










Any permanent or limited duration employee shall be granted leave, with pay and without loss of any benefits of employment, to serve as a juror in response to subpoena or similar service issued out of a state or federal court. Generally, the City will not limit the amount of time an employee may serve on a jury and receive pay.


Temporary and Seasonal employees are not paid for time on jury duty but may be granted time off to complete service.



Jury Duty and Work Schedule


When the employee serves as juror on a scheduled day off or vacation day, the employee may retain the fee paid for service as a juror on the employee’s day off or vacation day but will not receive jury duty leave. Under no circumstance shall an employee be paid both jury leave and vacation for the same day.


If jury duty occurs on a scheduled day off, the employee is not entitled to additional time off. Time on jury duty is not included in total hours worked per week for Fair Labor Standards Act purposes or for any other purpose.



Money Received for Service as a Juror or Witness


An employee granted such leave shall pay all money received for service as a juror or witness to the City Treasurer, but shall be reimbursed for approved travel expenses.



Authorization for Jury Duty


A copy of the official court subpoena shall be presented to an employee's supervisor for authorizing and scheduling time off for jury duty. A copy of the subpoena shall be placed in the employee’s payroll file.



Release From Jury Duty


If an employee granted leave under this rule is released from service as juror with more than two (2) hours remaining in the employee’s normal work shift, the employee shall notify their supervisor. The employee shall report to work for the remainder of the shift if the supervisor requests the employee to do so.



Payroll Record


Employees granted jury leave will be carried on the regular payroll in the usual manner with an entry showing service as juror designated by TAAR code.



Administrative Rule History

Adopted by Council March 6, 2002

Effective April 5, 2002