General |
City of Portland employees shall accrue vacation leave as provided in this Rule. Vacation shall be accrued biweekly in conformity with the payroll period. Any vacation time accrued may be taken by an employee in accordance with procedures established by this Rule and bureau rules.
Persons not Entitled to Vacation Benefits |
No person employed as a consultant or expert on a contract basis, employed on a seasonal basis, or temporarily employed in a non-budgeted position shall accrue vacation leave.
Basis for Computing Vacations
Vacation Appropriation Schedule – Full-Time Employees and Bureau of Police Uniformed Personnel of Rank Lieutenant and Above
Annual vacation leave for employees shall be computed on the basis of time actually served. The rate that vacation leave accrues shall depend upon the number of years of total service for the City, whether or not the total was broken. Except as otherwise provided in a labor agreement, if in a calendar year an employee will have attained the following number of years of total service, then beginning on January 1 of that year, the employee's vacation leave shall accrue at the rate indicated in the following appropriation schedules.
Schedule for full-time personnel:
Total Years Accrual Rate Vacation of Per Biweekly Rate Per Service Pay Period Year
0 to 4 3.08 hours 80 hours 5 to 9 4.62 hours 120 hours 10 to 14 5.38 hours 140 hours 15 to 19 6.15 hours 160 hours 20 to 24 6.92 hours 180 hours 25 or more 7.69 hours 200 hours |
Vacation Appropriation Schedule – 53 - Hour Uniformed Members of the Bureau of Fire, Rescue and Emergency Services |
Total Years Accrual Rate Vacation of Per Biweekly Rate Per Service Pay Period Year
0 to 4 9.23 hours 240 hours 5 to 9 10.15 hours 264 hours 10 to 14 11.08 hours 288 hours 15 to 19 12.92 hours 336 hours 20 to 24 13.85 hours 360 hours 25 to 29 14.77 hours 384 hours 30 or more 15.69 hours 408 hours |
Total Service |
As used in this administrative rule, total service:
1. Includes time taken while on leave of absence without pay for military service or Family Medical Leave;
2. Includes time under temporary appointment considered upon permanent appointment to City service, and employment by the Portland Development Commission;
3. Includes any continuous absence because of injury in the line of duty. For employees in the Bureau of Fire, Rescue and Emergency Services and in the Bureau of Police, total service shall include any time on a leave of absence because of occupational or service-connected disability approved by the Fire and Police Disability and Retirement Fund Board if, after that absence, the employee returns to his duties on a full-time basis for a continuous period of at least 30 days;
Except as provided in paragraph (3) of this Subsection, total service excludes time in City service for which an employee receives pension benefits.
Vacation Accrual for Job Sharing Employees |
Benefits eligible job-share employees who share a full-time position and serve for 36-40 hours each pay period shall be allowed one-half the accrual rates outlined in Vacation Appropriation Schedule for full-time employees. Vacation may be used:
1. for non-represented employees, after 173 hours of continuous job sharing employment;
2. for employees represented in collective bargaining, after 1,040 hours of continuous job sharing employment
The progression to higher accrual rates will be based on serving the number of hours equivalent to the time periods designated in the vacation appropriation schedule.
Vacation Accrual for Part Time Employees |
Part-time employees who serve at least 40 hours but less than 72 hours each pay period shall accrue pro-rated vacation based upon standard hours worked in a pay period. Vacation may be used;
1. for non-represented employees, after 173 hours of continuous part-time employment;
2. for employees represented in collective bargaining, after 1,040 hours of continuous part-time employment, unless otherwise designated in a collective bargaining agreement.
The progression to higher accrual rates will be based on serving the number of hours equivalent to the time periods designated in the Vacation Appropriation Schedule.
Time Annual Vacation May Be Taken |
Vacation credits shall accumulate from the first day of employment. Vacation may be used:
1. for non-represented employees, after continuous employment for one month;
2. for employees represented in collective bargaining, after continuous employment for six months, unless otherwise designated in a collective bargaining agreement.
Under normal conditions, employees are expected to take their vacation in the calendar year following the year in which credits were earned. Vacation credits in excess of one year’s earnings may be accrued. However, the total number of hours accrued at the end of the first pay period in January of any year cannot exceed an employee’s vacation accrual for the preceding 24 month period.
Leave in Excess of Maximum Accrual Hours For Workers' Compensation |
See Administrative Rule on Workers' Compensation. |
Employment While on Vacation |
While on vacation, City employees shall not perform service for the City for compensation in any other capacity. |
Transferred Employee |
When an employee is transferred permanently by promotion or otherwise from one bureau to another, the employee's vacation shall become the obligation of the bureau to which the employee transfers. Postponed holidays shall be treated in the same manner as accrued vacation. |
Donation of Vacation Leave |
An employee, having a minimum of six months of city service, may voluntarily donate vacation leave in accordance with the Administrative Rule on Catastrophic Leave.
Administrative Rule History |
Adopted by Council March 6, 2002 Effective April 5, 2002 |