(CONTRACT 32553)
This amendment to the Agreement for Services (Agreement) is between the City of Portland (City), and Magellan Behavioral Health, Inc. (Contractor).
1. Ordinance No. 173654, passed by Council in August 1999, authorized a five-year contract (No. 32553) with Magellan Behavioral Health for employee assistance program services for eligible City of Portland Employees and their dependents with the exception of sworn Police and Firefighters
2. Ordinance No. 174751, passed by Council in August 2000, authorized a contract (No. 30786) with Magellan Behavioral Health for employee assistance program services for eligible sworn City of Portland Police Officers, Firefighters and their eligible dependents.
3. In an effort to consolidate services and reduce overall program costs, the Fire and Police Disability and Retirement Fund, acting on behalf of the Bureaus of Police and Fire, Rescue and Emergency Services, and the Bureau of Human Resources desire to terminate Contract No. 30786 and incorporate all rights and program services for sworn Police Officers, Firefighters and their eligible dependents be incorporated into Contract No. 32553.
4. Magellan Behavioral Health, has indicated its willingness and ability to continue to provide employee assistance services to all groups represented within the existing contracts under one City-wide contract, No. 32553. In addition, Contractor-Magellan Behavioral Health shall be available to provide specialized services to specific City bureaus, upon request.
5. Now, therefore, in consideration of mutual promises and covenants contained herein, it is hereby agreed as follows:
Section 1 (a) of Agreement 32553 is hereby amended to change the Scope of Contractor Services as follows:
(a) Up to six (6) counseling sessions per episode, per year, per covered employee household to include assessment, short-term counseling and/or
referral. Problems include but are not limited to chemical
dependency, depression, anxiety, stress, marital, divorce, financial
and parenting issues.
(b) Unlimited on-site orientations for all employees, including promotional materials.
(c) A quarterly newsletter shall be provided to all employees.
(d) Elder care service for resources, planning and support with Resource Connectors Ltd., at two (2) hours per year (telephone or face-to-face consulting) per employee.
(e) Child care referral for qualified, licensed day care facilities.
(f) Toll-free, 24-hour help line telephone access with international capacity.
(g) Unlimited telephone consultation for supervisors and employees.
(h) Telephone consultation for policy and procedure development as related to corrective action, troubled employees and drug testing.
(i) Quarterly meetings with the Project Manager.
(j) Provide monthly and year-to-date utilization reports to the Project Manager(s) designated under Section 9 of this agreement. The Contractor will provide reports that separate the sworn police officer and firefighter utilization from the remaining group and will provide these reports directly to the Fire and Police Disability and Retirement Fund. The Employee Benefits Manager will receive utilization reports for all groups and one reports that combines all totals.
(k) Record Keeping
(1) The Contractor shall maintain individual records for City of Portland clientele in a confidential and professional manner. These records may be subject to third party audit, as determined by the City.
(2) The Contractor shall maintain up-to-date and accurate records of any and all training, conflict resolution sessions, supervisor consultations, etc. for the duration of the contract. A monthly report of usage other than employee visits will be given to the Project Manager and the representative of the Fire and Police Disability and Retirement Fund.
(l) Program Performance and Evaluation
(1) The Contractor shall maintain a record keeping system relative to the program on a monthly, quarterly and year-to-date basis. The statistics shall be in a format that maintains strict confidentiality regarding individual participants and will include information as agreed upon by the City and/or its representatives identified within this contract.
(2) The Contractor shall maintain a case file for each employee and family member who utilizes the EAP services. The case file should include complete patient history and be available for evaluation and quality control. Any such assessment will be done by an independent professional to avoid sacrificing the client’s confidentiality.
(3) The Contractor shall maintain its own means of measuring client satisfaction, and will report to the Project Manager as to results of the satisfaction survey twice yearly.
SCOPE OF CONTRACTOR SERVICES – Specialized Bureau services
(m) Magellan shall be available to provide on-site services, including
training, consultation, workshops, small group problem resolution,
critical incident stress debriefing, etc. on an as needed basis to City
Section 2 of Contract No. 32553 is hereby amended with the addition of the following to the Scope of City Services as follows:
(a) To assist the Contractor in carrying out its obligations hereunder,
the City shall perform the services as set out below:
(1) Assistance with promotion of EAP and distribution of materials,
including newsletters.
(2) On or before the 30th day of eachmonth, the City will provide the
Contractor with a copy of the City’s benefit eligible demographic
(3) Audit services by an outside, third-party consultant, as determined by the City.
(4) Make available to participants of the program any provider directories necessary to assist Magellan in providing referral services within an eligible participants chosen healthcare network
Section 3 of Agreement 32553 is hereby amended to change Compensation as follows:
The City shall pay the Contractor for work performed under this Agreement after the effective date as set out below. The payment shall be full compensation for work performed, for services rendered, and for all labor, materials, supplies, equipment and incidentals necessary to perform the work and services.
(a) For City-wide services, $2.01 per benefit eligible employee per month beginning February 1, 2002 through June 30, 2004. Compensation to this Contractor will not exceed $132,660 annually based on an estimate of 5,500 benefit-eligible employees during the life of the contract.
(b) For specialized bureau services - Bureau training and mediation services shall be billed at a rate not to exceed $125.00 per hour over the life of the contract.
(c) For specialized bureau services - Critical Incident Stress Debriefing shall be billed at a rate not to exceed $190.00 per hour over the life of the contract.
Section 4 of Agreement 32553 is hereby amended to change Billing and Payment Procedures as follows:
The Contractor’s billing and City’s payment procedures shall be as set out
On or before the 30th day of each the, the City will provide the Contractor with a copy of the City’s benefit eligible demographic report. The appropriate per employee rate will be applied to the benefit eligible employee total and processed for payment by the City.
On or before the 30th day of each month, the Contractor shall submit to the appropriate City of Portland bureau an itemized bill for additional work performed for the City (i.e. training, mediation, critical incidence briefing) as identified under Section 3 Compensation, of this agreement. Each bureau shall be responsible for the approval and payment of such services. Payment will be required within 45 days of the receipt of itemized bill.
Section 5 of Agreement 32553 is hereby amended to change the Effective and Termination Dates as follows:
This Agreement shall be effective as of August 1, 2001 and shall terminate as of June 30, 2004.
Section 9 of Agreement 32553 is hereby amended to change the City Project Manager as follows:
(a) The City Project Manager shall be the Employee Benefits Manager or such other person as shall be designated in writing by the Director of the Bureau of Human Resources.
(b) The Police and Fire Disability and Retirement Fund project manager specifically related to sworn police officers and firefighters shall be the Administrator of the Fire and Police Disability and Retirement Fund or such other person as shall be designated in writing by the Administrator.
(c) The Project Manager is authorized to approve work and billings hereunder, to give notices referred to herein, to terminate this Agreement as provided herein and to carry out any other City actions referred to herein.
Section 17 of Agreement 32553 is hereby amended to change Notice as follows:
• If to the City: Employee Benefits Manager
City of Portland
1120 SW 5th Avenue, Room 404
Portland, OR 97204
Fire and Police Disability and Retirement Fund
Project Manager, Employee Assistance Unit
1800 SW First Avenue, Suite 450
Portland, OR 97201
All other terms and conditions of Contract No. 32553 remain in effect.
_______________________________________ _______________
Yvonne Deckard, Director Date
Bureau of Human Resources
_______________________________________ _______________
Gary Blackmer, Auditor Date
_______________________________________ _______________
Magellan Behavioral Health, Inc. Date