Purpose |
It is in the interest of the City to place an impacted employee (one who is subject to layoff due to bumping, bureau reorganization and/or budgetary reductions) into vacant positions if possible. While this rule does not guarantee placement of an employee it is the City’s intent to redeploy employees in lieu of layoff whenever possible. This rule is designed:
1. To assist in the placement of an impacted employee affected by budget reductions and reorganizations and
2. For placement of an impacted employee in any classification where the employee possesses the required skills.
Employee Eligibility |
Employees whose employment is impacted due to fiscal emergency, reorganizations, and/or decreases in City revenues. Impacted employees include:
1. Employees whose positions are cut, or
2. Employees subject to layoff as a result of bumping.
Bureau of Human Resources Responsibility |
The Bureau of Human is responsible for all program coordination, including:
1. Provide impacted employees information on the Redeployment Program;
2. Provide impacted employees with information on appropriate vacancies;
3. Provide names and qualifications of impacted employees to the hiring manager for consideration when filling vacancies
The Director of Human Resources shall have discretion to:
1. place a hiring freeze on the impacted classification until impacted employees have been considered;
2. give impacted employees priority consideration for declared vacancies prior to certifying names from an existing eligible list;
3. declare that impacted employees receive first consideration for a vacancy upon receipt of a recruitment request or posting;
4. grant exceptions to existing hiring process, to bureaus for internal hiring of impacted employees;
5. waive the competitive process for participation in a training plan
Hiring Bureau Responsibility |
Bureaus are expected to be full participants in the redeployment process and are required to interview all qualified impacted employees and give them priority consideration when filling vacancies.
Administrative Rule History |
Adopted by Council March 6, 2002 Effective April 5, 2002 |