Statement of the Work and
Payment Schedule
1. Conduct Initial Site Investigation, Document Review, and Meetings
• Visually inspect condition of water supply, wells, irrigation and pumping system components
• Perform hydrogeologic testing of wells to determine condition and capacity of wells.
• Meet with course superintendent, course management, and Parks staff to:
-attend orientation meeting and discuss project schedule
-determine new irrigation system operating features and performance requirements
-determine exact areas to be irrigated and maximum length of nightly watering window
-obtain drawings, CAD base maps, well logs, and water usage records
2. Prepare Feasibility Study
• Assess existing water supply and pumping subsystems
• Calculate irrigation system flow-rate requirements based on area to be irrigated and maximum length of nightly water window.
• Investigate and analyze appropriate water supply/storage/pumping options, including construction of irrigation reservoir, to meet flow rate and storage requirements and estimate associated costs
• Investigate required permits for each option
• Develop and submit written feasibility study including preliminary construction and maintenance costs.
• Present and discuss feasibility study and options with Parks staff
3. Prepare Irrigation/Pumping System Schematic Design and Cost Estimate
• Develop irrigation base, from owner-provided CAD and digitized aerial, per Parks standards.
• Starting at greens, and working towards tees, design layout of sprinklers
• Layout lateral and mainline piping, isolation valves, air vacuum air-relief valves (etc.) and conduct hydraulic analysis to properly size pipe and determine pressure reducing valve requirements (if any)
• Design well pumps and associated controls and hydraulic configuration so that pumps are not working against each other; or if irrigation reservoir option chosen, design reservoir, pump plant, pump house (Kuhn standard design), wet-well and intake pipe
• Quantify (material quantity takeoff) irrigation and pump system components and, based on extensive historical cost database and phone calls to utilities etc, develop construction cost estimate
• Submit schematic design and cost estimate and meet to discuss with City
4. Prepare Final Construction Documents and Cost Estimate
• Develop plan-view drawings for mechanical, electrical, control, and pumping systems
• Develop the construction documents for replacement of existing potable water lines downstream of existing meter and back flow preventer, to on-site drinking fountains and restrooms.
• Develop detail drawings using Kuhn and City standard details
• Develop well-pump detail drawings; if reservoir option chosen, develop reservoir, pump plant, pump house, and wet-well plans and details
• Develop technical specifications (based on 30 years of proven methods and requirements) and assist city to develop bid instructions/proposal and boilerplate, and general and special conditions.
• Submit design development documents for 80% and 95% reviews and final cost estimate and meet to discuss with City
5. Provide Bid Assistance
• Participate at pre-bid meeting; answer technical questions/RFIs, and prepare bid addendums.
• Assist evaluation of bids and selection of contractor
6. Provide Construction Management Services and Technical Support
• Develop language for proposed change orders, if any
• Conduct pre-construction meeting and weekly construction inspections (maximum 17), field stake sprinkler locations (maximum 6 staking visits),
• Locate installed sprinklers, valve boxes, and other at-grade irrigation and pumping system components utilizing Global Positioning Systems (GPS)
• Conduct substantial completion and final inspections and develop punchlist
7. Prepare As Built Drawings
• Develop CAD as-built drawings, in format suitable for future use in development of Rain Bird central controller map-based display. Provide as-built drawings to City in AutoCAD Release 14 format.
The City shall pay the Contractor at an hourly rate for time spent on work under the Agreement as follows:
Person Doing Work Hourly Rate
Civil Engineer/Principal $105.00 per hour
Hydrogeologist $75.00 per hour
Golf Architect $120.00 per hour
Designer $75.00 per hour
CAD Drafter $51.00 per hour
Progress payments will be made to the consultant based on a time, materials, and expense basis with a not to exceed price amount of:
Following completion of:
1. Initial Site Investigation, Document Review, and Meetings ($1,300.00)
2. Hydrogeologic investigation, well-pump testing of 2 wells, water quality testing ($5,050)
3. Camera Inspection of 2 wells ($1,400)
4. Feasibility Study ($4,000.00)
Following completion of:
1. Irrigation/Pumping System Schematic Design and Cost Estimate ($7,800.00)
2. Reservoir Schematic Design and Cost Estimate ($2,500.00)
3. Potable Water Line Schematic Design and Cost Estimate ($500.00)
Following completion of:
1. Final Construction Documents and Cost Estimate for irrigation & pumping system ($10,000.00)
2. Final Construction documents and Cost Estimate for irrigation reservoir. ($3,000)
3. Final Construction documents and Cost Estimate for well redevelopment. ($800)
4. Final Construction documents and Cost Estimate for potable water lines. ($500)
❑ Progress payments will be made following 80% review (50% of fee), 95% review (25% of fee), & final construction document and cost estimate submittal (25% of fee).
Following completion of:
1. Bid Assistance ($1,400.00)
Following completion of:
1. Construction Management and Technical Support for irrigation & pumping system installation ($16,600.00)
2. Construction Management and Technical Support for reservoir installation ($4,500.00)
3. Construction Management and Technical Support for irrigation well redevelopment, chemical option ($700.00)
4. Construction Management and Technical Support for irrigation well redevelopment, mechanical option ($2,000.00)
5. Construction Management and Technical Support for irrigation well redevelopment, liner gravel pack option ($3,500.00)
❑ Progress payments will be made following each months services.
Following completion of:
1. As Built Drawings ($4,700.00)
The fee structure for performance of work outside of the Statement of Work described herein (additional services) is as follows:
❑ Civil Engineer/Principal = $105.00 per hour + Travel Expenses*
❑ Hydrogeologist = $75.00 per hour + Travel Expenses*
❑ Golf Architect = $120.00 per hour + Travel Expenses*
❑ Designer = $75.00 per hour + Travel Expenses*
❑ CAD Drafter = $51.00 per hour + Travel Expenses*
• Travel Expenses associated with performance of additional services includes auto mileage reimbursement at $0.34/mile (@ 362 miles R/T), reimbursement for full costs of meals and reimbursement for full costs of hotel if overnight stay is required. It is not anticipated that air travel will be necessary, but if it is, travel expenses will include full price of round trip, coach airfare plus airport parking fees. Airport parking fee reimbursement shall be full price to park at commercial long-term parking lot near SEATAC airport.
CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION I, undersigned, am authorized to act on behalf of entity designated below, hereby certify that entity has current Workers' Compensation Insurance.
Signature_________________________________ Date_________________________ Entity_______________________
If entity does not have Workers' Compensation Insurance, City Project Manager and Contractor complete the remainder of this form. |
ORS 670.600 Independent contractor; standards. As used in various provisions of ORS Chapters 316, 656, 657, and 701, an individual or business entity that performs labor or services for remuneration shall be considered to perform the labor or services as an "independent contractor" if the standards of this section are met. The contracted work meets the following standards:
1. The individual or business entity providing the labor or services is free from direction and control over the means and manner of providing the labor or services, subject only to the right of the person for whom the labor or services are provided to specify the desired results;
2. The individual or business entity providing labor or services is responsible for obtaining all assumed business registrations or professional occupation licenses required by state law or local government ordinances for the individual or business entity to conduct the business;
3. The individual or business entity providing labor or services furnishes the tools or equipment necessary for performance of the contracted labor or services;
4. The individual or business entity providing labor or services has the authority to hire and fire employees to perform the labor or services;
5. Payment for the labor or services is made upon completion of the performance of specific portions of the project or is made on the basis of an annual or periodic retainer.
____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________
Project Manager Signature Date
Independent contractor certifies he/she meets the following standards:
1. The individual or business entity providing labor or services is registered under ORS Chapter 701, if the individual or business entity provides labor or services for which such registration is required;
2. Federal and state income tax returns in the name of the business or a business Schedule C or form Schedule F as part of the personal income tax return were filed for the previous year if the individual or business entity performed labor or services as an independent contractor in the previous year; and
3. The individual or business entity represents to the public that the labor or services are to be provided by an independently established business. Except when an individual or business entity files a Schedule F as part of the personal income tax returns and the individual or business entity performs farm labor or services that are reportable on Schedule C, an individual or business entity is considered to be engaged in an independently established business when four or more of the following circumstances exist. Contractor check four or more of the following:
___x__ A. The labor or services are primarily carried out at a location that is separate from the residence of an individual who performs the labor or services, or are primarily carried out in a specific portion of the residence, which portion is set aside as the location of the business;
___x__ B. Commercial advertising or business cards as is customary in operating similar businesses are purchased for the business, or the individual or business entity has a trade association membership;
___x__ C. Telephone listing and service are used for the business that is separate from the personal residence listing and service used by an individual who performs the labor or services;
___x__ D. Labor or services are performed only pursuant to written contracts;
___x__ E. Labor or services are performed for two or more different persons within a period of one year; or
___x__ F. The individual or business entity assumes financial responsibility for defective workmanship or for service not provided as evidenced by the ownership of performance bonds, warranties, errors and omission insurance or liability insurance relating to the labor or services to be provided.
____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________
Contractor Signature Date
EXHIBIT B Rev. 07/00
INSURANCE (The Project Manager must answer and initial 2, 3, and 4 below).
During the term of this contract Contractor shall maintain in force at its own expense, each insurance noted below:
1. Workers Compensation insurance in compliance with ORS 656.017, which requires subject employers to provide Oregon workers' compensation coverage for all their subject workers (contractors with one or more employees, unless exempt under ORS 656.027).
2. __x___ Required and attached or Waived by City Attorney :_______
General Liability insurance with a combined single limit of not less than $500,000 each occurrence for Bodily Injury and Property Damage. It shall include contractual liability coverage for the indemnity provided under this contract, and shall provide that City of Portland, and its agents, officers, and employees are Additional Insured but only with respect to the Contractor's services to be provided under this Contract:
3. __x___ Required and attached or Waived by City Attorney : _______
Automobile Liability insurance with a combined single limit of not less than $500,000 each occurrence for Bodily Injury and Property Damage, including coverage for owned, hired, or nonowned vehicles, as applicable:
4. ___x__ Required and attached or Waived by City Attorney : ______
Professional Liability insurance with a combined single limit of not less than $1,000,000 each claim, incident, or occurrence. This is to cover damages caused by error, omission or negligent acts related to the professional services to be provided under this contract.
5. On all types of insurance. There shall be no cancellation, material change, reduction of limits, or intent not to renew the insurance coverage(s) without 30-days written notice from the Contractor or its insurer(s) to the City.
6. Certificates of insurance. As evidence of the insurance coverages required by this contract, the Contractor shall furnish acceptable insurance certificates to the City at the time contractor returns signed contracts. The certificate will specify all of the parties who are Additional Insured and will include the 30-day cancellation clause that provides that the insurance shall not terminate or be cancelled without 30 days written notice first being given to the City Auditor. Insuring companies or entities are subject to City acceptance. If requested, complete policy copies shall be provided to the City. The Contractor shall be financially responsible for all pertinent deductibles, self-insured retentions, and/or self-insurance.
EXHIBIT C Rev. 07/00
The following activities, unless otherwise mutually agreed by both parties, are excluded from the scope of work to be performed by the Contractor:
• Removal and re-installation of existing well pumps
• Installation of piping for discharge of well water during well pump testing
• Finding location or means of disposing of water generated during well pump testing
• Preparation of applications for water rights
• Development of Construction contract
• More than 17 weekly construction meetings and on-site inspections
• More than 6 sprinkler-staking field visits
• Programming irrigation central control computer
• Development of mapping display for irrigation central control computer
1. City will provide to the Contractor, in a timely manner, the following information:
• CAD-generated base maps prepared by digitizing aerial topographic and site interpreted information, including accurate edges of all greens, tees, bunkers, cart paths, paved surfaces, and fences. Base map file to be accurately scaled. Contractor will rely on accuracy of base map generated by City
• As-built drawings for existing irrigation system, wells, well pumps, and well pump structures (if available)
• Drawings showing locations of existing buried utilities (if available)
• Drawings showing locations of fairway and green drainage systems or estimated locations (if applicable)
• Personnel knowledgeable of irrigation system operation
• Information on intent as it relates to double and triple row head layout and design and boundaries of areas to be irrigated
• Information on well logs
• Information on water usage
• Copy of water rights certificates or permits
• Parks standards for design and construction document files and title blocks
• Parks standard irrigation details
• Full unrestricted access to golf course site during Contractor site investigation, field sprinkler staking, construction inspection, and GPS survey
• Golf cart for Contractor use during site investigation, field sprinkler staking, construction inspection, and GPS survey
• Description of any planned future golf course improvements that might significantly affect design on new irrigation system
2. City will perform, in a timely manner, the following tasks:
• Provide project initiation and description of desired system design
• Pull and replace pumps in conjunction with camera survey
• Connect pump discharge piping in connection with well pump test
• Determine location to accept well pump test discharge water
• Monitor wells throughout well pump test, including taking and recording hourly water level measurements (late afternoon, evening, morning) for each test
• Coordinating in-house reviews of consultant’s work
• Provide written reviews and comments on consultant’s work
• Editing Portland Parks Master Specifications per Consultant ‘red-lines’and provide final camera-ready copy of Project Manual including Boilerplate and Technical Specifications
• Packaging the final set of bid documents and transmitting to City of Portland Bureau of Purchases
• Securing all relevant permits and electrical service (if applicable)
• Provide Contractor two copies of final bid documents
• For protection of Contractor and construction personnel, close each fairway during sprinkler staking and GPS surveys
• Develop sprinkler stationing assignments on Contractor-provided drawing
• Post process deviations to City drafting standards in MicroStation