ORDINANCE No. 176316
* Authorize Intergovernmental Agreement with the Cities of Beaverton, Gresham, Tigard and Tualatin the Water Districts of Clackamas River Water, Powell Valley Road, Raleigh, Tualatin Valley, West Slope and the Clean Water Services, Sunrise Water Authority, Rockwood Water People’s Utility District and METRO to share cost funding for the implementation plan for formation of a Bull Run Regional Drinking Water Agency (Ordinance)
The City of Portland Ordains:
Section 1. The Council finds:
1. Over the past several years, there have been discussions among various governmental agencies regarding the feasibility of the formation of one or more regional water agencies; and
2. on April 25, 2001 Council approved Resolution No. 35994 endorsing the development of a regional water entity including the Portland Water Bureau and directed the Commissioner-in-Charge to work with elected officials and water agencies to study the interest, feasibility, and creation of such an entity and report back to the Council; and
3. on July 25, 2001 the Council approved Resolution No. 36012 clarifying their intent that there be public participation in the feasibility analysis; and
4. 14 governments in the Portland Metropolitan area, including Metro, came together to study the initial feasibility of creating a regional drinking water agency; and
5. on December 12, 2001, the Regional Drinking Water Supply Initiative Progress Report was distributed to the participating elected officials and the public; and
6. on January 30, 2002, the Council approved Resolution No. 36053 accepting the Regional Drinking Water Supply Initiative Progress Report and authorized participation in the next phase of planning and development.
7. The City and the parties to the IGA now desire to enter into an intergovernmental agreement not to exceed $20,000.
NOW, THEREFORE, The Council directs:
a. That the Interim Administrator of the Water Bureau is authorized to enter into an intergovernmental agreement with the parties to the IGA.
b. All Expenditure incurred from this agreement will be charged to center code 18090155, account 521000 and project 1950.
Section 2. The Council declares that an emergency exists because delay in authorization would result in an increased costs and delays in completing the needed studies; therefore, this ordinance shall be in force and effect from and after its passage by Council.
Passed by the Council: March 13, 2002 GARY BLACKMER
Auditor of the City of Portland
By /s/Susan Parsons
Commissioner Erik Sten Deputy
Mary Leung
March 5, 2001
CENTER 18090155
AGENDA NO. 245-2002
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