










These Rules are established in accordance with an “Accountable Plan” as defined by the Internal Revenue Service to govern the eligibility for, and payment of, expenses incurred by City Officers, employees, members of boards and commissions, and others during authorized travel directly related to City business. Expenses are to be part of each bureau's annual budget, weighed against other possible uses of the same resources. All travel must be authorized by the Commissioner-In-Charge, who may delegate such approval authority to his/her office staff or designated Bureau Directors.



Authorized Travel-



Travel for City business may include conventions, conferences, meetings of professional associations, training, and meetings with others from which the City will derive benefit through the attendance of a representative. All requests to incur City travel costs must identify the benefit to the City.



Authorized Expenses - Generally


City officials and employees should exercise good judgement, regard for economy, and recognition of proper use of public monies while traveling or incurring expenses in connection with City business. Any expense requested for reimbursement or payment by the City must be documented to be directly and clearly related to the conduct of City business. Expenses to be paid or reimbursed by the City may include: transportation to and from destination, lodging, meals, local transportation at the destination - if required, parking fees, one brief personal long distance call per day, and necessary incidental expenses required to transact City business, such as telephone, postage, or supplies. Reimbursement will be by receipt or contemporaneous record of actual cost only; per diem allowances will not be used.


Meals should generally be for a single individual. When entertaining others, receipts must state the date, names of persons at the meal, and the nature of City business conducted at the meal. The City will not reimburse alcoholic beverages. Reimbursement will be on an actual cost basis, however, costs that exceed objective guidelines on costs in the locale must be justified.



Development of Travel Rules


The Office of Management and Finance is directed by Council to develop travel rules and procedures that clarify and define more precisely the principles expressed in this Administrative Rule. These implementing rules and procedures shall be sent to the Council for review and adoption.



The Office of Management and Finance shall maintain the authority to periodically review and make recommendations to revise the travel rules.


The attached Travel Rules are incorporated into this Administrative Rule by reference.


Requests for payment or reimbursement for items outlined in the Rules for Travel shall be reviewed by Appropriation Unit accounting staff before payment is made. Office of Management and Finance, Accounting Division, and the City Auditor may periodically review for compliance with established rules and procedures. Expenditure records shall be accessible to the media and citizen inquiry. Expense reimbursements will not be made available where supporting expense documentation is not submitted in accordance with the Rules for Travel. Employees not providing a proper accounting of their travel advances will not be allowed to receive subsequent advances and may be denied future travel.



Use of Private Vehicle for Travel


See attached Travel Rules, Page 15- Private Vehicle Use



Coordinating Travel


Travel should be coordinated with one or more designated City travel agencies. The Bureau of Purchases is directed to periodically recommend selection of one or more designated City travel agencies.



Auditing of Travel


Requests for payment/reimbursement for items covered by this rule and the attached Rules for Travel shall be reviewed by the Accounting Division of the Office of Management and Finance and the Auditor’s Office before payment is made. Expenditure records shall be accessible to the media and citizen inquiry.



Administrative Rule History


Adopted by Council March 6, 2002

Effective April 5, 2002