ORDINANCE No. 176336
*Contract with five firms for citywide public information services and nineteen firms for public information and public involvement services under a flexible-services contract for the period of March 1, 2002 through June 30, 2004 in an amount not to exceed $100,000. (Ordinance)
The City of Portland ordains:
Section 1. The Council finds:
1. The City of Portland through its Office of Neighborhood Involvement wishes to develop a system of multi-year contracts for citywide use by bureaus to secure consistent, cost-effective, and fairly determined public involvement and public information services.
2. The Office of Neighborhood Involvement issued a Request for Standard Services using standardized procedures developed by the Bureau of Purchasing for public involvement and public information services by individual City Bureaus.
3. Five public information firms and 19 public involvement firms qualified for flexible services contracts based on the review process from the Request for Standardized Services following all Bureau of Purchasing procedures.
4. These qualified firms will be available to City Bureaus for project contracts incorporating public information and public involvement services:
Public Information:
Counterpoint Consulting
Raintree Lee & Associates
Riley Research Associates
Public Information & Public Involvement:
Barney & Worth, Inc.
CDA Consulting Group
Central Northeast Neighbors
Cogan Owens Cogan
Consensus Planning Group
East Portland Neighborhood Office
JD White Company, Inc.
Jeanne Lawson Associates, Inc.
Metropolitan Group
Neighbors West-Northwest
Northeast Coalition of Neighborhoods
North Portland Neighborhood Services
Norton Arnold & Co.
Parametrix, Inc.
Southeast Uplift Neighborhood Program
Southwest Neighborhoods Inc.
Urbsworks, Inc.
Zenn Associates
5. The Office of Neighborhood Involvement will be able to track and quantify the use of these consultants and the Office of Neighborhood Involvement will be available to confer with bureaus regarding their public information/public involvement needs.
6. This system will give the district coalition/neighborhood offices more opportunities to compete for city public information/public involvement work.
7. The maximum per-firm allocation in the two-year period cannot exceed $100,000.
NOW, THEREFORE, the Council directs:
a. The Commissioner-in-charge and Auditor are authorized to execute contracts, in substantially similar format as those found in Exhibits A and B, with the firms listed above for the purpose described in Section 1 for the period stated, not to exceed $100,000 per firm.
b. The Mayor and Auditor are authorized to provide for payment chargeable to the applicable budgets when demand is presented and approved by the appropriate authorities.
Section 2. The Council declares that an emergency exists because a delay in proceeding with these contracts could result in additional expense to the City. Therefore, this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage by the Council.
Passed by Council MAR 20 2002 Gary Blackmer
Auditor of the City of Portland
Commissioner Dan Saltzman By /S/ Susan Parsons
March 6, 2002 Deputy
AGENDA NO. 275-2002
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