10:23:12 than we originally expected. Not only do we have the 10:23:15 remaining bond funds 10:23:18 , but -- >> Recording in progress. 10:23:24 >> ANNELIESE KOEHLER: Oh, goodness, recording has just started. 10:23:27 I feel special. In any case, we have done an amazing job work 10:23:30 ing with program teams and staff 10:23:33 to manage the reserves. I don't know if 10:23:36 you remember last year in the beginning 10:23:39 of Covid pandemic and the economic crisis, we 10:23:43 were terribly worried. Frankly, for good reason, that 10:23:46 we would need to go further than just the reserves 10:23:49 we had set aside to meet some of the 10:23:52 impending issues we were seeing with 10:23:57 construction pricing, issues related to timing and supplies 10:24:00 , and, you know, all of these projects 10:24:03 , and have stayed in process, stayed relatively on 10:24:06 time, and stayed generally within 10:24:10 the budget and the path we set, and that's 10:24:13 honestly, I think, in no 10:24:16 small measure to the great project teams we work with, and our 10:24:20 own team for hand holding along 10:24:23 the way, and so as we think about next steps 10:24:26 , there's a couple of themes that we have 10:24:30 heard from the oversight committee, 10:24:33 and the two areas that we would like 10:24:36 to continue to focus next steps on are 10:24:39 reaching some of our further 10:24:44 geographic diversity. As we had said 10:24:47 through our stakeholder advisory 10:24:51 group framework, and that for us would mean, although we have a project 10:24:54 in southwest Portland, achieving a project in 10:24:57 what I call the "southwest neighbors," 10:25:01 and so a project that is 10:25:04 outside of the downtown corridor, and 10:25:07 more within southwest. We also 10:25:12 are in the envious position that we have more 10:25:16 voucher units. More vouchers from 10:25:19 home forward that we had not expended. 10:25:22 So we are able to do more with deeply 10:25:26 affordable units, and we also have the blessing now of the 10:25:29 supportive housing services measure so that we can 10:25:33 do more with supportive housing services 10:25:36 services, and helping to provide more permanent opportunity 10:25:39 ies for people who have been without 10:25:43 housing, and for those who have been without housing for 10:25:46 some time. So 10:25:49 our general take on how we'd like to approach our next work 10:25:53 is to achieve a 10:25:56 southwest project and to achieve more and Focused 10:26:00 targeted supportive housing for those who have 10:26:04 experienced or are at risk of experiencing chronic home 10:26:07 homelessness. If you would advance the 10:26:11 next slide, please. 10:26:17 This is a slide of the entire portfolio. As you can see 10:26:20 , we've overlaid our bond project with our 10:26:23 portfolio in general. It will come 10:26:27 as no surprise to you our portfolio 10:26:30 tends to line up with where we had finance 10:26:33 districts in the past, though, not entirely, but as you 10:26:36 can see -- well, we do have 10:26:40 a few projects in southwest Portland neighborhoods. 10:26:43 We believe achieving the overall goods would be furthered 10:26:46 by southwest project. Next slide, 10:26:50 please. Here you 10:26:53 can see our 10:27:00 supportive housing progress. As a County, we committed to reaching 10:27:04 2,000 units of supportive housing by 10:27:07 2027. We have made significant progress on that front. 10:27:11 These include bond projects as to what's planned 10:27:16 or the green is in the pipeline, and also upcoming 10:27:19 projects from our metro solicitation. 10:27:23 Next slide, please. 10:27:29 So this encapsulates what we are plan 10:27:32 ning to do for the next phase of the 10:27:36 Portland Bond, and we wanted your thoughts and feedback. We 10:27:39 will be announcing our 10:27:43 metro Bond solicitation 10:27:46 awards next week. We had 10:27:51 a solicitation planned 10:27:54 and operation that 10:27:57 we expect to have nine new 10:28:00 metro bond projects to announce next week. 10:28:04 We will have made significant progress on metro 10:28:10 bond goals. We will have achieved 10:28:13 83% of our commitment to the metro 10:28:16 bond goals and will be able to move into 10:28:19 additional phases of implementation. 10:28:23 We were not able to fund all of the projects that 10:28:26 we saw through metro 10:28:29 solicitation, and through the last solicitation that Focused 10:28:32 on supportive housing, we did a 10:28:36 focus supportive housing and solicitation a year ago, 10:28:39 and so what we would like 10:28:42 to do is, since we have seen some 10:28:45 wonderful projects come through that may need just a 10:28:48 little bit of further refinement 10:28:52 refinement, frankly, we would like to invite those 10:28:55 projects back that we've seen in the last year 10:28:59 , and that are not getting an award, 10:29:02 coupled with two projects 10:29:06 that we have seen come through in 10:29:10 southwest Portland neighborhoods, and do 10:29:14 a solicitation that will be inviting those projects to come back 10:29:17 in with a 10:29:21 very slight and more simplified process with addition 10:29:26 al guidance from us on some ways to refine their 10:29:29 proposals, and then we would plan 10:29:33 to do a shortened timeline 10:29:36 solicitation for what we estimate is 10:29:39 approximately eight projects that we would be reviewing. Fortunately 10:29:43 , for us, we have already reviewed them in some 10:29:46 form or another so it could be a 10:29:49 much more focusing, limited 10:29:52 review, not as an intensive review as we would have 10:29:56 had to do in the past. We would like to look at criteria 10:29:59 that includes readiness 10:30:02 to proceed. We'd like to ensure that the projects that we 10:30:06 would be selecting could be fully funded with 10:30:09 the influx of funding that 10:30:12 the Portland Bond brings to the projects, 10:30:16 and so those projects could move underway 10:30:19 rather rapidly. We want to make sure we are talking and providing 10:30:23 clearer guidance on supportive housing services plans to 10:30:28 make sure that those projects and 10:30:31 plans would work well for the people that would be 10:30:34 living in those buildings and having the services they need 10:30:37 , and then we we'd also want to make sure 10:30:41 we are being really clear about proven construction 10:30:45 methods. It may seem technical to you, but we've seen some 10:30:48 things that are very innovative and yet may 10:30:51 cause challenges through the construction or development process 10:30:54 , and we'd like to provide a little additional 10:30:59 guidance, and so our plan would be to invite these project 10:31:02 s in in the month of 10:31:06 October, and proceed with expending the final resources 10:31:10 of the Portland housing bond with 10:31:14 award decisions expected 10:31:18 in December and/or January. Of course, 10:31:21 December is a shortened month for everyone due to everyone's holiday and traveling schedules 10:31:25 , but we would 10:31:29 expect announcements on final decisions on awards at latest of January 10:31:34 2022. Our hope would be to fund at least 10:31:37 two projects, potentially more, as 10:31:40 we look at, you know, of course, what's being 10:31:44 requested, the size of the projects, and the 10:31:48 remaining balances that we do have 10:31:52 on the Portland housing Bond. We are also looking to see if there are 10:31:55 additional ways we can leverage funds for projects 10:31:58 that are currently in 10:32:01 our bond pipeline, meaning, are there other federal funds we may have 10:32:04 in the disposal that may be able to increase the 10:32:10 amount of availability of 10:32:13 portland bond funds to fund other 10:32:16 projects, but we don't know that yet. 10:32:19 I know I said a lot of things, but it is what we talked 10:32:22 about in the last couple meetings and reserved the right 10:32:25 in the last solicitation to bring these project 10:32:28 s back or do a shortened process, and this was clear -- 10:32:31 and we just think there's great projects that we've seen 10:32:35 , that with a little refinement, we can 10:32:39 move to award and get those projects moving 10:32:42 as quickly as possible. And so knowing that 10:32:46 we are in a good place and projects are mostly 10:32:49 closed, we are more certain about the money available. This 10:32:52 is what our proposal is. I'd love to hear your thoughts 10:32:56 and comments, and I hope that this 10:32:59 is in accordance to what we heard from you over the 10:33:02 last few months. >> DR. STEVEN HOLT: Thank you, before we go to comment, if we 10:33:05 can go back to the gallery view, that would be fantastic 10:33:10 . 10:33:18 >> SUSAN EMMONS: Yeah, I think that's a fantastic approach 10:33:21 to inprovide these groups back in and work collaboratively 10:33:24 with them and help them shape something that you think, you know, 10:33:28 makes sense to give the funding to, and I just like to say 10:33:31 in general, see the all your materials, I just feel like I'm 10:33:34 so proud of the work that PHB 10:33:37 is doing, and I feel like you're a model to 10:33:41 other entities about how you report, how transparent you are, how 10:33:47 clear you are about goals, and, you know 10:33:50 , constantly going back to say, well, what have we achieved 10:33:53 , and then, you know, where are we still hoping geographically 10:33:54 to put a 10:34:05 project as it is possible? I feel very proud of what you're doing, and, yeah 10:34:05 , I think it's a great approach. 10:34:08 >> DR. STEVEN HOLT: Thanks, Susan. Todd, 10:34:11 any comments? >> TODD STRUBLE: No comment. I just a question 10:34:15 . So it sounds like these are projects that are Focused 10:34:18 in the southwest. I was not a part of the group that 10:34:20 , I think, listened to proposals from those, 10:34:23 so would all of the -- I guess, 10:34:27 what's -- what's that second evaluation process going to look like This is are you 10:34:30 going to bring back community -- 10:34:34 not community voices, but, like, yeah, what's 10:34:37 what'ses participation process looking like and how it's different from the previous 10:34:41 one? >> SHANNON CALLAHAN: So, Todd, just to clarify, it would not 10:34:44 just be focusing on southwest. There's two things we would be look 10:34:47 ing for, one of which is achieving a 10:34:50 southwest project. So there are two projects 10:34:53 that we have seen that 10:34:57 may be may come back to us in southwest, so we'd ask both 10:35:00 of those two, and we'd plan 10:35:04 to select one. Our second goal would be to 10:35:07 go further on our commitments to creating supportive 10:35:11 housing, and more housing for folks who 10:35:15 are chronically homeless. Now that we have, you know 10:35:18 , it is hard on a portfolio level to achieve all 10:35:21 the various goals, right? Your family housing, all 10:35:25 of the different mechanisms. Now that we know what we have been 10:35:28 able to accomplish and we know what we 10:35:32 still have vouchers available from home forward from 10:35:37 their initial commitment to the Portland house 10:35:41 ing bond, 51 initial vouchers 10:35:44 . Shaking your head yes, Molly shaking 10:35:47 her head yes. 51 original vouchers and worked out 10:35:51 an agreement with home forward and joint office to 10:35:54 use flexible funding from the sportive housing measure 10:35:58 on rent assistance. Frankly, we just see the great 10:36:01 greatest need right now is being more house 10:36:05 ing for singles and couples 10:36:08 who have been experiencing chronic homelessness living on the 10:36:11 streets and in shelters right now in the city of 10:36:14 Portland, and so southwest is one portion, but 10:36:18 supportive housing is another, and so we'd invite 10:36:21 those projects, I think it is eight we'd be 10:36:24 inviting back in, and we would 10:36:28 do a -- typically, 10:36:31 we do an evaluation 10:36:35 of feasibility, technical 10:36:39 feasibility analysis by our team and joint office in the state, and then we 10:36:44 also have a community review 10:36:48 process. We 10:36:51 would convene and propose, we have not finalized plan 10:36:54 s for this, but we would, as we have 10:36:57 done technical analysis on the projects, 10:37:00 we would propose to merge the two into one review 10:37:04 process where we would 10:37:07 invite outside folks, 10:37:11 meaning, those especially with expertise 10:37:15 or experience being homeless themselves or experience 10:37:18 living in housing to advise 10:37:21 and provide final recommendations so that we 10:37:25 can select those two projects. We're believing we 10:37:28 would run those two in parallel 10:37:31 so combine the technical feasibility with the community 10:37:35 review so we'd imagine we'd 10:37:39 have an internal 10:37:43 expert as well as 10:37:47 external folks convening together to make those final recommendations 10:37:48 . >> TODD STRUBLE: Okay, great, thank you. 10:37:51 A last question. Sounds like there's going to be 10:37:55 integration of the housing bond. Will there be integration with the 10:37:58 metro housing bond or will those 10:38:01 funds stay separate? 10:38:05 >> SHANNON CALLAHAN: We reserved the right, potentially, 10:38:09 with metro to not co- 10:38:13 mingle funds unless it was the tail end 10:38:16 of the Portland housing Bond. 10:38:19 There could be a possibility that if there was 10:38:23 a project that meant both metro and 10:38:27 housing Bond criteria, we -- even after the 10:38:30 award announcements made on metro next week, we still, even 10:38:34 though we made 83% overall 10:38:37 progress, there's still areas, many left, 10:38:40 first of all, and we still need to reach further goals. 10:38:44 There could be a scenario where we would 10:38:47 put money from both in as the final Portland 10:38:51 housing Bond project 10:38:54 and the estimation is we split the 10:38:58 project up as to how we took credit. If 10:39:01 Portland put in X amount of dollars and 10:39:04 metro put in X amount of dollars, we 10:39:08 proportionally subscribe the units to both so we are not double counting. 10:39:11 We have not planned that for certain. We would have to work 10:39:14 with metro and to talk with 10:39:18 them about that, but it could be 10:39:22 a possibility if we needed a small amount of funding to put something over 10:39:25 the top to be able to fund the project because it is going 10:39:28 to be complicated to reach the exact amount, right, 10:39:32 that we have remaining, and so 10:39:35 that is one potential 10:39:38 that exists. >> TODD STRUBLE: Thank you. 10:39:42 >> DR. STEVEN HOLT: Thank you, Todd. 10:39:45 Allan. >> ALLAN LAZO: Thanks, Dr. Holt. 10:39:49 Thanks, Shannon. Yeah. I like the plan. 10:39:52 I have one question about priority 10:39:57 ies if I can get to this. 10:40:00 And I think what I'm interested 10:40:03 in is 10:40:08 you're thinking about this. We know the difficulty faced in the community 10:40:11 is the number of priorities that exist, right 10:40:15 ? And one of the conversations 10:40:18 we had Focused around 10:40:26 -- [INAUDIBLE] seeing 10:40:29 investments in areas where the money was, and so 10:40:32 the bond dollars have the opportunity to go outside of those 10:40:35 geographic priorities so some degree and make investments 10:40:40 more flexible, and so in the same way, in priorities 10:40:44 , I'm wondering how you're thinking process 10:40:47 went with regard to other priorities in the bond and remaining funds, and one 10:40:50 in particular, I'd say, is family units, and I 10:40:53 know we also met the goal around family units, and 10:40:57 can I compare that to what the emphasis of priority 10:41:00 you have here, based on the money that's kind 10:41:03 of flowing in around 10:41:08 supportive housing right now. 10:41:11 Is it that we should leverage 10:41:14 funding from PSH, service dollars that are coming, 10:41:17 match that to the units, which makes more 10:41:20 sense rather than struggling to get that service fund 10:41:24 ing into place without the units that exist, right? And, again, 10:41:27 it is not to say that family units are not as important, 10:41:30 but, you know, maybe we should go to some degree where the 10:41:33 opportunity exists. Is that how the processing went? Again, also, for you 10:41:36 all, combining that with the solicit 10:41:39 solicitation you had with metro and family 10:41:43 units coming online there and all the pieces you are looking at. 10:41:47 I wanted to check in on that. >> SHANNON CALLAHAN: 10:41:50 Allan, I appreciate that. I think there's no shortage of need overall 10:41:53 for affordable housing. Whether it be 10:41:56 for, you know, families who are struggling and 10:42:00 and/or, you know, to pay rent or afford to live 10:42:03 in Portland or work in Portland, and so 10:42:07 there is always focus on one area, there's always a 10:42:11 question about what else we're not focusing on. 10:42:14 And I think in this case, you 10:42:17 know, frankly, I would expect a southwest project to be 10:42:20 more family focus 10:42:23 , to be, you know, to 10:42:26 be honest about the geography of the area 10:42:30 . Transit is still an issue in 10:42:33 southwest Portland, so we want to be careful the location 10:42:37 we select actually does have full opportunity and advantage. 10:42:40 However, I think, yes, 10:42:44 it is partially true that some of our thinking is about leveraging 10:42:48 supportive housing services 10:42:51 measure that is services, as you said, not capital. 10:42:54 And, you know, honestly, I think, Allan, I think some of 10:42:57 it is just the people living on the street in Portland, they 10:43:00 don't have a home, and it comes down to 10:43:04 , you know, frankly, a gut check 10:43:07 , for us, about what I think the greatest need is, and where 10:43:10 we need to 10:43:13 do more, so in some ways, it is also just 10:43:17 reaction to what we are currently seeing 10:43:20 in the tremendous, tremendous need from people who are live 10:43:23 ing without any home. 10:43:27 So it's -- it's a little bit of goal setting and a little 10:43:31 bit of people -- because when it comes down to 10:43:34 it, all the goals are actually just about people, 10:43:38 even though we are tracking all of these different metrics, so 10:43:41 it is a little bit of both, but 10:43:44 we do think we'd get a great project probably 10:43:49 very family oriented in 10:43:52 southwest Portland, and we have the resources and can build permanent housing 10:43:55 for folks that have stability, and without us 10:43:58 , frankly, these unites do 10:44:03 not exist in the private market. Folks need focus and buildings where Susan 10:44:06 would say, find place. We'd like to 10:44:09 leverage the available resources we have. We have an opportunity, and 10:44:12 I think we can do a tremendous amount to make a difference 10:44:16 and give people a home. 10:44:22 >> ALLAN LAZO: Thank you very much. >> DR. STEVEN HOLT: Any other comment? 10:44:25 I don't want to cut you. 10:44:30 >> ALLAN LAZO: I think, particularly, about, using the 10:44:33 phrase "southwest," we tend to think of that, so maybe 10:44:37 using outer southwest, to be very clear about what 10:44:40 priority is there I think is also 10:44:43 really smart, and I would be remiss if I didn't say that one 10:44:46 of the reasons I bring forward the family 10:44:49 focus piece is a piece we hear 10:44:52 consistently from the communities of color, and so just wanted 10:44:57 to note that. >> DR. STEVEN HOLT: Thank you. 10:45:01 Anneliese Koehler? 10:45:16 >> ANNELIESE KOEHLER: Thank you so much. I appreciate the timing and focusing 10:45:20 on what is the best strategy for the time remaining, 45, 10:45:23 46, whatever it ended up being, millions 10:45:26 of dollars, and I also want to say, like, I I think this all sounds 10:45:29 good to me and going in the right direction, and that 10:45:33 I appreciate the balance of trying 10:45:36 to be efficient and urgent as well as still wanting to 10:45:39 run a good process, and I feel like you have threaded 10:45:43 the needle well on that, so we're not going to go back to ask 10:45:46 people to redo a bunch of work they have already 10:45:50 done. Also, there needs to be a good process, and I 10:45:53 feel like you have laid out steps that really show 10:45:57 that. I think I also want to say thank you because I think 10:46:00 that you have really listened to the feedback that this committee 10:46:03 has given. You know, the focus on southwest is something that 10:46:08 this committee talked about multiple times about how that has been a 10:46:11 gap that we've seen in the portfolio and wanting to 10:46:15 focus there, and, you know, I think, again, focusing 10:46:18 on PSH supportive 10:46:22 housing services, those folks who need the most help, is, again, 10:46:25 something that's been echoed in the room as well as the 10:46:28 community at large, and you are responding to that, and so I really just 10:46:31 want to say I appreciate that, and I think this is a good and 10:46:34 strong direction. 10:46:39 >> DR. STEVEN HOLT: Thank you for the comment 10:46:43 s. Director, for 10:46:46 your presentation. We are at the end of our meeting 10:46:50 meeting, almost exactly on time. I appreciate everyone's energy 10:46:53 , effort, and involvement in our process. Our 10:46:56 proposed next meeting is February 3, 10:47:02 2022. So doesn't look like we will have an opportunity to be in this space 10:47:05 with one another again for 10:47:09 the year is over, believe it or not. And so, I want 10:47:12 to encourage you to be safe, to take care of 10:47:15 one another, enjoy the holiday season as much 10:47:19 as possible, and continue to be people who show up to 10:47:22 make a difference. Take 10:47:25 care, everybody. 10:47:29 Good-bye.