








Citizens of Portland expect the City of Portland to offer continued public service and emergency services during periods of inclement weather. This rule covers conditions that limit transportation or mobility such as snowstorms, ice storms, wind storms, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, floods or any formal declaration by the Mayor of inclement weather which may cause unsafe driving conditions for both public and private transportation.


During periods of inclement weather, employees are expected to report to work unless directed not to do so by their bureau. City employees are required to follow written bureau rules and/or bureau directives on inclement weather.



Attendance and Inclement Weather Rules


Written bureau work rules shall govern how employees should deal with periods of inclement weather. Bureau rules may not allow for pay for time not worked and such work rules shall be consistent with the state wage and hour laws, applicable labor agreements, City Charter, City Code and this administrative rule.



Compensation Guidelines for Bureaus


1.  Where late arrivals or early departures are allowed, bureaus shall require employees to charge any absence due to inclement weather to vacation or compensatory time, except as provided in below.


2.  Bureaus may permit employees to make up short periods of absence due to inclement weather within the pay period, provided such activity does not conflict with City rules or applicable collective bargaining agreements, and that such adjusted work time does not result in additional overtime payments.


3.  Use of sick leave is not allowed for absence due to inclement weather.


4.  Nothing in this rule is intended to modify collective bargaining  agreements.


5.  Nothing in this rule authorizes bureaus to adopt pay practices contrary to  the federal and state wage and hour laws and regulations concerning employees exempt from federal overtime pay requirements.


6.  Non-represented FLSA Exempt employees shall be charged for absences due to inclement weather in accordance with the Administrative Rule on Overtime- FLSA Exempt Employees.








City Charter, Section 2-610, City Business, Time Devoted to.


“All officers and employees receiving pay from this City for full time work shall devote their time during business or duty hours to the interest of the City, except where excused as in this Charter provided”



Administrative Rule History


Adopted by Council March 6, 2002

Effective April 5, 2002