15:14:02   From Jamila Tai she/her : How much progress did we make between 2012 and 2018?
15:14:43   From Lauren Waudé (she/her) : What is the timeline for when we would receive updated federal guidance from the Biden admin?
15:20:04   From Christina Dirks | she/her : Lauren, there is no known timeline at this time. The Executive Order directed HUD to take action to determine the impact of the 2020 HUD rule under Trump's administration "as soon as practicable."
15:47:25   From Becky Straus : where is that non-payment rate data coming from?
15:55:04   From Taylor Smiley Wolfe : Thank you Bimal!
15:55:32   From Becky Straus : Thank you, Bimal! :)
15:55:32   From Bryn Council (she/her) : May we have a copy of the presentation, please?
15:55:38   From Marisa Espinoza (she/her) Northwest Pilot Project : Yes, thank you for the great presentation.
15:55:50   From Allan Lazo | he/him/his | Fair Housing Council of Oregon : I had a question for Bimal.
15:55:59   From Dung Ho : Yes that would be helpful to be shared. Thank you Bimal
15:56:08   From Mara Romero : Just a comment: thank you for providing some data. It has been hard to sort through the information in the media.
15:59:49   From Bimal RajBhandary : FYI we will be sharing today's presentation.
16:07:18   From Jamila Tai she/her : Thank you
16:20:05   From Allan Lazo | he/him/his | Fair Housing Council of Oregon : I think Barbara made reference to this also, but I don't see recommendations related to homeownership in the previous Fair Housing Action Plan. So that's just a pin for something that we might consider, relative to access to wealth-generating opportunity.
16:21:04   From Allan Lazo | he/him/his | Fair Housing Council of Oregon : I agree with Mara that a more-detailed review of the existing Fair Housing Action Plan is a good place for us to start.
16:33:15   From Taylor Smiley Wolfe : BRB
16:34:58   From Allan Lazo | he/him/his | Fair Housing Council of Oregon : That's an interesting thought, Becky. It also does speak to the need possibly for us to know more about other elements of the landscape that have shifted in the city that might have fair housing implications, such as Relocation Assistance, etc. Don't mean to add more work, but things we might need to be aware of.
16:36:28   From Becky Straus : The good news is there’s more data on relocation assistance than there is on FAIR
16:36:53   From Jamila Tai she/her : I’d be happy to get together with a group of folks once we get the information we’ve requested.
16:39:54   From Becky Straus : Maybe I should have learned this in the training, but is this committee subject to public meetings laws in that we cannot meet outside of meetings with a quorum?
16:40:04   From Matthew Tschabold : Yes
16:40:06   From Niki Gillespie : YEs
16:40:32   From Taylor Smiley Wolfe : If we do start by looking at the action plan, could we have a discussion about all of the things it doesn't cover so we aren't replicating something that is too limited in scope? I didn't read the whole thing yet but I imagine it doesn't have land use recommendations, or community resource investment recs but I could be wrong
16:41:59   From Allan Lazo | he/him/his | Fair Housing Council of Oregon : Thanks, Jamila. I also would be open to meeting with folks outside of the committee time to have discussions about our work.
16:45:57   From Jamila Tai she/her : So… groups of 7 and we tackle different subjects? :-)
16:49:08   From Jamila Tai she/her : Thank you!!
16:49:12   From Dung Ho : Thank you
16:49:12   From Marisa Espinoza (she/her) Northwest Pilot Project : Thanks, everyone!
16:49:21   From Taylor Smiley Wolfe : Really looking forward to working with everyone!