



Date:  November 16, 2021

To:  Historic Landmarks Commission & Design Commission

From:  Hillary Adam, Design / Historic Review Team / 503-823-8953


Re:  RIP2 – Residential Infill Project Part 2

Briefing Memo – November 22, 2021



On November 22, 2021, Morgan Tracy (BPS) will present information about proposed Code updates related to additional middle housing measures prompted by House Bill 2001 and Senate Bill 458. Morgan will explain the state requirements and the proposed amendments intended to meet those requirements.


Of the ten listed proposals, the first six apply only to R10 and R20 as they expand current residential infill zoning into these areas. The City currently has no historic districts within these zones, however, there are several historic landmarks in the R10 zone and a handful in R20.


The next two proposal (7 & 8) may have greater impacts on existing historic districts. These proposed changes may result in residential building typologies that are not currently found in most of our historic districts and thus may require some flexibility in interpreting some of our current approval criteria. Proposal 9 will likely have little to any impact on most historic resources. Proposal #10 expedites the Land Division process, but notably, a Historic Resource Review will likely be required prior to a land division for new construction.


While the Landmarks Commission has limited ability to influence these Code proposals (as noted the first six are state mandated and the last four are BPS’s interpretation of state mandates), staff believed it was important that you be made aware of these changes which may impact some residential historic properties and districts.


Please contact me with any questions or concerns.