers is Central City Concern is 09:55:43 offering general services as well as case management to the 09:55:47 permanent supportive housing units we have on side. 09:55:50 Immigrant and Refugee Community Organization is also a partner, 09:55:53 they're doing outreach for us and providing services as well 09:55:56 on site. And I think uniquely the Boys and Girls 09:55:59 Club as kind of a pilot is doing their after school 09:56:03 programming on site as well for school age children. 09:56:10 Next slide, 09:56:14 please. So some general project milestones and schedule. 09:56:18 These are more recent photos, I think these were probably a 09:56:21 few weeks ago. We are anticipating construction 09:56:25 completion on time 09:56:33 on April 22nd. 09:56:36 We have the first resident ready to go on 09:56:40 April 27th. As Jill mentioned our grand opening is on May 10th. 09:56:43 And you are all invited as well. It's going to be 09:56:46 hopefully an in person event. We've had to cancel 09:56:49 the last several ones due to Covid so we're excited about this 09:56:53 one. The school 09:56:56 district has been also kind of a partner 09:56:59 in this project. Gilbert Elementary school is 09:57:02 right around the corner. And their principal, Susan, 09:57:05 is thrilled to have this project which is 09:57:09 targeting families also pop up right next door to the school. 09:57:12 They've been a great resource for sending families 09:57:15 into Lisa. And at the grand 09:57:18 opening I think they're actually going to send the children's choir or the 09:57:21 band to come present too. So it should be great. More details 09:57:24 coming. 09:57:28 Next slide, please. So some general project 09:57:31 highlights, the unit mix on Crescent 09:57:34 Court, we've got 28 studios and 41 09:57:38 bedrooms and notably 09:57:42 47 two-bedroom and 09:57:45 23 three-bedroom 09:57:49 units. 1/3 of the project is at AMI so 09:57:52 deeply affordable. Target population for the community, families, 09:57:55 communities of color, immigrants and refugees, 09:57:59 and then households experiencing or at 09:58:02 risk of homelessness. 09:58:07 Next slide, please. So on site services are 09:58:13 highlighted by we've got three partners essentially on site. The 09:58:16 boys and girls club as I spoke earlier, they're 09:58:19 going to be operating that after school program. They've got 09:58:22 almost 2,000 square feet that's abutting the 09:58:26 courtyard and the playground inside the building, in the courtyard 09:58:31 of the building. And this is the first of a kind 09:58:35 for them. 09:58:40 We're thrilled about the partnership around the 09:58:43 school. The idea is to help bridge some of that gap between 09:58:47 when that working family might still be wrapping up work and when school 09:58:50 gets out. They'll be programming on site for children 09:58:54 to be kind of supervised and engaged and just 09:58:57 a part of the community. So we're really excited about that 09:59:00 piece. Central City Concern obviously is 09:59:04 a fantastic service provider is going to be on 09:59:07 site. They're going to be doing comprehensive resident 09:59:12 services. We have seven supportive housing units on site 09:59:15 and they'll be providing case management to those units as well. And the 09:59:19 Immigrant and Community Refugee Organization, we have an 09:59:22 office for them. They'll be satelliting 09:59:25 occasionally. They are providing outreach, in depth 09:59:28 outreach initially especially 09:59:32 out here but ongoing as well. And they're going to be targeting the 09:59:35 BIPOC community. 09:59:40 Next slide, please. Just some general design 09:59:43 features. This is a four story type five 09:59:46 construction building. It's wood framed. But we've got 09:59:50 plenty of masonry in areas that count. It's 09:59:53 located right off of 115th and Division. 09:59:57 It's in the Southeast 10:00:02 Division Transit project area. There's rapid 10:00:05 transit close. The project is on 10:00:09 track for advantage 10:00:13 platinum. We've got a 150 10:00:16 kilowatt solar array on the roof. It's going 10:00:19 to be powering not only the boys and girls 10:00:22 club space and some of the common area, but we've also 10:00:26 added bike charging stations in the bike park area. That was part 10:00:29 of the community feedback we received to add. 10:00:33 We also have electric vehicle charging stations, and the solar array is 10:00:36 going to be helping to power those. In addition to that, we've got 10:00:39 a battery back up system within the building. It's the first 10:00:42 time we've done this. But it's kind of a resiliency 10:00:46 feature to power a community room essentially in the event of a power 10:00:50 outage so there will be outlets and plugs for folks to plug 10:00:53 their phones in for emergency calls, et 10:00:56 cetera. So we're pretty excited to have that. It's also a first of 10:01:00 its kind for us. In addition to all of that, 10:01:03 we'd have an additional community room, parcel locking, 10:01:06 robust bike parking of course, and a beautiful 10:01:09 landscaped courtyard. I wish I had an 10:01:14 updated picture. Next 10:01:17 slide, please. So in terms of marketing and 10:01:20 leasing strategies, we are just beginning our 10:01:23 lease up process. We anticipate this kind 10:01:27 of working mostly probably between 4 and 6 10:01:30 months essentially for a full lease up. And I think 10:01:33 the biggest point here too is not 10:01:36 just, I think it's important to do targeted out reach not just 10:01:40 up front but on an ongoing basis. 10:01:43 So Quantum is our property manager. 10:01:46 We also have multiple partners that are assisting with 10:01:49 outreach and making sure that we're reaching the communities that we're 10:01:52 targeting. So some general steps from our property manager 10:01:55 is to identify groups that are least likely to apply and target the 10:01:58 initial outreach to those 10:02:02 folks. And then go from there to a broader outreach 10:02:05 as well with a host of partners that I've got 10:02:09 on the next slide as well. I think annually 10:02:12 or as units are becoming available, additional 10:02:15 outreach will be performed to reach the 10:02:19 BIPOC and priority populations. And again I think the continued 10:02:22 outreach is going to keep the 10:02:25 population most in need 10:02:29 will have the opportunity to have access to the affordable housing. 10:02:32 Next slide, please. So 10:02:37 it's a collaboration here at the initial phase for targeting 10:02:41 outreach to lease up our Crescent 10:02:45 Court. The Immigrant Refugee 10:02:48 Community Organization, timing wise this is really an interesting 10:02:51 period. They have a number of refugees and 10:02:54 immigrants that are currently in hotel rooms. 10:02:58 They've had a huge influx 10:03:01 recently and this project couldn't be coming online quick enough 10:03:05 essentially. So they've teed up a host of applications 10:03:09 already and we'll be reaching those 10:03:12 communities in depth. The 10:03:16 Powel Hurst Elementary School is right around the 10:03:19 corner. We've met with them several times. There's a number 10:03:23 of families at the school that are couch 10:03:26 surfing or living out of cars. So they're thrilled, they're sending 10:03:29 over a host of applications as well. We'll 10:03:32 be hopefully reaching all of those families which are just right 10:03:35 around the 10:03:38 corner. Also marrying 10:03:41 this with the after school program is a big deal for those 10:03:45 families. And Central City Concern has a host of 10:03:48 culturally responsive programs too. I don't know if 10:03:52 Mary-Rain, if you'd 10:03:55 like to talk about how you'll be working through 10:03:58 this. >> Yeah, absolutely. Thank you so much, Ryan. 10:04:02 So we are so excited first off to be 10:04:05 a partner in this 10:04:10 project opening here 10:04:13 shortly. We really value the opportunity to expand community 10:04:19 partnerships Boys and 10:04:22 Girls Club through this Crescent Court project. >> 10:04:25 Speaking specifically to our culturally specific programs 10:04:28 here at Central City Concern. We 10:04:31 three core programs, the 10:04:34 IMANI Center services 10:04:38 African Americans facing homelessness and mental 10:04:41 health needs. 10:04:44 Puentes services members of the LatinX community who are 10:04:47 engaged in SUDS 10:04:50 treatment and mental health services, 10:04:54 and Flip the Script which is 10:04:57 another African American 10:05:00 culturally specific program. We've really heard in our design outreach 10:05:04 to these programs, a need for larger units, 10:05:07 family-oriented housing. So again I just want to 10:05:11 applaud Related and partners 10:05:15 for the foresight of including Boys and Girls 10:05:18 Club on site at this building to provide that service and support. We are 10:05:22 hearing from our clients, they need to be 10:05:27 successful in housing. So we will partner with 10:05:30 Quantum and Related to do outreach to our targeted 10:05:33 programs here at Central City Concern. In addition to our 10:05:36 existing family households that may be 10:05:39 looking to move into this new building, again 10:05:43 with the on site support that it provides through Boys 10:05:46 and Girls Club, I think it's an excellent opportunity for some of 10:05:49 our existing families and just more broadly across the 10:05:53 Central City Concern continuum of 10:05:56 clients. We are 10:05:59 not the lead lease up agent in 10:06:02 this project. But 10:06:06 so excited to bring our 10:06:09 partnership to get this building fully leased and occupied. And just in 10:06:12 closing, so exciting to be 10:06:16 working in this campus concept 10:06:20 with this is our second project in partnership with 10:06:24 Related with Cedar 10:06:28 Commons opened June of last year. And then we were so 10:06:31 grateful to be awarded funding for 10:06:35 Meridian Gardens which will open in 2024 and will be the 10:06:38 third in the continuum of affordable housing right 10:06:41 here on this location on Southeast 10:06:43 Division. So really, really looking forward to it. 10:06:47 So excited about this grand opening. >> Let me jump 10:06:50 in real quick. I hate to interrupt, Ryan, you've got 10:06:53 about five minutes to wrap up so that we can get 10:06:57 onto the next presenter. >> Thanks for the 10:07:01 heads up, Steve. This is equitable 10:07:06 contracting outcomes. So our general contractor is 10:07:09 Walsh Construction. We've worked with 10:07:12 Walsh for a number of years now. They have been a great 10:07:15 construction partner as most 10:07:18 folks have understood as well. And I think for 10:07:21 our hard cost contracts right now, PHB goal had a target of 10:07:25 30%. Our last report I believe is showing about 10:07:30 38%. We're exceeding that goal, we're proud 10:07:34 about that. And on the soft cost side as well, our PHB goal 10:07:37 was 20%. And we've totaled up 10:07:40 36% so far and we're really reaching the end of that too. So those 10:07:43 numbers are becoming more solid as time is 10:07:46 going on, so we've been meeting those. Next slide, 10:07:49 please. In terms of 10:07:53 workforce diversity, also Walsh is our key 10:07:56 partner here to kind of increase these 10:08:03 hours. Apprentice hours 10:08:06 are 31% and 10:08:10 25% well over our targets. Journey level hours, doing really 10:08:13 well with the people of color at 62%. 10:08:17 The 3.5% for women 10:08:20 on a journeyman level is low. I think 10:08:24 there's a reporting error 10:08:28 actually. But we are doing very well in terms of meeting the 10:08:31 workforce diversity as well. Next page. 10:08:34 Just quick community engagement updates, we 10:08:37 did target a host of different community engagement 10:08:41 activities, we've met with the neighborhood association, the East 10:08:44 Portland Action Plan, they've been a great 10:08:47 partner. I've presented multiple times to that group 10:08:50 and their sub subcommittee. I think 10:08:53 in general this project has been received incredibly well 10:08:57 even from passer by community folks, houses in the 10:09:00 neighborhood, people have been very excited to see 10:09:04 this development come as well. And our engagement partnerships again are 10:09:07 listed here too. Next 10:09:11 slide, please. Okay, that was 10:09:14 it. So in general I'd be happy to answer any 10:09:17 questions. Again we're wrapping things up this month and we're on 10:09:20 time and actually a bit under 10:09:23 budget. >> Thanks, Ryan. >> Happy 10:09:27 to answer any questions you may have. >> Appreciate 10:09:30 that. Any questions from the oversight committee? 10:09:33 >> Yeah, Susan Emmons. Great 10:09:36 presentation. I'm so sorry I'm going to be out of May 10th 10:09:39 and not going to be able. Just to explain where 10:09:42 my questions are coming from, I've been a renter all my 10:09:45 adult life and live in an apartment building. I wanted to 10:09:48 ask about laundry facilities, number of elevators 10:09:51 and do you have an on site manager? Those were my three questions, 10:09:55 but great presentation. >> Oh, 10:09:58 thanks. And yes, great 10:10:01 questions. We've got on site a common laundry room which is 10:10:04 going to be mostly for the 10:10:08 studios the one and the two bedrooms. We've actually included 10:10:11 washer and dryer units in the 23 three bedroom 10:10:14 units on site. >> Wonderful. 10:10:17 Wonderful. >> Yeah, that was also feedback 10:10:20 in outreach 10:10:24 when we were talking to families from the school 10:10:27 district. I have several kids myself, and it's amazing how quickly that 10:10:30 adds up. We have laundry on site. We have some included in the 10:10:33 three bedroom units. We have two 10:10:37 elevators on site and there was a third question I think that you 10:10:40 had. >> Do you have a manager 10:10:44 that's living on site? >> We don't have a, 10:10:47 they're not going to be living on site. The 10:10:50 maintenance, the full-time maintenance supervisor actually is going to be 10:10:53 renting on site with his family. He's got one of those three bedroom 10:10:57 units. So there will be presence 24 hours on site. 10:11:00 But the actual property manager themselves are not going to be living on 10:11:04 site. 10:11:10 Central City Concern would be operating 10:11:14 on site, and the 10:11:18 Boys and Girls Club will have a big presence too. >> 10:11:21 Hi, this is Stef Kondor 10:11:24 with Related. It's also worth 10:11:27 noting there's over 90 parking spaces on this site 10:11:30 which isn't typical in affordable housing. There wasn't 10:11:33 a parking requirement. But we thought to best serve 10:11:37 families in this neighborhood to put as much parking as possible so we're 10:11:40 trying to be very mindful. >> Thank you for that. Appreciate it. 10:11:43 Any other comments or questions from the bond 10:11:46 oversight committee? >> Yes, Dr. Holt. I just 10:11:50 wanted to say I appreciate the 10:11:55 engagement partnerships and the lease up kind of outreach 10:11:58 targeted. That really makes a big difference and to see kind 10:12:01 of both just kind of focussed partnerships with 10:12:05 community-based organizations and then kind of a long list of 10:12:09 also connections with other organizations to at least get the word 10:12:12 out. I just want to say I really appreciate that. 10:12:16 Thank you. >> Thanks, Todd. >> 10:12:19 Thanks, Todd. >> No other, oh 10:12:22 a hand. Allan. Yes, sir. 10:12:25 Thank you. Your hand was blending in. >> 10:12:28 Oh, I'll have to 10:12:32 remember that, thanks. Ryan, thanks for the presentation. I just had a 10:12:35 quick question about how you all 10:12:41 see the relationship between Central City 10:12:44 Concern working. I think I understand 10:12:48 Central City Concern has some 10:12:52 culturally-specific 10:12:55 concerns, so is 10:13:00 ERCO how do that you are roles 10:13:04 integrate together? >> I think the biggest thing is tight communication between our 10:13:07 partners. So I think keeping on the same page on where 10:13:11 things are moving, what targeted communities 10:13:14 we're trying to reach are all very important. 10:13:18 ERCO, they have a broad community and I think we're really trying 10:13:21 to reach who they serve. Central City 10:13:24 Concern, I think there's probably some additional 10:13:27 overlap but also has different culturally 10:13:31 responsive programs within their agency too. I don't think there can be 10:13:34 enough outreach for folks. I think the housing is 10:13:37 in incredible demand. ERCO, as I kind of stated 10:13:40 earlier, there's also a major influx right now in the 10:13:44 immigrant and refugee 10:13:47 community. So they were doing a lease up an 10:13:50 outreach meeting and recently said are we going to be limited 10:13:53 on applications that we can send you. We've got more 10:13:56 applications than probably units at this point. So we're 10:14:00 welcoming everything as much as we can and I think we really 10:14:03 appreciate the collaboration and communication between 10:14:07 ERCO and Central City Concern. Boys and 10:14:10 Girls Club is also doing outreach too. 10:14:13 I don't think anybody is getting in each other's way 10:14:15 at this point. I think we're reaching a very broad community. 10:14:19 I hope that kind of answers your question there. This is a unique 10:14:22 partnership. We've got multiple partners on site. But I think that 10:14:25 also creates a very diverse community. >> Great, thank 10:14:27 you. It does. It raises the question for me, the 10:14:30 other thing is geography. And ERCO is located out near 10:14:34 the site. Is Central 10:14:37 City Concern also doing work in East Portland more and 10:14:40 more just like lots of the providers are. I would assume. 10:14:43 Are they going to be working on the site 10:14:46 also? >> I used to work for Central City Concern. 10:14:50 And I know when we were working on some of the buildings even in 10:14:53 downtown, I think we did kind of a heat map on where a lot 10:14:56 of folks were coming. And I don't want to speak for Central 10:14:59 City Concern, but we did do a heat map and there was 10:15:02 a huge influx of folks coming from east Portland to downtown 10:15:06 for their services. I do in general think that they have 10:15:09 seen and do serve the southeast 10:15:12 Portland. The 10:15:16 Blackburn Center is near this. Central City Concern now has 10:15:19 the Cedar Commons which is right next door 10:15:22 and they're funding the latest project right next door to that. 10:15:26 They definitely have a strong presence in East Portland as 10:15:29 well. But I don't know if Mary-Rain 10:15:32 has additional answers to that. I don't want to speak for 10:15:36 her. >> Ryan, you hit all of the targeted points. 10:15:40 We have had a targeted expansion in East Portland since 2015 10:15:43 and added close to 300 units and more comprehensive services 10:15:46 in East Portland strategically. Again we're looking 10:15:49 forward to expanding that footprint in 10:15:53 East Portland but definitely recognize sort of the 10:15:56 unique communities that our different agencies serve 10:16:00 within that geography. And to Ryan's point, we're not 10:16:04 trying to duplicate, but we want to make sure that 10:16:07 outreach is broad and expansive and 10:16:10 I think that does take multiple 10:16:13 partnerships to achieve. >> Thank you for your presentation 10:16:16 today. I'm sorry, Allan. Go 10:16:19 ahead. >> Just thank you. >> Thanks for your presentation, we 10:16:22 appreciate it. We're going to move to our next group 10:16:25 that's presenting. Tanya, I'll have you introduce 10:16:29 them. We also want to be 10:16:32 sensitive to make sure they have the adequate time. We're running a little long, but 10:16:35 I do want to give them appropriate 10:16:38 time for their presentation. >> Absolutely. Thank 10:16:41 you, Dr. Holt. And thank you, 10:16:45 Ryan, and Mary-Rain, for 10:16:48 your wonderful presentation. I want to welcome 10:16:51 our project team from Community Development Partners and 10:16:55 NAYA on their Hayu 10:16:58 Tilixam project. I'll let you 10:17:01 all introduce yourselves. >> Thank you, 10:17:05 Tanya. Good morning everyone. My name is Lucy 10:17:08 Corbett. I am a development manager with Community Development 10:17:13 Partners here with Oscar, the director of community 10:17:16 development from NAYA. And we want to give you 10:17:19 an update on Hayu 10:17:24 Tilixam which means many nations 10:17:27 in the Chinuk 10:17:30 language. 10:17:33 Next slide, please. This is just 10:17:36 a snapshot from a couple of weeks ago 10:17:39 showing kind of the current 10:17:42 progress. We are 10:17:46 about 65% complete 10:17:49 on the project. And 10:17:53 we have an opening date 10:17:56 of July 18th 10:17:59 . So we are 10:18:03 getting there. 10:18:07 This project is the third in a partnership 10:18:11 between CBP and NAYA. 10:18:13 The first opened a couple of years ago. 10:18:19 We just opened the second one just 10:18:22 earlier this spring. And very excited to be able to 10:18:27 add this third building this 10:18:31 summer. These are all in the 10:18:34 Colleen Neighborhood. And they're all very close to 10:18:37 NAYA's campus also in 10:18:40 Colleen which includes wrap around 10:18:44 services that all residents of all three buildings have 10:18:47 access to in addition to having 10:18:51 services on site. 10:18:55 This project was part of the 10:18:58 PHB bond and also was on land that 10:19:03 PHB awarded to us. 10:19:06 So this is Northeast Prescott right near 10:19:09 the intersection of Prescott and 10:19:13 Culley Boulevard. Next 10:19:18 slide. Next slide. 10:19:21 So like I 10:19:24 mentioned, our team, our 10:19:28 sponsors CDP and 10:19:32 NAYA. We are a management company. Resident 10:19:35 services will be provided by NAYA with 10:19:39 PSH resident services provided by NARA. And 10:19:42 also just to note the general contractor is 10:19:45 LNC Construction and our architect is 10:19:48 Carlton Hart. And 10:19:52 all of these parties 10:19:55 have been on all three projects with the exception 10:19:59 of NARA. But 10:20:03 it's been a really great experience to be able to 10:20:06 work repeatedly with the same 10:20:10 partners in both design construction 10:20:14 and operations because it's allowed us 10:20:17 to really build on lessons that we've learned 10:20:20 from the other two projects 10:20:25 and continue to improve and enhance the 10:20:28 buildings, 10:20:31 design, and services. Some 10:20:35 milestones, we will begin lease up 10:20:39 outreach next month. As I 10:20:42 mentioned our completion is scheduled for 10:20:45 July 18th and we do plan to have a celebration 10:20:50 of some sort in the fall, 10:20:53 date to be determined. Next 10:20:56 slide, please. As a reminder of the program 10:21:00 here, we have 50 units. 22 10:21:04 one-bedrooms, 11 two-bedrooms, 10:21:07 nine three-bedrooms. So 20 of those 50 10:21:10 units are family sized and we have nine 10:21:16 PSH units which are all allocated to 2 and 3 10:21:19 bedrooms. So it is an integrated 10:21:22 PSH project with the 10:21:26 PSH units being family sized 10:21:30 units. In addition to being integrated 10:21:34 PSH, we also have priority to 10:21:37 serve Native American 10:21:41 families. And I'm going to turn it over to Oscar now to 10:21:44 talk a little bit about some of the design 10:21:47 amenities. >> Thank you, 10:21:51 Lucy. Good morning everyone. As Lucy mentioned, this is 10:21:55 an integrated PSH 10:21:58 building. So former homeless Native 10:22:01 American families will be living here. So the design team has 10:22:04 really been focused on 10:22:08 trauma-informed design. We've really kind of 10:22:11 emphasized creating a feeling of safety 10:22:14 within the building. So we have 10:22:17 property management and resident services offices 10:22:21 located at the entrance of the 10:22:25 building so staff can have, can keep a close 10:22:28 eye on folks for entering the building. 10:22:31 We've created clear site lines 10:22:35 and very well-lit spaces. There's a 10:22:38 lot of glass on the 10:22:42 first floor to really allow for visual connections between all 10:22:47 of the spaces as well. We've tried to have 10:22:50 as many rounded corners to avoid 10:22:53 blind corners. There's the courtyard 10:22:56 is sort of created in a 10:23:00 semicircle fashion. We're really trying to create 10:23:03 a lot of connection to nature and the 10:23:06 outdoors. So the courtyard at the center of the 10:23:10 building has a lot of really nice 10:23:14 landscaping and plantings. It's going to feel like 10:23:18 a natural extension of the common spaces on the 10:23:21 first floor. There's also a small 10:23:24 balcony located on the second floor so residents 10:23:28 can have views 10:23:31 of the outdoors and the sky where 10:23:34 you're really using soothing colors like warm greens 10:23:38 and light blues. And the wall art 10:23:41 is going to have a focus 10:23:44 on nature as well. We're 10:23:48 also 10:23:51 avoiding 10:23:56 fluorescent lighting so 10:23:59 residents feel more in control and more empowered. And we focused a 10:24:03 lot on acoustic separation between units to mitigate 10:24:06 noise. All of these elements are found to be 10:24:09 helping with reducing stress and improving 10:24:14 residents' mood. We're also very happy to have located, 10:24:17 secured some funding from the Portland Clean 10:24:21 Energy Fund to 10:24:26 provide some upgrades in the 10:24:29 building. Next 10:24:32 slide, please. So marketing and 10:24:36 leasing is really important. We're working very 10:24:39 hard to make sure that we have a very targeted 10:24:43 outreach strategy so 10:24:46 that we're able to house the community that we're 10:24:49 trying to serve. So NAYA and 10:24:52 NARA are working on joint application 10:24:56 events where folks can come and get 10:24:59 support with completing applications. We have a 10:25:03 resource fair that is happening at 10:25:07 NAYA on April 23rd. NARA is also hosting a 10:25:10 couple of events at 10:25:14 their site as well. We have a housing team 10:25:17 that is focusing on working with clients 10:25:20 and communicating with them 10:25:23 prior to the building being completed so that folks are 10:25:29 getting ready to apply 10:25:32 when that is available. Yeah, so we have sort 10:25:35 of an interested parties list going 10:25:39 on right now. And I think NARA is already 10:25:42 trying to hire their PSH service 10:25:45 coordinator who will also be as soon as we can hire them, they'll be 10:25:48 onboarded and supporting 10:25:52 residents with application and even being able to move 10:25:56 in. We've also learned a lot of lessons from 10:26:00 our two other 10:26:04 projects. So we continue to improve our targeted 10:26:07 outreach strategies based on the 10:26:10 experiences from our two previous 10:26:14 projects in the neighborhood. Next 10:26:17 slide. Hand it back to Lucy. >> 10:26:21 Thanks, Oscar. So this gives you 10:26:24 a sense of 10:26:28 where we're at with our 10:26:31 DMWESB contracting. And 10:26:34 right now we are a little bit above our goal of 10:26:37 30% in terms of hard 10:26:42 costs. And we are also above the 20% goal 10:26:45 on professional services and soft 10:26:50 costs. One of the exciting I think 10:26:53 things to note here on the professional 10:26:57 consultants was we were able to bring on a 10:27:02 Native American architecture firm, 10:27:06 7 Directions architects. They were 10:27:10 a 10:27:14 subconsultant to CHA and helped us think about how 10:27:18 to deepen the design in terms of being able to really 10:27:20 reflect the Native 10:27:24 American culture. And so 10:27:27 that was a unique element 10:27:33 of this project that we were kind of in development after 10:27:35 the previous two that we 10:27:38 felt like was important. And then also 10:27:41 we have a number of other certified firms 10:27:44 noted here with an 10:27:47 asterisk. So excited to be 10:27:50 able to exceed those 10:27:54 goals. Next slide. Here 10:27:57 our workforce diversity 10:28:01 goals, you'll see we are exceeding 10:28:05 the PHB goals on apprentice 10:28:07 and journey level hours for 10:28:10 the people of color 10:28:13 category. And then 10:28:18 apprentice level hours for women also a little bit above 10:28:22 the PHB goal. Journey 10:28:25 level hours we are at around 4%. So 10:28:28 that one has been more challenging for us, but hopefully 10:28:32 that will continue to go up as we 10:28:35 continue to make progress through the project. 10:28:42 Next slide, please. I'll turn it back over to Oscar 10:28:45 here. >> So 10:28:48 these are some photos of community engagement events 10:28:51 that occurred both at NAYA and 10:28:54 at NARA prior to 10:28:57 the pandemic. And we look forward to 10:29:01 at some point in the future being able to have 10:29:05 gatherings like these again. 10:29:10 Next slide, please. So 10:29:13 yeah, we've done 10:29:17 a lot of focus groups with 10:29:20 some of 10:29:23 our clients to really kind of make decisions about 10:29:27 how 10:29:30 the building would be designed. We heard 10:29:34 from our focus groups that laundry rooms 10:29:37 were a place where folks have 10:29:41 felt unsafe in the past and that folks were very 10:29:44 interested in creating laundry rooms a bit 10:29:48 more welcoming. So we actually kind of have a 10:29:51 laundry lounge facility on the first 10:29:54 floor of the building. And next to it is 10:29:57 a children's playroom 10:30:00 so folks could easily be doing their 10:30:04 laundry and then be hanging out next 10:30:09 door in a children's playroom which is going to have beautiful art. And 10:30:12 again there's a lot of glass so folks feel 10:30:15 like there's a lot of visibility 10:30:19 into the spaces. We really 10:30:22 had done a lot of enhancement around creating and 10:30:25 putting up cameras because again this was 10:30:30 something that we heard from residents that 10:30:33 they wanted to have this sense of feeling 10:30:36 safe. We also have a 10:30:40 Native American art 10:30:43 consultant who has created a 10:30:46 Native American arts committee. Art is 10:30:50 a very important element to the community. So we spent 10:30:54 quite a bit of time and effort on 10:30:57 making sure that these buildings are 10:31:00 going to feel like something that the community can relate to, can connect 10:31:04 to, can 10:31:07 identify with that they can feel a sense of pride 10:31:11 of living in here. So the art committee 10:31:14 is comprised of folks from 10:31:18 NARA and the elder community members and 10:31:25 NAYA staff as well. Obviously with our pickups, we're working 10:31:28 very closely with NARA 10:31:32 Northwest. We're working 10:31:35 very closely with the living Cully coalition 10:31:39 which consists of 10:31:43 Hacienda and Verde and Habitat for 10:31:46 Humanity. There's also the neighborhood prosperity 10:31:50 initiatives located in the Cully 10:31:53 neighborhood. So we work closely with Cully 10:31:57 Boulevard Alliance. We're really excited about potential 10:32:00 future opportunities between the 10:32:03 three properties now that Mamook 10:32:07 Tokatee is currently getting leased up, we 10:32:10 think that there's going to be really fun opportunities 10:32:14 for the properties to host events and 10:32:18 invite residents from the other 10:32:21 affordable housing units to come over and get a chance 10:32:24 to know each other. Next slide. And that is the end of our 10:32:31 presentation. Thank you so much. >> 10:32:35 Thank you. We appreciate the clarity of the 10:32:38 presentation. I will open it up to Susan, 10:32:41 I see that you unmuted. >> Yeah, I just 10:32:45 have one question. Great presentation and I really look forward 10:32:48 to seeing this project. How long are you allowing for 10:32:52 lease up? Just 10:32:57 ballpark estimate. >> Yeah, 10:33:00 I can start there, Lucy. So 10:33:03 based on some previous experiences, we have learned that 10:33:06 an extended lease 10:33:09 up is not necessarily ideal for some of 10:33:13 our clients so we've 10:33:16 actually wanted to reduce the 10:33:20 length of the lease up because I think some of our clients when they're interested 10:33:23 in housing, they want housing like now, 10:33:26 not six months later. So we found that a lot of 10:33:29 folks, when we've tried to have extended 10:33:32 lease ups, folks who were interested six months 10:33:35 ago are no longer interested 10:33:39 when it's time to actually, folks ready to move in. 10:33:42 And that's a lot of work on 10:33:45 the client filling out paperwork, completing paperwork. 10:33:48 A lot of work on the staff. So we've actually kind 10:33:53 of slunk our lease up lens. And I think we're looking at wanting 10:33:56 to have two months ahead but then knowing that 10:33:59 we'll kind of continue with the lease up process once 10:34:03 the building is actually online. So we're probably 10:34:07 looking at still about 5 to 6 months 10:34:10 to go through the entire process and get the entire 10:34:17 building fully occupied. >> Susan, any 10:34:20 other question? Comment? >> 10:34:23 No. I mean my 10:34:26 experience just years ago is that as you're 10:34:30 bringing people who have possibly been challenged, it's good to 10:34:33 sort of have a rolling 10:34:37 lease up and the populations you're serving. But 10:34:40 I think 5 to 6 months 10:34:43 sounds really reasonable. And through all of these community partnerships you'll be identifying 10:34:46 people who may be some of the first people to move 10:34:51 in. So it's just sometimes 10:34:54 I remember with people who were the funders, they were 10:35:02 perturbed when we took six months to fill up 10:35:05 a building that was 18 10:35:08 studios. And we said to do it right we need six months. 10:35:11 5 to 6 months sounds very reasonable. And it sounds like your design 10:35:15 and everything, it does sound like it's going to be such a welcoming 10:35:18 building. Wonderful environment for people. 10:35:22 Thank you. >> Thank you. 10:35:26 Any other questions from the oversight 10:35:28 committee? Todd? >> Yeah, no questions. 10:35:32 Just I wanted to say hello, Oscar. It's 10:35:35 good to see you on Zoom. Hopefully we can maybe 10:35:38 get together in person sometime soon. I just 10:35:41 appreciate a wonderful 10:35:44 project. The artwork and 10:35:48 cultural aspect of the project looks just fascinating to 10:35:51 me. I mean I think that's a big part 10:35:54 of the development that we had in 10:35:59 Southeast Portland on 82nd and Division 10:36:02 thinking really intentionally about that aspect of buildings. And then 10:36:06 I also wanted to also like kind of similar 10:36:10 is the partnership with the local 10:36:14 Cully Boulevard 10:36:17 alliance. Those organizations are comprised of volunteers and people that are 10:36:20 really connected to community. 10:36:25 So to have a commitment of actual dollars from 10:36:28 those organizations really speaks a 10:36:31 lot to that the project is wanted, needed, and 10:36:35 fits with kind of the anti-displacement and 10:36:38 support strategies that these organizations are part 10:36:41 of their mission and 10:36:44 value. So just wanted to say thank you and I appreciate the 10:36:48 presentation. >> Thank you, sir. Allan, I see that you've turned 10:36:51 on your camera. >> Yeah. Thank you, 10:36:55 Dr. Holt. And 10:36:59 thank you Oscar. I don't really have questions, I just 10:37:03 wanted to offer some thanks and appreciation. I live very near the 10:37:06 Cully neighborhood and was recently 10:37:10 driving around and just recently realized they were all in the 10:37:13 Cully neighborhood. I knew about them 10:37:16 but hadn't really pictured where they were. I thought that was 10:37:19 fantastic, the investment you all have made in Cully 10:37:22 and how beautiful the buildings are and how 10:37:25 intentional they are. Just wanted to offer that from somebody who's a 10:37:28 neighbor. So really appreciate that, 10:37:31 thank you. >> Thank 10:37:37 you. Anneliese any comment? >> No, other than to 10:37:40 say thank you, this looks wonderful. And we appreciate you taking the time 10:37:43 to come and speak to us today and are very excited about this 10:37:46 project. >> Thank you very much. Thank you thanks for the 10:37:49 presentation. I drive through Cully almost daily. So seeing what's 10:37:52 going on and seeing the shift of what's happening as I'm 10:37:55 coming 10:38:01 into and out from my office. It's nice to see life and 10:38:04 liveliness going on. Appreciate you coming in. We'll move to 10:38:08 our next item which is the director's 10:38:11 update. Director Callahan, hello and welcome 10:38:14 back. >> Good morning, Dr. Holt and members of the bond 10:38:17 oversight committee. I have three general updates for you this morning. 10:38:21 First of all, I just wanted to appreciate 10:38:24 all of you for coming to the city council 10:38:27 work session. I know it's been a lot of bond oversight committee 10:38:30 meetings for you in the last 24 hours, but your 10:38:34 testimony was very 10:38:37 powerful and I think council clearly got 10:38:41 a lot out of the conversation and especially 10:38:45 from your oversight and continuing to work 10:38:48 with Portland's housing 10:38:51 bond. So just a great appreciation for you for all being 10:38:54 there. The second thing I wanted to do is introduce 10:38:57 you to a new staff member at the Portland 10:39:02 Housing Bureau who is actually 10:39:05 on the call today. 10:39:08 Angel has joined the team at the Portland Housing 10:39:12 Bureau as our new finance and accounting manager. He just started last week. 10:39:15 But I know you'll be seeing more 10:39:18 of Angel in meetings coming forward. I'm putting you 10:39:22 on the spot so I don't know if you knew I was going to introduce 10:39:25 you. But I didn't know if you wanted to say a few 10:39:28 words yourself to introduce yourself 10:39:31 to the committee. >> Hello everyone. My 10:39:35 apologies, I'm dealing with Covid right 10:39:38 now. But it's been a 10:39:43 pleasure to participate in all of the work you've been doing. I think it's very 10:39:46 impressive. So I'm really excited to be part of this team. 10:39:50 I'm looking to make contributions with all of you 10:39:54 to continue helping with a lot of people that we have, people in 10:39:57 need that they need our 10:40:00 support. So I'm really glad to be part of this 10:40:04 amazing team and to be 10:40:08 continued. >> Thank you, Angel. We're so glad you have joined our 10:40:11 team. And then finally I wanted to give you 10:40:14 an update on the three 10:40:18 projects and I think Jill Chen may have alluded to this in the project 10:40:21 updates, the three projects that we recently 10:40:25 announced funding for with the 10:40:28 Portland housing bond and our remaining 10:40:32 resources, as I'm sure you have heard 10:40:35 the state Oregon Housing and Community 10:40:39 Services paused all 10:40:44 litech applications prior to our making awards of 10:40:48 these three projects. And that is 10:40:51 causing some uncertainty for us as to 10:40:54 timelines as to when 10:40:58 they will and how 10:41:02 they will proceed with 10:41:05 leveraging the very important tax credit 10:41:08 leverage. On the positive side, 10:41:13 Alder 10:41:16 9, 1 of the projects 10:41:20 was able to squeak in. And the project is likely to have a 10:41:23 sooner application period. But we are still 10:41:27 working with the state on the Barbur project 10:41:31 as well as the St. Francis Clare project. And our other 10:41:34 slate of projects that we had also just 10:41:38 announced which were metro bond projects and 10:41:41 trying to make sure that they can proceed as 10:41:46 rapidly as they are able to. But as I said at the 10:41:50 outset, it does create some uncertainty for 10:41:53 us with the change 10:41:56 in reaching volume cap. But we are working very 10:41:59 closely with the state, with the governor's office, and with 10:42:02 our 10:42:05 partners at Metro as Metro projects are also facing some 10:42:08 uncertainty, not just Portland projects but 10:42:13 Metro projects with 10:42:16 our other regional partners. I just wanted to pause there and see 10:42:20 if the committee had any questions and happy to take questions about what 10:42:24 I just raised or 10:42:29 other questions you might 10:42:36 have. >> Now that's surprising, 10:42:39 director. Normally there's some interaction 10:42:43 with you even if there isn't interaction with 10:42:46 other items. That's super surprising. >> Well I have 10:42:49 stunned everybody. What can I say? Either I was so clear in 10:42:53 my points, or everyone is just stunned. So what 10:42:56 I will say is we're working very, very closely with 10:43:00 OHCS. But there 10:43:04 may be a point that advocacy or 10:43:08 input from our bond oversight committee or other 10:43:12 oversight committees will be important. I think 10:43:16 making sure that local priority 10:43:19 projects can move forward is going to be 10:43:22 really important and OHCS has been 10:43:26 really responsive thus far. However there's still a 10:43:30 lot more for us to, for them to work out 10:43:33 frankly. And obviously these projects 10:43:37 are needed more than ever in Portland and our 10:43:40 projects with such deeply affordable 10:43:43 units and affordable housing. We remain deeply hopeful, 10:43:46 but we will continue to keep you posted as to our 10:43:49 conversations with our state partners. >> Thank you very much. 10:43:53 Any comments? Allan. >> And this is the same messaging 10:43:56 we heard before, the same issue that we heard 10:44:00 before about private activity bonds and what we've been hearing in other 10:44:04 spaces also. So I think everybody in the development community is 10:44:08 kind of waiting and watching to see how this is going to play 10:44:12 out and I appreciate your perspective, 10:44:15 Shannon about the potential need to advocate 10:44:18 for how important these particular projects are, these particular 10:44:22 set of projects that are part of this. So 10:44:25 yeah, we're standing by I think 10:44:29 because I'm not sure there's too much 10:44:33 else we can do. >> Director, did you want to respond 10:44:36 to the comment in the chat? >> 10:44:39 We're happy to keep you informed as 10:44:43 OHCS releases more information. 10:44:46 But I think for folks that are working in local 10:44:49 affordable housing, I think 10:44:52 there is probably very soon an opportunity and 10:44:58 a time to start weighing 10:45:03 in. Because this is an issue that is 10:45:07 unprecedented obviously in the state and can affect our ability 10:45:11 to frankly deliver on promises that we've made to the community and so 10:45:16 I think making sure that the impact and the decisions that are made 10:45:19 at the state level are 10:45:24 hearing from local 10:45:29 voices is making sure folks are fully apprised. And 10:45:32 we should be getting more information 10:45:36 from OHCS 10:45:39 soon. >> And Molly had a question in the 10:45:43 chat. >> I'm sorry, Molly. I'm not 10:45:46 sure what 10:45:54 P4P means. No, I'm sorry, 10:45:57 it has no relation to People 10:46:01 4 Portland. >> Okay, I'm so sorry that you have to be the 10:46:05 messenger of this information. This is really 10:46:08 surprising. Thank you for letting us know. >> So 10:46:12 10:46:15 Molly, the issue is that there is a private activity bond 10:46:19 allocation to each state in the nation and Oregon has 10:46:22 now hit that private 10:46:27 activity bond cap meaning that 10:46:31 we are going to have to ration what has been a given in terms 10:46:34 of leverage and tax credits. >> Right. >> Oregon unlike 10:46:38 other states do not devote the entire amount 10:46:41 of private activity bond cap to 10:46:45 affordable housing. Oregon also uses private activity 10:46:48 bond cap for other purposes. And other states have 10:46:51 already faced this cap, notably some of our neighbors 10:46:55 to the north and south. But there I think are going to be some 10:46:59 decisions that need to be made on the state 10:47:02 level both with the allocation of private 10:47:05 activity bonds to affordable housing and at 10:47:08 what ratio and then secondly how do you deal 10:47:11 in a scarce environment with something that we have 10:47:14 all depended upon. >> 10:47:18 Right. >> And of course the Metro region 10:47:21 sometimes is looked at as a region that has 10:47:26 resources and then, that people 10:47:29 share sometimes does not come to the various areas of the 10:47:33 state. So I think that we are particularly aware and 10:47:37 working very closely with our state partners to make sure that 10:47:40 priority projects can move forward 10:47:43 rapidly. But there is a scarcity 10:47:47 and that does mean we are faced with a 10:47:50 large amount of uncertainty at the moment. So happy 10:47:53 to talk with you more offline, Molly. >> 10:47:56 Yes, thank you so much. I appreciate it. >> 10:48:00 We appreciate the question. Thanks everyone for being in this space. 10:48:03 Let me give an opportunity to the oversight committee members if there are 10:48:07 any closing 10:48:11 comments and/or thoughts. >> I'll 10:48:14 just say quickly, yesterday Susan 10:48:18 Emmons called this the best committee she's ever served on. And 10:48:21 I think that might be the highlight 10:48:24 of my career to be a part of that. Just knowing 10:48:28 how many things you've been on. Dr. 10:48:31 Holt, I don't know if you were a part of yesterday's presentation. >> I was not. 10:48:35 >> I wanted to pass along that high praise and 10:48:38 also give you credit for your 10:48:41 facilitation and. >> Thank you. >> Yeah so thank 10:48:44 you. >> I totally meant that. That was a sincere comment. 10:48:47 And I thought about it before the 10:48:51 meeting. I hadn't been in front of city council in a long time. 10:48:54 But truly I have been doing this work for a lot of years. And this to 10:48:57 me has been the best committee I've ever been on. And I think it's 10:49:01 the mutual respect of committee members for staff and staff 10:49:04 for committee members. That you haven't treated us like 10:49:07 a rubber stamp. And if we have questions and we have 10:49:10 ideas, you're responsive to them. And it 10:49:13 feels very collaborative to 10:49:16 me. So I'm just in awe of your work 10:49:19 and I know the pressures that 10:49:22 you, to be so productive during a time of a pandemic, 10:49:25 and I think we all are. 10:49:29 And I think transparent. I've said so many 10:49:32 times, the way you report is a model for every 10:49:35 jurisdiction. And I can't seem to get others to 10:49:39 pick that up, but just look at the way you 10:49:42 report and they should follow it. >> Thanks, 10:49:46 Susan. Thanks, Todd. Appreciate the work 10:49:49 everyone. Our next meeting is 10:49:53 scheduled for July which will be here in about a 10:49:56 week and a half. So the way the year is 10:50:00 going we'll be seeing each other again real soon. Thanks for your work 10:50:03 everybody. Take care, stay