*Amend Agreement with Group Mackenzie to provide architectural and engineering services for design and construction of Fire Station 12, and provide for payment (Ordinance; Amend Agreement No. 33187)


The City of Portland ordains:


Section 1.  The Council finds:


1.  On November 7, 1998 the citizens of Portland authorized the sale of general obligation bonds for a $61.1 million program to improve city emergency services. Included in the bond was the construction of eleven (11) new fire stations.


2.  Through an open and competitive selection process Group Mackenzie was selected to provide architectural and engineering services for the development of a new Fire Station 12. An Agreement for Services (#33187) was issued on September 25, 2000 in the amount of $154,216.00.


3.  The Agreement was previously amended in Modifying Agreement No. 1 dated September 4, 2001 in the amount of $19,185.00, Modifying Agreement No. 2 dated October 24, 2001 in the amount of $21,440.00, and Modifying Agreement No. 3 dated February 8, 2002 in the amount of $8,296.00.


4.  Additional services required as part of the development of Fire Station 12 are as follows as detailed in the proposal from Group MacKenzie dated 01-17-02, attached as Exhibit 1:


a.  Based on an agreement between PDOT and ODOT, the ODOT jurisdictional work will be inspected by PDOT. This will require revision of the drawings to meet PDOT standards. PDOT requires the drawings to utilize English units and City title block. To meet this requirement, the Contractor will need to reformat their sheets and recalculate dimensions and stationing.

b.  PDOT has recently begun asking for curb return profiles to accompany all plans. When these plans were initially prepared, this was not a requirement; however, the lag in submittal dates due to signal design will require the curb return profiles be included.


5.  The fee for the additional services listed in paragraph 4 above is $2,800.00. The total of the additional services approved in Modifying Agreements No. 1, No. 2, and No. 3 was $48,921.00, for total additional services of $51,721.00.


6.  Contract Amendment No. 4 is attached, signed by the architect and approved as to form by the City Attorney.


7.  The Bureau of General Services recommends that Agreement No. 33187 with Group Mackenzie be amended to provide added architectural and engineering services at Fire Station 12 by $2,800.00 for a total contract amount of $205,937.00.


NOW, THEREFORE, the Council directs:


 a.  The Mayor and Auditor are authorized to execute Contract Amendment No. 4, attached hereto as Exhibit A, with Group Mackenzie in the amount of $2,800.00 for a total contract amount of $205,937.00.


 b.  The Mayor and the Auditor are authorized to draw and deliver checks chargeable to the fiscal year 2001-02 budget of Facilities Services when demand is presented and approved by the proper authorities.


Section 2.  The Council declares that an emergency exists because a delay will unnecessarily deprive the City of the benefits of completion of the contract at an early date; therefore, this Ordinance shall be in force and effect from and after its passage by the Council.






















Passed by the Council, MAR 27 2002    GARY BLACKMER

Mayor Vera Katz          Auditor of the City of Portland

Dick Ragland/dls  By /S/ Susan Parsons

February 22, 2002                Deputy



AGENDA NO. 292-2002









