ORDINANCE No. 176340
* Contract with E.D. Hovee & Company for an amount not to exceed $75,000 to provide research and analysis for the Portland Harbor Industrial Lands Study and provide for payment. (Ordinance)
The City of Portland ordains:
Section 1. The Council finds that:
1. An assessment of the future land needs of industries in the Portland Harbor area is needed to assist the City in considering revisions to Portland’s Willamette Greenway Plan and associated regulations.
2. The Bureau of Planning requires an economic consultant to prepare Phase 2 of the Portland Harbor Industrial Lands Study. The work will consist of interviews and supportive research on harbor area firms, analysis of inter-firm relationships and the area’s location advantages, assessment of demand for industrial land in the area to the year 2030, and a rating system and map of industrial site quality. The Bureau of Planning is preparing Phase 1 internally, which consists of inventories, research on trends, and a contextual overview of the harbor industrial districts.
3. Funds for the contract will be used from the Greenway General Fund budget (Center Code 510-81-803). The Bureau of Planning will also be seeking cost-sharing agreements with the Portland Development Commission for $25,000 and Port of Portland for $5,000.
4. A request for proposals was issued on January 28, 2002, and three proposals were received on February 18. A three-person selection committee, comprised of representatives from the Bureau of Planning, Portland Development Commission, and Port of Portland, held interviews and evaluated the proposals on February 27. The committee recommends that the firm of E.D. Hovee & Company be awarded the contract.
NOW, THEREFORE, the Council directs:
A. The Mayor and Auditor are hereby authorized to execute the agreement attached as Exhibit A.
B. The Mayor and Auditor are authorized to provide for payment chargeable to the applicable budgets when demand is presented and approved by the appropriate authorities.
Section 2. The Council declares an emergency exists because of the need to meet existing project deadlines; therefore, this Ordinance shall be in force and effect from and after its passage by the Council.
Passed by the Council: MAR 27 2002 GARY BLACKMER
Auditor of the City of Portland
Prepared by: Steve Kountz, Bureau of Planning By /S/ Susan Parsons
AGENDA NO. 290-2002
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