1 Authorized Lobbyists - City of Portland
2 (As of 4/18/2007)
4 Lobbyist Name Entity Address City, State Zip Phone Email
5 Alan Osborn League of Women Voters of Portland 310 SW 4th Ave. #520 Portland, OR 97204 503-288-1675 lwvpdx@aracnet.com
6 Andrea Meyer ACLU of Oregon PO Box 40585 Portland, OR 97240 503-227-3186 info@aclu-or.org
7 Anita Decker Pacific Power 825 NE Multnomah Portland, OR 97232 503-813-6232 anita.decker@pacificorp.com
8 Anna Scalera Bicycle Transportation Alliance PO Box 9072 Portland, OR 97207 503-226-0676 scott@bta4bikes.org
9 Anne Kilkenny City Club of Portland 901 SW Washington St. Portland, OH 97205 503 228-7231 lobby_registration@pdxcityclub.org
10 Arnold Cogan City Club of Portland 901 SW Washington St. Portland, OR 97205 503 228-7231 lobby_registration@pdxcityclub.org
11 Barbara Halle Portland General Electric Company 121 SW Salmon Street Portland, OR 97204 503-464-8858 Barbara.Halle@pgn.com
12 Bernie Bottomly Portland Business Alliance 200 SW Market, Suite 1770 Portland, OR 97201 503-224-8684 bbottomly@portlandalliance.com
13 Bert Lowry City Club of Portland 901 SW Washington St. Portland, OR 97205 503 228-7231 lobby_registration@pdxcityclub.org
14 Bill Bach Port of Portland P.O. Box 3529 Portland, OR 97208 503-944-7525 bill.bach@portofportland.com
15 Bill Wyatt Port of Portland P.O. Box 3529 Portland, OR 97208 503-944-7011 bill.wyatt@portofportland.com
16 Bob Stacey 1000 Friends of Oregon 534 SW 3rd Avenue, #300 Portland, OR 97204 503-497-1000 info@friends.org
17 Brad Tonkin Ron Tonkin Family of Dealerships 122 NE 122nd Ave Portland, OR 97230 503-255-4100 sredmond@tonkin.com
18 Brendan McCarthy Portland General Electric Company 121 SW Salmon Street Portland, OR 97204 503-464-7371 brendan.mccarthy@pgn.com
19 Brian B. Doherty Western States Petroleum Association 3400 U.S. Bancorp Tower Portland, OR 97204 503-205-2333 brian.doherty@millernash.com
20 Brian Pearce BOMA 111 SW Fifth, Suite 2120 Portland, OR 97204 503-275-7461 brianp@unicoprop.com
21 Bryan Boehringer OHSU 3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Road, L101 Portland, OR 97239 503-494-6629 fryere@ohsu.edu
22 Carol Cushman League of Women Voters of Portland 310 SW 4th Ave. #520 Portland, OR 97204 503-288-1675 lwvpdx@aracnet.com
23 Carol Dillin Portland General Electric Company 121 SW Salmon Street #325 Portland, OR 97204 503-464-8536 Carol.Dillin@pgn.com
24 Carol Wilson League of Women Voters of Portland 310 SW 4th Ave. #520 Portland, OR 97214 503-228-1675 lwvpdx@aracnet.com
25 Carter MacNichol Portland Streetcar, Inc. 1140 SW 11th Ave, Suite 500 Portland, OR 97205 503-242-0084 carter@sojpdx.com
26 Cece Coleman Pacific Power 825 NE Multnomah Portland, OR 97232 503-813-6762 cece.coleman@pacificorp.com
27 Charlie Allcock Portland General Electric Company 121 SW Salmon Street Portland, OR 97204 503-464-7694 Charlie.Allcock@pgn.com
28 Cherry Harris IUOE Local 701 555 E First St. Gladstone, OR 97027 503-650-7701 cherry@iuoe701.com
29 Chris Corich Port of Portland P.O. Box 3529 Portland, OR 97208 503-460-4112 chris.corich@portofportland.com
30 Chris Kopca BOMA 920 SW Sixth #223 Portland, OR 97204 503-489-2323 ckopca@downtowndevgrp.com
31 Christen White Singer Properties 101 SW Main, Suite 1100 Portland, OR 97204 503-228-2525 cwhite@bjllp.com
32 Christopher P. Smith Portland Streetcar Citizens Advisory Committee 2343 NW Pettygrove St. Portland, OR 97210 503 223-3688 chris@chrissmith.us
33 Christopher Woo City Club of Portland 901 SW Washington St. Portland, OR 97205 503 228-7231 lobby_registration@pdxcityclub.org
34 Corinne Paulson League of Women Voters of Portland 310 SW 4th Ave. #520 Portland, OR 97204 503-288-1675 lwvpdx@aracnet.com
35 Corky Collier Columbia Corridor Association PO Box 55651 Portland, OR 97238 503-287-8686 corky@columbiacorridor.org
36 Craig Davis BOMA 1120 NW Couch #300 Portland, OR 97209 503-224-9656 craig@gbdarchitects.com
37 Craig Honeyman Associated General Contractors Oregon-Columbia Chapter 9450 SW Commerce Circle Ste 200 Wilsonville, OR 97070 503-682-3363 craigh@agc-oregon.org
38 Danelle Romain The Romain Group, LLC 707 SW Broadway Portland, OR 97205 503.226.8090 dromain@teleport.com
39 Daniel O. Bernstine Portland State University P.O. Box 751 Portland, OR 97207 503-725-4419 bernstined@pdx.edu
40 Darleane Lemley League of Women Voters of Portland 310 SW 4th Ave. #520 Portland, OR 97204 503-288-1675 lwvpdx@aracnet.com
41 Dave Robertson Portland General Electric Company 121 SW Salmon Street #325 Portland, OR 97204 503-464-8543 Dave.Robertson@pgn.com
42 Dave Zier BOMA 111 SW Columbia, #1380 Portland, OR 97201 503-223-4777 dzier@melvinmark.com
43 David Dyk City Club of Portland 901 SW Washington St. Portland, OR 97205 503 228-7231 lobby_registration@pdxcityclub.org
44 David Mandell City Club of Portland 901 SW Washington St. Portland, OR 97205 503-228-7231 lobby_registration@pdxcityclub.org
45 Deane Funk Portland General Electric Company 121 SW Salmon Street Portland, OR 97204 503-464-8565 deane.funk@pgn.com
46 Debbie Aiona League of Women Voters of Portland 310 SW 4th Ave. #520 Portland, OR 97204 503-288-1675 lwvpdx@aracnet.com
47 Debbie Kitchin BOMA PO Box 14764 Portland, OR 97293 503-233-3500 dkitchin@interworksllc.com
48 Deborah Murdock Portland State University P.O. Box 751 Portland, OR 97207 503-725-5040 murdockd@pdx.edu
49 Deborah Schwartz Portland Sweatfree Coaltion 311 N. Ivy St. Portland, OR 97227 503-236-7916 sweatfreepdx@riseup.net
50 Debra Carus Bicycle Transportation Alliance PO Box 9072 Portland, OR 97207 503-226-0676 scott@bta4bikes.org
51 Donald Williams City Club of Portland 901 SW Washington St. Portland, OR 97205 503 228-7231 lobby_registration@pdxcityclub.org
52 Doug Capps City Club of Portland 901 SW Washington St. Portland, OR 97205 503 228-7231 lobby_registration@pdxcityclub.org
53 Douglas Capps Portland Public School District 501 N. Dixon Street Portland, OR 97227 503-916-3200 dcapps@pps.k12.or.us
54 Dwight Trahin BOMA 121 SW Salmon #250 Portland, OR 97204 503-464-8696 dwight.trahin@pgn.com
55 Edward Tonkin Ron Tonkin Family of Dealerships 122 NE 122nd Ave Portland, OR 97230 503-255-4100 sredmond@tonkin.com
56 Eileen K. Flinn Portland Public School District 501 N. Dixon Street Portland, OR 97227 503-916-3325 eflinn@pps.k12.or.us
57 Elia Popovich City Club of Portland 901 SW Washington St. Portland, OR 97205 503 228-7231 lobby_registration@pdxcityclub.org
58 Emily Gardner Bicycle Transportation Alliance PO Box 9072 Portland, OR 97207 503.226.0676 emily@bta4bikes.org
59 Eva Schweber City Club of Portland 901 SW Washington St. Portland, OR 97205 503 228-7231 lobby_registration@pdxcityclub.org
60 Evan Manvel Bicycle Transportation Alliance PO Box 9072 Portland, OR 97207 503-226-0676 scott@bta4bikes.org
61 George P. Pernsteiner Oregon University System 544 Ferry St. Ste 3 Salem, OR 97305 503-373-7490 george_pernsteiner@ous.edu
62 Ginny Lang Qwest 421 SW Oak St. Room 8 South 3 Portland, OR 97204 503-242-6667 ginny.lang@qwest.com
63 Greg Goodman Citizens Crime Commission 920 SW Sixth Ave Portland, OR 97204 503-221-1666 ext 7 ggoodman@citycenterparking.com
64 Greg Miller Associated General Contractors Oregon-Columbia Chapter 9450 SW Commerce Circle Ste 200 Wilsonville, OR 97070 503-682-3363 gregm@agc-oregon.org
65 Greg Theisen Port of Portland P.O. Box 3529 Portland, OR 97208 503/944-7522 greg.theisen@portofportland.com
66 Gretchen Kafouory Portland State University PO Box 751 Portland, OR 97207 503-725-2955 kafouryg@pdx.edu
67 Gwenn Baldwin Columbia Rim Corporation 4226 NE 18th Ave Portland, OR 97211 503-975-9517 gwenn@baldwinconsulting.biz
68 Gwenn Baldwin Singer Properties 4226 NE 18th Ave. Portland, OR 97211 503-975-9517 gwenn@baldwinconsulting.biz
69 Gwenn Baldwin Friends of Burnside/Couch, Inc. 4226 NE 18th Avenue Portland, OR 97211 (503) 975-9517 gwenn@baldwinconsulting.biz
70 Gwenn Baldwin Ron Tonkin Family of Dealerships 4226 NE 18th Ave. Portland, OR 97211 503-975-9517 gwenn@baldwinconsulting.biz
71 Haglund Kelley Horngren Jones & Wilder IUOE Local 701 101 SW Main Street, Suite 1800 Portland, OR 97204-3226 503-225-0777 mmalmsheimer@hk-law.com
72 Hank Ashforth Portland Streetcar, Inc. 1140 SW 11th Ave, Suite 500 Portland, OR 97205 503-242-0084 hashforth@ashforthpacific.com
73 Jack Dempsey OHSU 3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd Portland, OR 97239 503-494-6629 dempseyj@ohsu.edu
74 Jake Oken-Berg City Club of Portland 901 SW Washington St. Portland, OR 97205 503 228-7231 lobby_registration@pdxcityclub.org
75 James B. Jeddeloh Citizens Crime Commission 1211 SW Fifth Ave., #1000 Portland, OR 97204 503-221-7502 jjeddeloh@perkinscpas.com
76 James Francesconi William Reilly 101 SW Main St, Suite 1800 Portland, OR 97204 503-225-0777 jfrancesconi@hk-law.com
77 Jane Leo Portland Metropolitan Association of Realtors 5331 SW Macadam Avenue Portland, OR 97239 503-228-6595 jleo@pmar.org
78 Jean Hart City Club of Portland 901 SW Washington St. Portland, OR 97205 503 228-7231 lobby_registration@pdxcityclub.org
79 Jeff Lovinger Pacific Power 825 NE Multnomah Portland, OR 97232 503-813-5891 jeff.lovinger@pacificorp.com
80 Jesse Cornett Portland State University P.O. Box 751 Portland, OR 97207 503-725-2654 cornett@pdx.edu
81 Jessica Adamson Associated General Contractors Oregon-Columbia Chapter 9450 SW Commerce Circle Ste 200 Wilsonville, OR 97070 503-682-3363 jessicaa@agc-oregon.org
82 Jessica Roberts City Club of Portland 901 SW Washington St. Portland, OR 97205 503 228-7231 lobby_registration@pdxcityclub.org
83 Jim Francesconi Oregon and Southern Idaho District Council of Laborers' 101 SW Main Street Ste 1800 Portland, OR 97204 503-225-0777 francesconi@hk-law.com
84 Jim Laubenthal Port of Portland P.O. Box 3529 Portland, OR 97208 503-944-7526 jim.laubenthal@portofportland.com
85 Jim McCauley Home Builders Association of Metropolitan Portland 15555 SW Bangy Road, Suite 300 Lake Oswego, OR 97035 503-684-1880 jimmc@hbapdx.org
86 John Carroll Portland Streetcar, Inc. 1140 SW 11th Ave, Suite 500 Portland, OR 97205 503-242-0084 jcarroll@carrollinvestments.com
87 John Horvick City Club of Portland 901 SW Washington St. Portland, OR 97205 503 228-7231 lobby_registration@pdxcityclub.org
88 Jon Bradford BOMA 101 SW Main #245 Portland, OR 97204 503-478-4884 jbradford@dougbean.com
89 Jon Weber Pacific Power 825 NE Multnomah Portland, OR 97232 503-280-2711 jon.weber@pacificorp.com
90 Judy Peppler Qwest 421 SW Oak St. Room 8 South 3 Portland, OR 97204 503-242-6667 ginny.lang@qwest.com
91 Judy Peppler Portland Business Alliance 200 SW Market Street, Suite 1770 Portland, OR 97201 503-224-8684 bbachmeier@portlandalliance.com
92 Julie Young City Club of Portland 901 SW Washington St. Portland, OR 97205 503 228-7231 lobby_registration@pdxcityclub.org
93 Katherine Wilson Bicycle Transportation Alliance PO Box 9072 Portland, OR 97207 503-226-0676 scott@bta4bikes.org
94 Kay Dannen Portland Streetcar, Inc. 1140 SW 11th Ave, Suite 500 Portland, OR 97205 503-242-0084 dannen@portlandstreetcar.org
95 Ken Antell BOMA 851 SW Sixth #1500 Portland, OR 97204 503-224-6440 ksa@dunn-carney.com
96 Kent Craford The Portland Water Users Coalition c/o The Gallatin Group 920 SW 6th Avenue Portland, OR 97204 503-220-0780 craford@gallatingroup.com
97 Kerry Hampton Portland Public School District 501 N. Dixon Street Portland, OR 97227 503-916-3200 khampton@pps.k12.or.us
98 Kimberly Fuller BOMA 1 SW Columbia #300 Portland, OR 97258 503-412-4862 kimberly_fuller@equityoffice.com
99 Kirstin Greene City Club of Portland 901 SW Washington St. Portland, OR 97205 503 228-7231 lobby_registration@pdxcityclub.org
100 Kurt Wehbring City Club of Portland 901 SW Washington St. Portland, OR 97205 503 228-7231 lobby_registration@pdxcityclub.org
101 Laura Gentry BOMA 1915 NW AmberGlen #365 Beaverton, OR 97006 503-748-0455 lgentry@kginvestment.com
102 Len Bergstein Northwest Strategies, Inc. 805 SW Broadway Portland, OR 97205 503-241-8383 lbergstein@aol.com
103 Linda Nettekoven City Club of Portland 901 SW Washington St. Portland, OR 97205 503 228-7231 lobby_registration@pdxcityclub.org
104 Lindsay Ann Desrochers Portland State University P.O. Box 751 Portland, OR 97207 503-725-4444 ldesrochers@pdx.edu
105 Lise Glancy Port of Portland P.O. Box 3529 Portland, OR 97208 503-944-7584 lise.glancy@portofportland.com
106 Lobbyist Jones Test Lobbying Entity 1221 SW Fifth Ave Portland, OR 97204 503-823-3546 lobbyist@ci.portland.or.us
107 Lobbyist Smith Test Lobbying Entity 1221 SW Fifth Ave Portland, OR 97204 503-823-3546 lobbyist@ci.portland.or.us
108 Louise Grant Citizens Crime Commission 018 SW Boundary Court Portland, OR 97239 503-542-2760 lgrant@pdxccc.org
109 Lyn Musolf City Club of Portland 901 SW Washington St. Portland, OR 97205 503 228-7231 lobby_registration@pdxcityclub.org
110 Lynne Coward City Club of Portland 901 SW Washington St. Portland, OR 97205 503 228-7231 lobby_registration@pdxcityclub.org
111 Marion Haynes Portland Business Alliance 200 SW Market Street, wuite 1770 Portland, OR 97201 503-224-8684 mhaynes@portlandalliance.com
112 Mark Anderson City Club of Portland 901 SW Washington St. Portland, OR 97205 503 228-7231 lobby_registration@pdxcityclub.org
113 Mark Gregory Portland State University PO Box 751 Portland, OR 97207 503-725-3281 gregorym@pdx.edu
114 Mark Neslen Pacific Power 825 NE Multnomah Portland, OR 97232 503-813-5628 mark.neslen@pacificorp.com
115 Mark Williams OHSU 3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd, L101 Portland, OR 97239 503-494-8224 willmark@ohsu.edu
116 Mary Jane Aman City Club of Portland 901 SW Washington St. Portland, OR 97205 503 228-7231 lobby_registration@pdxcityclub.org
117 Mary Kyle McCurdy 1000 Friends of Oregon 534 SW 3rd Avenue, #300 Portland, OR 97204 503-497-1000 info@friends.org
118 Michael Neff William Reilly 101 SW Main St, Suite 1800 Portland, OK 97205 503-225-0777 mneff@hk-law.com
119 Michael Powell Portland Streetcar, Inc. 1140 SW 11th Ave, Suite 500 Portland, OR 97205 503-242-0084 michael.powell@powells.com
120 Michael Powell Friends of Burnside/Couch, Inc. 7 NW 9th Avenue Portland, OR 97209 (503) 228-0540 michael.powell@powells.com
121 Michelle Poyourow Bicycle Transportation Alliance PO Box 9072 Portland, OR 97207 503-226-0676 scott@bta4bikes.org
122 Mike Kuykendall Portland Business Alliance 200 SW Market Street, suite 1770 Portland, OR 97201 503-224-8684 mkuykendall@portlandalliance.com
123 Mike Lindberg Singer Properties 200 SW Market St., Suite 1675 Portland, OR 97201 (503) 221-2388 lindberm@fleishman.com
124 Mike Livingston Portland General Electric Company 121 SW Salmon Street Portland, OR 97204 503-464-8127 mike.livingston@pgn.com
125 Mike Porter Portland General Electric Company 121 SW Salmon Street Portland, OR 97204 503-464-7570 Mike.Porter@pgn.com
126 Norman Turrill League of Women Voters of Portland 310 SW 4th Ave. #520 Portland, OR 97204 503-288-1675 lwvpdx@aracnet.com
127 Pat Reiten Pacific Power 825 NE Multnomah Portland, RI 97232 503-813-7015 pat.reiten@pacifiorp.com
128 Pat Rumer City Club of Portland 901 SW Washington St. Portland, OR 97205 503 228-7231 lobby_registration@pdxcityclub.org
129 Paul Leistner City Club of Portland 901 SW Washington St. Portland, OR 97205 503 228-7231 lobby_registration@pdxcityclub.org
130 Paul Romain The Romain Group, LLC 707 SW Broadway Portland, OR 97205 503.226.8090 promain@teleport.com
131 Peggy Fowler Portland General Electric Company 121 SW Salmon Street Portland, OR 97204 503-464-8406 peggy.fowler@pgn.com
132 Peter Farrelly City Club of Portland 901 SW Washington St. Portland, OR 97205 503 228-7231 lobby_registration@pdxcityclub.org
133 Peter Finley Fry Ron Tonkin Family of Dealerships 2153 SW Main St., #104 Portland, OR 97205 (503) 274-2744 pfinleyfry@aol.com
134 Richard E. Feeney Portland State University P.O. Box 751 Portland, OR 97207 503-725-5040 feeneyr@pdx.edu
135 Richard Goddard Portland General Electric Company 121 SW Salmon Street Portland, OR 07204 503-464-5488 richard.goddard@pgn.com
136 Richard Harris Friends of Burnside/Couch, Inc. 232 NW 6th Avenue Portland, OR 97209 (503) 294-1681 richardh@centralcityconcern.org
137 Richard Singer Singer Properties 416 NW Hermosa Ave Portland, OR 97210 503-228-4348  
138 Rick Gustafson Portland Streetcar, Inc. 1140 SW 11th Ave, Suite 500 Portland, OR 97205 503-242-0084 rgustafson@sojpdx.com
139 Rick Parker Portland Streetcar, Inc. 1140 SW 11th Ave, Suite 500 Portland, OR 97205 503-242-0084 ufco@worldaccess.net
140 Robert Ping Bicycle Transportation Alliance PO Box 9072 Portland, OR 97207 503-226-0676 scott@bta4bikes.org
141 Roger Neu Portland Streetcar, Inc. 1140 SW 11th Ave, Suite 500 Portland, OR 97205 503-242-0084 rogerjneu@msn.com
142 Sam Brooks Portland Business Alliance 200 SW Market Street, Suite 1770 Portland, OR 97201 503-224-8684 bbachmeier@portlandalliance.com
143 Sam Chase Community Development Network 2627 NE Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd Portland, OR 97212 503-335-9884 sam@cdnportland.org
144 Sam Ruda Port of Portland P.O. Box 3529 Portland, OR 97208 503-944-7220 sam.ruda@portofportland.com
145 Sandra McDonough Portland Business Alliance 200 SW Market Street, Suite 1770 Portland, OR 97201 503-224-8684 smcdonough@portlandalliance.com
146 Sania Radcliffe Portland General Electric Company 121 SW Salmon Street Portland, OR 97204 503-464-7329 sania.radcliffe@pgn.com
147 Sarah Adams Pacific Power McDowell and Associates Portland, OR 97204 503-595-3927 sarah@mcd-law.com
148 Scott Andrews Portland Business Alliance 200 SW Market Street, Suite 1770 Portland, OR 97201 503-224-8684 bbachmeier@portlandalliance.com
149 Scott Bolton Pacific Power 825 NE Multnomah Portland, OR 97232 503-813-7202 scott.bolton@pacificorp.com
150 Scott Bricker Bicycle Transportation Alliance PO Box 9072 Portland, OR 97207 503-226-0676 scott@bta4bikes.org
151 Sebastian Degens Port of Portland P.O. Box 3529 Portland, OR 97208 503-944-7214 seb.degens@portofportland.com
152 Sheila Holden Pacific Power 825 NE Multnomah Portland, OR 97232 503-813-6232 sheila.holden@pacificorp.com
153 Shelley Lorenzen League of Women Voters of Portland 310 SW 4th Ave. #520 Portland, OR 97204 503-288-1675 lwvpdx@aracnet.com
154 Steve Huskins BOMA 920 SW Sixth #1020 Portland, OR 97204 503-321-6956 shuskins@standard.com
155 Steve Stadum OHSU 3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd, L101 Portland, OR 97219 503-494-8224 stadum@ohsu.edu
156 Sue Thomas City Club of Portland 901 SW Washington St. Portland, OR 97205 503 228-7231 lobby_registration@pdxcityclub.org
157 Susan Hartnett OHSU 3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Road Portland, OR 97239 503-494-6629 hartnets@ohsu.edu
158 Susan Kelly City Club of Portland 901 SW Washington St. Portland, OR 97205 503 228-7231 lobby_registration@pdxcityclub.org
159 Susan Steward BOMA 1211 SW Fifth L-17 Portland, OR 97204 503-228-9214 susan@bomaportland.org
160 Susie Lahsene Port of Portland P.O. Box 3529 Portland, OR 97208 503-944-7517 susie.lahsene@portofportland.com
161 Sylvia Roll BOMA 1915 NW AmberGlen Parkway #365 Beaverton, OR 97006 503-748-0454 sroll@kginvestment.com
162 Tatiana Terdal City Club of Portland 901 SW Washington St. Portland, OR 97205 503 228-7231 lobby_registration@pdxcityclub.org
163 Tim Ramis Singer Properties 1727 NW Hoyt St Portland, OR 97209 503-222-4402 timr@rcclawyers.com
164 Tim Ramis Columbia Rim Corporation 1727 NW Hoyt Portland, OR 97209 (503) 222-4402 timr@rcclawyers.com
165 Tom Bouillion Port of Portland P.O. Box 3529 Portland, OR 97208 503/944-7615 tom.bouillion@portofportland.com
166 Tom Imeson Port of Portland P.O. Box 3529 Portland, OR 97208 503-944-7015 tom.imeson@portofportland.com
167 Tom Shimota BOMA 1211 SW Fifth, Suite 700 Portland, OR 97204 503-224-1193 tshimota@pacwestcenter.com
168 Vic Rhodes Friends of Burnside/Couch, Inc. 1308 NW Everett Street Portland, OR 97209 (503) 224-0709 vrhodes@wddcorp.com
169 Wade Fickler City Club of Portland 901 SW Washington St. Portland, OR 97205 503 228-7231 lobby_registration@pdxcityclub.org
170 Wade Lange BOMA 825 NE Multnomah #1275 Portland, OR 97232 503-872-1011 wlange@ashforthpacific.com
171 Wendy Radmacher-Willis City Club of Portland 901 SW Washington St. Portland, OR 97205 503 228-7231 lobby_registration@pdxcityclub.org

Q1 2007 Lobbyists