











The City has contracted with Magellan Behavioral Health to provide Employee Assistance.


Personal problems often become personnel issues not only because they can affect the employee's job performance, but also because of the potential impact on co-workers and colleagues. An EAP is a comprehensive service that is based on the early identification of employees with a variety of personal issues.


Supervisors may recommend that employees use the services of the EAP or make mandatory referrals when deemed appropriate, in consultation with their human resources professional and the City Attorney’s office.


EAP records are maintained by the EAP provider and are considered confidential medical records.



How Do I Make An Appointment?


Employees or dependents may call Magellan at (503)-243-6970 or 1-800-258-6616 between 8:30 am and 5:00 pm Monday through Friday to schedule an appointment. After identifying yourself as a City employee, Magellan staff will ask a few questions to help determine the most appropriate counselor and location for your appointment, and will work with you to set a time for your appointment that meets your needs.


Magellan also has counselors available for you to talk with by phone 24 hours a day. Simply call one of the numbers listed above, and let Magellan staff know you would like to talk with someone right away.





The EAP program could not be effective without strict safeguards on employee and dependents' right to privacy. Magellan does not divulge client names or information without their specific written permission. No information regarding clients will be released to any person, organization or group without the express, written permission of the client, except as required by Oregon law in cases of suspected child, handicapped or elder abuse, danger to self or others, medical emergency, or in response to court order.






All benefits eligible employees may use the Employee Assistance Program.



Contact Information


Visit Magellan's website at for more general information and resources to assist you and your family with your mental health and substance abuse concerns or call Magellan directly at (503)-243-6970 or 1-800-258-6616 between 8:30 am and 5:00 pm Monday through Friday.