00:24:31 Jacob Sherman, PBOT (he, him, his): Jacob Sherman, he/his/him, Portland Bureau of Transportation 00:24:57 jrichmond: Jeremy Richmond Bergelectric 00:25:12 Eric Huang: Eric Huang, he/his/him, Forth Program Manager. 00:25:14 Anthony (They/Them): Anthony Bencivengo (They/Them), Portland Tenants United 00:25:16 amyhillman: Amy Hillman, (she/her) OpConnect 00:25:16 Sergio Lopez (he, him, his), Verde: Sergio Lopez, he/him/his, Verde 00:25:26 Joanne Johnson (she, her): Joanne Johnson, She/her, Water Bureau, 00:25:31 Knowledge Murphy He/Him (Portland): Knowledge Murphy (He/Him) Multnomah County 00:25:32 Sara Wright: Sara Wright, she/her, Oregon Environmental Council 00:25:37 Alice Livermore: Alice Livermore, EV Driver 00:25:57 Silvia Rosa Palleroni: Silvia Palleroni, she/her, Hacienda CDC 00:28:00 Brian Crise: Brian Crise, He/Him, Portland Bureau Development Services 00:38:53 Jacob Sherman, PBOT (he, him, his): For anyone who is interested, here's link to the Oregon Legislature Info on HB 2180: https://olis.oregonlegislature.gov/liz/2021R1/Measures/Overview/HB2180 00:56:35 Joanne Johnson (she, her): great news re accessiility 01:00:01 Anthony (They/Them): Posting these a little after the fact, sorry. Changes that I would love to see made to HB 2180 in a perfect world: (1) ADA accessibility requirements, (2) Stronger inclusionary housing requirements or at least allow local jurisdictions to pass stronger requirements than allowed to currently, (3) Limit fees on EV-ready parking spaces [if landlord charges fee for parking spaces], (4) Strengthen requirements in areas with less access to public transit. 01:04:34 Jacob Sherman, PBOT (he, him, his): To Tammy's point, it might be worth thinking about those requirements for 100% INSTALLED up to a certain amount, and then a % EV Ready beyond that (per Seattle's approach) 01:06:32 Ingrid Fish, City of Portland (she/hers): That is the direction we are currently headed Jacob. We're on the same page! 01:07:23 Anthony (They/Them): Quick thing I want to highlight about best practices we just discussed: I like that Boston's code encourages car share installation. I think encouraging EV car sharing and ride sharing will be important for ensuring accessibility for people who otherwise have trouble affording cars. 01:13:03 Joanne Johnson (she, her): It helps to have multiple codes and levels enforcing (ADA) accessibility requirements. Many jurisdictions disagree on "who" enforces accessibility codes, since the ADA is a Federal law, building codes are state, and then there are City codes. When Access shows up in multiple codes/policies, it saves us all time on that discussion/debate. 01:23:49 Joanne Johnson (she, her): I have to jump to another meeting! Thanks, all. 01:24:01 Ingrid Fish, City of Portland (she/hers): Thanks Joanne! 01:32:40 Sara Wright: I also have to go. Thank you! 01:32:49 Ingrid Fish, City of Portland (she/hers): Thanks Sara! 01:49:27 amyhillman: agreed-best practices are important. 01:49:29 Jacob Sherman, PBOT (he, him, his): Perhaps thinking about a requirement that those # of spots be SHARED USE, as opposed to rented to a specific tenant 01:51:10 amyhillman: I have to run-thank you! 01:51:22 Ingrid Fish, City of Portland (she/hers): Thanks Amy! 01:51:30 Eric Huang, Forth (he/him/his): Had to run for conference session, but great content! Happy to see the progress! 01:51:41 Ingrid Fish, City of Portland (she/hers): Thanks Eric! 01:53:37 Knowledge Murphy He/Him (Portland): Thank you for this informative discussion everyone!