ORDINANCE No. 176394



*Amend Title 16, Vehicles and Traffic, to reflect changes in on-street parking laws, rules, and technology (Ordinance; amend Title 16)


The City of Portland ordains:


Section 1. The Council finds:


1.  City Council approved Ordinance number 175834, which allowed for alternative contracting and for payment of a central pay station system in August 2001.

2.  City Council approved Ordinance number 176191to contract with SchlumbergerSema to provide the City of Portland with on-street pay stations and approved pay and display technology as the citywide standard. This ordinance also directed PDOT to make necessary changes to City Code.

3.  Changes to Title 16 are necessary to acknowledge the pay station technology and the increased payment methods available.

4.  Other miscellaneous changes to Title 16 are required to be consistent with changes in State Oregon Vehicle Code and to update current City regulations.


NOW THEREFORE, the Council directs: a.  Title 16, Vehicles and Traffic, is amended as follows:

City Code Section 16.10.030 Authority to Direct Traffic on Public Rights of Way is Newly added as follows:


Officers and reserve officers of the Portland Police Bureau are authorized to direct, redirect, limit or restrict pedestrian and/or vehicular traffic on any public right of way.


City Code Section 16.10.650 Parking Enforcement Deputies is amended as follows:


B.  Persons appointed as parking enforcement deputies or as supervisors, will be special police officers of the City. As special police officers, the parking enforcement deputies and supervisors will have authority to issue citations for parking violations, including violations of disabled zones on property that is open to the public outside of the public right-of-way.

[Remainder of this section is unchanged]


City Code Section 16.20.120 Prohibited Parking or Stopping of a Vehicle is amended as follows:


H.  When the vehicle is: a truck, a truck trailer, a motor bus, a recreational vehicle, a utility trailer, a drop box or storage container, or has two or more rear axles, in the public right-of-way adjacent to or directly across from residential, public park, church, or school property, except:


I.  When the vehicle is: a truck, truck trailer, a motor bus, a recreational vehicle, a utility trailer, a drop box or storage container, or has two or more axles in the public right-of-way adjacent to or directly across form commercial or industrial property, except:

R.  That is required by law to display two registration plates if a plate is not displayed on the front and the rear of the vehicle.


[Remainder of this section is unchanged]


City Code Section 16.20.160 Use of Streets in Lieu of Off-Street Parking or Storage Prohibited is amended as follows:


D.  It is unlawful for any business entity to store more than one vehicle on any block face between the hours of 8:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m.


[Remainder of this section is unchanged]


City Code Section 16.20.220 Truck Loading Zones is amended as follows:


B.  Only the following vehicles, while being actively loaded or unloaded, may park in a truck loading zone for not more than 30 minutes:


1.  A truck as defined by this Title that permanently exhibits the vehicle’s gross vehicle weight rating according to paragraph 6;


6.  A vehicle required to exhibit any lettering must do so: Commercial signage required by this section must be:


 a.  On both sides of the vehicle;

b.  In 2-inch or larger lettering Magnetic, static cling vinyl (which may not be used on tinted windows), decals, or permanently painted;

c.  In a color that clearly contrasts with the color on which the lettering is displayed; and No smaller than 8 ½ “ by 11”;

d.  So that the lettering is clearly visible at a distance of 20 feet In 2-inch or larger lettering;

e.  In a color that clearly contrasts with the color on which the lettering is displayed; and

f.  In lettering that is clearly visible at a distance of 20 feet.


[Remainder of this section is unchanged]


City Code Section 16.20.240 Taxi Zone is amended as follows:


B.  No vehicle may park in a taxi zone except a taxicab operated by authority of a current taxicab company permit and displaying a current taxi plate issued pursuant to PCC 16.40.710.E.


[Remainder of this section is unchanged]


City Code Section 16.20.430 Meter Time is amended as follows:


A.  It is unlawful for any person to park any vehicle in any parking meter space during the hours of operation of the meter without paying the parking meter fee, or to permit any vehicle in their control or custody to remain in any parking meter space longer than the time designated for such space

B.  At short-term meters, it is unlawful to deposit, or caused to be deposited, a coin to extend the parking time beyond the designated limit for parking in the metered space.


[Remainder of this section is unchanged]


City Code Section 16.20.440 Meter Fees is amended as follows:


A sign or legend which indicates the interval of time for which parking is permitted and the fee payable for the time interval must be posted on all meters. The parking meter fee must be paid with U.S. coins or a payment card by the person parking the vehicle, except:

[Remainder of this section is unchanged]


City Code Section 16.20.445 Pay Stations is Newly added as follows:


A.  It is unlawful to park or permit to be parked any vehicle in a space metered by a

pay station without properly displaying proof of payment.


B.  Proper display of proof of payment means affixing the receipt to the interior of the curbside window of the vehicle in such a manner that the expiration time and date are readily visible from the exterior. For motorcycles, receipts shall be affixed where clearly visible.


City Code Section 16.20.460 Meter Hoods Parking Space Reservation is amended as follows:


A.  A city-issued meter hood may be secured over a parking meter to reserve a parking space may be reserved by securing a meter hood over a single-space parking meter or by placing a space reservation marker on the sidewalk near the curb at the center of the parking space according to the permit’s administrative regulations.


B.  A vehicle parked prior to meter hood placement of a space reservation device will not be considered parked in violation until it is parked longer than the time limit indicated on the meter.


[Remainder of this section is unchanged]


City Code Section 16.20.470 Injury to or Theft from Meters: Unauthorized Possession of Implements is amended as follows:


C.  It is unlawful for any person to knowingly manufacture, duplicate, possess, or use any tool, key, implement or device designed to force, break, unlock, or otherwise gain entry to the money compartment of any parking meter maintained by the City unless authorized to do so by the City Traffic Engineer.

E.  For each violation of this Section, a court may impose a fine of not more than $500 and imprisonment for not more than 6 months, or both. It is unlawful for any person to knowingly duplicate, copy or otherwise falsify a parking payment receipt.

F.  It is unlawful for any person to knowingly damage, deface, or remove a space reservation device.


 [Remainder of this section is unchanged]


16.20.610 Media Permit is amended as follows:


A media permit allows parking in any area designated by the permit. This permit may be issued to a radio or television station and to a newspaper with a daily circulation. The permit may contain restrictions as deemed necessary by the City Traffic Engineer.


City Code Section 16.20.810 Definitions is amended as follows:

P. "Permit decal" (generally) means any resident, business, and guest decal issued by the City Traffic Engineer to residents and businesses in permit areas. Permit decals must be clearly identified as belonging to a specific permit area, for use during a specified permit year, and proper for only one of the following permits: resident, business or guest. These decals must be displayed in the lower left corner of the rear window behind the driver's head in the manner described in the administrative rules for Area Parking Permit decals. Permit decals expire on the last day of the permit year in which they are issued.


[Remainder of this section is unchanged]


City Code Section 16.70.750 Penalty is amended as follows:


B.  Violation of Sections 16.20.470, 16.70.510 A, 16.70.210, 16.70.220 and 16.10.060, is punishable by a fine of not more than $500, or by imprisonment not exceeding 10 days or both.


[Remainder of this section is unchanged]


City Code Section 16.90.245 Parking Meter is amended as follows:


A device placed at or near the curb adjacent to the street area, authorized by the City and designed to register the duration of the parking time and the limit thereof, upon payment by U.S. coin or a payment card. Parking meter includes a pay station.


City Code Section 16.90.247 Payment Card is Newly added as follows:


 A valid credit, debit or stored value card.


City Code Section 16.90.249 Space Reservation Device is Newly added as follows:


A hood that is secured over a parking meter or a marker that is placed near the curb at the center of the parking space, which contains administrative information on permit holder and regulations.



Auditor of the City of Portland

By /S/ Susan Parsons

 Passed by the Council APR 17 2002

Commissioner Charlie Hales  Deputy

April 17, 2002

K. Knudson/ks


Section 2. The Council declares an emergency exists because delay in implementation would interrupt the Portland Office of Transportation ability to provide necessary resources to the established schedule of on-street pay stations



AGENDA NO. 373-2002