










An employee may notify the benefits office of their domestic partner for purposes of receipt of City benefits such as health insurance, funeral leave, dependent care, catastrophic leave, or FMLA/OFLA leave. For the purposes of this administrative rule, a domestic partner who meets the eligibility criteria below is considered equivalent to a spouse for purposes of benefits. The City of Portland recognizes both same-sex and heterosexual domestic partners.



Eligibility Criteria


For purposes of this rule, a domestic partner:


1.  Is 18 years or older and shares the same permanent residence and household with employee;


2.  Is the exclusive domestic partner of employee;


3.  Is not married to anyone;


4.  Is not related to employee by blood, closer than would be a bar to marriage in the state of permanent residence;


5.  Was mentally competent to enter into a contract when the domestic partnership began; and


6.  Is jointly responsible for common welfare, including providing and/or payment of basic living expenses such as food, shelter and other necessities of life with employee.



Enrollment for Domestic Partner Benefits (including all applicable leave benefits)


An employee must submit both the Employee Affidavit of Dependent Domestic Partner Status and the Affidavit of Domestic Partner of City Employee to the Benefits office. The form shall be completed by the employee and the domestic partner and the signatures of both must be notarized. The Employee Affidavit provides an opportunity for the employee to declare their partnership and/or add their partner to medical, dental and vision coverage if eligible. The affidavit is also required for eligibility of other leave benefits described above. For information regarding domestic partners and health benefits, see the Benefits website.



Termination of Domestic Partnership


If the domestic partnership is terminated, the employee must complete a Change In Family Status Form and submit it to the Benefits office.



Administrative Rule History


Adopted by Council March 6, 2002

Effective April 5, 2002