










Reinstatement allows a hiring authority to fill a vacancy with a former employee who has known qualifications for the position and knowledge of the organization.


A former employee may be rehired in their former classification providing they meet the requirements of this administrative rule.



Requirement for Reinstatement of Former Permanent Employees


Any person who has resigned from City service in good standing and had attained permanent status in the requested classification prior to separation, may be reinstated at the request and discretion of the appointing authority and upon approval by the Human Resources Director or designee. For purposes of this administrative rule, "good standing" shall mean appropriate written notice was given prior to departure and the employee did not resign in lieu of termination.


The following requirements must also be met:


1.  The request is made within five (5) years from the date the employee left City service;


2.  There can be no employees on the layoff list for the classification the person would be reinstated to; and


3.  There can be no qualified injured workers available for the targeted classification; and


4.  The person is still qualified to perform the work


Even if all criteria are met reinstatement is at the City’s discretion and is not guaranteed.



Former Probationary Employee


Former probationary employees who have left City service in good standing, and who have served at least sixty (60) days of their probationary period prior to leaving, may be reinstated to their previous probationary status and classification at the request and discretion of the appointing authority and upon approval by the Human Resources Director or designee. The following requirements must also be met:


1.  The request is made within one (1) year from the date they left City service;


2.  The former employee is qualified to do the work;




3.  There are no employees on the layoff list for the classification the person would be reinstated to; and


4.  There are no qualified injured workers available for the targeted classification.


Reinstated employees under this section will be required to serve a new probationary period as prescribed in the Administrative Rule on Probation.



Reinstatement Following a Voluntary Demotion


Any employee who has taken a voluntary demotion that was not the result of a layoff, has attained permanent status in the requested classification, and is still qualified to perform the work may be reinstated at the request and discretion of the appointing authority and upon approval by the Human Resources Director or designee. The following requirements must also be met:


1.  The request is made within five (5) years from the date the employee obtained a voluntary demotion;


2.  There are no employees on the layoff list for the classification the person would be reinstated to; and


3.  There are no qualified injured workers available for the targeted classification.


Employees being reinstated to a position they previously held status in and completed a probationary period will not be required to serve another probationary period.


Seniority in the class shall be adjusted to include previous permanent time in the classification upon reinstatement.



Process For Requesting Reinstatement


1.  The human resources analyst determines that all criteria for reinstatement are met;


2.  The human resources analyst sends a written request for reinstatement to fill a vacancy to the Director of Human Resources or designee;


3.  The Director of Human Resources, or designee, approves or denies the reinstatement and provides notification to the hiring bureau.



Salary Rate, Vacation, Sick Leave Accruals and Seniority


When an employee is reinstated under this administrative rule, the salary rate shall be at the same position in the pay range as when the employee last served in the classification.


Upon reinstatement, the employee's vacation accrual rate will be set at the same rate that was in effect at the time of separation and the accrual date shall be adjusted to account for the time the employee was not working for the City.




Upon reinstatement, any sick leave accruals that were carried on the books at the time of separation will be reinstated.


Seniority in the class shall be adjusted to include previous permanent time in the classification upon reinstatement.



Retired City Employee


See Administrative Rule on Retirees.



Employee Separated for Medical Reasons


See Administrative Rule on Medical Layoff.



Administrative Rule History


Adopted by Council March 6, 2002

Effective April 5, 2002