Purpose |
ORS Chapter 192 provides that “every person has a right to inspect any public record of a public body in this state”. The definition of “public body” includes state and local organizations including county and city governing bodies as well as city bureaus. Although the law provides specific exemptions to disclosure, most records in the possession of a public body are available to the public for inspections. It is the intention of the City of Portland to be responsive, in a timely manner, to requests for public records .
City employees should follow their bureau policies in responding to public records requests. Consult with the Office of City Attorney when questions regarding the application of the Public Records Law in a particular situation arise.
Document Reproduction Charges Allowed |
ORS 192.330(2) authorizes a public body to “establish fees reasonably calculated to reimburse for its actual cost in making such records available” which include the cost of copying documents. Persons requesting extensive copying should be informed of the copying charge and provided an estimate of costs prior to making the copies.
Record Transfer Procedure |
See Attachment A for depositing and retrieving documents at SPARC.
Contact Information |
Questions concerning potential exemptions or procedural issues in responding to requests should be referred to Employee Relations or the City Attorney’s office. Any questions regarding Archives or Records Management should be directed to City Recorder in the Auditor's Office.
References |
City Code 3.76.010; City Charter 2-504; OAR 192; OAR 166
Administrative Rule History |
Adopted by Council March 6, 2002 Effective April 5, 2002 |
Attachment A
Record Transfer Procedure
1. Obtain standard records storage boxes (ID # 615-37-001) from Multnomah County Stores, 503.988.5299.
2. Locate the Retention Schedule(s) that best describes your records.
3. Remove records from three-ring binders and hanging folders, and place into tabbed file folders. Pack records upright in storage boxes, with file tabs clearly titled. Fill entire box, leaving approximately two inches of space for accessibility purposes.
4. Label boxes according to the diagram found on the Records Activity Notice (RAN).
5. Use the Box Folder Listing Form (available through Archives & Records Management) to document the individual files contained within the box. Insert a copy into its respective box. If the records listed are scheduled for permanent retention, also attach a copy of each Box Folder Listing to the RAN.
6. Fill out the RAN. Make a copy for your bureau, and insert the original into box #1 of the shipment. Notify Printing & Distribution at 503.823.4450 that a shipment has been prepared for transfer to the Stanley Parr Archives & Records Center (SPARC). For more than two boxes, P&D will charge a fee for which you will need a center code.
7. A Box Acceptance Notice will be sent to the sender of the shipment as notification of SPARC acceptance of the records. Attached to the Box Acceptance notice will be a Partial Shelf List. Refer to the locations listed on the Partial Shelf List printout when ordering records.
Records Retrieval/Permanent Withdrawal Process
1. Submit requests for Records Retrieval via fax to 503.823.4199, phone 503.823.4631 or email at Locate the SPARC location of your record on Shelf List prior to making a request.
2. Requests made after 8 a.m. will be processed the following workday morning, and picked up by Printing & Distribution before noon.
3. Be sure the SPARC tag stapled to your record remains on your record for its’ return. Notification of Permanent Withdrawal of records, or boxes of records, can be made at the time of request or during your possession.