Purpose |
The purpose of this rule is to limit the City’s financial risk and to maximize the safety of drivers, passengers, and the public when vehicles are driven on City business. This rule covers only the driving of vehicles, it is not intended to cover the operation of the equipment.
Bureau managers are responsible for enforcing these rules, and shall ensure that all employees who drive are notified of these rules and the potential consequences of violation.
Unless otherwise provided by a collective bargaining agreement or noted herein, this policy defines the minimum standards for all City bureaus. Requests to deviate from this policy must be submitted in writing, reviewed by the Risk Manager and Vehicle Services, and approved by the Commissioner In Charge of the requesting bureau. Nothing herein shall be construed to limit a bureau from setting higher standards as needed to meet the particular needs of that bureau.
Use of City Vehicles |
Except as noted below, employees of the City are prohibited from authorizing or allowing the use of any vehicle or equipment for any purpose except official City business. Generally, use of City vehicles to commute to and from work is prohibited.
1. Bureaus may adopt written policies that allow use of City vehicles to accomplish brief personal tasks or business incidental to official use, within an area nearby the official use, such as a stop for a personal errand on the way between business appointments.
2. Bureaus may authorize use of City vehicles to commute to and from work in compliance with bureau work rules and Vehicle Services’ Take Home Vehicle Policy.
Bureaus shall adopt written rules consistent with this general rule. Bureaus shall review their rules and practices and be in compliance within sixty days after the effective date of this rule. Written rules shall be approved by Human Resources and Vehicle Services prior to adoption.
Who is Allowed To Drive City Vehicles? |
Bureaus shall allow only qualified drivers to drive vehicles on City business. Bureaus shall ascertain that all of the following eligibility criteria are met before authorization to drive a city vehicle is granted to an individual.
The employee must:
1. Possess a driver’s license valid in the State of Oregon; and
2. Be at least 18 years old, and
3. Possess the necessary license or certification if driving a large or otherwise unusual vehicle; and
4. Successfully complete a City-provided defensive driving course or an outside defensive driving course approved by Risk Management within three months of receiving driving privileges, and every three years thereafter; and
5. If in possession of a Washington driver’s license, sign a release form allowing the City access to his/her motor vehicle records; and
6. Have and maintain an acceptable driving record, to be determined by Risk Management.
a. Before assigning driving privileges or responsibility to a City employee who previously has not driven on City business, bureaus shall have Risk Management obtain and analyze the employee’s driving record in order to determine if the employee is an acceptable risk as a driver. Risk Management shall follow the Administrative Rule on Driving Records to obtain and analyze an employee’s driving history.
b. Upon assigning driving privileges or responsibilities to an employee, bureaus shall notify Risk Management. Risk Management shall monitor the employee’s driving record and notify bureaus when an employee’s record indicates there may be a need to take corrective action.
In addition to City employees, the following people may be allowed to drive vehicles on City business:
1. An officer or agent representing the City.
2. A volunteer or other person acting on behalf of the City.
Drivers who are not city employees but drive City vehicles on occasion must meet the following criteria in order to be allowed to drive on City business:
1. Possess a driver’s license valid in the state of Oregon; and
2. Be at least 18 years old; and
3. Possess the necessary license or certification if driving a large or otherwise unusual vehicle.
Drivers who are not city employees, and use city vehicles regularly, shall be required to meet all the criteria for city employees established above in this section.
Driver Responsibilities |
The following apply to anyone who drives any vehicle on City business. In addition, bureaus may set higher standards to meet the particular needs of the bureau.
1. Inspect Vehicle. Inspect the vehicle at the beginning of each shift or prior to each trip to ensure the vehicle is in safe operating condition prior to use.
2. No Smoking. No person shall smoke or carry any lighted smoking instrument in any City owned or leased motor pool vehicle. See Administrative Rule on Smoking
3. Wear seat belts. The driver and all passengers must wear seat belts when the vehicle is in motion.
4. Obey All Driving Laws. Be familiar with and comply with all applicable state and local driving laws. The Oregon Driver Manuals for drivers, motorcycles, mopeds, bicyclists, and CDL operators are available on line at the DMV website: or at any DMV office.
5. Obey All Parking Regulations. Be familiar with and comply with all applicable parking regulations. Note: City vehicles identified by public registration plates, may park without fee for the maximum time limit allowable at metered spaces. City vehicles are subject to ticketing:
1. If the vehicle remains past the maximum time allowed on the meter; and/or
2. The vehicle does not have public registration plates.
6. Obey City and Bureau safety policies and rules.
7. Parking Tickets. Notify your supervisor by the beginning of the next work shift after receiving a parking citation on a City vehicle. Drivers are personally responsible and liable for any parking tickets received while driving a vehicle on City business. Parking fines received on a City vehicle shall be paid or otherwise resolved promptly by the driver.
8. Photo Radar Citations. Drivers are personally responsible and liable for any photo radar tickets received while driving a vehicle on City business.
9. Moving Violations. Notify your supervisor by the beginning of the next work shift after receiving a moving violation while driving a vehicle on City business. Drivers are personally responsible and liable for any moving violations received while driving a vehicle on City business.
10. Accident. In the event of an accident, immediately notify your supervisor, and, if driving a City vehicle, follow all instructions in the Vehicle Accident Reporting Kit, which must be carried in the vehicle at all times.
11. License. A driver’s license, valid in the state of Oregon, is required. A driver whose driver’s license has been suspended or revoked shall notify his or her supervisor by the beginning of the next work shift. Drive only if you are properly licensed for the particular vehicle.
12. Passengers. Ensure that any passengers who ride with you in a City vehicle, or in any vehicle while on City business, are authorized by this Administrative Rule.
13. Vehicle Fueling. When City vehicles/equipment are used, City Motor Pool fueling facilities must be used whenever possible. They are the most cost-effective source of fuel. The City uses a “chip-key” system. It is issued with the vehicle. You are required to complete training before using the fueling system. Training is provided through written materials which drivers must read before they dispense fuel. The information is updated every year. Please check with your Vehicle Coordinator if you have any questions, or call (503) 823-2277.
14. Weapons. Weapons are not permitted in City vehicles. See Administrative Rule on Workplace Violence.
15. Make City vehicles/equipment available for scheduled service.
16. Maintain clean vehicle.
17. Report City vehicle/equipment damage, safety issues, or mechanical problems to Vehicle Services.
18. Vehicle Modifications. Vehicle Services is responsible for providing all vehicle and equipment modifications to City vehicles. Bureaus and drivers may not make modifications or have them made in any other location.
FLAG System |
Upon hire, all employees’ drivers’ license numbers will be entered into the FLAG system which monitors driving behavior. Risk Management will acquire a list of new hires weekly and add them to the FLAG database.
Privately Owned Motor Vehicles |
See Travel Rules.
Out of Town Rental Vehicles |
See Travel Rules
Passengers |
Only authorized passengers are allowed to ride in City vehicles and other vehicles used for City business. Authorized passengers are:
1. City employees conducting City business.
2. Officers and agents representing the City.
3. Volunteers acting on behalf of the City.
4. Vendors and contractors working on behalf of the City.
5. Participants in official City business and programs.
6. Representatives of other governmental agencies working with the City.
7. Anyone with prior authorization by the bureau.
Fleet Accident Review Board |
Risk Management has established a Fleet Accident Review Board (FARB) to review accidents involving vehicles used to conduct City business to determine whether the accident was preventable by the driver. FARB is responsible for reviewing accidents involving employees of bureaus that do not have their own Fleet Accident Review Process.
Each bureau may establish its own Fleet Accident Review Process. Bureaus may also join together to establish a common process/board to serve more than one bureau.
Rules and Procedures for the FARB
1. The driver shall have the right to appear at the time the accident is reviewed, although attendance is voluntary. FARB shall not consider the presence or absence of a driver in making its determination.
2. A FARB member shall abstain from voting on a review of an accident which involves the member or an employee under the member’s direct supervision.
3. FARB shall provide a written report to the driver, the driver’s bureau, and Risk Management summarizing the results and conclusions of its review.
4. Bureaus shall review an employee’s driving record following any accident determined by FARB to be preventable, to determine whether any corrective action is necessary, and shall report the results of its review and any actions taken to Risk Management.
5. Each FARB shall establish all other rules and bylaws, and provide the procedure for all matters for consideration or action by FARB.
Administrative Rule History |
Adopted by Council March 6, 2002 Effective April 5, 2002