17:01:18 too. Our theme this week is, 17:01:23 everything, you know, constantly making changes until -- constant 17:01:27 perfectism until the very last minute [ LAUGHTER ] 17:01:31 17:01:33 >> STACY JEFFRIES: I wanted to let you know that we went ahead and 17:01:37 started the recording. So we are recording. 17:01:41 >> TANYA WOLFERSPERGER: Great. So I think I'll go ahead and 17:01:45 I'd like to just start and welcome everyone 17:01:48 to this evening's bond oversight committee meeting. 17:01:52 Thank you all for joining us. Dr. Holt, our esteemed 17:01:57 facilitator is running a little bit behind so I'm going to start us 17:02:01 off a little bit with some reminders about 17:02:05 our virtual meeting experience. I think we are all old hands at 17:02:08 this now. But just want to welcome everyone 17:02:14 and just have a quick reminder of our online meeting protocols and 17:02:17 tips. We have started recording the 17:02:21 meeting and so all of the slides 17:02:25 and audio and including the chat will be recorded for this meeting 17:02:30 tonight. So please remember to mute 17:02:34 yourself when you are not speaking. That will help decrease any 17:02:38 background noise that may be happening in your environment. 17:02:42 And also when you do unmute yourself, please remember to 17:02:45 introduce yourself before speaking, just a first name. 17:02:48 And I will start, I'm Tanya Wolfersperger. 17:02:52 I use she/her pronouns and I work for the Portland housing 17:02:56 bureau helping coordinate housing bond programs 17:03:00 which is very fun and exciting. I will pass it around the room for 17:03:04 introductions and just start with Auerbach members that I see in the 17:03:08 room. So I will call on a few folks. 17:03:11 I will start with Susan, please. >> SUSAN EMMONS: Okay. 17:03:15 I am Susan Emmons, a bond oversight 17:03:20 committee member and I use she/her 17:03:22 pronouns. >> TANYA WOLFERSPERGER: Would you 17:03:26 like to go next? >> TODD STRUBLE: Sure. 17:03:30 Good evening, everyone. Todd Struble. 17:03:34 I use he/him pronouns and on the bond oversight 17:03:36 committee. >> TANYA WOLFERSPERGER: Allan, 17:03:39 would you like to introduce yourself? >> ALLAN LAZO: Good afternoon all. 17:03:43 I am Allan Lazo with the Fair Housing Council 17:03:48 of Oregon, my pronouns are he/him-his and 17:03:51 I'm a bond oversight committee member. 17:03:55 >> TANYA WOLFERSPERGER: Great. And Anneliese 17:04:00 . >> ANNELIESE KOELER: I'm Anneliese 17:04:04 Koehler and I am a bond oversight committee 17:04:07 member. >> TANYA WOLFERSPERGER: We have 17:04:11 lots of HFP staff. I will start with 17:04:13 miss Shannon. >> SHANNON CALLAHAN: Good 17:04:18 afternoon, everyone, Shannon Callahan with the Portland housing bureau 17:04:23 . >> TANYA WOLFERSPERGER: Molly, are 17:04:26 you with us? 17:04:27 >> MOLLY ROGERS: Yeah. Good evening. 17:04:31 I'm Molly Rogers, I go by 17:04:36 she/her pronouns and I will send it off to Jill 17:04:38 . >> JILL CHEN: Hi, everyone. 17:04:42 This is Jill Chen. I am also with PHB, the housing 17:04:45 investments and portfolio preservation manager. 17:04:49 And also use she/her pronouns. And I will 17:04:53 send it over to Mike 17:04:58 . >> MIKE JOHNSON: Hi. 17:05:02 Mike Johnson. I'm the finance county manager here 17:05:06 at the Portland housing bureau. Good evening 17:05:09 . >> TANYA WOLFERSPERGER: Mike, would 17:05:13 you like to pass it on to one of your colleagues or I can do the 17:05:16 honors. >> MIKE JOHNSON: I can't see one 17:05:18 that hasn't spoken already on the screen. 17:05:19 Sorry. >> TANYA WOLFERSPERGER: I'm going 17:05:23 to pass it onto Martha. 17:05:26 >> Martha. Hi, everyone, I'm Martha Calhoun, 17:05:30 public information manager for the Portland housing bureau 17:05:38 . >> I'll go next. 17:05:42 Jennifer Chang, she/her pronouns. Portland housing bureau 17:05:44 . Good to see everyone, especially 17:05:49 Auerbach members, and Dr. Holt. >> I'll 17:05:53 go next, Gwen Thompson 17:05:56 . I use she/her programs. 17:06:01 Hello, nice to meet everyone 17:06:02 . >> TANYA WOLFERSPERGER: Excited to 17:06:05 have Gwen join our team. Thank you for introducing 17:06:08 yourself. And now I will hand it over to Dr. 17:06:21 Holt. 17:06:23 >> SHANNON CALLAHAN: I don't think we can -- at least I can't hear you, 17:06:28 Dr. Holt 17:06:40 . >> TANYA WOLFERSPERGER: We have 17:06:45 some technical difficulties getting Dr. Holt into the room with us 17:06:48 . I think he's with us. 17:06:52 >> STEVEN HOLT: I think I am. Can you hear me now? 17:06:54 >> TANYA WOLFERSPERGER: Yes. 17:06:55 >> STEVEN HOLT: Hello, everyone. Hi. 17:06:59 Good evening. Welcome to our bond oversight 17:07:03 committee meeting. Welcome into the space 17:07:06 . This is a meeting that is open to 17:07:09 the public. It is not a public meeting. 17:07:13 I apologize about two things. 17:07:18 One is I had vehicle difficulty. I think that was told or shared 17:07:22 already. And so I had to Zoom in from 17:07:26 Tigard through all of the traffic and the time to get here as quickly as 17:07:29 possible. So it's good to be in this space 17:07:33 and I appreciate Tanya for covering while I was navigating 17:07:37 that. And then, to get into the space and 17:07:41 for whatever reason have the technical challenge, but, you know, one of 17:07:45 the things that Zoom is teaching us, I think, is a lot of patience and grace 17:07:49 with ourselves and one another, at least I hope. 17:07:53 Anyway, we are here for tonight's oversight -- bond oversight 17:07:57 committee meeting. It is the 15th of April. 17:08:01 And I am going to begin by 17:08:03 articulated this meeting is open to the public. 17:08:07 It is not a public meeting. I'm Dr. Holt and I facilitate our 17:08:10 process. I'm going to do a roll call very 17:08:13 quickly. And then we will get into our 17:08:18 meeting tonight. So Todd Struble 17:08:22 . >> TODD STRUBLE: I am here. 17:08:26 >> STEVEN HOLT: Excellent. Allan Lazo 17:08:28 . >> ALLAN LAZO: I am here, Dr. 17:08:29 Holt. Good to see you. 17:08:33 >> STEVEN HOLT: Good to see you, sir. 17:08:36 Anneliese. >> ANNELIESE KOELER: Here. 17:08:39 >> STEVEN HOLT: And then Susan. >> SUSAN EMMONS: Here. 17:08:40 >> STEVEN HOLT: Excellent, excellent. 17:08:44 Welcome into the space. And I appreciate you being here 17:08:46 . Give us a moment to approve the 17:08:49 minutes from the last meeting. Don't know if you need to take a 17:08:53 second to look it over or not or if there's someone who is ready to make a 17:08:57 motion for approval. >> SUSAN EMMONS: I'd like to make a 17:09:01 motion that we approve the minutes as presented to us 17:09:05 . >> TODD STRUBLE: I will second. 17:09:07 >> STEVEN HOLT: It's been moved and second. 17:09:11 If all are in favor, merely say 17:09:15 yea 17:09:16 . >> Yea. 17:09:17 >> Yea. >> STEVEN HOLT: So moved. 17:09:20 The minutes have been accepted from the last meeting. 17:09:24 Today is fair housing month and I'm going to ask Allan if you would 17:09:28 say a few words in regard to fair housing month 17:09:30 . >> ALLAN LAZO: Sure. 17:09:34 Thank you, Dr. Holt. I always like to start out by 17:09:36 wishing everybody a happy fair housing month. 17:09:40 So April is fair housing month, the fair housing 17:09:44 act was passed on April 11th in 1968, so more than 17:09:48 53 years ago now. And I just wanted to offer 17:09:53 today is the grand prize award winner for 17:09:57 our annual fair housing month poster contest and I think that Tanya 17:10:00 has it on the screen here now. And one of the things I love about 17:10:05 the poster contest is asking the young artists a little bit about themselves 17:10:09 , and this year's award winning poster which 17:10:12 gets printed on a poster that travels around the state is a fourth grader 17:10:16 from Beverly Cleary School, Anneliese dew point. 17:10:22 Dupont. She says she wants to be an 17:10:24 architect, an author or both when she grows up. 17:10:26 Her favorite subject in school is science. 17:10:30 And her hobbies are drawing, watching Anime, which as you can see 17:10:34 has influenced her poster here, and building in Minecraft 17:10:39 . So it is always so enlightening and 17:10:43 encouraging to hear from these young artists the theme of our poster 17:10:47 contest this year was, it's fun having all kinds of neighbors 17:10:49 . And really highlights for us the 17:10:53 work that we do in this committee to recognize 17:10:57 that the importance of housing isn't just putting a roof over people's 17:11:02 heads, but it's putting folks into opportunities out 17:11:06 their front door, into neighborhoods that are vibrant, 17:11:11 inclusive and full of opportunity. And, you know, and young 17:11:15 people like Anneliese have dreams like becoming an architect 17:11:19 or an author, and that part of those folks reaching those 17:11:23 dreams is insuring that they have safe, stable 17:11:27 housing, free from discrimination and have access to opportunity. 17:11:30 So it's just a great reminder, I think, the work that we do in fair 17:11:34 housing and how it connects to the work that we do here on this committee to 17:11:39 bring forward affordable housing and housing throughout our city. 17:11:43 Thank you all for the work you're doing in this community 17:11:47 . >> STEVEN HOLT: Thank you for 17:11:49 bringing that forward. What a great thing to celebrate and 17:11:55 to recognize. Yes, fair housing month to all 17:11:57 . We are about to go into our time 17:12:00 for public testimony. We are going to give opportunity 17:12:04 for those who have signed up in advance and articulated 17:12:08 they would like to participate in the process and share thoughts in 17:12:12 regard to the bond and what's going on specifically related 17:12:16 to affordable housing. We like to -- 17:12:20 I want to direct your comments to that 17:12:25 specifically, that the request is that your comments be connected 17:12:29 to the agenda for the meeting. If there are other concerns 17:12:33 beyond the agenda for the meeting, you are more than encouraged to reach out 17:12:37 to the staff of the Portland housing bureau. 17:12:41 Your concerns are valid and necessary, 17:12:44 important to be captured. We would like to make sure that our 17:12:48 time is used as adequately as possible since we are in a 17:12:52 limited opportunity tonight. You see on the screen two minutes 17:12:55 per person. And you can submit your testimony 17:12:59 via chat also. So at this point I will ask 17:13:04 , is there anyone in this space who has identified 17:13:08 a desire for public testimony? 17:13:13 >> TANYA WOLFERSPERGER: Dr. Holt , 17:13:16 this is Tanya. I don't have anybody signed up but 17:13:20 we can give a small space for anyone in the room that would like to do so now 17:13:24 . >> STEVEN HOLT: We will do that. 17:13:28 We will give an opportunity if there's anyone who is in the 17:13:30 space. Tanya, give them instruction with 17:13:34 how they can indicate so. >> TANYA WOLFERSPERGER: Sure. 17:13:38 As you can see on the screen here, you can use the chat 17:13:42 feature to submit any kind of public 17:13:46 testimony or at least indicate that you would like to, or you can 17:13:51 go into your participants list if that comes up 17:13:55 for you. And there's a raise your hand 17:13:59 feature that -- well, no, we don't have that. 17:14:03 I think going through chat, which may show up as the three 17:14:07 dots at the bottom right-hand corner of your 17:14:11 menu options, right here to the chat or through the 17:14:17 chat, if that makes sense 17:14:20 . >> STEVEN HOLT: Since we don't have 17:14:23 any, provided we go through the meeting and we have time at the end, we can 17:14:28 come back and revisit that. Thanks, Tanya, for your 17:14:32 assistance. We are going to go into our project 17:14:36 updates or project dashboard and I will turn it over to director 17:14:40 Callahan to introduce the presenters 17:14:44 . >> SHANNON CALLAHAN: Thank you, Dr. 17:14:48 Holt. It took me a moment to find the 17:14:52 unmute button. It's lovely to see everyone this 17:14:54 evening. For the first part of our 17:14:59 presentation this afternoon we have a Portland housing 17:15:03 bond update and I'd like to make sure 17:15:07 that Jill and Chen and Tanya Wolfersperger 17:15:12 are up and ready to do the next part of the presentation 17:15:17 . >> JILL CHEN: Yes we are. 17:15:20 >> SHANNON CALLAHAN: Hi, Jill. >> JILL CHEN: Hi, Shannon. 17:15:23 Thank you so much. In terms of our bond dashboard, you 17:15:27 will have seen that the handout showed the status of 17:15:32 when the projects are going to be -- they are estimated financial 17:15:38 close and when is the lease up [their estimated] and any changes in the 17:15:41 unit count. Actually, since the last quarter, 17:15:45 since our last update there has been no changes in unit count. 17:15:49 Everything is actually on schedule and moving 17:15:53 forward and the only changes you may have seen 17:15:57 in the handout is that the funding award has now 17:16:02 included the program delivery fee. And my colleague, 17:16:05 Mike Johnson, will talk a little bit about that because we are trying to 17:16:09 make sure that as we move forward all the information that the bond 17:16:14 oversight committee receives, as well as also all the other committees, IE, 17:16:18 the auditors and such, they are all consistent so that there's no 17:16:22 differentiation between the award amounts and the -- we 17:16:27 call it the loan amounts 17:16:31 . And next slide 17:16:35 please. We are very pleased since our last 17:16:40 bond meeting, that we have had two new closings 17:16:46 , Las Adelitas and 17:16:51 Hayu Tilixam. I assume some of you have -- may 17:16:55 have gone to already visit that one. It was a fantastic community 17:16:59 celebration. It is a project that is sponsored 17:17:03 by hacienda with 141 units in a site 17:17:07 that is formerly known as the sugar 17:17:12 shack that has been an eyesore for the whole community for years and years 17:17:15 and years. And the other closing we had was in 17:17:18 the end of March and that was with Hayu Tilixam. 17:17:22 This is a project sponsored by 17:17:28 Naya and CDP and it's 50 units and on a PH 17:17:32 B owned site that is close to 17:17:36 Las Adelitas, it's also in the [INDISCERNIBLE] 17:17:39 Neighborhood and that is a 50 unit project. 17:17:43 And I think Naya mentioned to me it's supposed to be having their 17:17:47 virtual sort of ground breaking, I 17:17:51 believe, next week but I haven't gotten an email from them official 17:17:54 ly confirming that. So it's very exciting to see two 17:17:58 new projects coming on. Westwind was supposed 17:18:02 to close end of April. Actually 17:18:06 , April 29th. Unfortunately, we heard 17:18:11 that the H.U.D. environmental review -- not 17:18:14 environmental review, sorry. Excuse me. 17:18:17 Subsidy layering review was delayed. 17:18:21 We had given them, I think, eight weeks to do it and 17:18:25 it's now probably going to be more 17:18:27 . And they are looking at a closing 17:18:32 on May 13th. So very exciting. 17:18:36 That is a 100-unit project that's focused on 17:18:40 PSH in downtown with central city concern 17:18:43 . Next slide, please. 17:18:46 In terms of upcoming project closings, we have 17:18:52 got -- all of the bond projects will close in this calendar 17:18:55 year. Knock on wood. 17:18:59 So it's very exciting. The next one closing is 17:19:04 Stark Street, which you will hear about from Andy Miller today 17:19:08 . Project with 17:19:12 [INDISCERNIBLE] Human solutions and that's closing 17:19:16 June 3rd. And after that 17:19:22 is Susan Emmons. Susan, thank you so much for your 17:19:25 project. That is a project with northwest 17:19:29 housing alternatives in 17:19:33 downtown, in northwest. And that's closing 17:19:38 , targeted closing is June 21st. We will 17:19:42 have a little bit of a break because OH 17:19:46 CS and essentially because of 17:19:51 their legislative, you can call it blackout date, we are not expecting 17:19:55 any closings at all in July and August because 17:20:00 of the blackout date. And then after that, 17:20:06 there will be Anna 17:20:10 Mann house 3000 Poul and Joyce 17:20:14 . 3000 Powell are both anticipated to 17:20:19 close sometime in September. And 17:20:26 Ahmed desol is here to talk about the 17:20:28 3000 Powell project. And that is with Home Forward. 17:20:32 And the final one is Joyce and that is anticipated to close towards the 17:20:36 end of this year, in December. And they have had a number 17:20:40 of permitting design. So that has been 17:20:44 a little bit delayed. Next slide. 17:20:48 And I think I'm handing it over to 17:20:54 Mike. >> MIKE JOHNSON: Good evening again 17:20:59 . As we discussed last time, numbers 17:21:03 were starting to move quite a bit after they had been stagnant for a 17:21:07 while, while the projects were going through their underwriting process 17:21:10 . I think the biggest change now is 17:21:14 we are showing the percent spend 17:21:19 d number has now gone over 25% of the bond issue so 17:21:22 that's -- city milestone. We have been quite a ways under 17:21:26 that number for a while, even with having bought several 17:21:31 buildings, but now we have kind of broken over that milestone 17:21:33 point. We will continue to see that number 17:21:36 grow. We meet with you again at the next 17:21:38 meeting. Obviously, we are in the heart of 17:21:42 construction season. And as Jill pointed out, we have a 17:21:47 couple of more closings happening between now and June 17:21:51 June 30th. So we will really start seeing that 17:21:55 spend amount grow and, of course, as that happens, the 17:21:59 committed amount will also begin shrink 17:22:03 ing in a corresponding manner. 17:22:07 Showing the reserved and remaining amounts. 17:22:11 We will be hanging onto those reserve amounts until we get through 17:22:15 closing. And then that will be re-evaluated, 17:22:19 closing on the existing projects and then we will re-evaluate that 17:22:23 as we start contemplating what next steps are on the bond 17:22:27 . The interest and credits numbers 17:22:31 has continued to grow as I have indicated to you it would, as the 17:22:34 majority of the bond funds are earning interest right now. 17:22:38 But as you can see we are now starting to, as 17:22:43 of this week, starting to draw on 17:22:47 on the 2020 bonds that were sold a few months ago 17:22:50 . So things are really moving. 17:22:54 There's a lot of change going on. You will 17:22:58 notice from the financial report, we 17:23:01 actually changed the format a little bit. 17:23:05 We are actually now showing a column for the amount spent on each project 17:23:09 . So you can track the projects of -- 17:23:12 track the project and each project separately. 17:23:16 As Jill also indicated, we are showing what the full award amount 17:23:19 was. You will remember we were breaking 17:23:24 out the admin allocation, we called it 17:23:29 , separately. But as we -- for these projects 17:23:33 we rolled that amount into the project 17:23:39 because -- in each of the project awards because of how the projects 17:23:43 are paying the program delivery fee. We wanted to make sure we were 17:23:46 showing what the actual award amounts were on this sheet. 17:23:50 As we move forward to another stage of the 17:23:55 bond, we will see how that mechanism 17:23:58 works. That may change how we present 17:24:02 things again 17:24:05 . Something I wanted to reference 17:24:09 again from the report is showing our delivery 17:24:14 expenses so far. Shown both 17:24:18 a percentage of project expenses 17:24:23 and the expenses and commitments. So while on 17:24:26 the -- I think those numbers got transposed. 17:24:30 We are at about 2.8% on 17:24:32 expenses as -- no, excuse me. I'm wrong on that. 17:24:37 They are fine. Going a little cross 17:24:41 eyed this late in the day. The delivery expense as a percent 17:24:45 of project expenses, you will see we are over, 7%, and as 17:24:49 we have discussed with you before, we are front loaded on our 17:24:53 delivery expenses because of the -- both the solicitation and the 17:24:57 underwriting process. So if we actually 17:25:02 take a look at our admin -- or delivery expenses as a percentage 17:25:06 of the expenses and commitments, we are under 3% right now 17:25:09 . So that's another set of numbers 17:25:14 that will change most definitely by the time we get to the next meeting. 17:25:18 And I would definitely expect it to, as a percent of project expenses 17:25:22 , we will be under that 7%. Those two numbers will start moving 17:25:28 together. So a lot of information there. 17:25:32 A lot of changes. I think they are good changes and 17:25:34 they are showing progress in what we are doing. 17:25:38 So I would be happy to take any questions you might have 17:25:42 . >> STEVEN HOLT: Any questions from 17:25:46 the oversight committee? I see Susan 17:25:49 shaking her head. And it looked like Todd shook his 17:25:54 head as well. Yes, Allan 17:26:01 . >> MIKE JOHNSON: You didn't let me 17:26:02 down, Allan. Thank you. 17:26:07 >> ALLAN LAZO: Even though I had my second 17:26:12 COVID-19 vaccination today, I'm still alert enough to ask a 17:26:13 question. >> MIKE JOHNSON: I'm doing mine 17:26:15 tomorrow. Glad to hear it. 17:26:19 >> ALLAN LAZO: Curious on, you mentioned this expanded 17:26:24 category, but the number that's in the report, it 17:26:28 looks different than the -- what's on the screen there. 17:26:32 Am I not reading that right or is there not all projects on -- in the 17:26:37 report? It's on page 2, right, the spend 17:26:39 column? >> MIKE JOHNSON: Right. 17:26:42 You've got the original bond acquisition and expenses, the 52 17:26:45 million. And to that there's another 17:26:50 [spend] 16 million, so that's where the 68 million comes from. 17:26:51 >> ALLAN LAZO: Got it. Got it. 17:26:55 Okay. I see [ 17:26:59 expended] there's a 7% 17:27:04 cap on admin in the bond and so which of those numbers -- 17:27:07 I'm assuming it's got to be the project expenses and commitments, 17:27:08 right? It's got to be the total. 17:27:11 So it's 7% of that total, which is essentially the bond total? 17:27:14 >> MIKE JOHNSON: Right, right. As I said, those two numbers will 17:27:19 get closer together as we go through. It's 7% 17:27:23 over the life of the bond and any particular point in time 17:27:27 we -- especially doing this many projects up front and the nature 17:27:31 of how our expenses happen, 17:27:35 whereas if it was a construction project 17:27:40 the city was doing, the program delivery expenses might be a little 17:27:44 bit more of a bell-shaped curve. Whereas 17:27:48 our expenses are more front loaded again because of the nature of what we 17:27:50 are doing. All the work that Jill's team is 17:27:55 doing, I mean, they have been grinding on these dying projects for 17:27:59 , what, over a year now, Jill? And then as she was showing, they 17:28:03 will get a little bit of a breather as they get into September and October, 17:28:07 but then I don't know if Andrew is on the call, but his team in the 17:28:11 construction corner then pick it up and actually my team starts adding 17:28:15 into it too. But in terms of relative 17:28:20 cost of the delivery, definitely the more 17:28:23 of it up front here. And we will see the same thing with 17:28:27 the next round we do also. >> ALLAN LAZO: Got it. 17:28:28 Okay. Good. 17:28:31 Thank you. >> STEVEN HOLT: Thanks, Allan. 17:28:35 Any other questions for Mike? 17:28:42 Well, Mike, I think you are off the 17:28:44 hook. So thank you very much. 17:28:46 >> MIKE JOHNSON: Thanks, everybody. Have a good evening. 17:28:49 I'll stick around in case there's other questions. 17:28:51 >> STEVEN HOLT: Excellent. Thank you. 17:28:55 We will move forward. And 17:28:59 I think the planning for remaining 17:29:03 bond funds is to you, director Callahan. 17:29:05 >> SHANNON CALLAHAN: Thank you, Dr. Holt. 17:29:09 So, as we discussed at our last meeting 17:29:13 and as you just saw from the remaining 17:29:19 funds left to be allocated under the Portland housing bond, 17:29:23 we are presently targeting 36 -- just over 17:29:29 $36 million. And that is not including the -- 17:29:32 what we have set aside to include for administrative expenses. 17:29:36 So this is available for projects 17:29:40 in the future. And so I just wanted to go through 17:29:44 a few key points to kind of ground us back 17:29:49 in that long ago world of the stakeholder 17:29:53 advisory group and a couple of other key things and then, frankly, take the 17:29:57 time to hear from our oversight committee members about things that we 17:30:02 should be considering or factoring from your perspective as we bring 17:30:06 forward a plan to 17:30:11 do more, build more, buy more, create more affordable housing. 17:30:15 So really the point of this next section is to pull out 17:30:18 a bit of information from you. So I'm going to go pretty quickly 17:30:22 to give you just some background, again, to ground us in some of our 17:30:26 guiding principles 17:30:27 . Next slide, please. 17:30:31 As you may recall from the stakeholder advisory group that 17:30:36 met, the priorities for priority communities were -- and are 17:30:41 communities of color, families, including families with children, 17:30:45 immigrant and refugees and intergenerational households, 17:30:49 households experiencing homelessness or at imminent risk and households facing 17:30:52 displacement. Next slide, please. 17:30:56 Our progress on the bond, as you know, we are on target 17:31:01 to exceed our goals with the projects that are currently 17:31:05 in process and applying 17:31:10 a similar metric if we were to take those same funds and not 17:31:14 exceed $150,000 contribution 17:31:17 per unit. We could expect potential of 17:31:25 another 245 units and/or potentially exceeding our total committee 17:31:29 to the voters by 33%. So just to kind of put in context 17:31:34 what we have remaining. Next slide 17:31:36 , please. I also wanted to share with you 17:31:41 information about where the city and the county are in their shared goal 17:31:45 to create permanent supportive housing, which is part of our 17:31:49 commitment, to helping folks who are living on our streets 17:31:53 or in our shelters or people who need that extra bit of wrap 17:31:58 around services to truly be successful in our 17:32:01 housing. So far to reach that 2000 unit goal 17:32:05 we have got 1265 either planned or 17:32:09 in operation. We expect another 250 from 17:32:14 further progress on the metro bond. And there's still 17:32:18 a need to identify resources for that goal of 485 units 17:32:20 . So I wanted to share that with you 17:32:23 because I know we probably don't share that with you often enough, just to 17:32:28 know how the bond fits into some of our 17:32:31 -- Next slide, please. 17:32:35 Based on a little bit of a snapshot review, I would like 17:32:39 to and the team would like to pull out from you what 17:32:44 things, what considerations that we should be building in as we look 17:32:48 at the next planning phase for 17:32:52 having more resources. So with that, I 17:32:56 would like to make sure that we hear from each committee member if that's 17:33:01 possible to share some thoughts and ideas 17:33:09 . 17:33:11 >> STEVEN HOLT: Thanks, director 17:33:13 Callahan. I would like to call on each of the 17:33:17 oversight committee and I saw your hand go up first, Susan, so go. 17:33:19 >> SUSAN EMMONS: One of the geographical goals we didn't meet and 17:33:24 it wasn't we didn't try, was to get a building in southwest Portland 17:33:26 . If at all possible, I would like to 17:33:30 see that a priority. And I think I'm sitting on 17:33:34 the metro supportive house services oversight 17:33:38 committee and watching that roll out and that's going to be a lot of 17:33:42 resources to provide rent assistance and supportive services. 17:33:46 And it seems like any project we have going forward that we 17:33:50 fund, it would be nice to see a linkage, some sort of linkage between 17:33:55 that project and the supportive services that are going to be 17:33:57 available. I don't know -- I don't know how to 17:34:01 talk about that. A marriage, 17:34:06 just an encouragement to see a building that would be open to 17:34:10 housing chronically illness people knowing there are going to be 17:34:13 significant supportive services available. 17:34:17 So those were just some of my thoughts 17:34:18 . >> STEVEN HOLT: Thanks, state of 17:34:22 Susan. Director Callahan, did you want 17:34:25 to respond at all? >> SHANNON CALLAHAN: I would rather 17:34:28 let everybody on the committee share their thoughts and comments. 17:34:31 If there's time at the end, I'm happy to give more detail but I want 17:34:36 to make sure each committee member has a chance to reflect 17:34:39 . >> STEVEN HOLT: Thank you very 17:34:42 much. Todd Struble. 17:34:46 >> TODD STRUBLE: The first thing that popped in mind was like a 17:34:50 geographic like presence of the projects 17:34:54 and, you know, where we did not get to southwest. 17:34:58 So I guess I kind of would -- in my head I was thinking I would like to 17:35:02 see the map again and see kind of that distribution over the 17:35:05 city. And then the second part was 17:35:09 permanent supportive housing. I'm not as involved as Susan in on 17:35:13 those discussions, but I think there was a 17:35:17 -- there's a strong need for it. I think there was a commitment in 17:35:21 our bond to provide a certain number and if we can exceed that, I think 17:35:25 that would be good 17:35:27 good. >> STEVEN HOLT: Thank you, sir. 17:35:31 I appreciate that. Allan, your thoughts? 17:35:32 >> ALLAN LAZO: Thank you, Dr. Holt. 17:35:36 Yeah, I would agree with my colleagues, with Susan and 17:35:40 Todd, in both this leveraging of the resources that are around 17:35:44 for PSH right now. But and then 17:35:48 add an and to that. Given 17:35:52 how the work that you all have done to exceed the goals of the bond already, 17:35:56 it sort of puts us in this place where we have an 17:36:00 opportunity now where we are not -- we are not -- we are past the 17:36:05 finish line to some degree. And so we have the opportunity to 17:36:09 do something that we are not necessarily required to do, is what I 17:36:11 would say. We could do something that could 17:36:15 meet some very specific needs, whether that's around PSH or 17:36:19 geography. The other geography was inner north 17:36:21 and northeast. And maybe it's looking at different 17:36:25 income levels or specific communities. Because there are a lot of 17:36:29 PSH resources right now. So it's curious to look 17:36:33 at, you know, one way to think about it might be kind of 17:36:37 in scrolling through the summary right now and try to visualize whether or 17:36:42 not there's any gaps that are there, if we were to take a matrix 17:36:45 of those original priorities against what we actually ended up with, you 17:36:50 know, would we see a gap anywhere? And I'm not sure 17:36:54 that there are any glaring ones. And so maybe 17:36:58 it is just looking for that special opportunity with those 17:37:04 funds that might arise and, you know, whether that's geographically 17:37:07 or community specific. So that's kind of what I would say 17:37:11 is -- you know, the upside of where you all have put us is we are not -- you 17:37:15 know, we are not sort of not scrambling at the end to meet the goals 17:37:18 . You know, if we have a very 17:37:21 specific opportunity that comes up, I think I would be comfortable saying 17:37:26 let's look at it rather than saying, well, we can't because 17:37:30 we still need to meet all these other goals 17:37:32 . That's where my thinking is at 17:37:35 right now. >> STEVEN HOLT: Thanks, Allan. 17:37:39 Appreciate that 17:37:42 . Anneliese. 17:37:46 >> ANNELIESE KOELER: Ditto to what everyone else has been saying. 17:37:48 I had a thought as to deep southwest. 17:37:52 I would want to see a map of the available housing that's available in 17:37:55 Portland and lay the bond on top of it because I don't know if there's 17:37:59 already a bunch of affordable housing that exists in southwest Portland so 17:38:03 less of a need and wanting to think about it holistically 17:38:07 as opposed to just our bond projects. And, yes, obviously, a 17:38:11 strong commitment for PHS and zero to 30. 17:38:15 The other thing that is in my head and I don't know if this is really the 17:38:19 right tool for it, is I think we are 17:38:23 really yet to grasp kind of the 17:38:27 ramifications from 17:38:31 the pandemic and COVID-19 on our community and what that will mean for 17:38:35 our community members and kind of just from a more business perspective, what 17:38:39 it means for the real estate market. And 17:38:43 so part of me wants to kind of hold tight a little bit 17:38:47 on it or just see what opportunities might arise, 17:38:52 whether they are urgent in their nature to respond to 17:38:56 COVID in some way, and they are bond dollars. 17:38:58 They are not going to be structured as rent assistance. 17:39:00 I know that. But thinking about the unknowns of 17:39:04 the pandemic and what our community will look like and if there maybe is 17:39:09 an opportunity, since, as Allan pointed out, like we have 17:39:13 really met our goals and so what that means to me is there's an opportunity 17:39:17 to be very nimble and flexible in a way 17:39:22 that sometimes we are not 17:39:23 . >> STEVEN HOLT: Thank you very 17:39:25 much. Director Callahan, I think we have 17:39:29 got a couple minutes if you'd like to frame anything up before we move 17:39:31 to the next session, that would be great. 17:39:34 >> SHANNON CALLAHAN: I appreciate all of your very thoughtful comments. 17:39:37 This will not be the end of the discussion, but before we start to 17:39:41 develop plans, I wanted to make sure that we heard from each of you. 17:39:45 We do have some concepts, but things we really need 17:39:49 to come at together as a team. I also 17:39:53 just wanted to know, we still had 51 vouchers remaining 17:39:58 . At least thus far from our 17:40:01 commitment from Home Forward and I think in conversations that I have had 17:40:06 with the joint office about the supportive housing services measure, I 17:40:10 definitely think we can achieve 17:40:14 additional rent assistance support 17:40:18 and -- for permanent housing so I believe it's possible for us to 17:40:23 make a strategic decision about a priority 17:40:27 population and a way to build a building 17:40:30 that is serving a particular focus with supportive house. 17:40:34 I also think we have some opportunities to potentially be 17:40:38 opportunistic with some of these resources as well, and we will be sure 17:40:41 to come back with you and do the mapping again. 17:40:45 Now, we will make sure to get a map out for you so you can see some 17:40:50 of the other areas where there is not as much 17:40:53 affordable housing, not just related to the bond. 17:40:57 I will say we have been working with metro on metro's bond, 17:41:01 related to southwest Portland. It is a harder 17:41:05 topography and there's not as 17:41:09 much available land especially that the light rail line is not at any 17:41:13 point imminent. So that is at least a consideration 17:41:15 on my part. And I would be remiss if I also 17:41:20 didn't say I think east Portland, although we have invested 17:41:24 significantly in east Portland, I think a continual investment in the area 17:41:28 that we know -- you know, east Portland is where we are seeing 17:41:32 rent increases. The central city we are not. 17:41:35 Even during the pandemic as the central city's rents are coming 17:41:40 down, east Portland is rising a 17:41:43 tiny touch, which is clearly showing the displacement even during this time 17:41:45 period is more of a risk. We will come back with you and 17:41:48 provide you more information. And just wanted to thank you for 17:41:52 your thoughtfulness in helping us as we guide the next steps and I am so 17:41:57 excited that we are going to be able to do more and create more affordable 17:42:01 housing with our resource and I wanted to thank you for your guidance as a 17:42:05 committee and I wanted to thank the entire 17:42:10 PHB team who has been working on these projects 17:42:14 alongside our community partners. And I am, frankly, amazed 17:42:18 how much everyone has been able to keep on track to know that we are 17:42:22 going to have all of our buildings at some phase of construction 17:42:24 by the end of this year is pretty exciting. 17:42:28 So just gratitude to our community partners 17:42:31 and yourself and our team and thank you. 17:42:33 >> STEVEN HOLT: Thank you, director Callahan. 17:42:37 Incredible to be at this space and the opportunities that are in front to 17:42:40 do more. How appropriate. 17:42:43 How fantastic. We are now at our next section, the 17:42:47 project team presentations. Tanya, I believe that falls to you 17:42:48 . >> TANYA WOLFERSPERGER: Yes. 17:42:52 Thank you, Dr. Holt. I am Tanya Wolfersperger again 17:42:55 . I just want to kick us off. 17:42:59 We have got two project teams coming to speak with you all 17:43:03 tonight on our Stark Street Housing project and 3000 southeast 17:43:06 Powell team is back to give you an update. 17:43:10 So I wanted to start by introducing and handing over the 17:43:14 reins of presentation to 17:43:18 Ryan winterburg and Andy 17:43:24 from -- answered 17:43:29 >> Andy: Dr. Holt, members. 17:43:32 Committee, good evening, everyone and thank you all for your service, 17:43:33 overseeing this critical public resource. 17:43:37 I appreciative the time and the attention you give to this task and 17:43:40 it's an important one. I'm Andy Miller, I am the executive 17:43:44 director of human solutions and co-presenting with me tonight is our 17:43:49 senior project manager, Ryan winterburg lip. 17:43:53 We will try to proceed through the slides quickly and present the project 17:43:57 and save some time to answer any of your questions 17:44:02 . So next slide, please 17:44:06 . So briefly, many of you may be 17:44:10 familiar with human solutions, but for those who are not, we are a 17:44:14 community-based nonprofit that has been pushing back on the forces causing 17:44:19 poverty and homelessness in east Portland and east malt Nome county for 17:44:23 the last 32 years. We have a team of 140 staff and 17:44:27 they deliver a range of services. Those services include 17:44:31 the operation of three shelters providing support and rehousing 17:44:36 services for families and adult women experiencing homelessness, 17:44:40 as well as a range of housing and economic justice programs that provide 17:44:44 resources and support, so families in these counties can achieve real 17:44:48 housing and economic security. It's really what we do. 17:44:52 But we also have an affordable housing 17:44:57 development corporation and we develop, own and operate affordable 17:45:01 housing, including permanent supportive housing and 17:45:03 you see some of the numbers listed up there. 17:45:07 One change since this slide was produced, we now have a 17- 17:45:11 17 apartment communities across our service area. 17:45:15 The latest being the Nick fish, our project that 17:45:19 just opened on discovery park in east Portland and we will 17:45:24 will also be the new location of 17:45:27 our Portland site offices. Excited to be moving in there as 17:45:31 well as many of the affordable housing residents. 17:45:35 So with the next slide I'm going to turn it over to Ryan -- oh, 17:45:37 I'm sorry. I got one more to do. 17:45:41 So this is the project partners. Our funders, the Portland 17:45:45 housing bureau, thank you. And Oregon housing community 17:45:49 services. Also you see our development team, 17:45:54 Colas construction is the general contractor, 17:46:03 Ho LST. Holt 17:46:08 and Colas have been with us at this site since we acquired 17:46:12 , for future development which we are finally ready to begin. 17:46:16 But for a brief period it did serve as a temporary family shelter 17:46:20 [HOLST] in the aging 17:46:24 building that was on site when we acquired it and Holt and Colas 17:46:29 donated generously a lot of their time to 17:46:34 refurbish their building and get it up to speed for use as a shelter. 17:46:38 The shelter as a permanent home at 77th and Powell at a former 17:46:42 motel, now known as our Lilac meadow shelter. 17:46:46 You see list here our service partner, Lifeworks 17:46:49 northwest who will be providing behavioral services at the project. 17:46:53 I will say more about that later. Now I am going to turn it over to 17:46:57 Ryan to walk you through the project specifics and highlights 17:47:00 highlights. >> RYAN: Thank you, Andy, my name 17:47:02 is Ryan. I'm a senior housing project 17:47:05 manager with human solutions. I will give you an overall kind of 17:47:08 perspective of the project and some of the things that we think are 17:47:11 interesting to report back. So thank you for having us here 17:47:16 with you tonight, committee members. So the Stark Street 17:47:20 project, and I think you may have heard of it before, but if not, is a 17:47:24 nice refresher, it is 93 units total. One-third of those units will 17:47:28 be at zero to 30% of AMI and the remaining 17:47:32 62 are at 60% AMI for 17:47:36 the setaside though our intention is to rent 17:47:41 the units at approximately -- to meet the needs of 17:47:44 the communities that we serve in east Portland. 17:47:48 About half of the units will either be two or three-bedroom to provide 17:47:52 housing specifically for families. Human solutions and Lifeworks 17:47:55 northwest will be the two service providers serving the permanent 17:47:58 supportive housing units and also the entire community there and I'll talk 17:48:02 more about how those services work. The priority communities that we 17:48:07 anticipate will be served by the Stark Street project meet the 17:48:11 bond's solicitation priorities and also what we know about operating 17:48:15 housing for formerly homeless families 17:48:17 . We know that the ways of 17:48:21 displacement from other higher cost Portland neighborhoods are 17:48:25 forcing people to east Portland communities and there's also a 17:48:29 concurrent increase in cost in east Portland as rents continue to 17:48:33 rise where they traditionally have been more depressed. 17:48:37 And we know that families, particularly communities of color 17:48:41 or families who have children in schools, are those who are most 17:48:45 impacted by those forces. So we are really going to be 17:48:49 targeting partnerships when it comes to lease up to serve these particularly 17:48:52 impacted communities. And we anticipate that the project, 17:48:56 when it is complete, will provide quality housing for over 221 people 17:49:00 . Next slide, please. 17:49:03 Thank you. So in terms of some project 17:49:07 highlights, our site is located at the intersection of southeast stark 17:49:11 and 160th, which is in the city's official Glen 17:49:16 fair neighborhood and it's in what is oftentimes considered the Rosewood 17:49:18 neighborhood which is one of the most diverse neighborhoods in Portland. 17:49:22 I believe about 28% of residents in Rosewood are 17:49:26 foreign born. Incredibly diverse vibrant and 17:49:29 evolving community. And human solutions has been part 17:49:33 of the Rosewood initiative's community driven strategy for hole 17:49:37 istic neighborhood revitalization for many years now 17:49:39 . And the intent of providing 17:49:43 affordable housing within this strategy is that quality housing can be created 17:49:48 before costs increase and gentrification and displacement occur 17:49:52 to ensure that the neighborhood remains a diverse and vibrant place. 17:49:56 We are excited to be able to be part of that overall community driven 17:49:59 strategy in the neighborhood. Our site is really well served by 17:50:03 number of amenities. I will point out it's two blocks 17:50:07 away from a Maxx station so incredibly well connected to 17:50:11 the region and like Andy said, this site we are 17:50:14 particularly excited for the redevelopment because it's been a long 17:50:16 time coming. Our new building will replace the 17:50:21 now vacant former family center shelter which -- the neighborhood is also 17:50:25 incredibly excited for a 17:50:29 transformational investment. It's a visible and critical block 17:50:33 and will set the tone for community driven exciting investments in this 17:50:38 particular side of Rosewood that haven't 17:50:41 happened in many years. A few project highlights. 17:50:45 Our new building will be five stories, including 93 units and 27 17:50:49 onsite parking spaces. And certainly elements of our 17:50:52 programming were informed by community engagement that we have been doing 17:50:56 through the Rosewood initiative for several years and also with our 17:51:01 partners and our staff, many of whom represent the community 17:51:05 and one of the things that we heard is that to design intentional housing for 17:51:08 families, we really needed to provide spaces both indoor and outdoor for 17:51:11 play activities. So this is an image of our outdoor 17:51:15 play area and you will see an image of our indoor play area soon 17:51:18 but that's a particularly exciting way to meet the needs of families. 17:51:22 We are also seeking earth advantage multifamily platinum 17:51:26 certification, which is an awesome way to implement the 17:51:30 PHB green building policy. Really intentional and meaningful 17:51:33 about meeting some of the green building targets. 17:51:37 In terms of timeline, we anticipate 17:51:41 starting construction in June 2021 and finishing up in early January 17:51:43 2023. Next slide, please. 17:51:47 In terms of overall project funding sources, we were so excited 17:51:51 to be awarded just about 14.9 million from 17:51:56 the PHB housing bond and that does include that program delivery fee 17:52:00 that's sort of baked in which allows us to leverage over $24 million 17:52:04 of other public and private funds, including about 17:52:09 $11 million in tax credits, loan from JPMorgan Chase 17:52:13 of under 6 million. We received LIFT funding from the 17:52:17 state of Oregon, about 3.8 million. And funding from what is now 17:52:22 known as the 17:52:26 men program. A number of different grants 17:52:29 including metro, the Collins foundation, my memorial trust, as well 17:52:34 as the Schweikert foundation that we have done in partnership with 17:52:37 our fantastic development fundraising team. 17:52:41 And we have received about $1.5 million in S 17:52:44 SDC exemptions in the city of Portland which is meaningful and something that 17:52:48 is not found across all the jurisdictions where we do work. 17:52:52 It's worth pointing out those exemptions are 17:52:55 meaningful for affordable housing and we have a $1 million deferred 17:52:59 developer fee which gets [INDISCERNIBLE] 17:53:02 Project cost. We consider $37 million because we 17:53:06 don't factor the SDC exemptions 17:53:09 in here. Just shy of $40 million. 17:53:10 Go onto the next slide. Great. 17:53:14 Our project is currently in predevelopment as we are planning 17:53:19 starting construction in June 17:53:21 . We are aligned with the bonds 17:53:24 solicit Tyson priorities and also with human solutions' mission in providing 17:53:28 housing and services to our east Portland and east Multnomah County 17:53:31 communities. And while human solutions has been 17:53:35 providing permanent supportive housing services for the last 16 years, we 17:53:39 have done that in a variety of new construction projects that we own, 17:53:40 also services for other housing providers. 17:53:44 This was a really exciting opportunity for us to be intentional 17:53:48 about design of our building and all of the partnerships that built in, 17:53:52 really to meet the needs of families and supportive 17:53:56 housing. We should point out that the rating 17:54:00 together of a capital source, services dollars and a 17:54:04 rental subsidy that came through the bond solicitation has really allowed 17:54:07 us to do that. That has not always been the case 17:54:10 in a lot of our experiences so we have been meaningful and sustainable about 17:54:14 what it means to operate permanent supportive housing. 17:54:18 On the design side we have been working with our architects 17:54:22 at Holt to integrate theories of trauma informed design, into 17:54:25 the building in many different ways to meet the needs of future residents. 17:54:29 It's been an exciting opportunity for us to be very intentional 17:54:32 . One of the exciting partnerships 17:54:35 that we are able to do because of the services funding that was offered 17:54:40 through the bond solicitation is an onsite mental 17:54:43 and behavioral health partnership with Lifeworks northwest. 17:54:47 We heard loud and clear through our community engagement that there was a 17:54:52 community desire for low barrier, super accessible 17:54:55 mental and behavioral health services. 17:54:58 Something that a lot of community residents struggle with, whether 17:55:02 that's from an insurance perspective, physical pip tiff 17:55:06 perspective or stigma services. The services dollars offered 17:55:10 through the bond solicitation that Lifeworks northwest mental health 17:55:13 practitioner will be on site and able to serve every resident of the 17:55:16 building who gets their health insurance through the Oregon health 17:55:18 plan. So not just the permanent 17:55:23 supportive housing residents but everyone on site because we know low 17:55:27 income people and communities of color experience systematic trauma in 17:55:31 lots of different ways so certainly a need for mental and behavioral 17:55:34 health services. And one thing that we forgot to 17:55:38 note here on this slide is that we are 17:55:43 able and it's exciting for us to do this, going to be able to offer 17:55:47 high-speed internet access for free to every resident already plugged into 17:55:51 their unit and available through wi-fi, as well as all of the common areas in 17:55:55 the building, which we have learned has been particularly important now 17:55:59 that COVID has truly just laid bare to us the inequities in 17:56:03 many ways but also when it comes to Internet and technology access. 17:56:06 It's exciting we will be [INDISCERNIBLE] 17:56:10 And then Andy will talk more about partnerships at the end but in 17:56:13 terms of milestones we expect our building permit to be ready probably 17:56:17 in just the next few weeks, in May. We will close our financing in June 17:56:22 , start construction and then, like many projects, we will be entertaining 17:56:26 probably what may be a virtual ground breaking 17:56:30 summer but with he would love to find a way to make it socially 17:56:34 distant and in person. Stay tuned on that. 17:56:38 Construction is expected to take 19 months overall 17:56:44 . There's been a couple changes since 17:56:47 this project came before you or you have seen information about it. 17:56:50 First of which is that we found an opportunity during design to include 17:56:55 more three-bedroom units and we stepped it up to meet the needs of a 17:56:59 families in east Portland. We have also been able 17:57:04 to do an entire brick facade of the building, 17:57:07 so that's something that's really exciting both from a durability 17:57:10 perspective in the ongoing sustainability and life of the 17:57:14 building, but offers a classic aesthetic and a really 17:57:19 lovely exterior that we think will really set a lot of context in this 17:57:22 particular part of Rosewood that hasn't seen a lot of investment in the 17:57:26 past. And we received funding from the 17:57:30 OHCS LIFT program last summer which enabled us to shake some of the 17:57:35 decisions like Internet readiness, larger three-bedroom units which are 17:57:39 more expensive. We were also able to include a 17:57:43 solar array on the roof and really meaningfully implement 17:57:47 the PHB green building policy. Next slide, please 17:57:51 . And then just a little update on 17:57:57 our WB contracting goals. Colas 17:58:00 is our general contractor and they are the largest black owned general 17:58:03 contractor in the Pacific Northwest. And one of the many reasons that we 17:58:07 love working with Colas is that MWE 17:58:10 SB participation is really an inherent part of their mission. 17:58:13 They take it to heart. It is baked into their values at 17:58:15 every level and they do this in a really meaningful way. 17:58:19 They mentor, they outreach, they have incredible transparency. 17:58:23 And truly long-term relationships with their M 17:58:28 WESB subcontractors which aligns with our values when it comes to 17:58:34 MWESB subcontractors. Our sole participation 17:58:38 is shy of 32% which results in about $6.86 million 17:58:42 to MWESB firms so we are 17:58:46 excited to spend our money in a way that aligns with our values. 17:58:50 Next slide, please. And then like I mentioned, 17:58:56 we are thrilled to be able to implement permanent supportive 17:59:00 housing meaningfully, sustainably through the bond opportunity 17:59:04 solicitation, knitting together a funding has been incredibly 17:59:06 impactful. But one of the challenges that is 17:59:10 always present in affordable housing is that the approval process is 17:59:13 and for all of our many sources can be complex. 17:59:17 So we have multiple public funders with multiple processes 17:59:22 and timelines that we all have to sync up together and we have to sync them 17:59:25 up with our lenders and our investors and have our own internal processes. 17:59:29 So it's a carefully orchestrated dance that is sometimes 17:59:34 hard to align perfectly with the iterative and sort of fast 17:59:38 timing of real estate project. So it's particularly 17:59:42 challenging right now. You may have heard of 17:59:46 capacity limits and blackout dates with the state of Oregon when it 17:59:50 comes to their closing timelines so we are driving really hard to hit all of 17:59:55 these multitude of deadlines. We are also wrestling with the 17:59:59 H.U.D. subsidy layering review process, which, I think, all of the 18:00:03 projects that -- are also navigating and we have 18:00:07 built in an extraordinary amount of time to navigate that process 18:00:12 , but, again, sort of -- the system that we work 18:00:16 in doesn't always line up well with an iterative and fast 18:00:20 moving real estate process. And then the final challenge 18:00:24 I think that I'll mention is 18:00:28 not a challenge that is unique to our project or to affordable housing 18:00:34 or -- but probably every real estate project in the United States at this 18:00:38 very moment, is that there are certain commodities that are really volatile 18:00:42 because of some very large market factors. 18:00:46 They are a little hard to predict and hard to get the timing right of 18:00:49 when to buy materials. Supply chain is a challenge and 18:00:53 availability of some of the components and systems that go into buildings. 18:00:57 So we, like many projects, have been navigating this very closely with 18:01:01 our contractor and with their subcontractors. 18:01:05 Colas is in close communication with their subs 18:01:09 to identify exposure on certain materials, ways to 18:01:13 mitigate it and find budget solutions along with our architect team that 18:01:18 can keep the project on budget without sacrificing quality to the residents 18:01:21 or quality to the overall asset in the community as well. 18:01:25 So I think now I will switch it over to Andy on the next slide 18:01:30 , who will wrap up what we have learned from community engagement 18:01:34 and we will move forward. >> Last time 18:01:37 and I will make it quick. We engaged early and often with the 18:01:40 community on this project. We really benefited greatly from 18:01:44 our partners at the Rosewood initiative, which is 18:01:49 the neighborhood 18:01:53 prosperity initiative, nonprofit whose offices are right across the street 18:01:55 from Stark Street Housing. And they have been engaged in 18:02:00 creating a neighborhood vision for Rosewood that includes 18:02:04 the range of housing types and community 18:02:08 assets, wellness assets and educational strengthening 18:02:12 that folks living in the neighborhood feel that they need. 18:02:16 And so the project really benefited in terms of its design and 18:02:20 programming from those conversations. 18:02:24 As Ryan mentioned, we over the last couple of years did a deep assessment 18:02:28 of our own supportive housing focus groups with our 18:02:34 residents and really learned about the need for onsite behavioral 18:02:38 health services from folks who have been living in supportive 18:02:40 housing where that amenity doesn't exist. 18:02:44 So that really resulted in the Lifeworks northwest partnership 18:02:46 . And then we are -- we have been 18:02:51 working really closely with Reynolds school district, 18:02:54 Glen fair elementary and HB Lee middle school. 18:02:58 This project lies in those areas. Those are two schools that 18:03:02 experience very high rates of school mobility, which really negatively 18:03:05 impacts the school environment. Families have to move frequently in 18:03:09 and out of the catchman area during the year, change schools. 18:03:13 So we will be working closely with their homeless student 18:03:17 liaisons to try to coordinate around, lease up and provide 18:03:21 , hopefully, a stable and permanent home for families that have 18:03:26 been experiencing deep instability and insecurity in their housing, 18:03:30 already living in the neighborhood, have an existing partnership 18:03:35 with IRCO and are in the process of discussing a partnership with the 18:03:39 Urban League of Portland to 18:03:43 help BIPOC families from the communities that both of 18:03:48 those organizations work closely with during lease-up 18:03:52 period so we can kind of maximize lease-up of folks 18:03:56 from BIPOC households who, again, have been experiencing deep and ongoing 18:04:00 housing and security in east Portland. 18:04:04 So that's just a snapshot of the community 18:04:06 engagement. And I think we will step back now 18:04:11 and see if we have -- you have any questions we can answer 18:04:13 answer. 18:04:15 >> STEVEN HOLT: Thank you very much. 18:04:19 Any questions from the oversight committee 18:04:24 ? 18:04:26 >> TODD STRUBLE: I would like to 18:04:30 hear more about the Internet on site. That's such a cool idea 18:04:34 . We worked on as part of our COVID 18:04:38 relief efforts in the past year, worked on a technology 18:04:42 grant to bridge the divide and it really put in 18:04:46 stark terms how important it is to have access to that. 18:04:48 I would love to hear more about that. 18:04:50 >> Sure. I would be happy to share more. 18:04:53 I will say we are still in negotiations with the specific 18:04:58 provider that we ended up going with. Either a Comcast or CenturyLink and 18:05:02 both have their trade-offs and I'm sure everyone knows a lot 18:05:06 about your experience personally with either 18:05:08 . And the contracts that we have been 18:05:12 able to explore with those two providers really leverage the scale 18:05:16 of services and that the project budget will 18:05:20 pay as a guarantee for Internet for all 18:05:23 93 units as well as the community spaces. 18:05:27 So that's able to leverage kind of a discounted rate, certainly 18:05:31 better than any individual resident could achieve for 18:05:35 themselves. And there's a couple different 18:05:37 models. One of which, the development 18:05:42 budget would pay a higher up-front installation cost 18:05:45 but essentially pays for the infrastructure for the utility 18:05:49 provider to wire the building and provide readiness to every single unit 18:05:53 and then the operating budget pays for, essentially, kind of like a 18:05:57 monthly access fee for each unit. So there is a higher up-front 18:06:01 capital cast to the project baked into the development budget, which I would 18:06:06 say is possible for us because we have received LIFT funding 18:06:10 and we have received generous public funding and done 18:06:14 really well in our capital campaign. Because it's easily 18:06:19 $100,000 in up-front costs so not something that a lot of affordable 18:06:24 housing projects can do. But we know is critically 18:06:28 important going forward for the equity of our future 18:06:31 residents. And it will reduce an expense to 18:06:36 households, because really what we have heard through our resident 18:06:40 services managers and our work in the city's digital inclusion network is 18:06:44 that many of our families can 18:06:48 pay $0 a month for Internet access 18:06:50 which means that they should not have it. 18:06:54 We can bake it into the operating cost through additional 18:06:58 public subsidy. So I do hope to see greater 18:07:03 initiatives at scale that make this opportunity available to 18:07:07 more affordable housing projects and not just our ability to negotiate with 18:07:11 Comcast and CenturyLink and I think 18:07:15 this digital inclusion work has been making some important headway that so 18:07:19 we stay involved in that as well. Thanks 18:07:20 . >> TODD STRUBLE: Thank you. 18:07:24 I don't have any other questions. But I want to say, I said this 18:07:28 about the other site as well but the connection to a neighborhood 18:07:32 prosperity network site with the initiative, I think 18:07:36 it's a great example of public resources being leveraged familiar 18:07:40 with the [INDISCERNIBLE] 18:07:43 >> TODD STRUBLE: To include and have their support is really gratifying for 18:07:48 me to see in these projects. Thank you. 18:07:49 >> Thank you. It's our hope this is the first, 18:07:54 not the last of the redevelopment projects that include affordable 18:07:58 housing in this neighborhood 18:08:02 . >> STEVEN HOLT: Thank you very 18:08:03 much. Any other questions from the 18:08:07 oversight committee? >> ALLAN LAZO: Dr. Holt, I don't 18:08:10 have a question and I know we are running short on time. 18:08:12 I want to say thank you. This is actually the neighborhood I 18:08:14 grew up in. These are the streets that I ran 18:08:19 around on when I was a kid so it's amazing to me to see what's going out 18:08:20 there. One of the other things is the 18:08:24 displacement of communities of color and immigrant and refugee 18:08:29 are settling out there and I want to make sure these projects serving those 18:08:32 communities are getting the recognition they deserve to do that because I 18:08:36 notice, for instance, on our dashboard, I think 18:08:40 maybe -- so many different great communities that we don't have room to 18:08:43 put communities of color in that square so I want to make sure that we know 18:08:47 that folks that are working in east Portland are serving those communities 18:08:51 and so I don't know how we capture that or making sure that we are capturing 18:08:55 -- when we are talking about a project like this but it's vitally important 18:08:58 to the work you are doing out there. If we had more time I would love to 18:09:02 hear more about what we can do in east Portland, given the previous 18:09:05 conversation we had but we are not going to have time. 18:09:09 Very short on time. But just a quick thank you 18:09:15 . >> Andy: You know where to find 18:09:18 me. Always happy to have that 18:09:19 discussion. >> STEVEN HOLT: Thank you very 18:09:21 much. Great comment. 18:09:25 We are pushing time. That is accurate. 18:09:28 We don't want to be insensitive at the same time. 18:09:31 We want to make sure that we are appropriately communicating the things 18:09:36 that need to be covered. And so we have 18:09:40 next the 30th and Powell Home Forward project and we are going to 18:09:44 give you some moments to communicate and give us an update 18:09:48 what is happening with that project. And then right after that, we are 18:09:52 going to have some moments with our commissioner, who is the new housing 18:09:57 commissioner, as of this year, commissioner Dan Ryan 18:10:02 . Thirtieth and Powell, going forward 18:10:04 . >> AMANDA: Thank you for having 18:10:08 us. I'm Amanda Saul with Home Forward, 18:10:12 an assistant director in the development department and with me 18:10:16 here tonight is Ben Loftis, one of our finance 18:10:17 managers. I was thinking as I was getting 18:10:21 ready for this that I gave a presentation to you all 18:10:26 a year ago and I think it was about three weeks after 18:10:30 we all went remote and it was the first presentation I 18:10:33 had given over Zoom and I was thinking, well, it's a year later and 18:10:36 here we are and I'm more ready than I was a year ago. 18:10:40 So that's good. So I'm here to give a brief update 18:10:45 about 30th and Powell, which is the site that's located on 18:10:49 southeast 30th and Powell, a site that was purchased by the Portland 18:10:53 housing bureau a few years ago. Tanya, can you go to the next 18:10:57 slide? 18:11:00 Sorry. 18:11:03 Just really quick. Do we have the renderings and the 18:11:07 site plan as well? Could we do those first? 18:11:09 >> TANYA WOLFERSPERGER: I can bring those up if you would like. 18:11:12 Which one would you like to see, Amanda? 18:11:15 >> AMANDA: Can you show the site plan? 18:11:18 That would be great. I think that will help orient us a 18:11:19 little bit. >> TANYA WOLFERSPERGER: I'm going 18:11:23 to stop sharing my screen for a second and bring that up 18:11:24 . >> AMANDA: Thank you. 18:11:28 Sorry 18:11:44 . Thanks. 18:11:48 So just to sort of help orient people, this is 18:11:52 30th on the right-hand side of your -- excuse me. 18:11:53 This is Powell on the right-hand side of your screen. 18:11:58 This little half street that you see at the top is 30th avenue 18:12:01 . And then this building is what will 18:12:05 become the Powell project. And I'll just 18:12:09 remind folks that about a year ago, in March, we 18:12:14 bought an additional site, sort of at the back of this site, 18:12:18 to help create a bigger, better and 18:12:22 more developable project. And so I just wanted to show 18:12:27 the site plan because it gives you a sense that it incorporates the 18:12:31 two lots. There is some parking in the back. 18:12:35 And then also access off of 31st street 18:12:39 down here at the bottom of your screen on the left-hand side 18:12:41 . As I talk about other things, it 18:12:45 will just -- it just helps for a little bit of context to be able 18:12:49 to to see what the site looks like currently. 18:12:53 Thanks, Tanya. You can go back to the slides now 18:13:05 . Thank you. 18:13:09 So just to update folks, 18:13:13 this project is a total of 206 18:13:15 units. From the last time we were before 18:13:19 you, it's reduced by four units, which was just to make everything 18:13:23 fit sort of in the building footprint. 18:13:27 It's a total of 68 units that will serve folks at 18:13:31 0 to 30%, and 30 of those units will be set aside 18:13:36 for family PSH units. There's a total 18:13:40 of 59 two-bedroom units and six three-bedroom units 18:13:44 . The two and three-bedroom units 18:13:48 will also have project-based vouchers to ensure that 18:13:52 extremely low income people only have to pay 30% of their income 18:13:56 to live there. We are right now working 18:14:01 closely with a joint office of homeless services to develop our 18:14:06 services partnerships and they have helped us to 18:14:10 identify that right now the LatinX community and chronically 18:14:14 homeless families in LatinX community are underserved by 18:14:19 our TSH projects, and so we are working to develop 18:14:23 those partnerships and create those services plan 18:14:27 to make sure we are serving folks that are most in 18:14:32 need. And just overall 18:14:36 that one of the metrics that the Portland housing bureau uses 18:14:40 is just estimated number of people housed. 18:14:44 So we estimate that this project will serve about 362 people 18:14:49 . Next slide, please 18:14:52 . This picture on the right is the 18:14:57 back of the housing project, which is when we added the 18:15:01 additional lot, it allowed us to provide a lot more out 18:15:06 door space. So we are able to incorporate a 18:15:10 half court basketball hoop, a children's play area, both outside and 18:15:15 inside, some raised garden beds and a really nice seat 18:15:17 ing area as well. So I feel like this really gives 18:15:21 you a sense of what it will be like to live there 18:15:23 . On the left-hand side of the screen 18:15:28 you see the sources of funding. Portland 18:15:32 housing bond is a huge, important source for this project. 18:15:36 This number includes the admin fee, as Ryan 18:15:40 was saying earlier, we also benefit from systems 18:15:45 development charge waivers in the city of Portland, which makes a huge 18:15:49 difference. Low income 18:15:54 housing tax credits, permanent loan and then a seller note for the land 18:15:58 value and then Home Forward's deferred developer fee helped to 18:16:03 create all of the funding to make this project possible 18:16:07 that will be about $80 million. And the housing bond funds 18:16:12 are leveraged about 2 1/2 times. Next slide 18:16:16 , please. As Jill Chen was saying earlier, we 18:16:20 are currently in predevelopment, but moving 18:16:24 towards construction quickly and we are excited about that 18:16:28 . We received design review approval 18:16:32 in March. And then plans were also submitted 18:16:36 for building permits in March. 18:16:40 We have had to do a lot of work with PBOT and ODOT 18:16:45 and PGE. The site on Powell is 18:16:49 a state highway and so access to 18:16:54 30th avenue and what it's used for has been a big topic of 18:16:58 conversation and has impacted our design and our land use 18:17:02 process. We are also in the process of 18:17:07 gathering our financing partners 18:17:10 partners. We expect our plans to go out to 18:17:15 bid in June and as with the last project that you heard about, 18:17:19 our project team is Colas construction 18:17:23 and Holt architecture, same team members. 18:17:26 We feel really lucky to be able to work with them. 18:17:30 Colas does an incredible job doing outreach and helping 18:17:35 to meet really aggressive 18:17:39 NWBS equals which also align with Home Forward's values. 18:17:43 And so that has been exciting to work with them and do 18:17:47 that outreach and target some of 18:17:52 those BIPOC-owned subcontractors 18:17:56 subcontractors. The other milestones are that we 18:18:00 will select our lender and investor -- 18:18:04 our lenders and investors in May and we are supposed to receive permits and 18:18:06 close at the end of August and probably start construction the 18:18:11 beginning of September. Next slide, please 18:18:17 . Just to remind you, the site 18:18:21 about a year ago, when we purchased the back lot, was expanded 18:18:26 from 1.2 acres to 2 1/2 acres and at that 18:18:30 point we increased the number of units from 180 to 18:18:33 206. That allowed us to add parking and 18:18:38 another access off of southeast 31st avenue 18:18:42 and to add much more generous outdoor space 18:18:46 and play area and raise garden beds and seating 18:18:52 area. When I see the renderings that went 18:18:56 to the design review board, I think this is the place I want to live 18:19:00 and that makes me excited. I guess the other 18:19:05 major change that has happened over time is that clarity 18:19:09 around the plan for the access, easement, 18:19:13 slope and the environmental remediation that 18:19:19 was needed on that site. So all of those things are 18:19:23 in process right now. Next slide, please 18:19:27 . This just gives you an overview of 18:19:33 the site, just to remind you the area in 18:19:37 purple was the original 3000 Powell site that PHB 18:19:41 purchased. The yellow and orange site are -- 18:19:45 is the second lot that was purchased by Home Forward a year ago. 18:19:49 And that portion that's in yellow is what will become -- 18:19:54 is what -- the yellow and blue portions are what will encompass 18:20:00 the 3000 Powell project. And the area in 18:20:05 orange will be a homeownership development that PHB 18:20:10 will oversee and allocate through its typical process 18:20:15 . Next slide, please 18:20:20 . In terms of our 18:20:24 MWESB work, through -- 18:20:28 on the sub costs, through our A&E team, 18:20:32 we have -- 86% M 18:20:36 WESB participation and Colas construction is committed to meeting 18:20:41 or exceeding our 18:20:45 DMWESB of 30%. Ranged from 18:20:50 30 to 51% in MWESB participation 18:20:53 . We have our mechanical, electrical 18:20:57 and plumbing subs in place and with those 18:21:02 subs, that allocates about 35% of 18:21:07 our project budget we know 18:21:11 will be with MWESB subs. Another 18:21:15 piece that I will add to that is Home Forward 18:21:19 right now is really actively working 18:21:23 to develop more of a systematic approach 18:21:28 to how we work 18:21:32 with MWESB subs, and then also we have recently added some 18:21:37 new goals around our journey level goals. 18:21:41 We have a workforce training goals for apprenticeships that focus on 18:21:45 women and BIPOC. And we have added those goals to 18:21:49 the journey level. So you can really start to 18:21:53 understand and see if people are moving from the apprentice level into the 18:21:57 journey level and working with our 18:22:02 resident services team to include 18:22:06 our existing residents and our section 8 voucher holders in that 18:22:11 process and help them to understand that these apprenticeship 18:22:15 apprenticeship programs are available to them and building those 18:22:19 relationships with the existing workforce 18:22:24 organizations out there and our existing residents 18:22:28 . Next slide, please 18:22:34 . The original site was burdened with 18:22:38 complex easements that were very expensive and time consuming to 18:22:42 resolve. It also has a 18:22:46 PGE powerline 18:22:51 that runs across and an easement. So Home Forward and PHB 18:22:55 agreed over a year ago to expand the site to help resolve those easement 18:22:58 issues and create a better overall project. 18:23:02 And in March of 2020 that back site was purchased. 18:23:06 And so we are working through those utility easements 18:23:10 and the public right-of-way and what it will 18:23:15 be required by ODOT and PBOT for 18:23:20 the 30th avenue there. And then working with 18:23:24 through with our environmental team and our engineers 18:23:28 on the contaminated soil and how to address those 18:23:32 issues, both prior to and during construction 18:23:37 . Next slide, please. 18:23:41 Community engagement. We have had 18:23:46 several very successful meetings with the 18:23:50 Kenilworth neighborhood association and the inner Powell 18:23:53 alliance through the design review process, we have gotten some great 18:23:57 feedback as well. We have had extensive 18:24:02 engagement with the immediate neighbors, especially hop works who is 18:24:04 to the west and will be most impacted by the project. 18:24:09 And then working with [hopworks] 18:24:13 service providers to develop the new PSH partnerships and 18:24:17 soliciting input, both on this project and 18:24:21 broader projects, about how PSH services 18:24:27 are delivered, you know, in what kind of space, whether it 18:24:32 be trauma informed, private, or whether it 18:24:34 be, you know, sort of more in a common area. 18:24:38 So really thinking about how we incorporate that into our design 18:24:43 design. And then also working 18:24:47 with service partners and people who get -- who have 18:24:50 received and are living in permanent supporttive house. 18:24:54 supportive housing. I think that's the last slide. 18:24:57 I tried to talk fast. >> STEVEN HOLT: Thanks, Amanda. 18:24:59 I appreciate it. Thanks for the presentation and the 18:25:03 information. Any comment or question being very 18:25:08 mindful we are pushing up to our time. But we want to 18:25:12 hear from Commissioner Ryan for sure. Any comments, questions 18:25:16 from the bond oversight committee 18:25:20 ? 18:25:23 I see heads shaking no. 18:25:27 Amanda, thank you very much. We appreciate it. 18:25:30 Looks like an incredible project with great opportunities. 18:25:34 Let me introduce commissioner Dan Ryan, 18:25:38 who is the housing commissioner. Commissioner of the city 18:25:42 of Portland and is overseeing what's going on with the housing department 18:25:43 . Commissioner, welcome into the 18:25:46 space. Thank you also for being sensitive 18:25:50 to allowing the agenda to continue to roll. 18:25:53 >> DAN RYAN: Thank you. Thank you, Dr. Holt and good to see 18:25:57 you all, especially director Callahan. I hear about 18:26:01 these projects at the council meetings. 18:26:03 It's different to listen to them when you're at a meeting like this. 18:26:06 So I actually was enjoying listening. 18:26:10 And I will try to attend more of your meetings 18:26:14 because this is where the action is. It's really -- I want to start off 18:26:16 by thanking all of you. You're volunteers. 18:26:19 And the city needs you. And the city needs you to be bold. 18:26:22 The city needs you to think out of the box. 18:26:26 We are in an emergency, as you might have noticed, if you drive around and 18:26:29 walk around town. And so status quo isn't going to 18:26:32 cut it. It kind of got us to this place, if 18:26:36 you will. So I just appreciate some of the 18:26:37 out-of-box thinking that I was hearing. 18:26:41 I want to start off by acknowledging the first presentation I walked in on, 18:26:45 was Andy Miller was making the connection between schools and talking 18:26:50 about mobility. That's -- 18:26:53 my heart will always be with children with families. 18:26:56 And when I was involved in that space for years, mobility issues were 18:27:00 always top of the list for a teacher that was truly being honest with you 18:27:04 about what was challenging about teaching, for example, in those -- 18:27:08 in that neighborhood that you're specifically talking about. 18:27:10 And it doesn't get enough attention. 18:27:14 And it always puzzled me that a lot of the housing at that time 18:27:16 was smaller units. So it's great to see two and 18:27:21 three-bedroom units and just really appreciate that trend 18:27:23 . My passions would probably be for 18:27:27 children in family housing and then for seniors to have the ability to age in 18:27:29 place. I think that's always on those 18:27:31 margins. So we don't have much time. 18:27:35 So this will just be a very quick hello, because it's a beautiful 18:27:40 night and your time boundary is 6:30 and I am starting to talk to you with 18:27:44 four minutes to go. That's just like really great 18:27:48 opportunity to hopefully just say a little something. 18:27:52 And also hear maybe one or two questions 18:27:53 . I want to give a little bit of 18:27:55 vision. I don't think it's mind blowing, 18:27:59 but I think of things always in a continuum. 18:28:03 When I was in children and family space, it was about birth to 18:28:07 career and really looking at what the community milestones are, 18:28:11 the indicators that we can track. And then how you can then go into 18:28:15 the sub indicators and really look at how to make the community 18:28:19 accountable because your best assets are always the community. 18:28:23 But often we don't connect the dots and leverage like Todd mentioned 18:28:27 earlier, where you leverage the good work that's going on 18:28:31 with the community, big picture plan with government, with the nonprofits 18:28:35 and, yes, bring in all the small businesses 18:28:37 . And the more that we can connect 18:28:39 the dots with the community assets, the better. 18:28:43 So for me it's from people on the streets that are getting no 18:28:48 services, all the way to the continuum where someone is in stable 18:28:52 housing and becoming homeowners and building that equity and that 18:28:55 capital for their families. That's the goal. 18:28:59 And so following that track. And 18:29:03 people's 18:29:08 resiliency and agency is where that is and offering people to move in that 18:29:12 continuum and not remain complacent that they don't want to move because 18:29:18 people in their heart always want to continue to grow and evolve in line. 18:29:22 So I hope that our continuum continues to connect those 18:29:24 dots. And so when the mayor asked me when 18:29:29 I first got in if I had any preference in 18:29:32 bureaus, I didn't. I'm a big advocate for having a 18:29:35 form of government where we all stay focused on the priorities of the city, 18:29:41 which are houselessness and, excuse me, community safety 18:29:46 and economic prosperity, which right now is survival for many, and 18:29:51 so as a unit, as a team of five, we must stay focused on those top 18:29:53 three priorities. So I may be the commissioner that 18:29:57 oversees this, but what I liked that the mayor offered was I said 18:30:00 , can they be connected to one another? 18:30:04 So BDS, the joint office and housing have a 18:30:09 nice symmetry so I can do work 18:30:13 that's more systemic in my time in this role so I look forward 18:30:17 to having meetings that include the three directors in charge of those 18:30:20 three bureaus so we can starts to see where we can leverage within 18:30:24 government and start to break down the silos within and start to see greater 18:30:26 efficiency in the city that needs to work. 18:30:30 I'm going to end with just saying that I 18:30:34 spent an hour and a half last night walking around old town. 18:30:38 I try to do incognito visits to neighborhoods that 18:30:42 are suffering quite a bit. And every time I do 18:30:46 that, well, one, it makes it hard to sleep at night because I couldn't get 18:30:50 over some of the images I felt. And I just hope I encourage all of 18:30:54 you to continue even in this time of Zoom and in time where we are 18:30:59 not literally seeing one another in rooms, to continue to get 18:31:03 out there with your mask on and see how gripping 18:31:07 it is right now. It's -- we are a city that's 18:31:10 in a crisis like we have never been in before. 18:31:13 We have people living in a neighborhood like old town that are 18:31:16 prisoners in their homes. They don't feel safe to go 18:31:18 outside. Just think about that for a 18:31:20 minute. Like that's sad. 18:31:22 And we have communities like that right now. 18:31:26 And so if there's a time for you to make some trouble, for you 18:31:30 to think out of the box, now is the time. 18:31:34 So when we are doing work such as sheltered to housing and we are 18:31:38 doing -- we are codifying the opportunities for tiny 18:31:43 homes, for outdoor villages, how can we think 18:31:47 about -- we have met our goals for this last bond 18:31:51 but what can we do to think out of the box to look at other parts of that 18:31:53 continuum? I think all of these projects are 18:31:55 great. I'm not dismissing that. 18:31:59 I'm just saying, what else can we do to challenge ourselves 18:32:03 so that we really do connect the dots between the housing bureau with the 18:32:05 joint office, which is done all the time. 18:32:09 But I just want us to keep pushing ourselves to be creative at a 18:32:13 time of crisis. And I think I'll just end with 18:32:16 that because of the hour. It's 6:32. 18:32:19 And I'm a real time boundary person. 18:32:22 So if you want me to stay for a few minutes, I will. 18:32:26 But I'll understand if you're done with having being on a Zoom 18:32:29 Zoom. >> STEVEN HOLT: I appreciate that, 18:32:31 commissioner. I think having you hang out for a 18:32:35 little bit is going to be great for some interaction with the oversight 18:32:38 committee members. I will call each oversight 18:32:41 committee member, just call you and give you an opportunity to interact 18:32:44 and respond. I will begin with Anneliese because 18:32:49 you went last last time, you will go first this time 18:32:51 . >> ANNELIESE KOELER: Thank you, Dr. 18:32:53 Holt. Ryan, it's good to see you again 18:32:57 and I really appreciate you coming. I was excited to learn when I were 18:33:00 -- when you got housing. I know how passionate you are about 18:33:06 it. So, yeah, I am excited to have you 18:33:08 here and to hear more about what your vision is. 18:33:12 I know this has been quick. So, you know, excited for 18:33:16 continued conversations and learning more from each other and 18:33:21 from the community. >> DAN RYAN: 18:33:25 Anneliese, tell me why you wanted to be 18:33:27 on this body, the bond oversight committee? 18:33:31 You're all going to answer that. Tell me why you have a fire 18:33:34 in your belly to be on this. If you don't have a fire in your 18:33:39 belly, please leave. >> ANNELIESE KOELER: When 18:33:43 the Portland housing -- I served on one of the original community groups 18:33:48 that brought the Portland housing bond to fruition so to me 18:33:51 it's been really wonderful to join this group and see it through to the 18:33:55 -- hopefully to the very end and to a 18:33:58 success. So often when you do policy work 18:34:03 you're a creating laws and passing bonds and you go onto the next thing 18:34:05 . This has been such an amazing 18:34:09 opportunity to have sat at one of the initial tables, helped pass it and 18:34:13 then continued to see it through all the way 18:34:17 . >> DAN RYAN: Thank you. 18:34:21 >> STEVEN HOLT: We are going to go next to Todd Struble 18:34:21 . >> TODD STRUBLE: Good evening, 18:34:23 commissioner. My name is Todd. 18:34:26 I don't think we have had a chance to meet in person. 18:34:29 But I did want to recognize we know someone in common. 18:34:33 I went hiking earlier this week with 18:34:37 RJ Peters Hagen and he said to say hello. 18:34:40 Small world. >> DAN RYAN: You know RJ? 18:34:43 Wow, I would love to talk off-line for you. 18:34:47 I went to Roosevelt high school back in 18:34:49 the day. >> TODD STRUBLE: He said high 18:34:51 school and college together. But to answer your question, I 18:34:56 think to the seriousness of our housing crisis 18:35:00 , and, you know, I think I was appointed by your predecessor 18:35:04 , commissioner fish and it's been very gratifying to serve on this 18:35:08 committee. I'm appreciative of him for that 18:35:13 opportunity. It's the crisis of our city at this 18:35:17 time and has been for a while and continues to be for 18:35:22 the foreseeable future. I 18:35:27 think commissioner fish saw our work in east Portland 18:35:31 with aupono in the J district 18:35:35 around equitable development and stabilizing communities that have 18:35:39 are vulnerable to the 18:35:42 displacement and the pressures of rising housing costs and economic 18:35:44 challenges. So that is the perspective that I 18:35:48 have tried to bring to this group and this 18:35:52 public project. And I'm -- like I 18:35:56 mentioned before, seeing some of these projects come to life in 18:36:00 some of the neighborhood prosperity networks 18:36:04 that Prosper Portland has invested in has been gratifying and I would like 18:36:07 to see this work through. Thank you. 18:36:10 >> DAN RYAN: Thank you, Todd. That's really helpful. 18:36:14 >> STEVEN HOLT: Susan, we will go to you next. 18:36:18 >> SUSAN EMMONS: I'm also am really happy you're here, Commissioner Ryan, 18:36:22 I think it's so good that you have joined this meeting tonight 18:36:25 . I was appointed by Amanda Fritz to 18:36:28 the bond oversight. I was the director at northwest 18:36:33 pilot project for 31 years. And we were an organization that 18:36:37 published an annual inventory and documented the loss year after year 18:36:39 . And so I think we were one of the 18:36:43 groups, we kept losing housing and losing housing. 18:36:46 In the central city. We monitored one neighborhood. 18:36:50 And so when the bond measure passed and there was an opportunity to sit on 18:36:54 a group that could actually look at projects and determine how we were 18:36:58 going to spend this money and how we were going to report back to the 18:37:02 community and measure, and I think PHB has done an 18:37:07 exceptional job of reporting. We, as members 18:37:09 , we have asked very specific questions. 18:37:13 At one point after one meeting, I said, are we asking -- are 18:37:16 we a nuisance? Are we asking too many questions? 18:37:19 No, no, that's great and that you want the specifics and you want the 18:37:22 budgets and you want to be responsible. 18:37:26 I, like you, have walked the city. I 18:37:29 have lived all my life in an apartment, all my adult life in 18:37:33 apartments and raised our twin sons in an apartment in northwest Portland. 18:37:36 And I talked to people who are camping. 18:37:40 I talked to neighbors who have tents on 18:37:44 their streets in northwest Portland where they never have, 18:37:47 in neighborhoods where we have never seen people camping. 18:37:50 It is appalling. I have the same sense of urgency 18:37:54 that you do. And I think that we have got to 18:37:57 do better and we will. I think that we will. 18:38:01 I am very encouraged by some of the outreach that's going on. 18:38:04 But it is a very difficult and challenging time. 18:38:07 And I just can't say enough about the PHB staff. 18:38:12 I think they are a really hard working, passionate group of people 18:38:14 . So that's my input. 18:38:18 >> DAN RYAN: Thank you, Susan. >> STEVEN HOLT: Allan, it is 18:38:20 you. >> ALLAN LAZO: Thank you, Dr. 18:38:23 Holt. And good evening, Commissioner 18:38:25 Ryan. Great to see you again. 18:38:28 Before council -- was that the same week or was it last week? 18:38:32 It's hard to keep track of the weeks anymore down here in my basement 18:38:35 . I really -- really resonates with 18:38:38 me what you are talking about, kind of where we are in the project. 18:38:42 We were just talking about that earlier in the meeting about the 18:38:46 funding that we have still available in the bond and the opportunity that's 18:38:51 before us and how we look at solving the crisis that is at hand and 18:38:54 how we respond to that. And I agree with the folks here who 18:38:59 tonight have said that the PHB staff are the right folks 18:39:03 to put that charge in their hands. They have been really 18:39:07 wonderful in responding to the work that's happened under the bond and 18:39:11 so it's a pleasure to work with them and to be involved in this. 18:39:15 And, you know, I also appreciate the question about why we are involved 18:39:19 here and for me, it's a very specific answer 18:39:24 and, you know, I think the best way for me to root it is in 18:39:28 something that, as we said, your predecessor, commissioner fish 18:39:34 had pulled me aside to say I was speaking for council and one of the 18:39:38 phrases I used was that, you know, housing isn't just 18:39:42 about -- and I said this earlier, isn't just about the roof over your 18:39:44 head. It's about the opportunity out your 18:39:48 front door. And so we have really, for me, 18:39:52 trying to bring that fair housing perspective, that isn't just about 18:39:57 building units, it's about creating opportunity and insuring that 18:40:01 as we are making these investments, that they are 18:40:05 paying off for those residents in a way that is meaningful 18:40:11 for those folks. And I think that's a 18:40:14 vitally important piece of this work, not just counting the number of units, 18:40:19 the number of people we are housing but what we are doing to 18:40:23 create opportunity, create inclusive communities and to create 18:40:27 opportunities for so many people that might not otherwise have those without 18:40:29 the work that you all are doing here. 18:40:33 So greatly appreciate that. >> DAN RYAN: Thank you, Allan 18:40:37 . >> STEVEN HOLT: Appreciate the 18:40:40 feedback and the opportunity to hear from Commissioner Ryan and then also 18:40:44 for each of the bond oversight members to kind of talk about the fire that's 18:40:47 in their belly. Before I wrap up our meeting, 18:40:51 commissioner, were there any other thoughts or comments? 18:40:53 >> DAN RYAN: I want to make some closing comments after I hear the fire 18:40:57 in your belly, Dr. Holt. >> STEVEN HOLT: Oh, the fire in my 18:41:01 belly. You will get a chance to hear a lot 18:41:05 of the fire in my belly when we come together for the group that 18:41:10 I chair. In this space I am the 18:41:14 facilitator of the work and so -- and helping to strategize how we do what 18:41:18 we do, but I am extremely passionate when it comes 18:41:22 to housing and affordability and how we address gentrification 18:41:26 and displacement. So thank you for the opportunity. 18:41:30 And I look forward to being able to expound 18:41:34 more when we are in the oversight committee for the 18:41:38 north-northeast housing strategies. >> DAN RYAN: Let me just 18:41:42 end by saying I realize I'm on shoulders when you come into any 18:41:46 position and so my job is to leverage those assets and I'll start by saying 18:41:50 that I'm impressed with Dr. Callahan and her team, like was mentioned 18:41:54 earlier, and also mark Joe 18:41:58 land and their team at the joint office and I see them as definitely 18:42:00 connected. I want to mention I saw an article 18:42:04 not too long ago where director Callahan even mentioned we have a slow 18:42:08 permitting process. This just in, since the 18:42:09 [INDISCERNIBLE] Portland has been challenged with 18:42:14 permitting process that's a little glacieresque. 18:42:18 And so we are on it. It's called the permit 18:42:21 improvement task force. And tomorrow we have our second 18:42:25 meeting and we have all seven bureaus that do 18:42:29 permitting are involved with their director and the person that's 18:42:33 online and responsible for the committee itself. 18:42:37 And we have to figure out how to improve and speed that up, especially 18:42:40 at a time like we are in now. Now is the time. 18:42:44 And I just wanted to say congratulations for 18:42:47 the word exceeding being repeated four times on this slide. 18:42:51 It's not lost on me. And I appreciate your 18:42:53 advocacy. And I look forward to being back at 18:42:57 other meetings so I can partner with you and leverage what you're doing out 18:43:02 in the public space so that we can continue to build momentum. 18:43:06 And I agree that Portland's best days are coming and our big challenges 18:43:10 challenge is to show ourselves and the rest of the world that we know how to 18:43:14 handle our gripping houselessness challenge 18:43:17 challenge. Please know my compassion for those 18:43:20 on the streets is big. I lost a brother on the streets and 18:43:24 we have to call it out sometimes and say it's overwhelming and I think 18:43:27 old town might be the neighborhood that sticks out more than most in 18:43:30 terms of just how challenged we are at the moment. 18:43:34 And so anyway, let's just continue to think good thoughts, continue to 18:43:38 have compassion and let's continue to take action. 18:43:41 And I appreciate all of you for the action you took. 18:43:42 Thanks. >> STEVEN HOLT: Thank you. 18:43:45 Appreciate that. With that, we will wrap up our 18:43:48 meeting for tonight. Appreciate everyone being in the 18:43:50 space. We have gone past our time but it 18:43:53 was worth it. The work is significant and the 18:43:55 lift is big. It's going to take all of us 18:43:59 collaboratively, strategically thinking about how we do that together. 18:44:03 So those who were leaning in, it is appreciated and 18:44:06 valued. Our next meeting is going to happen 18:44:09 in July, on the 15th. It will be at 9:30 in the morning. 18:44:13 That's the third Thursday of July. It will be via 18:44:17 Zoom platform and hopefully we will be leaving these platforms and actually 18:44:21 be able to see people in person and reconnect soon. 18:44:25 Until then, let me encourage you to do a couple of things. 18:44:29 One, you have heard it repeatedly, get out in the community and see for 18:44:33 yourself what's going on. Nothing hits your heart like 18:44:37 seeing it up close and personal. Number two, stay safe 18:44:40 . Do what is necessary to keep 18:44:43 yourself and your family safe. And then number three, I think it's 18:44:48 important that we keep breathing, that we breathe deeply, that 18:44:51 we think compassionately and that we take action. 18:44:53 Thanks so much for everybody being in the space. 18:44:55 Have an incredible Thursday evening. 18:44:58 Take care of yourselves. We will see you soon.