ORDINANCE No: 176411


*  Authorize the purchase of property in the Far Southwest Portland Neighborhood Association from the Diocese of Oregon for neighborhood park purposes (Ordinance)


The City of Portland ordains:


Section 1. The Council finds:


1.  The Diocese of Oregon has agreed to sell approximately 2.2 acres to the City of Portland ("City") for $486,000 plus the cost of the removal of the structures on the site, which is estimated to be $25,000. The acquisition is within the fair market value range according to an independent appraisal.

2.  The property is commonly identified as Tax Lots 7300 and 8000 on Assessor's Map 1S-1E-31 AC, and more particularly described and shown on Exhibit A, attached to this Ordinance ("Property").


3.  Portland Parks and Recreation ("Parks") has reviewed the available information regarding the Property and recommends acquisition of the Property for use as a neighborhood park because it is in the public interest and for the general benefit and use of the people of the City of Portland.


4.  There are adequate monies available to fund acquisition of the Property. The acquisition will be funded revenue from Parks Systems Development Charges (SDC) or SDC bonded debt. The acquisition is part of the SDC-CIP, a Council approved park land acquisition program.


5.  The Director of Parks estimates that the on-going maintenance cost of the Property will be $13,800 per year in its undeveloped state. This O&M Cost is not already included in the Parks 2001-02 budget, but ongoing funding capacity is available within the O&M set aside in the General Fund Forecast beginning in FY 2002-03.


6.  The one-time site stabilization costs for removal of the buildings on site are estimated to be $8,500. The one-time site stabilization costs of $8,500 will be funded as part of the closing costs.


NOW, THEREFORE, The Council directs:


a.  The Commissioner of Public Utilities is authorized to give any consents and execute any documents necessary to close the transaction once approved as to form by the City Attorney;


b.  The Commissioner of Public Utilities shall direct Parks to deposit $519,500 plus closing costs into an escrow account established for the purpose of acquisition of the Property;


c.  The Director of Parks is directed to add the Property to the City’s park inventory and to plan for its future development as a community park; and,


d.  In accepting responsibility for this property for a future neighborhood park, the Council acknowledges the need to fund the on-going maintenance costs estimated at $13,800 per year, and directs the Bureau of Financial Planning to transfer this funding allocation from the General Fund O & M set-aside to the Parks ongoing budget starting in FY 2002-03.


Section 2. The Council declares that an emergency exists because delay would prevent the completion of the land acquisition and because funds for purchase by the City are available now; therefore, this ordinance shall be in full force and effect after its passage by Council.













Passed by the Council, APR 24 2002        GARY BLACKMER

Auditor of the City of Portland

By /S/ Susan Parsons


Commissioner Francesconi

Janet Wright

April 17, 2002



AGENDA NO. 398-2002