









A training plan is a tool used to promote eligible employees through satisfactory completion of training, education and career development factors in lieu of the regular examination process.





To be eligible, participants must:


1.  be permanently appointed City employees;


2.  meet the criteria identified in the training plan opportunity announcement; and


3.  not currently meet the qualifications of the training plan position.





A bureau wishing to fill a position through a training plan must first make a written request through the appropriate Human Resource Analyst identifying the position they wish to fill, the timeline, selection process and application evaluation criteria to be used to fill the position. The analyst will identify any additional information necessary to evaluate the request.


Generally, a training plan will not be pre-approved:


1.  if there is an existing eligible register for the target classification; or


2.  if there are names of qualified persons on the laid-off list for the targeted classification; or


3.  if there are names of qualified persons on the injured worker list for the targeted classification; or


4.  if the selection process identified by the bureau is not valid, including but not limited to the scope and timeline for recruitment.



Posting of a Training Plan Opportunity


Once the human resources analyst has approved the request to proceed with a training plan, the bureau with the vacancy will post a notice in a manner described in the approved request.


The training plan announcement must identify the classification, position duties and responsibilities, the critical knowledge, skills and abilities needed for the job, salary (once training is completed), method of application (resume, cover letter, etc.), and the contact person’s name and phone number.


The training plan announcement must be posted for a minimum of five working days.




Application and Selection Process



Selection of a person to fill the training plan must be a competitive process. Applications are received and maintained by the hiring authority. Applications are reviewed and evaluated by person(s) selected by the hiring authority and all applicants are notified of the result(s) of that review.



Plan Development


The selected employee and the bureau must review the knowledge, skills and abilities (KSA's) required for the position as stated in the classification specification.


The selected employee and the bureau manager will identify to what degree the employee possesses each of the KSA's for the targeted position. The manager and employee will then identify how the employee will meet each requirement including:


1.  What method will be used to develop the KSA (course work, on the job training, seminars, etc)


2.  The date that the training for each KSA is projected to be completed.



Length of Training Plans



Training plans must be designed to run from a minimum of six months to a maximum of 2 years.



Approval Developed Training Plan


The bureau must submit the developed training plan to their human resources analyst for review and approval. Criteria for approval will include such factors as:


1.  Are all of the KSA's (found in the Class Specification) for the targeted classification listed?


2.  Does the training plan clearly describe the trainee's current level of expertise for each KSA listed?


3.  Are the proposed training components appropriate and reasonable for raising the trainee's KSA levels to the required levels of the targeted classification?


4.  Will the training be completed within the required timeframe?


If all the criteria are satisfactory and are appropriately recorded, the plan will be sent to the Employment & Development Manager for final approval. The training plan officially begins on the date the Employment & Development Manager approves the plan.



Completing the Training Plan


During the course of the training plan, supervisors should sign off on each KSA as the training for that KSA has been completed. If the benchmarks are not being met, the supervisor may revise, extend or discontinue a training plan.



Approval of Completed Training Plan


Once the employee has met all of the training plan objectives, the hiring authority submits the completed training plan to the human resources analyst for final approval. Documentation of the completed training plan should include a record of classes, courses, on the job training, certificates, and other activities completed along with the supervisor’s initials and the date of completion for each item.



Upon verifying that the required conditions have been met, the analyst will forward the completed plan to the Employment & Development manager.


Upon final approval the employee is eligible for promotion to the target class. To affect a promotion, the bureau completes an E-PAN. Upon promotion, the employee will also need to complete a six-month probationary period in the new, higher level classification before permanent status is achieved.





An employee on a formal training plan in a higher classification is not promoted to the higher classification until completion of the training plan. The employee's salary shall be paid in accordance with the applicable compensation schedule that applies to their current classification.


Once a training plan has been successfully completed and the employee is permanently appointed to the higher classification, the employee may be placed in the salary range of the higher classification as indicated by the training plan.



Administrative Rule History


Adopted by Council March 6, 2002

Effective April 5, 2002