Intergovernment Agreement Between City of Portland Bureau of Planning

And the Northwest Power Planning Council

CONTRACT No. 33431




This Addendum is between the City of Portland, hereafter called “the City, ”and Northwest Power Planning Council, hereafter called “the Council.” The City’s Project Manager for this contract is Jim Middaugh.


1) Reason for Amendment to Contract

Agreement between Contractor and City that the projects and work programs would require a longer period to complete than first anticipated. Minor changes to the Statement of Work were also required due to work program changes. No change is proposed to the amount of compensation.


2) Amendments to original contract

a) Page 1: Effective Date and Duration:

This contract is extended, unless otherwise terminated, to June 30, 2002



3) Amendments to Statement of Work and Payment Schedule

Exhibit A to be replaced, in its entirety, by Exhibit B (attached).







I, the undersigned, agree to these changes to Agreement and attached Statement of Work and Payment Schedule.



Approved by the Council:  _______________________________________    _____________________

         Signature/Title          Date






Approved by Mayor or Commissioner:    _______________________________________________________                Elected Official or Delegate        Date


Approved by Bureau Director:    _______________________________________________________

         Bureau Director          Date


Approved by City Auditor:    _______________________________________________________

         City Auditor          Date

Approved as to form

by City Attorney:      _______________________________________________________

(Rev.07/00)        Office of City Attorney        Date